"CefSharp.Core.Runtime" Returns true if the underlying POST data includes elements that are not represented by this IPostData object (for example, multi-part file upload data). Modifying IPostData objects with excluded elements may result in the request failing. Create a new instance PostDataElement Remove all existing post data elements. Remove the specified . element to be removed. Returns true if the add succeeds. Add the specified . element to be added. Returns true if the add succeeds. Retrieve the post data elements. Returns true if this object is read-only. Initializes a new instance of the PostData class. Throw exception if Readonly Thrown when an exception error condition occurs. Destructor. Finalizer. Form Post Data Constructor. The popup features. Class representing popup window features. Post an action for execution on the specified thread. thread id action to execute bool Post an action for delayed execution on the specified thread. thread id action to execute delay in ms bool Helper method to ensure all ChromiumWebBrowser instances have been closed/disposed, should be called before Cef.Shutdown. Disposes all remaning ChromiumWebBrowser instances then waits for CEF to release it's remaning CefBrowser instances. Finally a small delay of 50ms to allow for CEF to finish it's cleanup. Should only be called when MultiThreadedMessageLoop = true; (Hasn't been tested when when CEF integrates into main message loop). The timeout in miliseconds. Helper method to ensure all ChromiumWebBrowser instances have been closed/disposed, should be called before Cef.Shutdown. Disposes all remaning ChromiumWebBrowser instances then waits for CEF to release it's remaning CefBrowser instances. Finally a small delay of 50ms to allow for CEF to finish it's cleanup. Should only be called when MultiThreadedMessageLoop = true; (Hasn't been tested when when CEF integrates into main message loop). WaitForBrowsersToClose is not enabled by default, call this method before Cef.Initialize to enable. If you aren't calling Cef.Initialize explicitly then this should be called before creating your first ChromiumWebBrowser instance. Returns the mime type for the specified file extension or an empty string if unknown. file extension Returns the mime type for the specified file extension or an empty string if unknown. Sets or clears a specific key-value pair from the crash metadata. Crash reporting is configured using an INI-style config file named crash_reporter.cfg. This file must be placed next to the main application executable. File contents are as follows: # Comments start with a hash character and must be on their own line. [Config] ProductName=<Value of the "prod" crash key; defaults to "cef"> ProductVersion=<Value of the "ver" crash key; defaults to the CEF version> AppName=<Windows only; App-specific folder name component for storing crash information; default to "CEF"> ExternalHandler=<Windows only; Name of the external handler exe to use instead of re-launching the main exe; default to empty> ServerURL=<crash server URL; default to empty> RateLimitEnabled=<True if uploads should be rate limited; default to true> MaxUploadsPerDay=<Max uploads per 24 hours, used if rate limit is enabled; default to 5> MaxDatabaseSizeInMb=<Total crash report disk usage greater than this value will cause older reports to be deleted; default to 20> MaxDatabaseAgeInDays=<Crash reports older than this value will be deleted; default to 5> [CrashKeys] my_key1=<small|medium|large> my_key2=<small|medium|large> Config section: If "ProductName" and/or "ProductVersion" are set then the specified values will be included in the crash dump metadata. If "AppName" is set on Windows then crash report information (metrics, database and dumps) will be stored locally on disk under the "C:\Users\[CurrentUser]\AppData\Local\[AppName]\User Data" folder. If "ExternalHandler" is set on Windows then the specified exe will be launched as the crashpad-handler instead of re-launching the main process exe. The value can be an absolute path or a path relative to the main exe directory. If "ServerURL" is set then crashes will be uploaded as a multi-part POST request to the specified URL. Otherwise, reports will only be stored locally on disk. If "RateLimitEnabled" is set to true then crash report uploads will be rate limited as follows: 1. If "MaxUploadsPerDay" is set to a positive value then at most the specified number of crashes will be uploaded in each 24 hour period. 2. If crash upload fails due to a network or server error then an incremental backoff delay up to a maximum of 24 hours will be applied for retries. 3. If a backoff delay is applied and "MaxUploadsPerDay" is > 1 then the "MaxUploadsPerDay" value will be reduced to 1 until the client is restarted. This helps to avoid an upload flood when the network or server error is resolved. If "MaxDatabaseSizeInMb" is set to a positive value then crash report storage on disk will be limited to that size in megabytes. For example, on Windows each dump is about 600KB so a "MaxDatabaseSizeInMb" value of 20 equates to about 34 crash reports stored on disk. If "MaxDatabaseAgeInDays" is set to a positive value then crash reports older than the specified age in days will be deleted. CrashKeys section: Any number of crash keys can be specified for use by the application. Crash key values will be truncated based on the specified size (small = 63 bytes, medium = 252 bytes, large = 1008 bytes). The value of crash keys can be set from any thread or process using the Cef.SetCrashKeyValue function. These key/value pairs will be sent to the crash server along with the crash dump file. Medium and large values will be chunked for submission. For example, if your key is named "mykey" then the value will be broken into ordered chunks and submitted using keys named "mykey-1", "mykey-2", etc. Returns true if crash reporting is enabled. Helper function (wrapper around the CefColorSetARGB macro) which combines the 4 color components into an uint32 for use with BackgroundColor property Alpha Red Green Blue Returns the color. Gets the Global Request Context. Make sure to Dispose of this object when finished. The earlier possible place to access the IRequestContext is in IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized. Alternative use the ChromiumWebBrowser BrowserInitialized (OffScreen) or IsBrowserInitializedChanged (WinForms/WPF) events. Returns the global request context or null if the RequestContext has not been initialized yet. Returns true if called on the specified CEF thread. Returns true if called on the specified thread. Call during process startup to enable High-DPI support on Windows 7 or newer. Older versions of Windows should be left DPI-unaware because they do not support DirectWrite and GDI fonts are kerned very badly. Clear all scheme handler factories registered with the global request context. Returns false on error. This function may be called on any thread in the browser process. Using this function is equivalent to calling Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext().ClearSchemeHandlerFactories(). Returns false on error. This method should only be used by advanced users, if you're unsure then use Cef.Shutdown(). This function should be called on the main application thread to shut down the CEF browser process before the application exits. This method simply obtains a lock and calls the native CefShutdown method, only IsInitialized is checked. All ChromiumWebBrowser instances MUST be Disposed of before calling this method. If calling this method results in a crash or hangs then you're likely hanging on to some unmanaged resources or haven't closed all of your browser instances Shuts down CefSharp and the underlying CEF infrastructure. This method is safe to call multiple times; it will only shut down CEF on the first call (all subsequent calls will be ignored). This method should be called on the main application thread to shut down the CEF browser process before the application exits. If you are Using CefSharp.OffScreen then you must call this explicitly before your application exits or it will hang. This method must be called on the same thread as Initialize. If you don't call Shutdown explicitly then CefSharp.Wpf and CefSharp.WinForms versions will do their best to call Shutdown for you, if your application is having trouble closing then call thus explicitly. Called prior to calling Cef.Shutdown, this diposes of any remaning ChromiumWebBrowser instances. In WPF this is used from Dispatcher.ShutdownStarted to release the unmanaged resources held by the ChromiumWebBrowser instances. Generally speaking you don't need to call this yourself. Returns the global cookie manager. By default data will be stored at CefSettings.CachePath if specified or in memory otherwise. Using this method is equivalent to calling Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext().GetCookieManager() The cookie managers storage is created in an async fashion, whilst this method may return a cookie manager instance, there may be a short delay before you can Get/Write cookies. To be sure the cookie manager has been initialized use one of the following - Access the ICookieManager after ICompletionCallback.OnComplete has been called - Access the ICookieManager instance in IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized. - Use the ChromiumWebBrowser BrowserInitialized (OffScreen) or IsBrowserInitializedChanged (WinForms/WPF) events. If non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the CEF UI thread after the manager's storage has been initialized. A the global cookie manager or null if the RequestContext has not yet been initialized. Returns the global cookie manager. By default data will be stored at CefSettings.CachePath if specified or in memory otherwise. Using this method is equivalent to calling Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext().GetCookieManager() The cookie managers storage is created in an async fashion, whilst this method may return a cookie manager instance, there may be a short delay before you can Get/Write cookies. To be sure the cookie manager has been initialized use one of the following - Use the GetGlobalCookieManager(ICompletionCallback) overload and access the ICookieManager after ICompletionCallback.OnComplete has been called. - Access the ICookieManager instance in IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized. - Use the ChromiumWebBrowser BrowserInitialized (OffScreen) or IsBrowserInitializedChanged (WinForms/WPF) events. A the global cookie manager or null if the RequestContext has not yet been initialized. Remove all entries from the cross-origin access whitelist. Remove all entries from the cross-origin access whitelist. Returns false if the whitelist cannot be accessed. Remove entry from cross-origin whitelist The origin allowed to be accessed by the target protocol/domain. The target protocol allowed to access the source origin. The optional target domain allowed to access the source origin. If set to true would allow a blah.example.com if the was set to example.com Remove an entry from the cross-origin access whitelist. Returns false if is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed. Add an entry to the cross-origin whitelist. The origin allowed to be accessed by the target protocol/domain. The target protocol allowed to access the source origin. The optional target domain allowed to access the source origin. If set to true would allow a blah.example.com if the was set to example.com Returns false if is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed. The same-origin policy restricts how scripts hosted from different origins (scheme + domain + port) can communicate. By default, scripts can only access resources with the same origin. Scripts hosted on the HTTP and HTTPS schemes (but no other schemes) can use the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header to allow cross-origin requests. For example, https://source.example.com can make XMLHttpRequest requests on http://target.example.com if the http://target.example.com request returns an "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://source.example.com" response header. Scripts in separate frames or iframes and hosted from the same protocol and domain suffix can execute cross-origin JavaScript if both pages set the document.domain value to the same domain suffix. For example, scheme://foo.example.com and scheme://bar.example.com can communicate using JavaScript if both domains set document.domain="example.com". This method is used to allow access to origins that would otherwise violate the same-origin policy. Scripts hosted underneath the fully qualified URL (like http://www.example.com) will be allowed access to all resources hosted on the specified and . If is non-empty and if false only exact domain matches will be allowed. If contains a top- level domain component (like "example.com") and is true sub-domain matches will be allowed. If is empty and if true all domains and IP addresses will be allowed. This method cannot be used to bypass the restrictions on local or display isolated schemes. See the comments on for more information. This function may be called on any thread. Returns false if is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed. This function should be called from the application entry point function to execute a secondary process. It can be used to run secondary processes from the browser client executable (default behavior) or from a separate executable specified by the CefSettings.browser_subprocess_path value. If called for the browser process (identified by no "type" command-line value) it will return immediately with a value of -1. If called for a recognized secondary process it will block until the process should exit and then return the process exit code. The |application| parameter may be empty. The |windows_sandbox_info| parameter is only used on Windows and may be NULL (see cef_sandbox_win.h for details). Perform a single iteration of CEF message loop processing.This function is provided for cases where the CEF message loop must be integrated into an existing application message loop. Use of this function is not recommended for most users; use CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop if possible (the default). When using this function care must be taken to balance performance against excessive CPU usage. It is recommended to enable the CefSettings.ExternalMessagePump option when using this function so that IBrowserProcessHandler.OnScheduleMessagePumpWork() callbacks can facilitate the scheduling process. This function should only be called on the main application thread and only if Cef.Initialize() is called with a CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop value of false. This function will not block. Quit the CEF message loop that was started by calling Cef.RunMessageLoop(). This function should only be called on the main application thread and only if Cef.RunMessageLoop() was used. Run the CEF message loop. Use this function instead of an application- provided message loop to get the best balance between performance and CPU usage. This function should only be called on the main application thread and only if Cef.Initialize() is called with a CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop value of false. This function will block until a quit message is received by the system. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown MUST be called on your main application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details. CefSharp configuration settings. Check that all relevant dependencies avaliable, throws exception if any are missing Implement this interface to provide handler implementations. Null if you don't wish to handle these events true if successful; otherwise, false. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown MUST be called on your main applicaiton thread (Typically the UI thead). If you call them on different threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details. CefSharp configuration settings. Check that all relevant dependencies avaliable, throws exception if any are missing The handler for functionality specific to the browser process. Null if you don't wish to handle these events true if successful; otherwise, false. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown MUST be called on your main application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details. CefSharp configuration settings. Check that all relevant dependencies avaliable, throws exception if any are missing true if successful; otherwise, false. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. It's important to note that Initialize and Shutdown MUST be called on your main application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details. CefSharp configuration settings. true if successful; otherwise, false. Parse the specified url into its component parts. Uses a GURL to parse the Url. GURL is Google's URL parsing library. url Returns null if the URL is empty or invalid. Gets a value that indicates the Git Hash for CEF version currently being used. The Git Commit Hash Gets a value that indicates the Chromium version currently being used. The Chromium version. Gets a value that indicates the CEF version currently being used. The CEF Version Gets a value that indicates the version of CefSharp currently being used. The CefSharp version. Gets a value that indicates whether CefSharp was shutdown. true if CefSharp was shutdown; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether CefSharp is initialized. true if CefSharp is initialized; otherwise, false. Global CEF methods are exposed through this class. e.g. CefInitalize maps to Cef.Initialize CEF API Doc https://magpcss.org/ceforum/apidocs3/projects/(default)/(_globals).html This class cannot be inherited. Create a new object with explicit response values. Create a new object with default response values. Implementation of the CefResourceHandler class for reading from a CefStream. Registers a custom scheme using the provided settings. The CefCustomScheme which provides the details about the scheme. If CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults is false the default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported. Specifying a CookieableSchemesList value and setting CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults to true will disable all loading and saving of cookies for this manager. Can be overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesList and RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults values. Comma delimited list of schemes supported by the associated ICookieManager. If CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults is false the default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported. Specifying a CookieableSchemesList value and setting CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults to true will disable all loading and saving of cookies for this manager. Can be overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesList and RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults values. Background color used for the browser before a document is loaded and when no document color is specified. The alpha component must be either fully opaque (0xFF) or fully transparent (0x00). If the alpha component is fully opaque then the RGB components will be used as the background color. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a WinForms browser then the default value of opaque white be used. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a windowless (WPF/OffScreen) browser then transparent painting will be enabled. Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. May be set globally using the CefSettings.AcceptLanguageList value. If both values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used. To persist user preferences as a JSON file in the cache path directory set this value to true. A CachePath value must also be specified to enable this feature. Also configurable using the "persist-user-preferences" command-line switch. Can be overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the RequestContextSettings.PersistUserPreferences value. To persist session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity interval) by default when using the global cookie manager set this value to true. Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most Web browsers do not persist them. A CachePath value must also be specified to enable this feature. Also configurable using the "persist-session-cookies" command-line switch. Can be overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the RequestContextSettings.PersistSessionCookies value. Set to true (1) to enable windowless (off-screen) rendering support. Do not enable this value if the application does not use windowless rendering as it may reduce rendering performance on some systems. Value that will be returned as the User-Agent HTTP header. If empty the default User-Agent string will be used. Also configurable using the "user-agent" command-line switch. The number of stack trace frames to capture for uncaught exceptions. Specify a positive value to enable the CefRenderProcessHandler:: OnUncaughtException() callback. Specify 0 (default value) and OnUncaughtException() will not be called. Also configurable using the "uncaught-exception-stack-size" command-line switch. Set to a value between 1024 and 65535 to enable remote debugging on the specified port. For example, if 8080 is specified the remote debugging URL will be http://localhost:8080. CEF can be remotely debugged from any CEF or Chrome browser window. Also configurable using the "remote-debugging-port" command-line switch. Value that will be inserted as the product portion of the default User-Agent string. If empty the Chromium product version will be used. If UserAgent is specified this value will be ignored. Also configurable using the "user-agent-product" command- line switch. Set to true to disable loading of pack files for resources and locales. A resource bundle handler must be provided for the browser and render processes via CefApp::GetResourceBundleHandler() if loading of pack files is disabled. Also configurable using the "disable-pack-loading" command- line switch. Custom flags that will be used when initializing the V8 JavaScript engine. The consequences of using custom flags may not be well tested. Also configurable using the "js-flags" command-line switch. The log severity. Only messages of this severity level or higher will be logged. When set to no messages will be written to the log file, but Fatal messages will still be output to stderr. Also configurable using the "log-severity" command-line switch with a value of "verbose", "info", "warning", "error", "fatal", "error-report" or "disable". The directory and file name to use for the debug log. If empty a default log file name and location will be used. On Windows a "debug.log" file will be written in the main executable directory. Also configurable using the"log-file" command- line switch. The fully qualified path for the resources directory. If this value is empty the cef.pak and/or devtools_resources.pak files must be located in the module directory. Also configurable using the "resources-dir-path" command-line switch. The fully qualified path for the locales directory. If this value is empty the locales directory must be located in the module directory. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Also configurable using the "locales-dir-path" command-line switch. The locale string that will be passed to WebKit. If empty the default locale of "en-US" will be used. Also configurable using the "lang" command-line switch. The location where user data such as the Widevine CDM module and spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. If this value is empty then "Local Settings\Application Data\CEF\User Data" directory under the user profile directory will be used. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. The root directory that all CefSettings.CachePath and RequestContextSettings.CachePath values must have in common. If this value is empty and CefSettings.CachePath is non-empty then it will default to the CefSettings.CachePath value. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Failure to set this value correctly may result in the sandbox blocking read/write access to the CachePath directory. NOTE: CefSharp does not implement the CHROMIUM SANDBOX. A non-empty RootCachePath can be used in conjuncation with an empty CefSettings.CachePath in instances where you would like browsers attached to the Global RequestContext (the default) created in "incognito mode" and instances created with a custom RequestContext using a disk based cache. The location where data for the global browser cache will be stored on disk. In this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path that is must be either equal to or a child directory of CefSettings.RootCachePath (if RootCachePath is empty it will default to this value). If the value is empty then browsers will be created in "incognito mode" where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a cache path is specified. Can be overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the RequestContextSettings.CachePath value. The path to a separate executable that will be launched for sub-processes. By default the browser process executable is used. See the comments on Cef.ExecuteProcess() for details. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Also configurable using the "browser-subprocess-path" command-line switch. Defaults to using the provided CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe instance Set to true to have the browser process message loop run in a separate thread. If false than the CefDoMessageLoopWork() function must be called from your application message loop. This option is only supported on Windows. The default value is true. Set to true to control browser process main (UI) thread message pump scheduling via the IBrowserProcessHandler.OnScheduleMessagePumpWork callback. This option is recommended for use in combination with the Cef.DoMessageLoopWork() function in cases where the CEF message loop must be integrated into an existing application message loop (see additional comments and warnings on Cef.DoMessageLoopWork). Enabling this option is not recommended for most users; leave this option disabled and use either MultiThreadedMessageLoop (the default) if possible. Set to true to disable configuration of browser process features using standard CEF and Chromium command-line arguments. Configuration can still be specified using CEF data structures or by adding to CefCommandLineArgs. **Experimental** Set to true to enable use of the Chrome runtime in CEF. This feature is considered experimental and is not recommended for most users at this time. See issue https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/issues/2969/support-chrome-windows-with-cef-callbacks for details. Add custom command line argumens to this collection, they will be added in OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing. The CefSettings.CommandLineArgsDisabled value can be used to start with an empty command-line object. Any values specified in CefSettings that equate to command-line arguments will be set before this method is called. Add Customs schemes to this collection. Destructor. Finalizer. Default Constructor. CefCustomScheme collection CefSettings unmanaged pointer Command Line Arguments Dictionary. Initialization settings. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command-line switches. WPF/WinForms/OffScreen each have their own CefSettings implementation that sets relevant settings e.g. OffScreen starts with audio muted. Generates a JSON string from the specified root |node| which should be a dictionary or list value. Returns an empty string on failure. This method requires exclusive access to |node| including any underlying data. Parses the specified |json_string| and returns a dictionary or list representation. If JSON parsing fails this method returns NULL and populates |error_msg_out| with a formatted error message. Parses the specified UTF8-encoded |json| buffer of size |json_size| and returns a dictionary or list representation. If JSON parsing fails this method returns NULL. Parses the specified |json_string| and returns a dictionary or list representation. If JSON parsing fails this method returns NULL. Unescapes |text| and returns the result. Unescaping consists of looking for the exact pattern "%XX" where each X is a hex digit and converting to the character with the numerical value of those digits (e.g. "i%20=%203%3b" unescapes to "i = 3;"). If |convert_to_utf8| is true this function will attempt to interpret the initial decoded result as UTF-8. If the result is convertable into UTF-8 it will be returned as converted. Otherwise the initial decoded result will be returned. The |unescape_rule| parameter supports further customization the decoding process. Escapes characters in |text| which are unsuitable for use as a query parameter value. Everything except alphanumerics and -_.!~*'() will be converted to "%XX". If |use_plus| is true spaces will change to "+". The result is basically the same as encodeURIComponent in Javacript. Decodes the base64 encoded string |data|. The returned value will be NULL if the decoding fails. Encodes |data| as a base64 string. Get the extensions associated with the given mime type. This should be passed in lower case. There could be multiple extensions for a given mime type, like "html,htm" for "text/html", or "txt,text,html,..." for "text/*". Any existing elements in the provided vector will not be erased. Returns the mime type for the specified file extension or an empty string if unknown. This is a convenience function for formatting a URL in a concise and human- friendly way to help users make security-related decisions (or in other circumstances when people need to distinguish sites, origins, or otherwise- simplified URLs from each other). Internationalized domain names (IDN) may be presented in Unicode if the conversion is considered safe. The returned value will (a) omit the path for standard schemes, excepting file and filesystem, and (b) omit the port if it is the default for the scheme. Do not use this for URLs which will be parsed or sent to other applications. Creates a URL from the specified |parts|, which must contain a non-empty spec or a non-empty host and path (at a minimum), but not both. Returns false if |parts| isn't initialized as described. Parse the specified |url| into its component parts. Returns false if the URL is empty or invalid. ref Interface that should be implemented by the CefUrlRequest client. The methods of this class will be called on the same thread that created the request unless otherwise documented. Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user. |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the hostname and |port| contains the port number. Return true to continue the request and call CefAuthCallback::Continue() when the authentication information is available. If the request has an associated browser/frame then returning false will result in a call to GetAuthCredentials on the CefRequestHandler associated with that browser, if any. Otherwise, returning false will cancel the request immediately. This method will only be called for requests initiated from the browser process. Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user. |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the hostname and |port| contains the port number. Return true to continue the request and call CefAuthCallback::Continue() when the authentication information is available. If the request has an associated browser/frame then returning false will result in a call to GetAuthCredentials on the CefRequestHandler associated with that browser, if any. Otherwise, returning false will cancel the request immediately. This method will only be called for requests initiated from the browser process. Called when some part of the response is read. |data| contains the current bytes received since the last call. This method will not be called if the UR_FLAG_NO_DOWNLOAD_DATA flag is set on the request. Called when some part of the response is read. |data| contains the current bytes received since the last call. This method will not be called if the UR_FLAG_NO_DOWNLOAD_DATA flag is set on the request. Notifies the client of download progress. |current| denotes the number of bytes received up to the call and |total| is the expected total size of the response (or -1 if not determined). Notifies the client of download progress. |current| denotes the number of bytes received up to the call and |total| is the expected total size of the response (or -1 if not determined). Notifies the client of upload progress. |current| denotes the number of bytes sent so far and |total| is the total size of uploading data (or -1 if chunked upload is enabled). This method will only be called if the UR_FLAG_REPORT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS flag is set on the request. Notifies the client of upload progress. |current| denotes the number of bytes sent so far and |total| is the total size of uploading data (or -1 if chunked upload is enabled). This method will only be called if the UR_FLAG_REPORT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS flag is set on the request. Notifies the client that the request has completed. Use the CefURLRequest::GetRequestStatus method to determine if the request was successful or not. Notifies the client that the request has completed. Use the CefURLRequest::GetRequestStatus method to determine if the request was successful or not. Interface that should be implemented by the CefURLRequest client. The methods of this class will be called on the same thread that created the request unless otherwise documented. Interface that should be implemented by the CefURLRequest client. The methods of this class will be called on the same thread that created the request unless otherwise documented. Cancel the request. Cancel the request. Returns true if the response body was served from the cache. This includes responses for which revalidation was required. Returns true if the response body was served from the cache. This includes responses for which revalidation was required. Returns the response, or NULL if no response information is available. Response information will only be available after the upload has completed. The returned object is read-only and should not be modified. Returns the response, or NULL if no response information is available. Response information will only be available after the upload has completed. The returned object is read-only and should not be modified. Returns the request error if status is UR_CANCELED or UR_FAILED, or 0 otherwise. Returns the request error if status is UR_CANCELED or UR_FAILED, or 0 otherwise. Returns the request status. Returns the request status. Returns the client. Returns the client. Returns the request object used to create this URL request. The returned object is read-only and should not be modified. Returns the request object used to create this URL request. The returned object is read-only and should not be modified. Create a new URL request that is not associated with a specific browser or frame. Use CefFrame::CreateURLRequest instead if you want the request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see documentation on that method). A request created with this method may only originate from the browser process, and will behave as follows: - It may be intercepted by the client via CefResourceRequestHandler or CefSchemeHandlerFactory. - POST data may only contain only a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES. - If |request_context| is empty the global request context will be used. The |request| object will be marked as read-only after calling this method. Create a new URL request that is not associated with a specific browser or frame. Use CefFrame::CreateURLRequest instead if you want the request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see documentation on that method). A request created with this method may only originate from the browser process, and will behave as follows: - It may be intercepted by the client via CefResourceRequestHandler or CefSchemeHandlerFactory. - POST data may only contain only a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES. - If |request_context| is empty the global request context will be used. The |request| object will be marked as read-only after calling this method. Class used to make a URL request. URL requests are not associated with a browser instance so no CefClient callbacks will be executed. URL requests can be created on any valid CEF thread in either the browser or render process. Once created the methods of the URL request object must be accessed on the same thread that created it. Class used to make a URL request. URL requests are not associated with a browser instance so no CefClient callbacks will be executed. URL requests can be created on any valid CEF thread in either the browser or render process. Once created the methods of the URL request object must be accessed on the same thread that created it. Load the request represented by the |request| object. Get the image hotspot (drag start location relative to image dimensions). Get the image representation of drag data. May return NULL if no image representation is available. Returns the image width in density independent pixel(DIP) units. Removes the representation for scaleFactor. true for success Returns true if this Image and that Image share the same underlying storage. image to compare returns true if share same underlying storage Returns true if this Image is empty. Returns true if this image contains a representation for scaleFactor. Returns the image height in density independent pixel(DIP) units. Returns information for the representation that most closely matches scaleFactor. scale factor actual scale factor pixel width pixel height return if information found for scale factor Returns the PNG representation that most closely matches scaleFactor. scale factor is the PNG transparent pixel width pixel height A stream represending the PNG or null. Returns the JPEG representation that most closely matches scaleFactor. scale factor image quality pixel width pixel height A stream representing the JPEG or null. Returns the bitmap representation that most closely matches scaleFactor. scale factor color type alpha type pixel width pixel height A stream represending the bitmap or null. Return the handler for functionality specific to the render process. This method is called on the render process main thread. Return the handler for functionality specific to the browser process. This method is called on multiple threads in the browser process. Return the handler for resource bundle events. If cef_settings_t.pack_loading_disabled is true a handler must be returned. If no handler is returned resources will be loaded from pack files. This method is called by the browser and render processes on multiple threads. Provides an opportunity to register custom schemes. Do not keep a reference to the |registrar| object. This method is called on the main thread for each process and the registered schemes should be the same across all processes. Provides an opportunity to view and/or modify command-line arguments before processing by CEF and Chromium. The |process_type| value will be empty for the browser process. Do not keep a reference to the CefCommandLine object passed to this method. The cef_settings_t.command_line_args_disabled value can be used to start with an empty command-line object. Any values specified in CefSettings that equate to command-line arguments will be set before this method is called. Be cautious when using this method to modify command-line arguments for non-browser processes as this may result in undefined behavior including crashes. Implement this interface to provide handler implementations. Methods will be called by the process and/or thread indicated. Call during process startup to enable High-DPI support on Windows 7 or newer. Older versions of Windows should be left DPI-unaware because they do not support DirectWrite and GDI fonts are kerned very badly. Set to true before calling Windows APIs like TrackPopupMenu that enter a modal message loop. Set to false after exiting the modal message loop. Quit the CEF message loop that was started by calling CefRunMessageLoop(). This function should only be called on the main application thread and only if CefRunMessageLoop() was used. Run the CEF message loop. Use this function instead of an application- provided message loop to get the best balance between performance and CPU usage. This function should only be called on the main application thread and only if CefInitialize() is called with a cef_settings_t.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false. This function will block until a quit message is received by the system. Perform a single iteration of CEF message loop processing. This function is provided for cases where the CEF message loop must be integrated into an existing application message loop. Use of this function is not recommended for most users; use either the CefRunMessageLoop() function or cef_settings_t.multi_threaded_message_loop if possible. When using this function care must be taken to balance performance against excessive CPU usage. It is recommended to enable the cef_settings_t.external_message_pump option when using this function so that CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnScheduleMessagePumpWork() callbacks can facilitate the scheduling process. This function should only be called on the main application thread and only if CefInitialize() is called with a cef_settings_t.