config.xml 7.3 KB

  1. <resources>
  2. <!-- Dynamic Grid -->
  3. <!-- Out of 100, the percent of space the overview bar should try and take vertically. -->
  4. <integer name="config_dynamic_grid_overview_icon_zone_percentage">22</integer>
  5. <!-- Miscellaneous -->
  6. <bool name="config_largeHeap">false</bool>
  7. <bool name="is_tablet">false</bool>
  8. <bool name="is_large_tablet">false</bool>
  9. <bool name="allow_rotation">false</bool>
  10. <integer name="extracted_color_gradient_alpha">153</integer>
  11. <!-- A string pointer to the original app name string. This allows derived projects to
  12. easily override the app name without providing all translations -->
  13. <string name="derived_app_name" translatable="false">@string/app_name</string>
  14. <!-- String representing the intent for search on the apps market. To specify a query, add
  15. q=<query> to the data to the intent -->
  16. <string name="market_search_intent" translatable="false">market://search?c=apps</string>
  17. <!-- String representing the intent to delete a package.-->
  18. <string name="delete_package_intent" translatable="false">#Intent;action=android.intent.action.DELETE;launchFlags=0x10800000;end</string>
  19. <!-- Values for icon shape overrides. These should correspond to entries defined
  20. in icon_shape_override_paths_names -->
  21. <string-array translatable="false" name="icon_shape_override_paths_values">
  22. <item></item>
  23. <item>M50,0L100,0 100,100 0,100 0,0z</item>
  24. <item>M50,0 C10,0 0,10 0,50 0,90 10,100 50,100 90,100 100,90 100,50 100,10 90,0 50,0 Z</item>
  25. <item>M50 0A50 50,0,1,1,50 100A50 50,0,1,1,50 0</item>
  26. <item>M50,0A50,50,0,0 1 100,50 L100,85 A15,15,0,0 1 85,100 L50,100 A50,50,0,0 1 50,0z</item>
  27. </string-array>
  28. <string-array translatable="false" name="icon_shape_override_paths_names">
  29. <!-- Option to not change the icon shape on home screen. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
  30. <item>@string/icon_shape_system_default</item>
  31. <item>@string/icon_shape_square</item>
  32. <item>@string/icon_shape_squircle</item>
  33. <item>@string/icon_shape_circle</item>
  34. <item>@string/icon_shape_teardrop</item>
  35. </string-array>
  36. <!-- DragController -->
  37. <item type="id" name="drag_event_parity" />
  38. <!-- AllApps & Launcher transitions -->
  39. <!-- The alpha of the AppsCustomize bg in spring loaded mode -->
  40. <integer name="config_workspaceScrimAlpha">30</integer>
  41. <integer name="config_allAppsTransitionTime">100</integer>
  42. <integer name="config_overviewTransitionTime">250</integer>
  43. <!-- Out of 100, the percent to shrink the workspace during spring loaded mode. -->
  44. <integer name="config_workspaceSpringLoadShrinkPercentage">90</integer>
  45. <!-- Out of 100, the percent to shrink the workspace during overview mode. -->
  46. <integer name="config_workspaceOverviewShrinkPercentage">70</integer>
  47. <!-- Fade/zoom in/out duration & scale in a Launcher overlay transition.
