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0dp 16dp 40dp 13dp 11dp 48dp @dimen/DefaultActionbarHeightPort 12dp 0.0261 0.69 0.74 225dp 0.42 0.0341 0.74 15dp 56dp 24dp #3333B5E5 #0cffffff @dimen/wmpf_qrlogin_appname_vertical_percent_value @dimen/wmpf_qrlogin_background_image_vertical_percent_value @dimen/wmpf_qrlogin_body_vertical_percent_value @dimen/wmpf_qrlogin_image_frame_vertical_percent_value @dimen/wmpf_qrlogin_wechat_icon_vertical_percent_value @dimen/wmpf_setting_body_vertical_percent_value 3 220 150 300 150 150 127 150 2 300 320 100 100 100 250 200 999 Navigate home Navigate up More options Done See all Choose an app OFF ON Alt+ Ctrl+ delete enter Function+ Meta+ Shift+ space Sym+ Menu+ Search… Clear query Search query Search Submit query Voice search Share with Share with %s Collapse Manage account 返回 更多 图片和视频 微信帐号登录 退出登录 退出 相机摄像模式 相机扫码模式 绘图区域 关闭 直播播放器组件 视频通话播放器组件 直播推流组件 更多 视频播放器 加载中 ... 封面广告 该小程序涉及恶意营销,无法添加。 最多可添加%d个我的小程序 体验版 开发版 关闭授权 关闭授权后可能会影响使用小程序的部分功能,请确认 %s未使用你的任何信息 允许\"%s\"使用 了解详情 不允许 是否使用你保存的信息 是否保存填写的信息 允许 https://${brand.qbrand.com}/cgi-bin/readtemplate?t=weixin_agreement&s=quick_fill&lang= 设置 不允许 内存不足,可能影响后续操作,建议关闭空闲的后台程序。 压缩中,请稍候... 处理中,请稍候... 添加失败 还未添加我的小程序\n可在小程序右上角菜单里添加 删除失败 已复制 调试模式已禁用,请重启生效 调试模式已启用,请重启生效 V8调试已禁用,重启生效中... V8调试已启用,重启生效中... 网络请求失败,无法校验体验版小程序 网络请求超时,无法校验体验版小程序 小程序体验版不存在,无法体验 无体验权限,请联系小程序管理员 删除 搜索小程序 小程序 开发调试 关闭调试 关闭V8调试 开发调试 打开V8调试 已保存 你授权后,小程序开发者将获得你的${BRAND}绑定手机信息,为你提供相关服务。如发现该小程序不恰当收集你的信息,可以向平台举报, 投诉该小程序 知道了 ${BRAND}手机号授权功能说明 确认授权 ${BRAND}手机号授权 ${BRAND_account}绑定手机号后才可使用手机号快速填写功能 ${BRAND_account}还没有绑定手机号 收不到验证码, 确认 %s秒可重发 重新发送 发送失败,请稍后再试 操作太频繁,请稍后再试 绑定手机号 验证码输入不正确,请重新输入 验证码不能为空 验证码长度过短 验证失败,请稍后再试 已发送到手机号:%s 确认手机号码 我们将发送验证码短信到下面的号码:\n 请填写手机短信验证码 允许 申请 使用你的摄像头 拒绝 获取你的位置信息 使用你的麦克风 未找到可以打开该类型文档的应用 调试不升级 知道了 调试升级 %s小游戏需要重启以使用最新功能 %s小程序需要重启以使用最新功能 更新中... 允许 不允许 删除 开发版小程序已过期,请在开发者工具中重新扫码 小程序尚未发布 小程序AppId异常,无法打开开发版小程序 网络请求失败,无法打开发版小程序 开发版小程序不存在 未登录时无法打开开发版小程序 无开发权限,请联系小程序管理员 启动开发版小程序异常 未登录时无法打开体验版小程序 基础 CPU 关闭性能监控面板 重启小程序后将关闭性能监控面板 下载耗时 导出 Trace 数据 导出 Trace 数据失败,请检查 SDCard 是否已插入,并有足够储存空间 正在导出 Trace 数据... 已成功导出 Trace 数据 打开性能监控面板 重启小程序后将打开性能监控面板 初次渲染耗时 帧率 启动和切换 首屏渲染耗时 js注入耗时 启动耗时 内存 业务内存 内存详情 Native 内存 其它 再次渲染耗时 渲染 数据缓存 页面切换耗时 性能数据 视图层到逻辑层耗时 视图层到逻辑层数据 视图层到逻辑层Native耗时 逻辑层到视图层耗时 逻辑层到视图层数据 逻辑层到视图层Native耗时 你选的手机号码格式错误,请重新选择。 设置日期 设置地区 设置时间 加载中 下载代码包失败 %s记录不存在,无法运行 开发版小程序二维码已失效 ${BRAND}没有读取联系人权限,请到系统设置或手机管理软件中开启该权限。 sound/app_brand_pull_recent_vew_down_sound.mp3 收起 连接断开 已连接 断点中 连接局域网 %s 失败,已切换回广域网模式 连接局域网 %s 失败,请重新编译资源包 已连接 展开 待确认 %1$d\n待发送 %2$d\n已接收 %3$d 结束 确认结束调试? 服务器忙 服务器正常 二维码错误 允许 取消 即将打开\"%s\"小程序 即将打开小程序 显示调试信息 补充说明 添加到我的小程序 添加到\n我的小程序 已添加 已移除 从我的小程序中移除 从我的小程\n序中移除 拍摄 从相册选择 知道了 朗读小咖秀 提示 com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout$ScrollingViewBehavior 允许 拒绝 快速填写授权 ${BRAND}个人信息 删除 将会上传你摄录的照片及视频 @string/app_i_known 部分资源更新失败,无法打开小程序。 部分资源已更新,需要重启以使用最新功能 数据下载中,请稍候... 回到首页 当前为首页 小程序资料 %d秒后重试 确认 取消 第三方用户信息授权说明 保存此号码供以后授权使用 添加手机号码 只可添加3个号码 申请使用 拒绝 输入的手机号与${BRAND}绑定号码重复,请返回检查 你授权后,小程序开发者将获得你${BRAND}绑定的或你添加的手机号信息,为你提供相关服务。如发现该小程序不恰当收集你的信息,可以向平台投诉。 投诉 如果发现不恰当收集或使用信息的行为,可以向平台%s 完成 你输入的不是一个有效的手机号码 手机号码错误 输入有效手机号 获取验证码 手机号码 加载中 管理 管理手机号码 允许 使用其他手机号码 输入六位验证码 验证码发送中 验证码 验证中 ${BRAND}绑定号码 你的手机号码 允许 拒绝 正在删除 设置失败,请检查你的网络设置 开启后,\"%s\"可获取你的头像、昵称、地区和性别信息。 用户信息 授权用户信息 切换用户信息只更改你在“%s”中的微信头像和昵称。 消息订阅 不接收 使用小程序期间和离开小程序后 仅在使用小程序期间 不允许 位置信息 正在设置 使用时和离开后 使用时 不允许 提示 小程序说明:%s 请稍等 不允许“%s”发送任何通知 通知 允许“%s”发送以下通知 接收通知 查看消息示例 接收 接收并开启语音提醒 不接收 知道了 你可以试听提醒音,建议使用手机音量键调节到合适的效果。注意:手机需处于非静音状态。 