capabilities.js.html 23 KB

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  16. <h1 class="page-title">Source: capabilities.js</h1>
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  19. <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/*jshint node:true*/
  20. 'use strict';
  21. var fs = require('fs');
  22. var path = require('path');
  23. var async = require('async');
  24. var utils = require('./utils');
  25. /*
  26. *! Capability helpers
  27. */
  28. var avCodecRegexp = /^\s*([D ])([E ])([VAS])([S ])([D ])([T ]) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$/;
  29. var ffCodecRegexp = /^\s*([D\.])([E\.])([VAS])([I\.])([L\.])([S\.]) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$/;
  30. var ffEncodersRegexp = /\(encoders:([^\)]+)\)/;
  31. var ffDecodersRegexp = /\(decoders:([^\)]+)\)/;
  32. var encodersRegexp = /^\s*([VAS\.])([F\.])([S\.])([X\.])([B\.])([D\.]) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$/;
  33. var formatRegexp = /^\s*([D ])([E ]) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$/;
  34. var lineBreakRegexp = /\r\n|\r|\n/;
  35. var filterRegexp = /^(?: [T\.][S\.][C\.] )?([^ ]+) +(AA?|VV?|\|)->(AA?|VV?|\|) +(.*)$/;
  36. var cache = {};
  37. module.exports = function(proto) {
  38. /**
  39. * Manually define the ffmpeg binary full path.
  40. *
  41. * @method FfmpegCommand#setFfmpegPath
  42. *
  43. * @param {String} ffmpegPath The full path to the ffmpeg binary.
  44. * @return FfmpegCommand
  45. */
  46. proto.setFfmpegPath = function(ffmpegPath) {
  47. cache.ffmpegPath = ffmpegPath;
  48. return this;
  49. };
  50. /**
  51. * Manually define the ffprobe binary full path.
  52. *
  53. * @method FfmpegCommand#setFfprobePath
  54. *
  55. * @param {String} ffprobePath The full path to the ffprobe binary.
  56. * @return FfmpegCommand
  57. */
  58. proto.setFfprobePath = function(ffprobePath) {
  59. cache.ffprobePath = ffprobePath;
  60. return this;
  61. };
  62. /**
  63. * Manually define the flvtool2/flvmeta binary full path.
  64. *
  65. * @method FfmpegCommand#setFlvtoolPath
  66. *
  67. * @param {String} flvtool The full path to the flvtool2 or flvmeta binary.
  68. * @return FfmpegCommand
  69. */
  70. proto.setFlvtoolPath = function(flvtool) {
  71. cache.flvtoolPath = flvtool;
  72. return this;
  73. };
  74. /**
  75. * Forget executable paths
  76. *
  77. * (only used for testing purposes)
  78. *
  79. * @method FfmpegCommand#_forgetPaths
  80. * @private
  81. */
  82. proto._forgetPaths = function() {
  83. delete cache.ffmpegPath;
  84. delete cache.ffprobePath;
  85. delete cache.flvtoolPath;
  86. };
  87. /**
  88. * Check for ffmpeg availability
  89. *
  90. * If the FFMPEG_PATH environment variable is set, try to use it.
  91. * If it is unset or incorrect, try to find ffmpeg in the PATH instead.
  92. *
  93. * @method FfmpegCommand#_getFfmpegPath
  94. * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err, path)
  95. * @private
  96. */
  97. proto._getFfmpegPath = function(callback) {
  98. if ('ffmpegPath' in cache) {
  99. return callback(null, cache.ffmpegPath);
  100. }
  101. async.waterfall([
  102. // Try FFMPEG_PATH
  103. function(cb) {
  104. if (process.env.FFMPEG_PATH) {
  105. fs.exists(process.env.FFMPEG_PATH, function(exists) {
  106. if (exists) {
  107. cb(null, process.env.FFMPEG_PATH);
  108. } else {
  109. cb(null, '');
  110. }
  111. });
  112. } else {
  113. cb(null, '');
  114. }
  115. },
  116. // Search in the PATH
  117. function(ffmpeg, cb) {
  118. if (ffmpeg.length) {
  119. return cb(null, ffmpeg);
  120. }
  121. utils.which('ffmpeg', function(err, ffmpeg) {
  122. cb(err, ffmpeg);
  123. });
  124. }
  125. ], function(err, ffmpeg) {
  126. if (err) {
  127. callback(err);
  128. } else {
  129. callback(null, cache.ffmpegPath = (ffmpeg || ''));
  130. }
  131. });
  132. };
  133. /**
  134. * Check for ffprobe availability
  135. *
  136. * If the FFPROBE_PATH environment variable is set, try to use it.
