// pages/grade-details/grade-details.js import httpRequestApi from '../../../utils/APIClient'; import util from '../../../utils/util'; const app = getApp(); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { productId: '', payList: [], titleIcon: '', title: '', bookInfo: '', lessonList: [], content: [{ text: "转发给自己的朋友们", color: "#000" }, { text: " 分享好课,追随您一起学习进步", color: "#000" }, { text: " 您的魅力不是吹的!", color: "#000" }, { text: `在限定时间内成功拼团,您将得到奖学金。`, color: "#FF4600" } ], // share: false, isIPX: app.globalData.isIPX, isIOS: app.globalData.isIOS, flag: true, knowFlag: true, menuFlag: false, modalType: "text", isCloseShow: false, modalText: [{ text: '您发起的团购尚未完成', type: 'bigOrange' }, { text: '拼团成功,才能发起新的团购', type: 'bigOrange' }, { text: '快喊朋友们一起助力', type: 'bigOrange' } ], isModalShow: false, formIsANAsshole: true, isPaying: false }, //tab切换 tabSwitch: function (e) { if(e.currentTarget.dataset.flag === "know" && this.data.knowFlag === false){ this.setData({ knowFlag: true, menuFlag: false }) } if(e.currentTarget.dataset.flag === "menu" && this.data.menuFlag === false){ this.setData({ knowFlag: false, menuFlag: true }) } }, onShow: function(){ this.setData({ haveTapMoney : false }) }, //获取团购信息并掉起支付 pay: function (e) { console.log(e) if(this.data.haveTapMoney){ return false } this.setData({ haveTapMoney : true }) const productId = this.data.productId; const groupId = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; const osType = this.data.isIOS ? 'IOS' : 'ANDROID'; const formId = e.detail.formId //开始发起团购 this.setData({ isPaying: true }) httpRequestApi.SendGroupPurchas({ productId, groupId, osType, formId }).success((res) => { console.log('发起团购', res); if (res.data.message) { if(res.data.code == '803'){ // this.setData({ // modalType: 'text', // isModalShow: true // }) wx.navigateTo({ url:`/pages/groupPage/my-group/my-group` }) }else{ wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: res.data.message, success(res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log('用户点击确定') } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('用户点击取消') } } }) } return false; } this.setData({ orderId: res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.id }) // 如果已经拥有当前课程,则无需支付,直接进入拼团成功页面 if (res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.groupType === 'PROMOTION') { wx.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/groupPage/collage-details/collage-details?orderId=${res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.id}` }) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: '拼团详情' }) // let that = this; // wx.showModal({ // title: '重新发起团购', // content: '您会获得奖励哦', // success() { // console.log(res) // that.popup.close(); // if (res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.headCount !== 1) { // setTimeout(() => { // wx.redirectTo({ // url: `/pages/groupPage/make-money/make-money?productId=${productId}&id=${res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.id}&groupId=${groupId}` // }) // wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ // title: '拼团详情' // }) // }, 1800) // } // } // }) } else if (this.data.isIOS) { let that = this; wx.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/groupPage/collage-details/collage-details?orderId=${that.data.orderId}` }) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: '拼团详情' }) // wx.showModal({ // title: '提示', // content: '开团成功', // success(res) { // console.log(res) // that.popup.close(); // setTimeout(() => { // wx.navigateTo({ // url: `/pages/groupPage/collage-details/collage-details?orderId=${that.data.orderId}` // }) // wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ // title: '拼团详情' // }) // }, 1800) // } // }) } else { //掉起支付 console.log(res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder) this.setData({ groupCount:res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.headcount }) // this.prePayMap(res.data.data.prePayMap, res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.id, res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.headcount); this.prePayMap(res.data.data.prePayMap, res.data.data.groupPurchaseOrder.id); } }).fail((error) => { }) }, //支付 prePayMap: function (prePayMap, orderId, num) { // this.setData({ // modalType: 'image', // isModalShow: true // }) // return console.log(prePayMap) console.log(orderId) console.log(num) const that = this; //console.log(new Date().getTime()) wx.requestPayment({ 'appId': prePayMap.appId, 'timeStamp': prePayMap.timeStamp, 'nonceStr': prePayMap.nonceStr, 'package': prePayMap.package, 'signType': 'MD5', 'paySign': prePayMap.sign, 'success': function (res) { that.setData({ modalType: 'image', isModalShow: true, haveTapMoney: false }) console.log('支付成功', res) // wx.showModal({ // title: '提示', // content: '支付成功', // success(res) { // if (num !