试听语音 已开启语音提醒 com.google.android.material.bottomsheet.BottomSheetBehavior 更多分享 暂没有更多分享 取消 清空 确定 Character limit exceeded %1$d of %2$d %1$d / %2$d About Bind %1$s account with the following Lenovo ID Third-party account bind error. Please retry! We\'ve detect that the email address you\'ve entered in %1$s account has registered a Lenovo account. Please enter the password to bind them. Register or enter an existing Lenovo ID to bind Password Logging in... Welcome. This Lenovo ID has been bound to another third-party account! Third-party account connection timeout. Please retry! Manage account Female Male Account settings Real-name\nauthentication Activate Activate account activation code activation code Activating your account Account activated successfully All Selected region Location Locating... Address options Alais can\'t be empty This alias used by others,please use another one Copyright 2016 Lenovo All Rights Reserved Lenovo All rights reserved Your apps have no privilege to perform this operation. The login attempts for today have exceeded the limit. Please perform this operation tomorrow. Operating too many time,please wait minutes Security E-mail Security phone Bind social-networking account FACEBOOK GOOGLE QQ Weibo Phone number Bind other account Account: Failed to open camera Change password Modify succeeded Confirm Edit account New password Original password Set password Password cannot be more than two consecutive identical characters. Incorrect password format Please don\'t begin or end your password with blank space The password contains characters that aren\'t allowed. I have read and agree to the Lenovo Complete and login loading Resend verification code s resend code Resend voice verification code Use verification code Use voice verification code Save success Country/Region USA Select Country Not set Device Management Registration Completed Email The registration link has been sent to your registered email address You have completed the registration. Please login your registered email address and click the link to activate the account. With an activated account, you can enjoy more services from Lenovo. Passwords do not match Account already exists Error E-mail address Please enter a correct email address Please enter phone number Please enter the verification code The account has been bound Network error Error phone number Please enter a correct phone number Error password format Registration failed Error verification code format User name or password is wrong Account change failed Invalid user name. Please check whether your user name format is correct Command error User does not exist. Please check whether the user name is correct User name already exists. Please do not register repeatedly You can login only after the account has been activated Please log out on the previous device before switching to a new device Invalid ID This user has been activated. Please do not repeat the operation Invalid IMEI, SN or MAC Account disabled. Illegal device registered in SDI check Command type error Invalid TGT Invalid domain This service does not support this domain This service is not entitled to access Cannot find cache related to designated user Cannot find designated Ticket in user cache Ticket value parsing failed Cannot find information to retrieve invalid Ticket in cache Inconsistent ticket and domain. This Ticket does not belong to this security domain Invalid request data Invalid verification code Expired link Wrong answer submitted to retrieve password Account has been locked Verification code required pidpassword error Invalid bindpid bindpid has been disabled Non-one-key registration users with no password set Password format error (The password is limited to 4 to 20 characters, including English uppercase or lowercase letters, English digits, minus (-) and underline (_).) Checked Check code error or expired. It may occur when checking phone accounts Not open. Please try other register means Third-party