  137. * If it is unset or incorrect, try to find ffprobe in the PATH instead.
  138. * If this still fails, try to find ffprobe in the same directory as ffmpeg.
  139. *
  140. * @method FfmpegCommand#_getFfprobePath
  141. * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err, path)
  142. * @private
  143. */
  144. proto._getFfprobePath = function(callback) {
  145. var self = this;
  146. if ('ffprobePath' in cache) {
  147. return callback(null, cache.ffprobePath);
  148. }
  149. async.waterfall([
  150. // Try FFPROBE_PATH
  151. function(cb) {
  152. if (process.env.FFPROBE_PATH) {
  153. fs.exists(process.env.FFPROBE_PATH, function(exists) {
  154. cb(null, exists ? process.env.FFPROBE_PATH : '');
  155. });
  156. } else {
  157. cb(null, '');
  158. }
  159. },
  160. // Search in the PATH
  161. function(ffprobe, cb) {
  162. if (ffprobe.length) {
  163. return cb(null, ffprobe);
  164. }
  165. utils.which('ffprobe', function(err, ffprobe) {
  166. cb(err, ffprobe);
  167. });
  168. },
  169. // Search in the same directory as ffmpeg
  170. function(ffprobe, cb) {
  171. if (ffprobe.length) {
  172. return cb(null, ffprobe);
  173. }
  174. self._getFfmpegPath(function(err, ffmpeg) {
  175. if (err) {
  176. cb(err);
  177. } else if (ffmpeg.length) {
  178. var name = utils.isWindows ? 'ffprobe.exe' : 'ffprobe';
  179. var ffprobe = path.join(path.dirname(ffmpeg), name);
  180. fs.exists(ffprobe, function(exists) {
  181. cb(null, exists ? ffprobe : '');
  182. });
  183. } else {
  184. cb(null, '');
  185. }
  186. });
  187. }
  188. ], function(err, ffprobe) {
  189. if (err) {
  190. callback(err);
  191. } else {
  192. callback(null, cache.ffprobePath = (ffprobe || ''));
  193. }
  194. });
  195. };
  196. /**
  197. * Check for flvtool2/flvmeta availability
  198. *
  199. * If the FLVTOOL2_PATH or FLVMETA_PATH environment variable are set, try to use them.
  200. * If both are either unset or incorrect, try to find flvtool2 or flvmeta in the PATH instead.
  201. *
  202. * @method FfmpegCommand#_getFlvtoolPath
  203. * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err, path)
  204. * @private
  205. */
  206. proto._getFlvtoolPath = function(callback) {
  207. if ('flvtoolPath' in cache) {
  208. return callback(null, cache.flvtoolPath);
  209. }
  210. async.waterfall([
  211. // Try FLVMETA_PATH
  212. function(cb) {
  213. if (process.env.FLVMETA_PATH) {
  214. fs.exists(process.env.FLVMETA_PATH, function(exists) {
  215. cb(null, exists ? process.env.FLVMETA_PATH : '');
  216. });
  217. } else {
  218. cb(null, '');
  219. }
  220. },
  221. // Try FLVTOOL2_PATH
  222. function(flvtool, cb) {
  223. if (flvtool.length) {
  224. return cb(null, flvtool);
  225. }
  226. if (process.env.FLVTOOL2_PATH) {
  227. fs.exists(process.env.FLVTOOL2_PATH, function(exists) {
  228. cb(null, exists ? process.env.FLVTOOL2_PATH : '');
  229. });
  230. } else {
  231. cb(null, '');
  232. }
  233. },
  234. // Search for flvmeta in the PATH
  235. function(flvtool, cb) {
  236. if (flvtool.length) {
  237. return cb(null, flvtool);
  238. }
  239. utils.which('flvmeta', function(err, flvmeta) {
  240. cb(err, flvmeta);
  241. });
  242. },
  243. // Search for flvtool2 in the PATH
  244. function(flvtool, cb) {
  245. if (flvtool.length) {
  246. return cb(null, flvtool);
  247. }
  248. utils.which('flvtool2', function(err, flvtool2) {
  249. cb(err, flvtool2);
  250. });
  251. },
  252. ], function(err, flvtool) {
  253. if (err) {
  254. callback(err);
  255. } else {
  256. callback(null, cache.flvtoolPath = (flvtool || ''));
  257. }
  258. });
  259. };
  260. /**
  261. * A callback passed to {@link FfmpegCommand#availableFilters}.
