lint-baseline.xml 7.6 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <issues format="6" by="lint 8.1.3" type="baseline" client="gradle" dependencies="false" name="AGP (8.1.3)" variant="fatal" version="8.1.3">
  3. <issue
  4. id="ResAuto"
  5. message="Suspicious namespace: Did you mean ``?"
  6. errorLine1="&lt;favorites xmlns:launcher=&quot;;>"
  7. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  8. <location
  9. file="../Code/res/xml/default_workspace_3x3.xml"
  10. line="17"
  11. column="28"/>
  12. </issue>
  13. <issue
  14. id="ResAuto"
  15. message="Suspicious namespace: Did you mean ``?"
  16. errorLine1="&lt;favorites xmlns:launcher=&quot;;>"
  17. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  18. <location
  19. file="../Code/res/xml/default_workspace_4x4.xml"
  20. line="17"
  21. column="28"/>
  22. </issue>
  23. <issue
  24. id="ResAuto"
  25. message="Suspicious namespace: Did you mean ``?"
  26. errorLine1="&lt;favorites xmlns:launcher=&quot;;>"
  27. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  28. <location
  29. file="../Code/res/xml/default_workspace_5x5.xml"
  30. line="17"
  31. column="28"/>
  32. </issue>
  33. <issue
  34. id="ResAuto"
  35. message="Suspicious namespace: Did you mean ``?"
  36. errorLine1="&lt;favorites xmlns:launcher=&quot;;>"
  37. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  38. <location
  39. file="../Code/res/xml/default_workspace_5x6.xml"
  40. line="17"
  41. column="28"/>
  42. </issue>
  43. <issue
  44. id="ResAuto"
  45. message="Suspicious namespace: Did you mean ``?"
  46. errorLine1="&lt;profiles xmlns:launcher=&quot;; >"
  47. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  48. <location
  49. file="../Code/res/xml/device_profiles.xml"
  50. line="18"
  51. column="27"/>
  52. </issue>
  53. <issue
  54. id="ResAuto"
  55. message="Suspicious namespace: Did you mean ``?"
  56. errorLine1="&lt;favorites xmlns:launcher=&quot;;>"
  57. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  58. <location
  59. file="../Code/res/xml/dw_phone_hotseat.xml"
  60. line="17"
  61. column="28"/>
  62. </issue>
  63. <issue
  64. id="ResAuto"
  65. message="Suspicious namespace: Did you mean ``?"
  66. errorLine1="&lt;favorites xmlns:launcher=&quot;;>"
  67. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  68. <location
  69. file="../Code/res/xml/dw_tablet_hotseat.xml"
  70. line="17"
  71. column="28"/>
  72. </issue>
  73. <issue
  74. id="ManifestResource"
  75. message="Resources referenced from the manifest cannot vary by configuration (except for version qualifiers, e.g. `-v21`). Found variation in sw720dp-v13"
  76. errorLine1=" android:largeHeap=&quot;@bool/config_largeHeap&quot;"
  77. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  78. <location
  79. file="../Code/AndroidManifest-common.xml"
  80. line="54"
  81. column="28"/>
  82. <location
  83. file="../Code/res/values-sw720dp/config.xml"
  84. line="2"
  85. column="35"
  86. message="This value will not be used"/>
  87. </issue>
  88. <issue
  89. id="ManifestResource"
  90. message="Resources referenced from the manifest cannot vary by configuration (except for version qualifiers, e.g. `-v21`). Found variation in sw720dp-v13"
  91. errorLine1=" android:largeHeap=&quot;@bool/config_largeHeap&quot;"
  92. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  93. <location
  94. file="../Code/AndroidManifest.xml"
  95. line="60"
  96. column="28"/>
  97. <location
  98. file="../Code/res/values-sw720dp/config.xml"
  99. line="2"
  100. column="35"
  101. message="This value will not be used"/>
  102. </issue>
  103. <issue
  104. id="MissingDefaultResource"
  105. message="The fraction &quot;container_margin&quot; in values-land has no declaration in the base `values` folder; this can lead to crashes when the resource is queried in a configuration that does not match this qualifier"
  106. errorLine1=" &lt;item name=&quot;container_margin&quot; format=&quot;fraction&quot; type=&quot;fraction&quot;>12%&lt;/item>"
  107. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  108. <location
  109. file="../Code/res/values-land/dimens.xml"
  110. line="19"
  111. column="11"/>
  112. </issue>
  113. <issue
  114. id="MissingDefaultResource"
  115. message="The layout &quot;launcher&quot; in layout-land has no declaration in the base `layout` folder; this can lead to crashes when the resource is queried in a configuration that does not match this qualifier"
  116. errorLine1="&lt;"
  117. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  118. <location
  119. file="../Code/res/layout-land/launcher.xml"
  120. line="18"
  121. column="2"/>
  122. </issue>
  123. <issue
  124. id="MissingDefaultResource"
  125. message="The layout &quot;launcher&quot; in layout-port has no declaration in the base `layout` folder; this can lead to crashes when the resource is queried in a configuration that does not match this qualifier"
  126. errorLine1="&lt;"
  127. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  128. <location
  129. file="../Code/res/layout-port/launcher.xml"
  130. line="18"
  131. column="2"/>
  132. </issue>
  133. <issue
  134. id="MissingDefaultResource"
  135. message="The layout &quot;launcher&quot; in layout-sw720dp has no declaration in the base `layout` folder; this can lead to crashes when the resource is queried in a configuration that does not match this qualifier"
  136. errorLine1="&lt;"
  137. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  138. <location
  139. file="../Code/res/layout-sw720dp/launcher.xml"
  140. line="18"
  141. column="2"/>
  142. </issue>
  143. <issue
  144. id="UnspecifiedImmutableFlag"
  145. message="Missing `PendingIntent` mutability flag"
  146. errorLine1=" homeIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT | PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);"
  147. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  148. <location
  149. file="../Code/src/com/android/launcher3/graphics/"
  150. line="205"
  151. column="33"/>
  152. </issue>
  153. </issues>