login timeout Third-party account bind error. Please retry! Lenovo ID has been bound to another third-party account Third-party account has been bound to another Lenovo ID Error in submitted data format. Unable to resolve. Please check whether the request data format is legal The submitted XML data does not comply with XSD requirements. Please check data validity Invalid appkey Third-party account not bound. Third-party user name is not a Lenovo ID Third-party account not bound. Third-party user name is a Lenovo ID Third-party account not bound Third-party account not bound. Third-party user name is an account in an untrusted domain of Lenovo. It is required to be linked manually Third-party account has been once bound to Lenovo ID Illegal accesstoken check Illegal authcode check Illegal tid Invalid thirdName The bound account does not comply with rules This interface has expired and the server no longer supports the client side to prompt version upgrades for users Invalid lpsst Inconsistent Ticket and realm lpsst not provided Invalid lpsust lpsust not provided Invalid cross-security service ticket Cross-security service ticket strength requirements do not comply with apps Remote photo check failed Silent login failed for Gateway Invalid call-back address Invalid signature Invalid verification random digit Invalid request address Not privileged to obtain UST of corresponding domain User refuses authorization Failed to obtain verification code Wrong of the answers Please enter the correct email Please enter a correct phone number Commit Your feedback has been submitted Please enter your feedback The feedback field cannot be empty Feedback Please confirm that your email address is correct.If you are the correct,please get the verification code Please check if the phone number matchs the country area.If it does not match,please modify it. Please set the password. Please enter the registered email address or mobile number The verification code has been sent to your phone or email Passwords must have 8–20 characters and contain at least three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Forgot password Please enter the verification code Login Failed to open gallery Failed to obtain third-party appkey Obtaining third-party appkey Obtain verification code Obtain verification code Applying thirdparty game token failed Done Please set a secret question Verify identity by email verification code Verify identity with mobile phone verification code Dear user, Because your account security is low, please set the security question for account security before doing this. In order to protect your account,security change information, you need to verify your identity. Please choose a verification method Authentication Verify Account password Security Question Not set Secret security question for security verification Change Profile Middle Please bind the security phone or email High Account security is in good condition Weak It is recommended to set a security question, bind a security phone or email Real name verification Security E-mail Security phone Account security level: Set Bind to improve account security level Account Setting Bind (10) Please enter the email address you wish to register Please input image code Please enter a new password between 8-20 characters Verification code Address Please set alias Avatar Camera Gallery Birthday Gender 联想 Lenovo Service Lenovo ID Cancel OK Retry Email address format incorrect Username or Password is not right Invalid request parameter Invalid appkey Invalid third-party accesstoken Invalid realm Username or Password is not right Unknown error Network error or server exception, please try again later One-key registration failed Server