  262. *
  263. * @callback FfmpegCommand~filterCallback
  264. * @param {Error|null} err error object or null if no error happened
  265. * @param {Object} filters filter object with filter names as keys and the following
  266. * properties for each filter:
  267. * @param {String} filters.description filter description
  268. * @param {String} filters.input input type, one of 'audio', 'video' and 'none'
  269. * @param {Boolean} filters.multipleInputs whether the filter supports multiple inputs
  270. * @param {String} filters.output output type, one of 'audio', 'video' and 'none'
  271. * @param {Boolean} filters.multipleOutputs whether the filter supports multiple outputs
  272. */
  273. /**
  274. * Query ffmpeg for available filters
  275. *
  276. * @method FfmpegCommand#availableFilters
  277. * @category Capabilities
  278. * @aliases getAvailableFilters
  279. *
  280. * @param {FfmpegCommand~filterCallback} callback callback function
  281. */
  282. proto.availableFilters =
  283. proto.getAvailableFilters = function(callback) {
  284. if ('filters' in cache) {
  285. return callback(null, cache.filters);
  286. }
  287. this._spawnFfmpeg(['-filters'], { captureStdout: true, stdoutLines: 0 }, function (err, stdoutRing) {
  288. if (err) {
  289. return callback(err);
  290. }
  291. var stdout = stdoutRing.get();
  292. var lines = stdout.split('\n');
  293. var data = {};
  294. var types = { A: 'audio', V: 'video', '|': 'none' };
  295. lines.forEach(function(line) {
  296. var match = line.match(filterRegexp);
  297. if (match) {
  298. data[match[1]] = {
  299. description: match[4],
  300. input: types[match[2].charAt(0)],
  301. multipleInputs: match[2].length > 1,
  302. output: types[match[3].charAt(0)],
  303. multipleOutputs: match[3].length > 1
  304. };
  305. }
  306. });
  307. callback(null, cache.filters = data);
  308. });
  309. };
  310. /**
  311. * A callback passed to {@link FfmpegCommand#availableCodecs}.
  312. *
  313. * @callback FfmpegCommand~codecCallback
  314. * @param {Error|null} err error object or null if no error happened
  315. * @param {Object} codecs codec object with codec names as keys and the following
  316. * properties for each codec (more properties may be available depending on the
  317. * ffmpeg version used):
  318. * @param {String} codecs.description codec description
  319. * @param {Boolean} codecs.canDecode whether the codec is able to decode streams
  320. * @param {Boolean} codecs.canEncode whether the codec is able to encode streams
  321. */
  322. /**
  323. * Query ffmpeg for available codecs
  324. *
  325. * @method FfmpegCommand#availableCodecs
  326. * @category Capabilities
  327. * @aliases getAvailableCodecs
  328. *
  329. * @param {FfmpegCommand~codecCallback} callback callback function
  330. */
  331. proto.availableCodecs =
  332. proto.getAvailableCodecs = function(callback) {
  333. if ('codecs' in cache) {
  334. return callback(null, cache.codecs);
  335. }
  336. this._spawnFfmpeg(['-codecs'], { captureStdout: true, stdoutLines: 0 }, function(err, stdoutRing) {
  337. if (err) {
  338. return callback(err);
  339. }
  340. var stdout = stdoutRing.get();
  341. var lines = stdout.split(lineBreakRegexp);
  342. var data = {};
  343. lines.forEach(function(line) {
  344. var match = line.match(avCodecRegexp);
  345. if (match &amp;&amp; match[7] !== '=') {
  346. data[match[7]] = {
  347. type: { 'V': 'video', 'A': 'audio', 'S': 'subtitle' }[match[3]],
  348. description: match[8],
  349. canDecode: match[1] === 'D',
  350. canEncode: match[2] === 'E',
  351. drawHorizBand: match[4] === 'S',
  352. directRendering: match[5] === 'D',
  353. weirdFrameTruncation: match[6] === 'T'
  354. };
  355. }
  356. match = line.match(ffCodecRegexp);
  357. if (match &amp;&amp; match[7] !== '=') {
  358. var codecData = data[match[7]] = {
  359. type: { 'V': 'video', 'A': 'audio', 'S': 'subtitle' }[match[3]],
  360. description: match[8],
  361. canDecode: match[1] === 'D',
  362. canEncode: match[2] === 'E',
  363. intraFrameOnly: match[4] === 'I',
  364. isLossy: match[5] === 'L',
  365. isLossless: match[6] === 'S'
  366. };
  367. var encoders = codecData.description.match(ffEncodersRegexp);
  368. encoders = encoders ? encoders[1].trim().split(' ') : [];
  369. var decoders = codecData.description.match(ffDecodersRegexp);
  370. decoders = decoders ? decoders[1].trim().split(' ') : [];
  371. if (encoders.length || decoders.length) {
  372. var coderData = {};
  373. utils.copy(codecData, coderData);
  374. delete coderData.canEncode;
  375. delete coderData.canDecode;
  376. encoders.forEach(function(name) {
  377. data[name] = {};
  378. utils.copy(coderData, data[name]);
  379. data[name].canEncode = true;
  380. });
  381. decoders.forEach(function(name) {
  382. if (name in data) {
  383. data[name].canDecode = true;
  384. } else {
  385. data[name] = {};
  386. utils.copy(coderData, data[name]);
  387. data[name].canDecode = true;
  388. }
  389. });
  390. }
  391. }
  392. });
  393. callback(null, cache.codecs = data);
  394. });
  395. };
  396. /**
  397. * A callback passed to {@link FfmpegCommand#availableEncoders}.
