@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ public interface StmtRepository extends BasicJpaRepository<UserTag, String> {
" AND if(?1 !='',tu.code LIKE CONCAT('%',?1,'%'),1=1) " +
" AND if(?1 !='',tu.code LIKE CONCAT('%',?1,'%'),1=1) " +
" AND if(?2 !='',tu.merchant_id=?2,1=1) " +
" AND if(?2 !='',tu.merchant_id=?2,1=1) " +
" AND if(?3 !='',tu.campus_id=?3,1=1) " +
" AND if(?3 !='',tu.campus_id=?3,1=1) " +
- " ORDER BY tu.gmt_created DESC if(?5 != null ,LIMIT ?4,?5 ) ",nativeQuery = true)
+ " ORDER BY tu.gmt_created DESC LIMIT ?4,?5 ",nativeQuery = true)
List<String> uidList(String code, String merchantId, String campusId, long start, Integer pageSize);
List<String> uidList(String code, String merchantId, String campusId, long start, Integer pageSize);