return message error Please activate your account first Please enter password Please enter account The login has failed five times and your account has been locked temporarily. Please try again in 10 minutes. User name format incorrect Account forbidden There is an error in the network connection. Please check if your network is normal. Logging in. Please wait New activation email has been sent to your mailbox. Please check. Activation email sent A SMS containing the verification code has been sent to: A SMS containing the verification code has been sent to: Login failed Invalid IMEI number Phone number format incorrect User name format incorrect Please enter password in correct format Verification code error Failed to obtain verification code Network connection error. Please check your network. and Logging out. Please wait Account has been logged out. Privacy Statement Terms of Use Login Sign in with SMS Phone number/email address Sign in Login via email address Email Enter a phone number or email Password Phone number SMS authen code Retrieve password Forgot password Logging in. Please wait... Login successful Message Code Login Message code login If you forget the password is recommended that you use, If you forget the password is recommended that you use, Login via phone number Country/Region Other account login Sign in with an Email Login successful NEXT Sending SMS to verify the phone number. Lenovo will not charge any fee and the SMS fee is charged by operators. Authenticating... Login with this phone number as your account number Cancel SMS authentication successful. Logging in... Logging in... With Lenovo ID You will be able to sync and back up your personal data, share photos and login games Use your phone number as Lenovo ID for login Quickly login Sign up Third-party account login More options Sign in with phone number Login via QQ Login via Sina Weibo Get verification code With your Lenovo ID Email Please enter Email address Complete graphical verification code, we send SMS verification code to: Mobile phone number or email error Wrong password. If you have forgotten the password, please try "retrieve password". Phone Please enter phone number Password Please enter password Unregistered mobile phone number is automatically registered after verification SMS verification sign in Verification code Verification code To prevent malicious cracking, there is a limit on the number of login messages per day. If exceeded, you cannot log in on the same day. It is recommended that you log in with your account and password\n Retrieve password Sign up Sending login request... I have read and agreed with LenovoID  After logging out, you will not be able to synchronize your contacts and text messages, or enjoy other Lenovo services. Are you sure you want to log out? Forgot password? Enter your email Email is not registered Editing the account will cause your account information, synchronized data, etc. to be transferred to the new account number. You have completed authentication, please enter a new E-mail address Change the security E-mail address Please enter email address Please enter phone number please enter a new E-mail address please enter your new phone number Protect account information and login security Please enter the old password In order to protect personal data security, you need to enter the old password before modifying. To ensure the security of your personal data, you will need to enter your old password before making any changes Change Password You have completed authentication, please enter your new phone number Replace the security phone Please waiting... Verify now The verification code has been sent to the email: The verification code has been