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false. This function will not block. This function should be called on the main application thread to shut down the CEF browser process before the application exits. This function should be called on the main application thread to initialize the CEF browser process. The |application| parameter may be empty. A return value of true indicates that it succeeded and false indicates that it failed. The |windows_sandbox_info| parameter is only used on Windows and may be NULL (see cef_sandbox_win.h for details). This function should be called from the application entry point function to execute a secondary process. It can be used to run secondary processes from the browser client executable (default behavior) or from a separate executable specified by the cef_settings_t.browser_subprocess_path value. If called for the browser process (identified by no "type" command-line value) it will return immediately with a value of -1. If called for a recognized secondary process it will block until the process should exit and then return the process exit code. The |application| parameter may be empty. The |windows_sandbox_info| parameter is only used on Windows and may be NULL (see cef_sandbox_win.h for details). Return a new resource handler instance to handle the request or an empty reference to allow default handling of the request. |browser| and |frame| will be the browser window and frame respectively that originated the request or NULL if the request did not originate from a browser window (for example, if the request came from CefURLRequest). The |request| object passed to this method cannot be modified. Return a new resource handler instance to handle the request or an empty reference to allow default handling of the request. |browser| and |frame| will be the browser window and frame respectively that originated the request or NULL if the request did not originate from a browser window (for example, if the request came from CefURLRequest). The |request| object passed to this method cannot be modified. Class that creates CefResourceHandler instances for handling scheme requests. The methods of this class will always be called on the IO thread. Class that creates CefResourceHandler instances for handling scheme requests. The methods of this class will always be called on the IO thread. Register a custom scheme. This method should not be called for the built-in HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, FTP, ABOUT and DATA schemes. See cef_scheme_options_t for possible values for |options|. This function may be called on any thread. It should only be called once per unique |scheme_name| value. If |scheme_name| is already registered or if an error occurs this method will return false. Register a custom scheme. This method should not be called for the built-in HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, FTP, ABOUT and DATA schemes. See cef_scheme_options_t for possible values for |options|. This function may be called on any thread. It should only be called once per unique |scheme_name| value. If |scheme_name| is already registered or if an error occurs this method will return false. Class that manages custom scheme registrations. Class that manages custom scheme registrations. Clear all scheme handler factories registered with the global request context. Returns false on error. This function may be called on any thread in the browser process. Using this function is equivalent to calling CefRequestContext::GetGlobalContext()->ClearSchemeHandlerFactories(). Clear all scheme handler factories registered with the global request context. Returns false on error. This function may be called on any thread in the browser process. Using this function is equivalent to calling CefRequestContext::GetGlobalContext()->ClearSchemeHandlerFactories(). Register a scheme handler factory with the global request context. An empty |domain_name| value for a standard scheme will cause the factory to match all domain names. The |domain_name| value will be ignored for non-standard schemes. If |scheme_name| is a built-in scheme and no handler is returned by |factory| then the built-in scheme handler factory will be called. If |scheme_name| is a custom scheme then you must also implement the CefApp::OnRegisterCustomSchemes() method in all processes. This function may be called multiple times to change or remove the factory that matches the specified |scheme_name| and optional |domain_name|. Returns false if an error occurs. This function may be called on any thread in the browser process. Using this function is equivalent to calling CefRequestContext::GetGlobalContext()->RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(). Register a scheme handler factory with the global request context. An empty |domain_name| value for a standard scheme will cause the factory to match all domain names. The |domain_name| value will be ignored for non-standard schemes. If |scheme_name| is a built-in scheme and no handler is returned by |factory| then the built-in scheme handler factory will be called. If |scheme_name| is a custom scheme then you must also implement the CefApp::OnRegisterCustomSchemes() method in all processes. This function may be called multiple times to change or remove the factory that matches the specified |scheme_name| and optional |domain_name|. Returns false if an error occurs. This function may be called on any thread in the browser process. Using this function is equivalent to calling CefRequestContext::GetGlobalContext()->RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(). Called to retrieve data for the specified |resource_id| nearest the scale factor |scale_factor|. To provide the resource data set |data| and |data_size| to the data pointer and size respectively and return true. To use the default resource data return false. The resource data will not be copied and must remain resident in memory. Include cef_pack_resources.h for a listing of valid resource ID values. Called to retrieve data for the specified scale independent |resource_id|. To provide the resource data set |data| and |data_size| to the data pointer and size respectively and return true. To use the default resource data return false. The resource data will not be copied and must remain resident in memory. Include cef_pack_resources.h for a listing of valid resource ID values. Called to retrieve a localized translation for the specified |string_id|. To provide the translation set |string| to the translation string and return true. To use the default translation return false. Include cef_pack_strings.h for a listing of valid string ID values. Class used to implement a custom resource bundle interface. See CefSettings for additional options related to resource bundle loading. The methods of this class may be called on multiple threads. Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return true if the message was handled or false otherwise. It is safe to keep a reference to |message| outside of this callback. Called when a new node in the the browser gets focus. The |node| value may be empty if no specific node has gained focus. The node object passed to this method represents a snapshot of the DOM at the time this method is executed. DOM objects are only valid for the scope of this method. Do not keep references to or attempt to access any DOM objects outside the scope of this method. Called for global uncaught exceptions in a frame. Execution of this callback is disabled by default. To enable set cef_settings_t.uncaught_exception_stack_size > 0. Called immediately before the V8 context for a frame is released. No references to the context should be kept after this method is called. Called immediately after the V8 context for a frame has been created. To retrieve the JavaScript 'window' object use the CefV8Context::GetGlobal() method. V8 handles can only be accessed from the thread on which they are created. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated thread can be retrieved via the CefV8Context::GetTaskRunner() method. Return the handler for browser load status events. Called before a browser is destroyed. Called after a browser has been created. When browsing cross-origin a new browser will be created before the old browser with the same identifier is destroyed. |extra_info| is an optional read-only value originating from CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser(), CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowserSync(), CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforePopup() or CefBrowserView::CreateBrowserView(). Called after WebKit has been initialized. Class used to implement render process callbacks. The methods of this class will be called on the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) unless otherwise indicated. Return the default client for use with a newly created browser window. If null is returned the browser will be unmanaged (no callbacks will be executed for that browser) and application shutdown will be blocked until the browser window is closed manually. This method is currently only used with the chrome runtime. Called before a child process is launched. Will be called on the browser process UI thread when launching a render process and on the browser process IO thread when launching a GPU process. Provides an opportunity to modify the child process command line. Do not keep a reference to |command_line| outside of this method. Called on the browser process UI thread immediately after the CEF context has been initialized. Class used to implement browser process callbacks. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process main thread unless otherwise indicated. Insert a command before the current command. Common for debuggers, like "valgrind" or "gdb --args". Add an argument to the end of the command line. Get the remaining command line arguments. True if there are remaining command line arguments. Add a switch with the specified value to the end of the command line. Add a switch to the end of the command line. If the switch has no value pass an empty value string. Returns the map of switch names and values. If a switch has no value an empty string is returned. Returns the value associated with the given switch. If the switch has no value or isn't present this method returns the empty string. Returns true if the command line contains the given switch. Returns true if the command line has switches. Set the program part of the command line string (the first item). Get the program part of the command line string (the first item). Constructs and returns the represented command line string. Use this method cautiously because quoting behavior is unclear. Retrieve the original command line string as a vector of strings. The argv array: `{ program, [(--|-|/)switch[=value]]*, [--], [argument]* }` Reset the command-line switches and arguments but leave the program component unchanged. Initialize the command line with the string returned by calling GetCommandLineW(). This method is only supported on Windows. Initialize the command line with the specified |argc| and |argv| values. The first argument must be the name of the program. This method is only supported on non-Windows platforms. Returns a writable copy of this object. Returns true if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may expose read-only objects. Returns true if this object is valid. Do not call any other methods if this function returns false. Returns the singleton global CefCommandLine object. The returned object will be read-only. Create a new CefCommandLine instance. Class used to create and/or parse command line arguments. Arguments with "--", "-" and, on Windows, "/" prefixes are considered switches. Switches will always precede any arguments without switch prefixes. Switches can optionally have a value specified using the "=" delimiter (e.g. "-switch=value"). An argument of "--" will terminate switch parsing with all subsequent tokens, regardless of prefix, being interpreted as non-switch arguments. Switch names should be lowercase ASCII and will be converted to such if necessary. Switch values will retain the original case and UTF8 encoding. This class can be used before CefInitialize() is called. Gets the inner most instance current instance Load an extension. If extension resources will be read from disk using the default load implementation then rootDirectoy should be the absolute path to the extension resources directory and manifestJson should be null. If extension resources will be provided by the client (e.g. via IRequestHandler and/or IExtensionHandler) then rootDirectory should be a path component unique to the extension (if not absolute this will be internally prefixed with the PK_DIR_RESOURCES path) and manifestJson should contain the contents that would otherwise be read from the "manifest.json" file on disk. The loaded extension will be accessible in all contexts sharing the same storage (HasExtension returns true). However, only the context on which this method was called is considered the loader (DidLoadExtension returns true) and only the loader will receive IRequestContextHandler callbacks for the extension. will be called on load success or will be called on load failure. If the extension specifies a background script via the "background" manifest key then will be called to create the background browser. See that method for additional information about background scripts. For visible extension views the client application should evaluate the manifest to determine the correct extension URL to load and then pass that URL to the IBrowserHost.CreateBrowser* function after the extension has loaded. For example, the client can look for the "browser_action" manifest key as documented at https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/browserAction. Extension URLs take the form "chrome-extension:///". Browsers that host extensions differ from normal browsers as follows: - Can access chrome.* JavaScript APIs if allowed by the manifest. Visit chrome://extensions-support for the list of extension APIs currently supported by CEF. - Main frame navigation to non-extension content is blocked. - Pinch-zooming is disabled. - returns the hosted extension. - CefBrowserHost::IsBackgroundHost returns true for background hosts. See https://developer.chrome.com/extensions for extension implementation and usage documentation. If extension resources will be read from disk using the default load implementation then rootDirectoy should be the absolute path to the extension resources directory and manifestJson should be null If extension resources will be provided by the client then rootDirectory should be a path component unique to the extension and manifestJson should contain the contents that would otherwise be read from the manifest.json file on disk handle events related to browser extensions Returns true if this context has access to the extension identified by extensionId. This may not be the context that was used to load the extension (see DidLoadExtension). This method must be called on the CEF UI thread. extension id Returns true if this context has access to the extension identified by extensionId Use Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory to execute this method if required, and ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged are both executed on the CEF UI thread, so can be called directly. When CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop == false (the default is true) then the main application thread will be the CEF UI thread. Retrieve the list of all extensions that this context has access to (see HasExtension). will be populated with the list of extension ID values. This method must be called on the CEF UI thread. output a list of extensions Ids returns true on success otherwise false Use Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory to execute this method if required, and ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged are both executed on the CEF UI thread, so can be called directly. When CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop == false (the default is true) then the main application thread will be the CEF UI thread. Returns the extension matching extensionId or null if no matching extension is accessible in this context (see HasExtension). This method must be called on the CEF UI thread. extension Id Returns the extension matching extensionId or null if no matching extension is accessible in this context Use Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory to execute this method if required, and ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged are both executed on the CEF UI thread, so can be called directly. When CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop == false (the default is true) then the main application thread will be the CEF UI thread. Returns true if this context was used to load the extension identified by extensionId. Other contexts sharing the same storage will also have access to the extension (see HasExtension). This method must be called on the CEF UI thread. Returns true if this context was used to load the extension identified by extensionId Use Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory to execute this method if required, and ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged are both executed on the CEF UI thread, so can be called directly. When CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop == false (the default is true) then the main application thread will be the CEF UI thread. Attempts to resolve origin to a list of associated IP addresses. host name to resolve A task that represents the Resoolve Host operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains ResolveCallbackResult. Clears all active and idle connections that Chromium currently has. This is only recommended if you have released all other CEF objects but don't yet want to call Cef.Shutdown(). If is non-NULL it will be executed on the CEF UI thread after completion. This param is optional Clears all HTTP authentication credentials that were added as part of handling . If is non-NULL it will be executed on the CEF UI thread after completion. This param is optional Clears all certificate exceptions that were added as part of handling . If you call this it is recommended that you also call or you risk not being prompted again for server certificates if you reconnect quickly. If is non-NULL it will be executed on the CEF UI thread after completion. This param is optional Set the value associated with preference name. If value is null the preference will be restored to its default value. If setting the preference fails then error will be populated with a detailed description of the problem. This method must be called on the CEF UI thread. Preferences set via the command-line usually cannot be modified. preference key preference value out error Returns true if the value is set successfully and false otherwise. Use Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory to execute this method if required, and ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged are both executed on the CEF UI thread, so can be called directly. When CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop == false (the default is true) then the main application thread will be the CEF UI thread. Returns true if the preference with the specified name can be modified using SetPreference. As one example preferences set via the command-line usually cannot be modified. This method must be called on the CEF UI thread. preference key Returns true if the preference with the specified name can be modified using SetPreference Use Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory to execute this method if required, and ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged are both executed on the CEF UI thread, so can be called directly. When CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop == false (the default is true) then the main application thread will be the CEF UI thread. Returns all preferences as a dictionary. The returned object contains a copy of the underlying preference values and modifications to the returned object will not modify the underlying preference values. This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. If true then preferences currently at their default value will be included. Preferences (dictionary can have sub dictionaries) Returns the value for the preference with the specified name. Returns NULL if the preference does not exist. The returned object contains a copy of the underlying preference value and modifications to the returned object will not modify the underlying preference value. This method must be called on the CEF UI thread. preference name Returns the value for the preference with the specified name Use Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory to execute this method if required, and ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged are both executed on the CEF UI thread, so can be called directly. When CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop == false (the default is true) then the main application thread will be the CEF UI thread. Returns true if a preference with the specified name exists. This method must be called on the CEF UI thread. name of preference bool if the preference exists Use Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory to execute this method if required, and ChromiumWebBrowser.IsBrowserInitializedChanged are both executed on the CEF UI thread, so can be called directly. When CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop == false (the default is true) then the main application thread will be the CEF UI thread. Returns the cache path for this object. If empty an "incognito mode" in-memory cache is being used. Clear all registered scheme handler factories. Returns false on error. Register a scheme handler factory for the specified schemeName and optional domainName. An empty domainName value for a standard scheme will cause the factory to match all domain names. The domainName value will be ignored for non-standard schemes. If schemeName is a built-in scheme and no handler is returned by factory then the built-in scheme handler factory will be called. If schemeName is a custom scheme then you must also implement the IApp.OnRegisterCustomSchemes() method in all processes. This function may be called multiple times to change or remove the factory that matches the specified schemeName and optional domainName. Scheme Name Optional domain name Scheme handler factory Returns false if an error occurs. Returns true if this object is the global context. The global context is used by default when creating a browser or URL request with a NULL context argument. Returns the default cookie manager for this object. This will be the global cookie manager if this object is the global request context. If callback is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the CEF IO thread after the manager's storage has been initialized. Returns the default cookie manager for this object Returns true if this object is sharing the same storage as the specified context. context to compare Returns true if same storage Returns true if this object is pointing to the same context object. context to compare Returns true if the same Creates a new context object that shares storage with other and uses an optional handler. shares storage with this RequestContext optional requestContext handler Returns a new RequestContext Creates a new context object that shares storage with | other | and uses an optional | handler | . A request context provides request handling for a set of related browser objects. A request context is specified when creating a new browser object via the CefBrowserHost static factory methods. Browser objects with different request contexts will never be hosted in the same render process. Browser objects with the same request context may or may not be hosted in the same render process depending on the process model. Browser objects created indirectly via the JavaScript window.open function or targeted links will share the same render process and the same request context as the source browser. When running in single-process mode there is only a single render process (the main process) and so all browsers created in single-process mode will share the same request context. This will be the first request context passed into a CefBrowserHost static factory method and all other request context objects will be ignored. Called on the browser process IO thread before a resource request is initiated. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. |request| represents the request contents and cannot be modified in this callback. |is_navigation| will be true if the resource request is a navigation. |is_download| will be true if the resource request is a download. |request_initiator| is the origin (scheme + domain) of the page that initiated the request. Set |disable_default_handling| to true to disable default handling of the request, in which case it will need to be handled via CefResourceRequestHandler::GetResourceHandler or it will be canceled. To allow the resource load to proceed with default handling return NULL. To specify a handler for the resource return a CefResourceRequestHandler object. This method will not be called if the client associated with |browser| returns a non-NULL value from CefRequestHandler::GetResourceRequestHandler for the same request (identified by CefRequest::GetIdentifier). Called on the browser process UI thread immediately after the request context has been initialized. Implement this interface to provide handler implementations. The handler instance will not be released until all objects related to the context have been destroyed. If CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults is false the default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported. Specifying a CookieableSchemesList value and setting CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults to true will disable all loading and saving of cookies for this manager. This value will be ignored if matches the value. Comma delimited list of schemes supported by the associated ICookieManager. If CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults is false the default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported. Specifying a CookieableSchemesList value and setting CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults to true will disable all loading and saving of cookies for this manager. This value will be ignored if matches the value. Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. Can be set globally using the CefSettings.accept_language_list value or overridden on a per- browser basis using the BrowserSettings.AcceptLanguageList value. If all values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used. This value will be ignored if CachePath matches the CefSettings.CachePath value. The location where cache data for this request context will be stored on disk. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path that is either equal to or a child directory of CefSettings.RootCachePath. If the value is empty then browsers will be created in "incognito mode" where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a cache path is specified. To share the global browser cache and related configuration set this value to match the CefSettings.CachePath value. To persist user preferences as a JSON file in the cache path directory set this value to true. Can be set globally using the CefSettings.PersistUserPreferences value. This value will be ignored if CachePath is empty or if it matches the CefSettings.CachePath value. To persist session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity interval) by default when using the global cookie manager set this value to true. Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most Web browsers do not persist them. Can be set globally using the CefSettings.PersistSessionCookies value. This value will be ignored if CachePath is empty or if it matches the CefSettings.CachePath value. Initializes a new instance of the RequestContextSettings class. RequestContextSettings True if dispose should be called after this object is used Gets a value indicating if the browser settings has been disposed. The maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that CefRenderHandler::OnPaint will be called for a windowless browser. The actual fps may be lower if the browser cannot generate frames at the requested rate. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 60 (default 30). This value can also be changed dynamically via IBrowserHost.SetWindowlessFrameRate. Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. May be overridden on a per-browser basis using the CefBrowserSettings.AcceptLanguageList value. If both values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used. Can be overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the RequestContextSettings.AcceptLanguageList value. Background color used for the browser before a document is loaded and when no document color is specified. The alpha component must be either fully opaque (0xFF) or fully transparent (0x00). If the alpha component is fully opaque then the RGB components will be used as the background color. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a WinForms browser then the CefSettings.BackgroundColor value will be used. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a windowless (WPF/OffScreen) browser then transparent painting will be enabled. Controls whether WebGL can be used. Note that WebGL requires hardware support and may not work on all systems even when enabled. Also configurable using the "disable-webgl" command-line switch. Controls whether databases can be used. Also configurable using the "disable-databases" command-line switch. Controls whether local storage can be used. Also configurable using the "disable-local-storage" command-line switch. Controls whether the tab key can advance focus to links. Also configurable using the "disable-tab-to-links" command-line switch. Controls whether text areas can be resized. Also configurable using the "disable-text-area-resize" command-line switch. Controls whether standalone images will be shrunk to fit the page. Also configurable using the "image-shrink-standalone-to-fit" command-line switch. Controls whether image URLs will be loaded from the network. A cached image will still be rendered if requested. Also configurable using the "disable-image-loading" command-line switch. Controls whether DOM pasting is supported in the editor via execCommand("paste"). The |javascript_access_clipboard| setting must also be enabled. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-dom-paste" command-line switch. Controls whether JavaScript can access the clipboard. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-access-clipboard" command-line switch. Controls whether JavaScript can be used to close windows that were not opened via JavaScript. JavaScript can still be used to close windows that were opened via JavaScript. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-close-windows" command-line switch. Controls whether JavaScript can be executed. (Used to Enable/Disable javascript) Also configurable using the "disable-javascript" command-line switch. Controls the loading of fonts from remote sources. Also configurable using the "disable-remote-fonts" command-line switch. Default encoding for Web content. If empty "ISO-8859-1" will be used. Also configurable using the "default-encoding" command-line switch. MinimumLogicalFontSize MinimumFontSize DefaultFixedFontSize DefaultFontSize FantasyFontFamily CursiveFontFamily SansSerifFontFamily SerifFontFamily FixedFontFamily StandardFontFamily Destructor. Finalizer. Default Constructor Internal Constructor Browser initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended default values. The consequences of using custom values may not be well tested. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command- line switches. Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return true if the message was handled or false otherwise. It is safe to keep a reference to |message| outside of this callback. Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return true if the message was handled or false otherwise. It is safe to keep a reference to |message| outside of this callback. Return the handler for browser request events. Return the handler for browser request events. Return the handler for off-screen rendering events. Return the handler for off-screen rendering events. Return the handler for printing on Linux. If a print handler is not provided then printing will not be supported on the Linux platform. Return the handler for printing on Linux. If a print handler is not provided then printing will not be supported on the Linux platform. Return the handler for browser load status events. Return the handler for browser load status events. Return the handler for browser life span events. Return the handler for browser life span events. Return the handler for keyboard events. Return the handler for keyboard events. Return the handler for JavaScript dialogs. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Return the handler for JavaScript dialogs. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Return the handler for permission requests. Return the handler for permission requests. Return the handler for events related to CefFrame lifespan. This method will be called once during CefBrowser creation and the result will be cached for performance reasons. Return the handler for events related to CefFrame lifespan. This method will be called once during CefBrowser creation and the result will be cached for performance reasons. Return the handler for focus events. Return the handler for focus events. Return the handler for find result events. Return the handler for find result events. Return the handler for drag events. Return the handler for drag events. Return the handler for download events. If no handler is returned downloads will not be allowed. Return the handler for download events. If no handler is returned downloads will not be allowed. Return the handler for browser display state events. Return the handler for browser display state events. Return the handler for dialogs. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Return the handler for dialogs. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Return the handler for context menus. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Return the handler for context menus. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Return the handler for commands. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Return the handler for commands. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Return the handler for audio rendering events. Return the handler for audio rendering events. Implement this interface to provide handler implementations. Implement this interface to provide handler implementations. Called on the browser process UI thread when the window.document object of the main frame has been created. Called on the browser process UI thread when the render process terminates unexpectedly. |status| indicates how the process terminated. Called on the browser process UI thread when the render view associated with |browser| is ready to receive/handle IPC messages in the render process. Called on the UI thread when a client certificate is being requested for authentication. Return false to use the default behavior and automatically select the first certificate available. Return true and call CefSelectClientCertificateCallback::Select either in this method or at a later time to select a certificate. Do not call Select or call it with NULL to continue without using any certificate. |isProxy| indicates whether the host is an HTTPS proxy or the origin server. |host| and |port| contains the hostname and port of the SSL server. |certificates| is the list of certificates to choose from; this list has already been pruned by Chromium so that it only contains certificates from issuers that the server trusts. Called on the UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an invalid SSL certificate. Return true and call CefCallback methods either in this method or at a later time to continue or cancel the request. Return false to cancel the request immediately. If cef_settings_t.ignore_certificate_errors is set all invalid certificates will be accepted without calling this method. Called on the IO thread when JavaScript requests a specific storage quota size via the webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota function. |origin_url| is the origin of the page making the request. |new_size| is the requested quota size in bytes. Return true to continue the request and call CefCallback methods either in this method or at a later time to grant or deny the request. Return false to cancel the request immediately. Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user. |origin_url| is the origin making this authentication request. |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the hostname and |port| contains the port number. |realm| is the realm of the challenge and may be empty. |scheme| is the authentication scheme used, such as "basic" or "digest", and will be empty if the source of the request is an FTP server. Return true to continue the request and call CefAuthCallback::Continue() either in this method or at a later time when the authentication information is available. Return false to cancel the request immediately. Called on the browser process IO thread before a resource request is initiated. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request. |request| represents the request contents and cannot be modified in this callback. |is_navigation| will be true if the resource request is a navigation. |is_download| will be true if the resource request is a download. |request_initiator| is the origin (scheme + domain) of the page that initiated the request. Set |disable_default_handling| to true to disable default handling of the request, in which case it will need to be handled via CefResourceRequestHandler::GetResourceHandler or it will be canceled. To allow the resource load to proceed with default handling return NULL. To specify a handler for the resource return a CefResourceRequestHandler object. If this callback returns NULL the same method will be called on the associated CefRequestContextHandler, if any. Called on the UI thread before OnBeforeBrowse in certain limited cases where navigating a new or different browser might be desirable. This includes user-initiated navigation that might open in a special way (e.g. links clicked via middle-click or ctrl + left-click) and certain types of cross-origin navigation initiated from the renderer process (e.g. navigating the top-level frame to/from a file URL). The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the navigation. The |target_disposition| value indicates where the user intended to navigate the browser based on standard Chromium behaviors (e.g. current tab, new tab, etc). The |user_gesture| value will be true if the browser navigated via explicit user gesture (e.g. clicking a link) or false if it navigated automatically (e.g. via the DomContentLoaded event). Return true to cancel the navigation or false to allow the navigation to proceed in the source browser's top-level frame. Called on the UI thread before browser navigation. Return true to cancel the navigation or false to allow the navigation to proceed. The |request| object cannot be modified in this callback. CefLoadHandler::OnLoadingStateChange will be called twice in all cases. If the navigation is allowed CefLoadHandler::OnLoadStart and CefLoadHandler::OnLoadEnd will be called. If the navigation is canceled CefLoadHandler::OnLoadError will be called with an |errorCode| value of ERR_ABORTED. The |user_gesture| value will be true if the browser navigated via explicit user gesture (e.g. clicking a link) or false if it navigated automatically (e.g. via the DomContentLoaded event). Implement this interface to handle events related to browser requests. The methods of this class will be called on the thread indicated. Chooses the specified certificate for client certificate authentication. NULL value means that no client certificate should be used. Callback interface used to select a client certificate for authentication. Returns true if the certificate status represents an error. Returns the X.509 certificate. Returns a bitmask containing any and all problems verifying the server certificate. Class representing SSL information. Called on the IO thread after a resource response is received. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. |request| cannot be modified in this callback. Return true if the specified cookie returned with the response can be saved or false otherwise. Called on the IO thread before a resource request is sent. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. |request| cannot be modified in this callback. Return true if the specified cookie can be sent with the request or false otherwise. Implement this interface to filter cookies that may be sent or received from resource requests. The methods of this class will be called on the IO thread unless otherwise indicated. Called on the IO thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown protocol component. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. |request| cannot be modified in this callback. Set |allow_os_execution| to true to attempt execution via the registered OS protocol handler, if any. SECURITY WARNING: YOU SHOULD USE THIS METHOD TO ENFORCE RESTRICTIONS BASED ON SCHEME, HOST OR OTHER URL ANALYSIS BEFORE ALLOWING OS EXECUTION. Called on the IO thread when a resource load has completed. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. |request| and |response| represent the request and response respectively and cannot be modified in this callback. |status| indicates the load completion status. |received_content_length| is the number of response bytes actually read. This method will be called for all requests, including requests that are aborted due to CEF shutdown or destruction of the associated browser. In cases where the associated browser is destroyed this callback may arrive after the CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeClose callback for that browser. The CefFrame::IsValid method can be used to test for this situation, and care should be taken not to call |browser| or |frame| methods that modify state (like LoadURL, SendProcessMessage, etc.) if the frame is invalid. Called on the IO thread to optionally filter resource response content. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. |request| and |response| represent the request and response respectively and cannot be modified in this callback. Called on the IO thread when a resource response is received. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. To allow the resource load to proceed without modification return false. To redirect or retry the resource load optionally modify |request| and return true. Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect. Requests handled using the default network loader cannot be redirected in this callback. The |response| object cannot be modified in this callback. WARNING: Redirecting using this method is deprecated. Use OnBeforeResourceLoad or GetResourceHandler to perform redirects. Called on the IO thread when a resource load is redirected. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. The |request| parameter will contain the old URL and other request-related information. The |response| parameter will contain the response that resulted in the redirect. The |new_url| parameter will contain the new URL and can be changed if desired. The |request| and |response| objects cannot be modified in this callback. Called on the IO thread before a resource is loaded. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. To allow the resource to load using the default network loader return NULL. To specify a handler for the resource return a CefResourceHandler object. The |request| object cannot not be modified in this callback. Called on the IO thread before a resource request is loaded. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. To redirect or change the resource load optionally modify |request|. Modification of the request URL will be treated as a redirect. Return RV_CONTINUE to continue the request immediately. Return RV_CONTINUE_ASYNC and call CefCallback methods at a later time to continue or cancel the request asynchronously. Return RV_CANCEL to cancel the request immediately. Called on the IO thread before a resource request is loaded. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or CefURLRequest. To optionally filter cookies for the request return a CefCookieAccessFilter object. The |request| object cannot not be modified in this callback. Implement this interface to handle events related to browser requests. The methods of this class will be called on the IO thread unless otherwise indicated. Called to filter a chunk of data. Expected usage is as follows: 1. Read input data from |data_in| and set |data_in_read| to the number of bytes that were read up to a maximum of |data_in_size|. |data_in| will be NULL if |data_in_size| is zero. 2. Write filtered output data to |data_out| and set |data_out_written| to the number of bytes that were written up to a maximum of |data_out_size|. If no output data was written then all data must be read from |data_in| (user must set |data_in_read| = |data_in_size|). 3. Return RESPONSE_FILTER_DONE if all output data was written or RESPONSE_FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA if output data is still pending. This method will be called repeatedly until the input buffer has been fully read (user sets |data_in_read| = |data_in_size|) and there is no more input data to filter (the resource response is complete). This method may then be called an additional time with an empty input buffer if the user filled the output buffer (set |data_out_written| = |data_out_size|) and returned RESPONSE_FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA to indicate that output data is still pending. Calls to this method will stop when one of the following conditions is met: 1. There is no more input data to filter (the resource response is complete) and the user sets |data_out_written| = 0 or returns RESPONSE_FILTER_DONE to indicate that all data has been written, or; 2. The user returns RESPONSE_FILTER_ERROR to indicate an error. Do not keep a reference to the buffers passed to this method. Initialize the response filter. Will only be called a single time. The filter will not be installed if this method returns false. Implement this interface to filter resource response content. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process IO thread. Request processing has been canceled. Read response data. If data is available immediately copy up to |bytes_to_read| bytes into |data_out|, set |bytes_read| to the number of bytes copied, and return true. To read the data at a later time set |bytes_read| to 0, return true and call CefCallback::Continue() when the data is available. To indicate response completion return false. WARNING: This method is deprecated. Use Skip and Read instead. Retrieve response header information. If the response length is not known set |response_length| to -1 and ReadResponse() will be called until it returns false. If the response length is known set |response_length| to a positive value and ReadResponse() will be called until it returns false or the specified number of bytes have been read. Use the |response| object to set the mime type, http status code and other optional header values. To redirect the request to a new URL set |redirectUrl| to the new URL. |redirectUrl| can be either a relative or fully qualified URL. It is also possible to set |response| to a redirect http status code and pass the new URL via a Location header. Likewise with |redirectUrl| it is valid to set a relative or fully qualified URL as the Location header value. If an error occured while setting up the request you can call SetError() on |response| to indicate the error condition. Begin processing the request. To handle the request return true and call CefCallback::Continue() once the response header information is available (CefCallback::Continue() can also be called from inside this method if header information is available immediately). To cancel the request return false. WARNING: This method is deprecated. Use Open instead. Open the response stream. To handle the request immediately set |handle_request| to true and return true. To decide at a later time set |handle_request| to false, return true, and execute |callback| to continue or cancel the request. To cancel the request immediately set |handle_request| to true and return false. This method will be called in sequence but not from a dedicated thread. For backwards compatibility set |handle_request| to false and return false and the ProcessRequest method will be called. Class used to implement a custom request handler interface. The methods of this class will be called on the IO thread unless otherwise indicated. Callback for asynchronous continuation of CefResourceHandler::Read(). Callback for asynchronous continuation of CefResourceHandler::Skip(). Cancel the authentication request. Cancel the authentication request. Continue the authentication request. Continue the authentication request. Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of authentication requests. Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of authentication requests. Called when an on-screen keyboard should be shown or hidden for the specified |browser|. |input_mode| specifies what kind of keyboard should be opened. If |input_mode| is CEF_TEXT_INPUT_MODE_NONE, any existing keyboard for this browser should be hidden. Called when text selection has changed for the specified |browser|. |selected_text| is the currently selected text and |selected_range| is the character range. Called when the IME composition range has changed. |selected_range| is the range of characters that have been selected. |character_bounds| is the bounds of each character in view coordinates. Called when the scroll offset has changed. Called when the user starts dragging content in the web view. Contextual information about the dragged content is supplied by |drag_data|. (|x|, |y|) is the drag start location in screen coordinates. OS APIs that run a system message loop may be used within the StartDragging call. Return false to abort the drag operation. Don't call any of CefBrowserHost::DragSource*Ended* methods after returning false. Return true to handle the drag operation. Call CefBrowserHost::DragSourceEndedAt and DragSourceSystemDragEnded either synchronously or asynchronously to inform the web view that the drag operation has ended. Called when touch handle state is updated. The client is responsible for rendering the touch handles. Called to retrieve the size of the touch handle for the specified |orientation|. Called when an element has been rendered to the shared texture handle. |type| indicates whether the element is the view or the popup widget. |dirtyRects| contains the set of rectangles in pixel coordinates that need to be repainted. |shared_handle| is the handle for a D3D11 Texture2D that can be accessed via ID3D11Device using the OpenSharedResource method. This method is only called when CefWindowInfo::shared_texture_enabled is set to true, and is currently only supported on Windows. Called when an element should be painted. Pixel values passed to this method are scaled relative to view coordinates based on the value of CefScreenInfo.device_scale_factor returned from GetScreenInfo. |type| indicates whether the element is the view or the popup widget. |buffer| contains the pixel data for the whole image. |dirtyRects| contains the set of rectangles in pixel coordinates that need to be repainted. |buffer| will be |width|*|height|*4 bytes in size and represents a BGRA image with an upper-left origin. This method is only called when CefWindowInfo::shared_texture_enabled is set to false. Called when the browser wants to move or resize the popup widget. |rect| contains the new location and size in view coordinates. Called when the browser wants to show or hide the popup widget. The popup should be shown if |show| is true and hidden if |show| is false. Called to allow the client to fill in the CefScreenInfo object with appropriate values. Return true if the |screen_info| structure has been modified. If the screen info rectangle is left empty the rectangle from GetViewRect will be used. If the rectangle is still empty or invalid popups may not be drawn correctly. Called to retrieve the translation from view DIP coordinates to screen coordinates. Windows/Linux should provide screen device (pixel) coordinates and MacOS should provide screen DIP coordinates. Return true if the requested coordinates were provided. Called to retrieve the view rectangle in screen DIP coordinates. This method must always provide a non-empty rectangle. Called to retrieve the root window rectangle in screen DIP coordinates. Return true if the rectangle was provided. If this method returns false the rectangle from GetViewRect will be used. Return the handler for accessibility notifications. If no handler is provided the default implementation will be used. Implement this interface to handle events when window rendering is disabled. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Called after renderer process sends accessibility location changes to the browser process. Called after renderer process sends accessibility tree changes to the browser process. Implement this interface to receive accessibility notification when accessibility events have been registered. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Return the PDF paper size in device units. Used in combination with CefBrowserHost::PrintToPDF(). Reset client state related to printing. Send the print job to the printer. Execute |callback| once the job is completed. Return true if the job will proceed or false to cancel the job immediately. Show the print dialog. Execute |callback| once the dialog is dismissed. Return true if the dialog will be displayed or false to cancel the printing immediately. Synchronize |settings| with client state. If |get_defaults| is true then populate |settings| with the default print settings. Do not keep a reference to |settings| outside of this callback. Called when printing has started for the specified |browser|. This method will be called before the other OnPrint*() methods and irrespective of how printing was initiated (e.g. CefBrowserHost::Print(), JavaScript window.print() or PDF extension print button). Implement this interface to handle printing on Linux. Each browser will have only one print job in progress at a time. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Indicate completion of the print job. Callback interface for asynchronous continuation of print job requests. Cancel the printing. Continue printing with the specified |settings|. Callback interface for asynchronous continuation of print dialog requests. Get the duplex mode. Set the duplex mode. Get the number of copies. Set the number of copies. Get the color model. Set the color model. Returns true if pages will be collated. Set whether pages will be collated. Returns true if only the selection will be printed. Set whether only the selection will be printed. Retrieve the page ranges. Returns the number of page ranges that currently exist. Set the page ranges. Get the DPI (dots per inch). Set the DPI (dots per inch). Get the device name. Set the device name. Set the printer printable area in device units. Some platforms already provide flipped area. Set |landscape_needs_flip| to false on those platforms to avoid double flipping. Returns true if the orientation is landscape. Set the page orientation. Returns true if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may expose read-only objects. Returns true if this object is valid. Do not call any other methods if this function returns false. Create a new CefPrintSettings object. Class representing print settings. Called when a permission prompt handled via OnShowPermissionPrompt is dismissed. |prompt_id| will match the value that was passed to OnShowPermissionPrompt. |result| will be the value passed to CefPermissionPromptCallback::Continue or CEF_PERMISSION_RESULT_IGNORE if the dialog was dismissed for other reasons such as navigation, browser closure, etc. This method will not be called if OnShowPermissionPrompt returned false for |prompt_id|. Called when a page should show a permission prompt. |prompt_id| uniquely identifies the prompt. |requesting_origin| is the URL origin requesting permission. |requested_permissions| is a combination of values from cef_permission_request_types_t that represent the requested permissions. Return true and call CefPermissionPromptCallback::Continue either in this method or at a later time to continue or cancel the request. Return false to proceed with default handling. With the Chrome runtime, default handling will display the permission prompt UI. With the Alloy runtime, default handling is CEF_PERMISSION_RESULT_IGNORE. Called when a page requests permission to access media. |requesting_origin| is the URL origin requesting permission. |requested_permissions| is a combination of values from cef_media_access_permission_types_t that represent the requested permissions. Return true and call CefMediaAccessCallback methods either in this method or at a later time to continue or cancel the request. Return false to proceed with default handling. With the Chrome runtime, default handling will display the permission request UI. With the Alloy runtime, default handling will deny the request. This method will not be called if the "--enable-media-stream" command-line switch is used to grant all permissions. Implement this interface to handle events related to permission requests. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Complete the permissions request with the specified |result|. Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of permission prompts. Cancel the media access request. Call to allow or deny media access. If this callback was initiated in response to a getUserMedia (indicated by CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DEVICE_AUDIO_CAPTURE and/or CEF_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DEVICE_VIDEO_CAPTURE being set) then |allowed_permissions| must match |required_permissions| passed to OnRequestMediaAccessPermission. Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of media access permission requests. Called when a navigation fails or is canceled. This method may be called by itself if before commit or in combination with OnLoadStart/OnLoadEnd if after commit. |errorCode| is the error code number, |errorText| is the error text and |failedUrl| is the URL that failed to load. See net\base\net_error_list.h for complete descriptions of the error codes. Called when the browser is done loading a frame. The |frame| value will never be empty -- call the IsMain() method to check if this frame is the main frame. Multiple frames may be loading at the same time. Sub-frames may start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This method will not be called for same page navigations (fragments, history state, etc.) or for navigations that fail or are canceled before commit. For notification of overall browser load status use OnLoadingStateChange instead. Called after a navigation has been committed and before the browser begins loading contents in the frame. The |frame| value will never be empty -- call the IsMain() method to check if this frame is the main frame. |transition_type| provides information about the source of the navigation and an accurate value is only available in the browser process. Multiple frames may be loading at the same time. Sub-frames may start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This method will not be called for same page navigations (fragments, history state, etc.) or for navigations that fail or are canceled before commit. For notification of overall browser load status use OnLoadingStateChange instead. Called when the loading state has changed. This callback will be executed twice -- once when loading is initiated either programmatically or by user action, and once when loading is terminated due to completion, cancellation of failure. It will be called before any calls to OnLoadStart and after all calls to OnLoadError and/or OnLoadEnd. Implement this interface to handle events related to browser load status. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread or render process main thread (TID_RENDERER). Called just before a browser is destroyed. Release all references to the browser object and do not attempt to execute any methods on the browser object (other than IsValid, GetIdentifier or IsSame) after this callback returns. CefFrameHandler callbacks related to final main frame destruction will arrive after this callback and CefBrowser::IsValid will return false at that time. Any in-progress network requests associated with |browser| will be aborted when the browser is destroyed, and CefResourceRequestHandler callbacks related to those requests may still arrive on the IO thread after this callback. See CefFrameHandler and DoClose() documentation for additional usage information. Called when a browser has recieved a request to close. This may result directly from a call to CefBrowserHost::*CloseBrowser() or indirectly if the browser is parented to a top-level window created by CEF and the user attempts to close that window (by clicking the 'X', for example). The DoClose() method will be called after the JavaScript 'onunload' event has been fired. An application should handle top-level owner window close notifications by calling CefBrowserHost::TryCloseBrowser() or CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser(false) instead of allowing the window to close immediately (see the examples below). This gives CEF an opportunity to process the 'onbeforeunload' event and optionally cancel the close before DoClose() is called. When windowed rendering is enabled CEF will internally create a window or view to host the browser. In that case returning false from DoClose() will send the standard close notification to the browser's top-level owner window (e.g. WM_CLOSE on Windows, performClose: on OS X, "delete_event" on Linux or CefWindowDelegate::CanClose() callback from Views). If the browser's host window/view has already been destroyed (via view hierarchy tear-down, for example) then DoClose() will not be called for that browser since is no longer possible to cancel the close. When windowed rendering is disabled returning false from DoClose() will cause the browser object to be destroyed immediately. If the browser's top-level owner window requires a non-standard close notification then send that notification from DoClose() and return true. The CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeClose() method will be called after DoClose() (if DoClose() is called) and immediately before the browser object is destroyed. The application should only exit after OnBeforeClose() has been called for all existing browsers. The below examples describe what should happen during window close when the browser is parented to an application-provided top-level window. Example 1: Using CefBrowserHost::TryCloseBrowser(). This is recommended for clients using standard close handling and windows created on the browser process UI thread. 