== 1) { // that.popup.close(); // setTimeout(() => { // wx.navigateTo({ // url: `/pages/groupPage/collage-details/collage-details?orderId=${orderId}` // }) // wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ // title: '拼团详情' // }) // }, 1800) // } else { // wx.redirectTo({ // url: `/pages/groupPage/grade-details/grade-details?productId=${that.data.productId}` // }) // } // } // }) }, 'fail': function (res) { console.log('支付失败', res) that.setData({ haveTapMoney: false }) } }) }, showAlert: function () { this.setData({ alertFlag: !this.data.alertFlag }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { console.log(options) if (options.goBackHome) { this.setData({ goBackHome: true, alertFlag:true }) } // const productId = options.productId; this.getBookInfo(options.productId); if(this.data.isIOS){ this.areYouBookSuper('IOS',options.productId) } else { this.areYouBookSuper('ANDROID',options.productId) } this.getGroupInfo(options.productId) // if (productId) { this.setData({ productId: options.productId }) // } }, // 课本鉴权 areYouBookSuper: function (os,productId) { // const productArr = []; // productArr.push(productId); httpRequestApi.areYouSuperSecond(os,productId).success(res => { console.log(res) this.setData({ imSuper: res.data.data.auth ? true : false, lastThreeYears: res.data.data.auth ? util.addThreeYears(res.data.data.auth.endTime) : false, knowFlag: res.data.data.auth ? false : true, menuFlag: res.data.data.auth ? true : false, haveCreatedHelp: res.data.data.createdShare, // 创建过助力团 haveJoinHelp: res.data.data.joinShare, // 参加过助力团 haveJoinNormal: res.data.data.joinOrder, // 参加过支付团 tasteDay: res.data.data.auth ? ((res.data.data.auth.endTime - res.data.data.currentTime) / 86400000).toFixed(0) : '' }) console.log(this.data.imSuper) console.log(this.data.lastThreeYears) }) }, getBookInfo: function (productId) { //课本详情 httpRequestApi.getBookDetail(wx.getStorageSync('uid'), productId).success((res) => { console.log('课本详情', res.data.data); const bookInfo = res.data.data.product; const lessonList = res.data.data.lessonList; wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: '语文 ' + bookInfo.subTitle }) const data = app.towxml.toJson( bookInfo.description, 'markdown', this ) this.setData({ titleIcon: bookInfo.bgImg, title: bookInfo.title, bookInfo: bookInfo.description, article: data }) const lessonTemp = []; lessonList.forEach(item => { const temp = {}; temp.id = item.id; temp.title = item.title; temp.readNum = item.readCount; lessonTemp.push(temp); }); this.setData({ lessonList: lessonTemp }); httpRequestApi.userIntoPage('pages/groupPage/grade-details/grade-details','课本详情页面').success((res)=>{ }) }) }, getGroupInfo: function (productId) { //团购内容 httpRequestApi.getGroupPurchaseInfo(productId).success((res) => { console.log(res) this.setData({ payList: res.data.data }) }) }, goToClass: function (e) { let id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; let title = e.currentTarget.dataset.title; wx.navigateTo({ url: `../../main/class/class?id=${id}&title=${title}` }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { //获取弹窗组件 this.popup = this.selectComponent("#popup"); }, modalConfirmHandler: function(){ this.setData({ isModalShow: false }) if(this.data.modalType === 'image'){ if (this.data.groupCount !== 1) { // this.popup.close(); setTimeout(() => { wx.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/groupPage/collage-details/collage-details?orderId=${this.data.orderId}` }) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: '拼团详情' }) }, 200) } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: `/pages/groupPage/grade-details/grade-details?productId=${this.data.productId}` }) } } }, modalCloseHandler: function(){ this.setData({ isModalShow: false }) } })