  48. Note: This should be less than the config_overlayTransitionTime as they happen together. -->
  49. <integer name="config_overlayRevealTime">220</integer>
  50. <integer name="config_overlaySlideRevealTime">320</integer>
  51. <integer name="config_overlayTransitionTime">300</integer>
  52. <integer name="config_overlayItemsAlphaStagger">60</integer>
  53. <!-- This constant stores the ratio of the all apps button drawable which
  54. is used for internal (baked-in) padding -->
  55. <integer name="config_allAppsButtonPaddingPercent">17</integer>
  56. <!-- The duration of the animation from search hint to text entry -->
  57. <integer name="config_searchHintAnimationDuration">50</integer>
  58. <!-- View tag key used to store SpringAnimation data. -->
  59. <item type="id" name="spring_animation_tag" />
  60. <!-- Workspace -->
  61. <!-- The duration (in ms) of the fade animation on the object outlines, used when
  62. we are dragging objects around on the home screen. -->
  63. <integer name="config_dragOutlineFadeTime">900</integer>
  64. <!-- The alpha value at which to show the most recent drop visualization outline. -->
  65. <integer name="config_dragOutlineMaxAlpha">128</integer>
  66. <!-- Parameters controlling the animation for when an item is dropped on the home screen,
  67. and it animates from its old position to the new one. -->
  68. <integer name="config_dropAnimMinDuration">100</integer>
  69. <integer name="config_dropAnimMaxDuration">500</integer>
  70. <!-- The duration of the UserFolder opening and closing animation -->
  71. <integer name="config_folderExpandDuration">120</integer>
  72. <integer name="config_materialFolderExpandDuration">200</integer>
  73. <integer name="config_materialFolderExpandStagger">60</integer>
  74. <integer name="config_folderDelay">30</integer>
  75. <!-- The distance at which the animation should take the max duration -->
  76. <integer name="config_dropAnimMaxDist">800</integer>
  77. <!-- The duration of the caret animation -->
  78. <integer name="config_caretAnimationDuration">200</integer>
  79. <!-- Hotseat -->
  80. <bool name="hotseat_transpose_layout_with_orientation">true</bool>
  81. <!-- Name of a subclass of used to
  82. filter the activities shown in the launcher. Can be empty. -->
  83. <string name="app_filter_class" translatable="false"></string>
  84. <!-- Name of an icon provider class. -->
  85. <string name="icon_provider_class" translatable="false"></string>
  86. <!-- Name of a drawable factory class. -->
  87. <string name="drawable_factory_class" translatable="false"></string>
  88. <!-- Name of a user event dispatcher class. -->
  89. <string name="user_event_dispatcher_class" translatable="false"></string>
  90. <!-- Name of a color extraction implementation class. -->
  91. <string name="color_extraction_impl_class" translatable="false"></string>
  92. <!-- Name of a subclass of Can be empty. -->
  93. <string name="instant_app_resolver_class" translatable="false"></string>
  94. <!-- Package name of the default wallpaper picker. -->
  95. <string name="wallpaper_picker_package" translatable="false"></string>
  96. <!-- View ID to use for QSB widget -->
  97. <item type="id" name="qsb_widget" />
  98. <!-- View ID used by cell layout to jail its content -->
  99. <item type="id" name="cell_layout_jail_id" />
  100. <!-- View ID used by PreviewImageView to cache its instance -->
  101. <item type="id" name="preview_image_id" />
  102. <!-- Popup items -->
  103. <integer name="config_popupOpenCloseDuration">150</integer>
  104. <integer name="config_popupArrowOpenDuration">80</integer>
  105. <integer name="config_removeNotificationViewDuration">300</integer>
  106. <!-- Accessibility actions -->
  107. <item type="id" name="action_remove" />
  108. <item type="id" name="action_uninstall" />
  109. <item type="id" name="action_info" />
  110. <item type="id" name="action_add_to_workspace" />
  111. <item type="id" name="action_move" />
  112. <item type="id" name="action_move_to_workspace" />
  113. <item type="id" name="action_move_screen_backwards" />
  114. <item type="id" name="action_move_screen_forwards" />
  115. <item type="id" name="action_resize" />
  116. <item type="id" name="action_deep_shortcuts" />
  117. <item type="id" name="action_dismiss_notification" />
  118. <!-- QSB IDs. DO not change -->
  119. <item type="id" name="search_container_workspace" />
  120. <item type="id" name="search_container_hotseat" />
  121. <item type="id" name="search_container_all_apps" />
  122. </resources>