  398. *
  399. * @callback FfmpegCommand~encodersCallback
  400. * @param {Error|null} err error object or null if no error happened
  401. * @param {Object} encoders encoders object with encoder names as keys and the following
  402. * properties for each encoder:
  403. * @param {String} encoders.description codec description
  404. * @param {Boolean} encoders.type "audio", "video" or "subtitle"
  405. * @param {Boolean} encoders.frameMT whether the encoder is able to do frame-level multithreading
  406. * @param {Boolean} encoders.sliceMT whether the encoder is able to do slice-level multithreading
  407. * @param {Boolean} encoders.experimental whether the encoder is experimental
  408. * @param {Boolean} encoders.drawHorizBand whether the encoder supports draw_horiz_band
  409. * @param {Boolean} encoders.directRendering whether the encoder supports direct encoding method 1
  410. */
  411. /**
  412. * Query ffmpeg for available encoders
  413. *
  414. * @method FfmpegCommand#availableEncoders
  415. * @category Capabilities
  416. * @aliases getAvailableEncoders
  417. *
  418. * @param {FfmpegCommand~encodersCallback} callback callback function
  419. */
  420. proto.availableEncoders =
  421. proto.getAvailableEncoders = function(callback) {
  422. if ('encoders' in cache) {
  423. return callback(null, cache.encoders);
  424. }
  425. this._spawnFfmpeg(['-encoders'], { captureStdout: true, stdoutLines: 0 }, function(err, stdoutRing) {
  426. if (err) {
  427. return callback(err);
  428. }
  429. var stdout = stdoutRing.get();
  430. var lines = stdout.split(lineBreakRegexp);
  431. var data = {};
  432. lines.forEach(function(line) {
  433. var match = line.match(encodersRegexp);
  434. if (match &amp;&amp; match[7] !== '=') {
  435. data[match[7]] = {
  436. type: { 'V': 'video', 'A': 'audio', 'S': 'subtitle' }[match[1]],
  437. description: match[8],
  438. frameMT: match[2] === 'F',
  439. sliceMT: match[3] === 'S',
  440. experimental: match[4] === 'X',
  441. drawHorizBand: match[5] === 'B',
  442. directRendering: match[6] === 'D'
  443. };
  444. }
  445. });
  446. callback(null, cache.encoders = data);
  447. });
  448. };
  449. /**
  450. * A callback passed to {@link FfmpegCommand#availableFormats}.