sent to the phone: More security and privacy settings My profile ID: Log out My account: Network request was blocked by safecenter, app can\'t continue. Don\'t prompt anymore Agree and continue Exit My account Dear user, my account needs to connect the network, get location and device info. Do you agree? New email address New phone number Before making the change, please ensure that your new mailbox is able to receive emails Before making the change, please ensure that the new mobile number is able to receive text messages Did not receive the verification code? Did not receive the verification code Did not receive the voice verification code? No such permission No camera permission,please go to "Settings" to open the permission No location permission,please go to "Settings" to open the permission No phone permission,please go to "Settings" to open the permission No SMS permission,please go to "Settings" to open the permission Account login You have successfully registered a Lenovo ID. To secure your account please set a password Your Lenovo ID %s has been successfully logged in. Set a password now? Your Lenovo ID\'s initial password is: Set password This function is not available in Airplane Mode. Please disable Airplane Mode first. Authenticating... authorizing connecting server logining Please enter password 请先安装支付宝 很抱歉,支付失败。 未支付 支付成功 请先登录 Missing userId and userAccount parameters 请先安装微信 . +86 Phone number (recommended) SMS authen code Network connection error. Please retry You are not allowed to register multiple Lenovo accounts. Failed to obtain account status User does not exist Wrong password Please activate your account first The account has been forbidden The account has been locked Network connection error. Please retry User cancelled You cannot login two Lenovo accounts at the same time. Set a password QQ account Put the QR code in the box and it will scan automatically Scan the QR code on the page to safely log in to your Lenovo ID Scan the QR code on the page to safely log in to your Lenovo ID Put the QR code in recognition box, it will be scanned automatically. Failed to open camera Please scan the Lenovo ID QR code on the web page Scan QR code Account ID has expired, please login again Has been authenticated authenticate We have to take protect the safety of your account and suggest you verify phone number first Authenticate Fail Authenticate Success Authenticating... Verifying *If you do not bind the secondary account, you will be able to use the phone number to retrieve the password and login \n Please do not reveal the phone number, to prevent being used by criminals Verified Please enter your phone number to verify For your account security, we have taken protective measures for you. We recommend that you verify your mobile number first. Verified Secure your account with real-name verification Sign up Register by email Register with phone number Register Lenovo account Registration means that you accept: \u0020 Sign up Please register by email Please register with your phone number Your account has been register Account Phone number/Email address Email address Obtain verification code Please choose your country/region? Verification code verify code Login timeout! Please retry Resend Register and sign in Reset Password SYNCit You have completed authentication, please enter an E-mail address Set security email You have completed authentication, please enter a phone number Set security phone Set password Sign up The current phone SIM card is not available. Sina Weibo Cancel authentication Authentication failed: Logging into QQ. Please wait... Cancel authentication Authentication failed: Logging into Weibo. Please wait... Phone/Email Account is blank