  451. *
  452. * @callback FfmpegCommand~formatCallback
  453. * @param {Error|null} err error object or null if no error happened
  454. * @param {Object} formats format object with format names as keys and the following
  455. * properties for each format:
  456. * @param {String} formats.description format description
  457. * @param {Boolean} formats.canDemux whether the format is able to demux streams from an input file
  458. * @param {Boolean} formats.canMux whether the format is able to mux streams into an output file
  459. */
  460. /**
  461. * Query ffmpeg for available formats
  462. *
  463. * @method FfmpegCommand#availableFormats
  464. * @category Capabilities
  465. * @aliases getAvailableFormats
  466. *
  467. * @param {FfmpegCommand~formatCallback} callback callback function
  468. */
  469. proto.availableFormats =
  470. proto.getAvailableFormats = function(callback) {
  471. if ('formats' in cache) {
  472. return callback(null, cache.formats);
  473. }
  474. // Run ffmpeg -formats
  475. this._spawnFfmpeg(['-formats'], { captureStdout: true, stdoutLines: 0 }, function (err, stdoutRing) {
  476. if (err) {
  477. return callback(err);
  478. }
  479. // Parse output
  480. var stdout = stdoutRing.get();
  481. var lines = stdout.split(lineBreakRegexp);
  482. var data = {};
  483. lines.forEach(function(line) {
  484. var match = line.match(formatRegexp);
  485. if (match) {
  486. match[3].split(',').forEach(function(format) {
  487. if (!(format in data)) {
  488. data[format] = {
  489. description: match[4],
  490. canDemux: false,
  491. canMux: false
  492. };
  493. }
  494. if (match[1] === 'D') {
  495. data[format].canDemux = true;
  496. }
  497. if (match[2] === 'E') {
  498. data[format].canMux = true;
  499. }
  500. });
  501. }
  502. });
  503. callback(null, cache.formats = data);
  504. });
  505. };
  506. /**
  507. * Check capabilities before executing a command
  508. *
  509. * Checks whether all used codecs and formats are indeed available
  510. *
  511. * @method FfmpegCommand#_checkCapabilities
  512. * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err)
  513. * @private
  514. */
  515. proto._checkCapabilities = function(callback) {
  516. var self = this;
  517. async.waterfall([
  518. // Get available formats
  519. function(cb) {
  520. self.availableFormats(cb);
  521. },
  522. // Check whether specified formats are available
  523. function(formats, cb) {
  524. var unavailable;
  525. // Output format(s)
  526. unavailable = self._outputs
  527. .reduce(function(fmts, output) {
  528. var format = output.options.find('-f', 1);
  529. if (format) {
  530. if (!(format[0] in formats) || !(formats[format[0]].canMux)) {
  531. fmts.push(format);
  532. }
  533. }
  534. return fmts;
  535. }, []);
  536. if (unavailable.length === 1) {
  537. return cb(new Error('Output format ' + unavailable[0] + ' is not available'));
  538. } else if (unavailable.length > 1) {
  539. return cb(new Error('Output formats ' + unavailable.join(', ') + ' are not available'));
  540. }
  541. // Input format(s)
  542. unavailable = self._inputs
  543. .reduce(function(fmts, input) {
  544. var format = input.options.find('-f', 1);
  545. if (format) {
  546. if (!(format[0] in formats) || !(formats[format[0]].canDemux)) {
  547. fmts.push(format[0]);
  548. }
  549. }
  550. return fmts;
  551. }, []);
  552. if (unavailable.length === 1) {
  553. return cb(new Error('Input format ' + unavailable[0] + ' is not available'));
  554. } else if (unavailable.length > 1) {
  555. return cb(new Error('Input formats ' + unavailable.join(', ') + ' are not available'));
  556. }
  557. cb();
  558. },
  559. // Get available codecs
  560. function(cb) {
  561. self.availableEncoders(cb);
  562. },
  563. // Check whether specified codecs are available and add strict experimental options if needed
  564. function(encoders, cb) {
  565. var unavailable;
  566. // Audio codec(s)
  567. unavailable = self._outputs.reduce(function(cdcs, output) {
  568. var acodec ='-acodec', 1);
  569. if (acodec &amp;&amp; acodec[0] !== 'copy') {
  570. if (!(acodec[0] in encoders) || encoders[acodec[0]].type !== 'audio') {
  571. cdcs.push(acodec[0]);
  572. }
  573. }
  574. return cdcs;
  575. }, []);
  576. if (unavailable.length === 1) {
  577. return cb(new Error('Audio codec ' + unavailable[0] + ' is not available'));
  578. } else if (unavailable.length > 1) {
  579. return cb(new Error('Audio codecs ' + unavailable.join(', ') + ' are not available'));
  580. }
  581. // Video codec(s)
  582. unavailable = self._outputs.reduce(function(cdcs, output) {
  583. var vcodec ='-vcodec', 1);
  584. if (vcodec &amp;&amp; vcodec[0] !== 'copy') {
  585. if (!(vcodec[0] in encoders) || encoders[vcodec[0]].type !== 'video') {
  586. cdcs.push(vcodec[0]);
  587. }
  588. }
  589. return cdcs;
  590. }, []);
  591. if (unavailable.length === 1) {
  592. return cb(new Error('Video codec ' + unavailable[0] + ' is not available'));
  593. } else if (unavailable.length > 1) {
  594. return cb(new Error('Video codecs ' + unavailable.join(', ') + ' are not available'));
  595. }
  596. cb();
  597. }
  598. ], callback);
  599. };
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