Changing Account... The bound account does not comply with rules Error account format Feedback Account Other password After setting an alternate mobile phone number: You can login to your account with this mobile number and reset your password Quick safe and reliable Please enter phone number frequently used Link phone number My phone number: Link phone number Bind account Failed to unlink Bind failed Verification in process... The email with a verification code has been sent to your login email address: An email containing the verification code has been sent to: Verification code has been sent to your new phone: Verification code is blank The SMS with a verification code has been sent to your linked phone: Verification code format error Verification code format error Verification code: Failed to modify password Move account This function will move all the data and information of your previous account to your new account After the changes have been applied to your account, your password will remain the same. Please enter your password Account changed successfully Modify personal information China US Current account: Currently registered email address: Currently registered phone number: Currently registered phone number: Current version: D Email address is blank Email format error Phone number is blank The verification code has exceeded the number of attempts, please re-acquire FACEBOOK Failed to get verification code Failed to get the graphics verification code New password: Failed to retrieve password Get verification code Obtaining... Obtaining verification code Obtaining verification code... Failed to obtain GOOGLE Security email address set The alternate mobile number has been set The alternate email address has been set Invalid account Invalid request parameter Invalid user name Binding Registering Setting Unbinding Sign in failed Sign in means you have read and agreed Sign in succeeded Modifying M The SMS with a verification code has been sent to your phone: My account My account: Next No account No network Official website: Confirm and Sign in 4-12 characters Passwords must have 8–20 characters and contain at least three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Password is blank Password format error The verification code has been sent to @ please pay attention to your mobile phone @ Please fill in the verification code in the picture, case insensitive To retrieve your password, please enter your account username Please enter your new email address for verification, we will send verification code to this email address Please enter your new phone number for verification, we will send verification code to this number Mobile phone number Please enter your new phone number for verification Tencent QQ Registered successfully. Logging in Register succeeded, signing in.. Done We have sent a verification mail to Please verify your account via the link in the e-mail and complete registration.With an activated account,you can enjoy more services. Welcome Multiple request failures Resend The old and new passwords cannot be the same Please select a valid date Resend Get SMS Authen Code Send verification email Send verification SMS Sending verification code Set a security password for your Lenovo ID Set security email address After setting an alternate email address: You can login to your account with this email address and reset your password Please enter email address frequently used Complete Security email address: Set your new password Please set a password to keep your account safe Passwords must have 8–20 characters and contain at least three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Setting user info Sina Weibo Register via email address Register via phone number Remove settings Register via email address No such user User information saved successfully The account you entered has been registered A SMS containing the verification code has been sent to: Failed to send Sent succeeded, please check The verification code will be notified by voice call, please pay attention to your mobile phone Receiving voice verification code Error verification code Wrong password tgt error Check code error Y Confirm password The current logging in has expired. Please login again. Applications Bound Token has expired Unbound This third-party account has been bound to another Lenovo ID! Bind After binding, your QQ account , phone number or mailbox can be logged in Register and bing After binding, your Weibo account , phone number or mailbox can be logged in After binding, your Wechat account , phone number or mailbox can be logged in Use other account to sign in Binding for lenovo account Bind phone or mailbox This mobile phone number or email has been registered, please select to bind existing lenovo account Your mailbox is unregistered, please follow the lead to the registration to be successful Your phone number is unregistered, please follow the lead to the registration to be successful Please enter your existing lenovo account and bind it Bind lenovo account This mobile phone number or email has been unregistered, please input existing lenovo account Please enter the phone number you wish to register About Account settings My account Bind Tencent QQ Bind Sina Weibo Register an account Edit account Please read and agree to the Lenovo Terms of Use and Privacy Statement You can login quickly on homepage after binding a QQ account You can login quickly on homepage after binding a Sina Weibo account Lenovo ID Unbind Cancel Delete Without the alternate email address, you will not be able to reset your password when you lose your mobile phone. Delete? Without the alternate phone number, you will not be able to reset your password when you lose your mobile phone. Delete? Unbinding... Failed to unbind Unbound successfully Unbind alternate Account You have bound a QQ account. You can login quickly with the account You have bound a Weibo account. You can login quickly with the account Unauthenticate Update Please enter account V coins center Verification Verify now Account verification Verification email The verification code has been sent to @ .If you have not received the email, please check the spam or try again. The activation code has been sent to your mobile phone: 1.Did not receive the verification code via SMS Please ensure that your mobile phone is connected to a mobile network, or check if an SMS interceptor is installed on your phone or if the SMS intercepting function has been enabled on your antivirus software. 2.Did not receive the verification code via email Please check the junk email in your mailbox. Your mailbox filter could have identified the email as junk email. 3 For cancellation of mobile numbers and other problems, please contact our customer service Enter verification code An email containing the verification code has been sent to: A SMS containing the verification code has been sent to: The activation link has been sent to your email address: Please login with your email address to activate. Login now Cancel login Lenovo ID login confirmation Not connected to Internet Please check your network connection Retry Refresh Refresh continue Security for your data, please check the site valid certificate The password has not been set up yet. 返回 %1$s购买 加载中... 正在查询支付结果... 去支付 渠道数据加载失败 使用微信、支付宝扫码 ¥%1$s ¥ 请选择支付方式 支付宝支付 扫码支付 使用微信、支付宝扫码支付 微信支付 Current email: New email: 图片已保存至%s 文件夹 请稍等 删除 打开失败 微信客户端版本过低 未安装微信客户端 图片已保存至 %s 路径 需要授权存储空间权限,以将图片、视频等文件保存到手机。 com.google.android.material.transformation.FabTransformationScrimBehavior com.google.android.material.transformation.FabTransformationSheetBehavior 确认登录 请输入你的手机号码 人脸识别登录 textview fullTransluentTheme com.google.android.material.behavior.HideBottomViewOnScrollBehavior Some features in %1$s may not work properly without HMS Core, which is not installed on your device. %1$s is unable to use HMS Core. Launch Optimizer (Phone Manager) or go to Settings, enable all permissions for %2$s (including auto-launch and secondary launch), and try again. @string/hms_spoof_hints OK It appears that you have an unofficial version of HMS Core (%1$s) installed on your device. Please uninstall HMS Core from Settings and return to this app to install the official version. Note mp.weixin.qq.com res.servicewechat.com servicewechat.com 允许%s访问你当前的地理位置信息? 地理位置授权 微信登录失败 正在登录中... Sign in with HUAWEI ID 重新进入\n小程序 已选中 去设置 详情 列表 视图切换 选择日期 I非可选步骤未执行或者错误 I非致命步骤执行错误 I执行成功 I可选步骤未执行 删除 Logging in... Welcome. Vince Mi https://github.com/vinc3m1 true A fast ImageView (and Drawable) that supports rounded corners (and ovals or circles) based on the original example from Romain Guy. RoundedImageView 1.3.0 https://github.com/vinc3m1/RoundedImageView apache_2_0 https://github.com/vinc3m1/RoundedImageView.git 加载中... 允许 %s申请获得以下权限: %s申请获取以下权限: %s申请获得: 拒绝 完成 该页面不存在,你可以进入%s首页获取更多服务 页面不存在 该小程序正在使用你的位置信息 该小程序正在使用你的麦克风 加载中 取消 确定 请稍候... 取消 确定 抵制不良游戏,拒绝盗版游戏。注意自我保护,谨防受骗上当。\n适度游戏益脑,沉迷游戏伤身。合理安排时间,享受健康生活。 微信 去设置 删除 我知道了 前往设置 无法使用此小程序,前往“权限”-“位置信息”-“精确定位”中打开 精确定位未开启 你未在手机系统设置里打开NFC功能,请在系统设置里打开此功能 你未将${BRAND}设置为你的NFC默认应用,请将${BRAND}设置为默认应用 请在你的手机系统设置里打开NFC功能 添加到现有联系人 创建新联系人 取消 离开此页面? 确定 已复制 已剪切 选择 复制链接 退出小程序 设置 重新进入\n小程序 分享到微信 当页面不可分享 相机不能使用,请确认微信是否有相机及录音权限。 Remove %1$s ${BRAND}会话 我的小程序 暂无歌曲播放 NoTitleTransluentTheme 正在跳转微信... Show password M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12c1.73,4.39 6,7.5 11,7.5s9.27,-3.11 11,-7.5c-1.73,-4.39 -6,-7.5 -11,-7.5zM12,17c-2.76,0 -5,-2.24 -5,-5s2.24,-5 5,-5 5,2.24 5,5 -2.24,5 -5,5zM12,9c-1.66,0 -3,1.34 -3,3s1.34,3 3,3 3,-1.34 3,-3 -1.34,-3 -3,-3z M2,4.27 L19.73,22 L22.27,19.46 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1 L23,1 L23,23 L1,23 L1,4.27 Z M2,4.27 L2,4.27 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1.73 L4.54,1 L23,1 L23,23 L1,23 L1,4.27 Z M3.27,4.27 L19.74,20.74 在设置-应用-权限中开启相机权限,以正常使用拍照、扫一扫等功能 取消 确定 开启权限以正常使用该功能 权限申请 权限申请 长期 4 8 12 2 1 7 6 3 5 11 10 9 取消 确定 体验版 所有音频 获取系统录音权限被拒绝 你可以使用系统录音录制音频 音频已损坏 获取系统相机权限被拒绝 相机胶卷 %1$s (%2$d) 取消 只能选择 %1$ds 至 %2$ds内的视频 最大只能选择 %1$ds 以内的视频 不能选择低于 %1$ds 内的视频 已完成 确定 这个月 本周 获取相册数据异常… 这里空空如也… 原图 完 成 %1$d/%2$d 完成 编辑 你可以使用相机拍摄照片或视频 无音频文件\n 无视频或照片\n 图片已损坏 动图 去设置 读取内存卡权限被拒绝 我知道了 长图 你最多只能选择%1$s个音频 你最多只能选择%1$s张照片 你最多只能选择%1$s个视频 音频最低选择不能少于%1$s个 图片最低选择不能少于%1$s张 视频最低选择不能少于%1$s个 无可用裁剪数据 原图 (%1$s) 暂停 拍照 播放 请稍候… 请选择 预览 %1$d/%2$d 预览(%1$d) 提示 是否保存音频至手机? 是否保存图片至手机? 是否保存视频至手机? 退出 录视频 不能同时选择图片或视频 音频保存失败 图片保存失败 文件保存成功至 视频保存失败 选择 选择音频大于%1$d秒 选择音频小于%1$d秒 选择文件大于%1$s 选择文件小于%1$s 不支持的选择类型 选择视频大于%1$d秒 选择视频小于%1$d秒 完成 完成(%1$d) 停止 拍摄 录音 正在使用相机 正在使用录音功能 视频已损坏 视频不可预览 暂无媒体文件! webp 收起键盘 将二维码放入框内,即可自动扫描 将条码放入框内,即可自动扫描 sound/qrcode_completed_2.wav 请使用微信扫码完成下一步 请使用微信扫码支付 连接错误 扫描失败 扫描成功 请使用微信扫码分享 微信登录%s 使用微信扫描二维码登录\n登录后即可使用该设备上的小程序 最近使用 轻触屏幕继续扫描 扫码 轻触关闭 轻触照亮 轻触小绿点,打开页面 未发现二维码 / 条码 扫二维码 / 条码 Search 设置失败,请检查你的网络设置 999+ 前往设置 操作失败,请稍后重试 订阅失败,请稍后重试 已开启 已关闭 transluentTheme NEW 搜索 视频已保存至%s "倍速" ${BRAND}授权 请刷新页面重新扫码 扫描失败 刷新 请在微信轻触确认即可登录 扫描成功 %s 申请使用你的摄像头和麦克风 无法访问摄像头和麦克风,请前往「设置」中打开权限 %s 申请使用你的摄像头 无法访问摄像头,请前往「设置」中打开权限 %s 申请使用你的麦克风 无法访问麦克风,请前往「设置」中打开权限 无法访问位置信息,请前往「设置」中打开权限 小程序 Powered By Donut 小游戏 取消 保存图片 开发调试 反馈与投诉 未成年人成长守护 添加到微信我的小程序 分享到\n朋友圈 当前页面不可转发 设置 发送给\n微信朋友 收藏到\n微信 正在定位 微信小程序 正在录屏 正在录音 进入小程序 在微信中查看 暂无评分 服务类目 评价人数不足 开发团队 %s分