1. User clicks the window close button which sends a close notification to the application's top-level window. 2. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and calls TryCloseBrowser() (which internally calls CloseBrowser(false)). TryCloseBrowser() returns false so the client cancels the window close. 3. JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' handler executes and shows the close confirmation dialog (which can be overridden via CefJSDialogHandler::OnBeforeUnloadDialog()). 4. User approves the close. 5. JavaScript 'onunload' handler executes. 6. CEF sends a close notification to the application's top-level window (because DoClose() returned false by default). 7. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and calls TryCloseBrowser(). TryCloseBrowser() returns true so the client allows the window close. 8. Application's top-level window is destroyed. 9. Application's OnBeforeClose() handler is called and the browser object is destroyed. 10. Application exits by calling CefQuitMessageLoop() if no other browsers exist. Example 2: Using CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser(false) and implementing the DoClose() callback. This is recommended for clients using non-standard close handling or windows that were not created on the browser process UI thread. 1. User clicks the window close button which sends a close notification to the application's top-level window. 2. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and: A. Calls CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser(false). B. Cancels the window close. 3. JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' handler executes and shows the close confirmation dialog (which can be overridden via CefJSDialogHandler::OnBeforeUnloadDialog()). 4. User approves the close. 5. JavaScript 'onunload' handler executes. 6. Application's DoClose() handler is called. Application will: A. Set a flag to indicate that the next close attempt will be allowed. B. Return false. 7. CEF sends an close notification to the application's top-level window. 8. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and allows the window to close based on the flag from #6B. 9. Application's top-level window is destroyed. 10. Application's OnBeforeClose() handler is called and the browser object is destroyed. 11. Application exits by calling CefQuitMessageLoop() if no other browsers exist. Called after a new browser is created. It is now safe to begin performing actions with |browser|. CefFrameHandler callbacks related to initial main frame creation will arrive before this callback. See CefFrameHandler documentation for additional usage information. Called on the UI thread before a new popup browser is created. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the popup request. The |target_url| and |target_frame_name| values indicate where the popup browser should navigate and may be empty if not specified with the request. The |target_disposition| value indicates where the user intended to open the popup (e.g. current tab, new tab, etc). The |user_gesture| value will be true if the popup was opened via explicit user gesture (e.g. clicking a link) or false if the popup opened automatically (e.g. via the DomContentLoaded event). The |popupFeatures| structure contains additional information about the requested popup window. To allow creation of the popup browser optionally modify |windowInfo|, |client|, |settings| and |no_javascript_access| and return false. To cancel creation of the popup browser return true. The |client| and |settings| values will default to the source browser's values. If the |no_javascript_access| value is set to false the new browser will not be scriptable and may not be hosted in the same renderer process as the source browser. Any modifications to |windowInfo| will be ignored if the parent browser is wrapped in a CefBrowserView. Popup browser creation will be canceled if the parent browser is destroyed before the popup browser creation completes (indicated by a call to OnAfterCreated for the popup browser). The |extra_info| parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information specific to the created popup browser that will be passed to CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBrowserCreated() in the render process. Implement this interface to handle events related to browser life span. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread unless otherwise indicated. Called after the renderer and JavaScript in the page has had a chance to handle the event. |event| contains information about the keyboard event. |os_event| is the operating system event message, if any. Return true if the keyboard event was handled or false otherwise. Called before a keyboard event is sent to the renderer. |event| contains information about the keyboard event. |os_event| is the operating system event message, if any. Return true if the event was handled or false otherwise. If the event will be handled in OnKeyEvent() as a keyboard shortcut set |is_keyboard_shortcut| to true and return false. Implement this interface to handle events related to keyboard input. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Called when the dialog is closed. Called to cancel any pending dialogs and reset any saved dialog state. Will be called due to events like page navigation irregardless of whether any dialogs are currently pending. Called to run a dialog asking the user if they want to leave a page. Return false to use the default dialog implementation. Return true if the application will use a custom dialog or if the callback has been executed immediately. Custom dialogs may be either modal or modeless. If a custom dialog is used the application must execute |callback| once the custom dialog is dismissed. Called to run a JavaScript dialog. If |origin_url| is non-empty it can be passed to the CefFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay function to retrieve a secure and user-friendly display string. The |default_prompt_text| value will be specified for prompt dialogs only. Set |suppress_message| to true and return false to suppress the message (suppressing messages is preferable to immediately executing the callback as this is used to detect presumably malicious behavior like spamming alert messages in onbeforeunload). Set |suppress_message| to false and return false to use the default implementation (the default implementation will show one modal dialog at a time and suppress any additional dialog requests until the displayed dialog is dismissed). Return true if the application will use a custom dialog or if the callback has been executed immediately. Custom dialogs may be either modal or modeless. If a custom dialog is used the application must execute |callback| once the custom dialog is dismissed. Implement this interface to handle events related to JavaScript dialogs. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Continue the JS dialog request. Set |success| to true if the OK button was pressed. The |user_input| value should be specified for prompt dialogs. Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of JavaScript dialog requests. Called when the main frame changes due to (a) initial browser creation, (b) final browser destruction, (c) cross-origin navigation or (d) re-navigation after renderer process termination (due to crashes, etc). |old_frame| will be NULL and |new_frame| will be non-NULL when a main frame is assigned to |browser| for the first time. |old_frame| will be non-NULL and |new_frame| will be NULL and when a main frame is removed from |browser| for the last time. Both |old_frame| and |new_frame| will be non-NULL for cross-origin navigations or re-navigation after renderer process termination. This method will be called after OnFrameCreated() for |new_frame| and/or after OnFrameDetached() for |old_frame|. If called after CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeClose() during browser destruction then CefBrowser::IsValid() will return false for |browser|. Called when a frame loses its connection to the renderer process and will be destroyed. Any pending or future commands will be discarded and CefFrame::IsValid() will now return false for |frame|. If called after CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeClose() during browser destruction then CefBrowser::IsValid() will return false for |browser|. Called when a frame can begin routing commands to/from the associated renderer process. |reattached| will be true if the frame was re-attached after exiting the BackForwardCache. Any commands that were queued have now been dispatched. Called when a new frame is created. This will be the first notification that references |frame|. Any commands that require transport to the associated renderer process (LoadRequest, SendProcessMessage, GetSource, etc.) will be queued until OnFrameAttached is called for |frame|. Implement this interface to handle events related to CefFrame life span. The order of callbacks is: (1) During initial CefBrowserHost creation and navigation of the main frame: - CefFrameHandler::OnFrameCreated => The initial main frame object has been created. Any commands will be queued until the frame is attached. - CefFrameHandler::OnMainFrameChanged => The initial main frame object has been assigned to the browser. - CefLifeSpanHandler::OnAfterCreated => The browser is now valid and can be used. - CefFrameHandler::OnFrameAttached => The initial main frame object is now connected to its peer in the renderer process. Commands can be routed. (2) During further CefBrowserHost navigation/loading of the main frame and/or sub-frames: - CefFrameHandler::OnFrameCreated => A new main frame or sub-frame object has been created. Any commands will be queued until the frame is attached. - CefFrameHandler::OnFrameAttached => A new main frame or sub-frame object is now connected to its peer in the renderer process. Commands can be routed. - CefFrameHandler::OnFrameDetached => An existing main frame or sub-frame object has lost its connection to the renderer process. If multiple objects are detached at the same time then notifications will be sent for any sub-frame objects before the main frame object. Commands can no longer be routed and will be discarded. - CefFrameHandler::OnMainFrameChanged => A new main frame object has been assigned to the browser. This will only occur with cross-origin navigation or re-navigation after renderer process termination (due to crashes, etc). (3) During final CefBrowserHost destruction of the main frame: - CefFrameHandler::OnFrameDetached => Any sub-frame objects have lost their connection to the renderer process. Commands can no longer be routed and will be discarded. - CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeClose => The browser has been destroyed. - CefFrameHandler::OnFrameDetached => The main frame object have lost its connection to the renderer process. Notifications will be sent for any sub-frame objects before the main frame object. Commands can no longer be routed and will be discarded. - CefFrameHandler::OnMainFrameChanged => The final main frame object has been removed from the browser. Cross-origin navigation and/or loading receives special handling. When the main frame navigates to a different origin the OnMainFrameChanged callback (2) will be executed with the old and new main frame objects. When a new sub-frame is loaded in, or an existing sub-frame is navigated to, a different origin from the parent frame, a temporary sub-frame object will first be created in the parent's renderer process. That temporary sub-frame will then be discarded after the real cross-origin sub-frame is created in the new/target renderer process. The client will receive cross-origin navigation callbacks (2) for the transition from the temporary sub-frame to the real sub-frame. The temporary sub-frame will not recieve or execute commands during this transitional period (any sent commands will be discarded). When a new popup browser is created in a different origin from the parent browser, a temporary main frame object for the popup will first be created in the parent's renderer process. That temporary main frame will then be discarded after the real cross-origin main frame is created in the new/target renderer process. The client will recieve creation and initial navigation callbacks (1) for the temporary main frame, followed by cross-origin navigation callbacks (2) for the transition from the temporary main frame to the real main frame. The temporary main frame may receive and execute commands during this transitional period (any sent commands may be executed, but the behavior is potentially undesirable since they execute in the parent browser's renderer process and not the new/target renderer process). Callbacks will not be executed for placeholders that may be created during pre-commit navigation for sub-frames that do not yet exist in the renderer process. Placeholders will have CefFrame::GetIdentifier() == -4. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread unless otherwise indicated. Called when the browser component has received focus. Called when the browser component is requesting focus. |source| indicates where the focus request is originating from. Return false to allow the focus to be set or true to cancel setting the focus. Called when the browser component is about to loose focus. For instance, if focus was on the last HTML element and the user pressed the TAB key. |next| will be true if the browser is giving focus to the next component and false if the browser is giving focus to the previous component. Implement this interface to handle events related to focus. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Called to report find results returned by CefBrowserHost::Find(). |identifer| is a unique incremental identifier for the currently active search, |count| is the number of matches currently identified, |selectionRect| is the location of where the match was found (in window coordinates), |activeMatchOrdinal| is the current position in the search results, and |finalUpdate| is true if this is the last find notification. Implement this interface to handle events related to find results. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Called whenever draggable regions for the browser window change. These can be specified using the '-webkit-app-region: drag/no-drag' CSS-property. If draggable regions are never defined in a document this method will also never be called. If the last draggable region is removed from a document this method will be called with an empty vector. Called when an external drag event enters the browser window. |dragData| contains the drag event data and |mask| represents the type of drag operation. Return false for default drag handling behavior or true to cancel the drag event. Implement this interface to handle events related to dragging. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Called when a download's status or progress information has been updated. This may be called multiple times before and after OnBeforeDownload(). Execute |callback| either asynchronously or in this method to cancel the download if desired. Do not keep a reference to |download_item| outside of this method. Called when a download's status or progress information has been updated. This may be called multiple times before and after OnBeforeDownload(). Execute |callback| either asynchronously or in this method to cancel the download if desired. Do not keep a reference to |download_item| outside of this method. Called before a download begins. |suggested_name| is the suggested name for the download file. By default the download will be canceled. Execute |callback| either asynchronously or in this method to continue the download if desired. Do not keep a reference to |download_item| outside of this method. Called before a download begins. |suggested_name| is the suggested name for the download file. By default the download will be canceled. Execute |callback| either asynchronously or in this method to continue the download if desired. Do not keep a reference to |download_item| outside of this method. Called before a download begins in response to a user-initiated action (e.g. alt + link click or link click that returns a `Content-Disposition: attachment` response from the server). |url| is the target download URL and |request_method| is the target method (GET, POST, etc). Return true to proceed with the download or false to cancel the download. Called before a download begins in response to a user-initiated action (e.g. alt + link click or link click that returns a `Content-Disposition: attachment` response from the server). |url| is the target download URL and |request_method| is the target method (GET, POST, etc). Return true to proceed with the download or false to cancel the download. Class used to handle file downloads. The methods of this class will called on the browser process UI thread. Class used to handle file downloads. The methods of this class will called on the browser process UI thread. Call to resume the download. Call to resume the download. Call to pause the download. Call to pause the download. Call to cancel the download. Call to cancel the download. Callback interface used to asynchronously cancel a download. Callback interface used to asynchronously cancel a download. Call to continue the download. Set |download_path| to the full file path for the download including the file name or leave blank to use the suggested name and the default temp directory. Set |show_dialog| to true if you do wish to show the default "Save As" dialog. Call to continue the download. Set |download_path| to the full file path for the download including the file name or leave blank to use the suggested name and the default temp directory. Set |show_dialog| to true if you do wish to show the default "Save As" dialog. Callback interface used to asynchronously continue a download. Callback interface used to asynchronously continue a download. Called when the browser's access to an audio and/or video source has changed. Called when the browser's cursor has changed. If |type| is CT_CUSTOM then |custom_cursor_info| will be populated with the custom cursor information. Return true if the cursor change was handled or false for default handling. Called when the overall page loading progress has changed. |progress| ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Called when auto-resize is enabled via CefBrowserHost::SetAutoResizeEnabled and the contents have auto-resized. |new_size| will be the desired size in view coordinates. Return true if the resize was handled or false for default handling. Called to display a console message. Return true to stop the message from being output to the console. Called when the browser receives a status message. |value| contains the text that will be displayed in the status message. Called when the browser is about to display a tooltip. |text| contains the text that will be displayed in the tooltip. To handle the display of the tooltip yourself return true. Otherwise, you can optionally modify |text| and then return false to allow the browser to display the tooltip. When window rendering is disabled the application is responsible for drawing tooltips and the return value is ignored. Called when web content in the page has toggled fullscreen mode. If |fullscreen| is true the content will automatically be sized to fill the browser content area. If |fullscreen| is false the content will automatically return to its original size and position. The client is responsible for resizing the browser if desired. Called when the page icon changes. Called when the page title changes. Called when a frame's address has changed. Implement this interface to handle events related to browser display state. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Called to run a file chooser dialog. |mode| represents the type of dialog to display. |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be empty to show the default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode). |default_file_path| is the path with optional directory and/or file name component that should be initially selected in the dialog. |accept_filters| are used to restrict the selectable file types and may any combination of (a) valid lower-cased MIME types (e.g. "text/*" or "image/*"), (b) individual file extensions (e.g. ".txt" or ".png"), or (c) combined description and file extension delimited using "|" and ";" (e.g. "Image Types|.png;.gif;.jpg"). To display a custom dialog return true and execute |callback| either inline or at a later time. To display the default dialog return false. Implement this interface to handle dialog events. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Cancel the file selection. Continue the file selection. |file_paths| should be a single value or a list of values depending on the dialog mode. An empty |file_paths| value is treated the same as calling Cancel(). Callback interface for asynchronous continuation of file dialog requests. Returns true if the context menu contains items specified by the renderer process. Returns true if the context menu contains items specified by the renderer process. Returns flags representing the actions supported by the editable node, if any, that the context menu was invoked on. Returns flags representing the actions supported by the editable node, if any, that the context menu was invoked on. Returns true if the context menu was invoked on an editable node where spell-check is enabled. Returns true if the context menu was invoked on an editable node where spell-check is enabled. Returns true if the context menu was invoked on an editable node. Returns true if the context menu was invoked on an editable node. Returns true if suggestions exist, false otherwise. Fills in |suggestions| from the spell check service for the misspelled word if there is one. Returns true if suggestions exist, false otherwise. Fills in |suggestions| from the spell check service for the misspelled word if there is one. Returns the text of the misspelled word, if any, that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the text of the misspelled word, if any, that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the text of the selection, if any, that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the text of the selection, if any, that the context menu was invoked on. Returns flags representing the actions supported by the media element, if any, that the context menu was invoked on. Returns flags representing the actions supported by the media element, if any, that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the type of context node that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the type of context node that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the character encoding of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the character encoding of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the URL of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the URL of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the URL of the top level page that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the URL of the top level page that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the title text or the alt text if the context menu was invoked on an image. Returns the title text or the alt text if the context menu was invoked on an image. Returns true if the context menu was invoked on an image which has non-empty contents. Returns true if the context menu was invoked on an image which has non-empty contents. Returns the source URL, if any, for the element that the context menu was invoked on. Example of elements with source URLs are img, audio, and video. Returns the source URL, if any, for the element that the context menu was invoked on. Example of elements with source URLs are img, audio, and video. Returns the link URL, if any, to be used ONLY for "copy link address". We don't validate this field in the frontend process. Returns the link URL, if any, to be used ONLY for "copy link address". We don't validate this field in the frontend process. Returns the URL of the link, if any, that encloses the node that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the URL of the link, if any, that encloses the node that the context menu was invoked on. Returns flags representing the type of node that the context menu was invoked on. Returns flags representing the type of node that the context menu was invoked on. Returns the Y coordinate of the mouse where the context menu was invoked. Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin. Returns the Y coordinate of the mouse where the context menu was invoked. Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin. Returns the X coordinate of the mouse where the context menu was invoked. Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin. Returns the X coordinate of the mouse where the context menu was invoked. Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin. Provides information about the context menu state. The methods of this class can only be accessed on browser process the UI thread. Provides information about the context menu state. The methods of this class can only be accessed on browser process the UI thread. Called when the quick menu for a windowless browser is dismissed irregardless of whether the menu was canceled or a command was selected. Called when the quick menu for a windowless browser is dismissed irregardless of whether the menu was canceled or a command was selected. Called to execute a command selected from the quick menu for a windowless browser. Return true if the command was handled or false for the default implementation. See cef_menu_id_t for command IDs that have default implementations. Called to execute a command selected from the quick menu for a windowless browser. Return true if the command was handled or false for the default implementation. See cef_menu_id_t for command IDs that have default implementations. Called to allow custom display of the quick menu for a windowless browser. |location| is the top left corner of the selected region. |size| is the size of the selected region. |edit_state_flags| is a combination of flags that represent the state of the quick menu. Return true if the menu will be handled and execute |callback| either synchronously or asynchronously with the selected command ID. Return false to cancel the menu. Called to allow custom display of the quick menu for a windowless browser. |location| is the top left corner of the selected region. |size| is the size of the selected region. |edit_state_flags| is a combination of flags that represent the state of the quick menu. Return true if the menu will be handled and execute |callback| either synchronously or asynchronously with the selected command ID. Return false to cancel the menu. Called when the context menu is dismissed irregardless of whether the menu was canceled or a command was selected. Called when the context menu is dismissed irregardless of whether the menu was canceled or a command was selected. Called to execute a command selected from the context menu. Return true if the command was handled or false for the default implementation. See cef_menu_id_t for the command ids that have default implementations. All user-defined command ids should be between MENU_ID_USER_FIRST and MENU_ID_USER_LAST. |params| will have the same values as what was passed to OnBeforeContextMenu(). Do not keep a reference to |params| outside of this callback. Called to execute a command selected from the context menu. Return true if the command was handled or false for the default implementation. See cef_menu_id_t for the command ids that have default implementations. All user-defined command ids should be between MENU_ID_USER_FIRST and MENU_ID_USER_LAST. |params| will have the same values as what was passed to OnBeforeContextMenu(). Do not keep a reference to |params| outside of this callback. Called to allow custom display of the context menu. |params| provides information about the context menu state. |model| contains the context menu model resulting from OnBeforeContextMenu. For custom display return true and execute |callback| either synchronously or asynchronously with the selected command ID. For default display return false. Do not keep references to |params| or |model| outside of this callback. Called to allow custom display of the context menu. |params| provides information about the context menu state. |model| contains the context menu model resulting from OnBeforeContextMenu. For custom display return true and execute |callback| either synchronously or asynchronously with the selected command ID. For default display return false. Do not keep references to |params| or |model| outside of this callback. Called before a context menu is displayed. |params| provides information about the context menu state. |model| initially contains the default context menu. The |model| can be cleared to show no context menu or modified to show a custom menu. Do not keep references to |params| or |model| outside of this callback. Called before a context menu is displayed. |params| provides information about the context menu state. |model| initially contains the default context menu. The |model| can be cleared to show no context menu or modified to show a custom menu. Do not keep references to |params| or |model| outside of this callback. Implement this interface to handle context menu events. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Implement this interface to handle context menu events. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Cancel quick menu display. Cancel quick menu display. Complete quick menu display by selecting the specified |command_id| and |event_flags|. Complete quick menu display by selecting the specified |command_id| and |event_flags|. Callback interface used for continuation of custom quick menu display. Callback interface used for continuation of custom quick menu display. Cancel context menu display. Cancel context menu display. Complete context menu display by selecting the specified |command_id| and |event_flags|. Complete context menu display by selecting the specified |command_id| and |event_flags|. Callback interface used for continuation of custom context menu display. Callback interface used for continuation of custom context menu display. Returns in |color| the color that was explicitly set for |command_id| and |color_type|. Specify an |index| value of -1 to return the default color in |color|. If a color was not set then 0 will be returned in |color|. Returns true on success. Returns in |color| the color that was explicitly set for |command_id| and |color_type|. If a color was not set then 0 will be returned in |color|. Returns true on success. Set the explicit color for |command_id| and |index| to |color|. Specify a |color| value of 0 to remove the explicit color. Specify an |index| value of -1 to set the default color for items that do not have an explicit color set. If no explicit color or default color is set for |color_type| then the system color will be used. Returns true on success. Set the explicit color for |command_id| and |color_type| to |color|. Specify a |color| value of 0 to remove the explicit color. If no explicit color or default color is set for |color_type| then the system color will be used. Returns true on success. Retrieves the keyboard accelerator for the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Retrieves the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. Returns true on success. Remove the keyboard accelerator at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Remove the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. Returns true on success. Set the keyboard accelerator at the specified |index|. |key_code| can be any virtual key or character value. Returns true on success. Set the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. |key_code| can be any virtual key or character value. Returns true on success. Returns true if the specified |index| has a keyboard accelerator assigned. Returns true if the specified |command_id| has a keyboard accelerator assigned. Check the specified |index|. Only applies to check and radio items. Returns true on success. Check the specified |command_id|. Only applies to check and radio items. Returns true on success. Returns true if the specified |index| is checked. Only applies to check and radio items. Returns true if the specified |command_id| is checked. Only applies to check and radio items. Change the enabled status at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Change the enabled status of the specified |command_id|. Returns true on success. Returns true if the specified |index| is enabled. Returns true if the specified |command_id| is enabled. Change the visibility at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Change the visibility of the specified |command_id|. Returns true on success. Returns true if the specified |index| is visible. Returns true if the specified |command_id| is visible. Returns the submenu at the specified |index| or empty if invalid. Returns the submenu for the specified |command_id| or empty if invalid. Sets the group id at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Sets the group id for the specified |command_id|. Returns true on success. Returns the group id at the specified |index| or -1 if invalid. Returns the group id for the specified |command_id| or -1 if invalid. Returns the item type at the specified |index|. Returns the item type for the specified |command_id|. Set the label at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Sets the label for the specified |command_id|. Returns true on success. Returns the label at the specified |index| or empty if not found due to invalid range or the index being a separator. Returns the label for the specified |command_id| or empty if not found. Sets the command id at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Returns the command id at the specified |index| or -1 if not found due to invalid range or the index being a separator. Returns the index associated with the specified |command_id| or -1 if not found due to the command id not existing in the menu. Removes the item at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Removes the item with the specified |command_id|. Returns true on success. Insert a sub-menu in the menu at the specified |index|. The new sub-menu is returned. Insert a radio item in the menu at the specified |index|. Only a single item with the specified |group_id| can be checked at a time. Returns true on success. Insert a check item in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Insert an item in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Insert a separator in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true on success. Add a sub-menu to the menu. The new sub-menu is returned. Add a radio item to the menu. Only a single item with the specified |group_id| can be checked at a time. Returns true on success. Add a check item to the menu. Returns true on success. Add an item to the menu. Returns true on success. Add a separator to the menu. Returns true on success. Returns the number of items in this menu. Clears the menu. Returns true on success. Returns true if this menu is a submenu. Create a new MenuModel with the specified |delegate|. Supports creation and modification of menus. See cef_menu_id_t for the command ids that have default implementations. All user-defined command ids should be between MENU_ID_USER_FIRST and MENU_ID_USER_LAST. The methods of this class can only be accessed on the browser process the UI thread. Optionally modify a menu item label. Return true if |label| was modified. The menu has closed. The menu is about to show. Called on unhandled close submenu keyboard commands. |is_rtl| will be true if the menu is displaying a right-to-left language. Called on unhandled open submenu keyboard commands. |is_rtl| will be true if the menu is displaying a right-to-left language. Called when the user moves the mouse outside the menu and over the owning window. Perform the action associated with the specified |command_id| and optional |event_flags|. Implement this interface to handle menu model events. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread unless otherwise indicated. Called to execute a Chrome command triggered via menu selection or keyboard shortcut. Values for |command_id| can be found in the cef_command_ids.h file. |disposition| provides information about the intended command target. Return true if the command was handled or false for the default implementation. For context menu commands this will be called after CefContextMenuHandler::OnContextMenuCommand. Only used with the Chrome runtime. Implement this interface to handle events related to commands. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. Called on the UI or audio stream thread when an error occurred. During the stream creation phase this callback will be called on the UI thread while in the capturing phase it will be called on the audio stream thread. The stream will be stopped immediately. Called on the UI thread when the stream has stopped. OnAudioSteamStopped will always be called after OnAudioStreamStarted; both methods may be called multiple times for the same stream. Called on the audio stream thread when a PCM packet is received for the stream. |data| is an array representing the raw PCM data as a floating point type, i.e. 4-byte value(s). |frames| is the number of frames in the PCM packet. |pts| is the presentation timestamp (in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch) and represents the time at which the decompressed packet should be presented to the user. Based on |frames| and the |channel_layout| value passed to OnAudioStreamStarted you can calculate the size of the |data| array in bytes. Called on a browser audio capture thread when the browser starts streaming audio. OnAudioStreamStopped will always be called after OnAudioStreamStarted; both methods may be called multiple times for the same browser. |params| contains the audio parameters like sample rate and channel layout. |channels| is the number of channels. Called on the UI thread to allow configuration of audio stream parameters. Return true to proceed with audio stream capture, or false to cancel it. All members of |params| can optionally be configured here, but they are also pre-filled with some sensible defaults. Implement this interface to handle audio events. Creates a detailed expection string from a provided Cef V8 exception. The exception which will be used as base for the message Assigns the provided cef_string_t object from the given .NET string. The cef_string_t that should be updated. The .NET string whose value should be used to update cefStr. Converts a .NET List of strings to native (unmanaged) format. The List of strings that should be converted. An unmanaged representation of the provided List of strings, or an empty List if the input is a nullptr. Converts a .NET string to native (unmanaged) format. Note that this method does not allocate a new copy of the The string that should be converted. An unmanaged representation of the provided string, or an empty string if the input string is a nullptr. Converts an unmanaged vector of strings to a (managed) .NET List of strings. The vector of strings that should be converted. A .NET List of strings. Converts an unmanaged string to a (managed) .NET string. The string that should be converted. A .NET string. Converts an unmanaged string to a (managed) .NET string. The string that should be converted. A .NET string. Returns true if the function was called as a constructor via "new". Returns true if the function was compiled using eval(). Returns the 1-based column offset on the line for the function call or 0 if unknown. Returns the 1-based line number for the function call or 0 if unknown. Returns the name of the function. Returns the name of the resource script that contains the function or the sourceURL value if the script name is undefined and its source ends with a "//@ sourceURL=..." string. Returns the name of the resource script that contains the function. Returns true if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed on the current thread. Do not call any other methods if this method returns false. Class representing a V8 stack frame handle. V8 handles can only be accessed from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for creating a V8 handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) and WebWorker threads. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated thread can be retrieved via the CefV8Context::GetTaskRunner() method. Returns the stack frame at the specified 0-based index. Returns the number of stack frames. Returns true if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed on the current thread. Do not call any other methods if this method returns false. Returns the stack trace for the currently active context. |frame_limit| is the maximum number of frames that will be captured. Class representing a V8 stack trace handle. V8 handles can only be accessed from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for creating a V8 handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) and WebWorker threads. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated thread can be retrieved via the CefV8Context::GetTaskRunner() method. Execute the function using the specified V8 context. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the function. If |object| is empty the specified context's global object will be used. |arguments| is the list of arguments that will be passed to the function. Returns the function return value on success. Returns NULL if this method is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. Execute the function using the current V8 context. This method should only be called from within the scope of a CefV8Handler or CefV8Accessor callback, or in combination with calling Enter() and Exit() on a stored CefV8Context reference. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the function. If |object| is empty the current context's global object will be used. |arguments| is the list of arguments that will be passed to the function. Returns the function return value on success. Returns NULL if this method is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. Returns the function handler or NULL if not a CEF-created function. Returns the function name. Prevent the ArrayBuffer from using it's memory block by setting the length to zero. This operation cannot be undone. If the ArrayBuffer was created with CreateArrayBuffer then CefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback::ReleaseBuffer will be called to release the underlying buffer. Returns the ReleaseCallback object associated with the ArrayBuffer or NULL if the ArrayBuffer was not created with CreateArrayBuffer. Returns the number of elements in the array. Adjusts the amount of registered external memory for the object. Used to give V8 an indication of the amount of externally allocated memory that is kept alive by JavaScript objects. V8 uses this information to decide when to perform global garbage collection. Each CefV8Value tracks the amount of external memory associated with it and automatically decreases the global total by the appropriate amount on its destruction. |change_in_bytes| specifies the number of bytes to adjust by. This method returns the number of bytes associated with the object after the adjustment. This method can only be called on user created objects. Returns the amount of externally allocated memory registered for the object. Returns the user data, if any, assigned to this object. Sets the user data for this object and returns true on success. Returns false if this method is called incorrectly. This method can only be called on user created objects. Read the keys for the object's values into the specified vector. Integer- based keys will also be returned as strings. Registers an identifier and returns true on success. Access to the identifier will be forwarded to the CefV8Accessor instance passed to CefV8Value::CreateObject(). Returns false if this method is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. For read-only values this method will return true even though assignment failed. Associates a value with the specified identifier and returns true on success. Returns false if this method is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. For read-only values this method will return true even though assignment failed. Associates a value with the specified identifier and returns true on success. Returns false if this method is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. For read-only values this method will return true even though assignment failed. Returns the value with the specified identifier on success. Returns NULL if this method is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. Returns the value with the specified identifier on success. Returns NULL if this method is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. Deletes the value with the specified identifier and returns true on success. Returns false if this method is called incorrectly, deletion fails or an exception is thrown. For read-only and don't-delete values this method will return true even though deletion failed. Deletes the value with the specified identifier and returns true on success. Returns false if this method is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. For read-only and don't-delete values this method will return true even though deletion failed. Returns true if the object has a value with the specified identifier. Returns true if the object has a value with the specified identifier. Set whether this object will re-throw future exceptions. By default exceptions are not re-thrown. If a exception is re-thrown the current context should not be accessed again until after the exception has been caught and not re-thrown. Returns true on success. This attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object. Returns true if this object will re-throw future exceptions. This attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object. Clears the last exception and returns true on success. Returns the exception resulting from the last method call. This attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object. Returns true if the last method call resulted in an exception. This attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object. OBJECT METHODS - These methods are only available on objects. Arrays and functions are also objects. String- and integer-based keys can be used interchangably with the framework converting between them as necessary. Returns true if this is a user created object. Return a string value. Return a Date value. Return a double value. Return an unsigned int value. Return an int value. Return a bool value. Returns true if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that| object. True if the value type is function. True if the value type is an ArrayBuffer. True if the value type is array. True if the value type is object. True if the value type is string. True if the value type is Date. True if the value type is double. True if the value type is unsigned int. True if the value type is int. True if the value type is bool. True if the value type is null. True if the value type is undefined. Returns true if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed on the current thread. Do not call any other methods if this method returns false. Create a new CefV8Value object of type function. This method should only be called from within the scope of a CefRenderProcessHandler, CefV8Handler or CefV8Accessor callback, or in combination with calling Enter() and Exit() on a stored CefV8Context reference. Create a new CefV8Value object of type ArrayBuffer which wraps the provided |buffer| of size |length| bytes. The ArrayBuffer is externalized, meaning that it does not own |buffer|. The caller is responsible for freeing |buffer| when requested via a call to CefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback::ReleaseBuffer. This method should only be called from within the scope of a CefRenderProcessHandler, CefV8Handler or CefV8Accessor callback, or in combination with calling Enter() and Exit() on a stored CefV8Context reference. Create a new CefV8Value object of type array with the specified |length|. If |length| is negative the returned array will have length 0. This method should only be called from within the scope of a CefRenderProcessHandler, CefV8Handler or CefV8Accessor callback, or in combination with calling Enter() and Exit() on a stored CefV8Context reference. Create a new CefV8Value object of type object with optional accessor and/or interceptor. This method should only be called from within the scope of a CefRenderProcessHandler, CefV8Handler or CefV8Accessor callback, or in combination with calling Enter() and Exit() on a stored CefV8Context reference. Create a new CefV8Value object of type string. Create a new CefV8Value object of type Date. This method should only be called from within the scope of a CefRenderProcessHandler, CefV8Handler or CefV8Accessor callback, or in combination with calling Enter() and Exit() on a stored CefV8Context reference. Create a new CefV8Value object of type double. Create a new CefV8Value object of type unsigned int. Create a new CefV8Value object of type int. Create a new CefV8Value object of type bool. Create a new CefV8Value object of type null. Create a new CefV8Value object of type undefined. Class representing a V8 value handle. V8 handles can only be accessed from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for creating a V8 handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) and WebWorker threads. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated thread can be retrieved via the CefV8Context::GetTaskRunner() method. Called to release |buffer| when the ArrayBuffer JS object is garbage collected. |buffer| is the value that was passed to CreateArrayBuffer along with this object. Callback interface that is passed to CefV8Value::CreateArrayBuffer. Returns the index within the line of the last character where the error occurred. Returns the index within the line of the first character where the error occurred. Returns the index within the script of the last character where the error occurred. Returns the index within the script of the first character where the error occurred. Returns the 1-based number of the line where the error occurred or 0 if the line number is unknown. Returns the resource name for the script from where the function causing the error originates. Returns the line of source code that the exception occurred within. Returns the exception message. Class representing a V8 exception. The methods of this class may be called on any render process thread. Handle assignment of the interceptor value identified by |index|. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the interceptor. |value| is the new value being assigned to the interceptor. If assignment fails, set |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. Return true if interceptor assignment was handled, false otherwise. Handle assignment of the interceptor value identified by |name|. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the interceptor. |value| is the new value being assigned to the interceptor. If assignment fails, set |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. This setter will always be called, even when the property has an associated accessor. Return true if interceptor assignment was handled, false otherwise. Handle retrieval of the interceptor value identified by |index|. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the interceptor. If retrieval succeeds, set |retval| to the return value. If the requested value does not exist, don't set either |retval| or |exception|. If retrieval fails, set |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. Return true if interceptor retrieval was handled, false otherwise. Handle retrieval of the interceptor value identified by |name|. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the interceptor. If retrieval succeeds, set |retval| to the return value. If the requested value does not exist, don't set either |retval| or |exception|. If retrieval fails, set |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. If the property has an associated accessor, it will be called only if you don't set |retval|. Return true if interceptor retrieval was handled, false otherwise. Interface that should be implemented to handle V8 interceptor calls. The methods of this class will be called on the thread associated with the V8 interceptor. Interceptor's named property handlers (with first argument of type CefString) are called when object is indexed by string. Indexed property handlers (with first argument of type int) are called when object is indexed by integer. Handle assignment of the accessor value identified by |name|. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the accessor. |value| is the new value being assigned to the accessor. If assignment fails set |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. Return true if accessor assignment was handled. Handle retrieval the accessor value identified by |name|. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the accessor. If retrieval succeeds set |retval| to the return value. If retrieval fails set |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. Return true if accessor retrieval was handled. Interface that should be implemented to handle V8 accessor calls. Accessor identifiers are registered by calling CefV8Value::SetValue(). The methods of this class will be called on the thread associated with the V8 accessor. Handle execution of the function identified by |name|. |object| is the receiver ('this' object) of the function. |arguments| is the list of arguments passed to the function. If execution succeeds set |retval| to the function return value. If execution fails set |exception| to the exception that will be thrown. Return true if execution was handled. Interface that should be implemented to handle V8 function calls. The methods of this class will be called on the thread associated with the V8 function. Execute a string of JavaScript code in this V8 context. The |script_url| parameter is the URL where the script in question can be found, if any. The |start_line| parameter is the base line number to use for error reporting. On success |retval| will be set to the return value, if any, and the function will return true. On failure |exception| will be set to the exception, if any, and the function will return false. Returns true if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that| object. Exit this context. Call this method only after calling Enter(). Returns true if the scope was exited successfully. Enter this context. A context must be explicitly entered before creating a V8 Object, Array, Function or Date asynchronously. Exit() must be called the same number of times as Enter() before releasing this context. V8 objects belong to the context in which they are created. Returns true if the scope was entered successfully. Returns the global object for this context. The context must be entered before calling this method. Returns the frame for this context. This method will return an empty reference for WebWorker contexts. Returns the browser for this context. This method will return an empty reference for WebWorker contexts. Returns true if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed on the current thread. Do not call any other methods if this method returns false. Returns the task runner associated with this context. V8 handles can only be accessed from the thread on which they are created. This method can be called on any render process thread. Returns true if V8 is currently inside a context. Returns the entered (bottom) context object in the V8 context stack. Returns the current (top) context object in the V8 context stack. Class representing a V8 context handle. V8 handles can only be accessed from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for creating a V8 handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) and WebWorker threads. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated thread can be retrieved via the CefV8Context::GetTaskRunner() method. Register a new V8 extension with the specified JavaScript extension code and handler. Functions implemented by the handler are prototyped using the keyword 'native'. The calling of a native function is restricted to the scope in which the prototype of the native function is defined. This function may only be called on the render process main thread. Example JavaScript extension code:
  // create the 'example' global object if it doesn't already exist.
  if (!example)
    example = {};
  // create the 'example.test' global object if it doesn't already exist.
  if (!example.test)
    example.test = {};
  (function() {
    // Define the function 'example.test.myfunction'.
    example.test.myfunction = function() {
      // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'MyFunction'
      // and no arguments.
      native function MyFunction();
      return MyFunction();
    // Define the getter function for parameter 'example.test.myparam'.
    example.test.__defineGetter__('myparam', function() {
      // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'GetMyParam'
      // and no arguments.
      native function GetMyParam();
      return GetMyParam();
    // Define the setter function for parameter 'example.test.myparam'.
    example.test.__defineSetter__('myparam', function(b) {
      // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'SetMyParam'
      // and a single argument.
      native function SetMyParam();
      if(b) SetMyParam(b);

    // Extension definitions can also contain normal JavaScript variables
    // and functions.
    var myint = 0;
    example.test.increment = function() {
      myint += 1;
      return myint;
Example usage in the page:
  // Call the function.
  // Set the parameter.
  example.test.myparam = value;
  // Get the parameter.
  value = example.test.myparam;
  // Call another function.
Post a task for delayed execution on the specified thread. Equivalent to using CefTaskRunner::GetForThread(threadId)->PostDelayedTask(task, delay_ms). Post a task for execution on the specified thread. Equivalent to using CefTaskRunner::GetForThread(threadId)->PostTask(task). Returns true if called on the specified thread. Equivalent to using CefTaskRunner::GetForThread(threadId)->BelongsToCurrentThread(). Post a task for delayed execution on the thread associated with this task runner. Execution will occur asynchronously. Delayed tasks are not supported on V8 WebWorker threads and will be executed without the specified delay. Post a task for execution on the thread associated with this task runner. Execution will occur asynchronously. Returns true if this task runner is for the specified CEF thread. Returns true if this task runner belongs to the current thread. Returns true if this object is pointing to the same task runner as |that| object. Returns the task runner for the specified CEF thread. Returns the task runner for the current thread. Only CEF threads will have task runners. An empty reference will be returned if this method is called on an invalid thread. Class that asynchronously executes tasks on the associated thread. It is safe to call the methods of this class on any thread. CEF maintains multiple internal threads that are used for handling different types of tasks in different processes. The cef_thread_id_t definitions in cef_types.h list the common CEF threads. Task runners are also available for other CEF threads as appropriate (for example, V8 WebWorker threads). Method that will be executed on the target thread. Implement this interface for asynchronous task execution. If the task is posted successfully and if the associated message loop is still running then the Execute() method will be called on the target thread. If the task fails to post then the task object may be destroyed on the source thread instead of the target thread. For this reason be cautious when performing work in the task object destructor. Returns true if the browser's audio is muted. This method can only be called on the UI thread. Set whether the browser's audio is muted. Returns true if this browser is hosting an extension background script. Background hosts do not have a window and are not displayable. See CefRequestContext::LoadExtension for details. Returns the extension hosted in this browser or NULL if no extension is hosted. See CefRequestContext::LoadExtension for details. Enable notifications of auto resize via CefDisplayHandler::OnAutoResize. Notifications are disabled by default. |min_size| and |max_size| define the range of allowed sizes. Set accessibility state for all frames. |accessibility_state| may be default, enabled or disabled. If |accessibility_state| is STATE_DEFAULT then accessibility will be disabled by default and the state may be further controlled with the "force-renderer-accessibility" and "disable-renderer-accessibility" command-line switches. If |accessibility_state| is STATE_ENABLED then accessibility will be enabled. If |accessibility_state| is STATE_DISABLED then accessibility will be completely disabled. For windowed browsers accessibility will be enabled in Complete mode (which corresponds to kAccessibilityModeComplete in Chromium). In this mode all platform accessibility objects will be created and managed by Chromium's internal implementation. The client needs only to detect the screen reader and call this method appropriately. For example, on macOS the client can handle the @"AXEnhancedUserInterface" accessibility attribute to detect VoiceOver state changes and on Windows the client can handle WM_GETOBJECT with OBJID_CLIENT to detect accessibility readers. For windowless browsers accessibility will be enabled in TreeOnly mode (which corresponds to kAccessibilityModeWebContentsOnly in Chromium). In this mode renderer accessibility is enabled, the full tree is computed, and events are passed to CefAccessibiltyHandler, but platform accessibility objects are not created. The client may implement platform accessibility objects using CefAccessibiltyHandler callbacks if desired. Returns the current visible navigation entry for this browser. This method can only be called on the UI thread. Call this method when the drag operation started by a CefRenderHandler::StartDragging call has completed. This method may be called immediately without first calling DragSourceEndedAt to cancel a drag operation. If the web view is both the drag source and the drag target then all DragTarget* methods should be called before DragSource* mthods. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Call this method when the drag operation started by a CefRenderHandler::StartDragging call has ended either in a drop or by being cancelled. |x| and |y| are mouse coordinates relative to the upper-left corner of the view. If the web view is both the drag source and the drag target then all DragTarget* methods should be called before DragSource* mthods. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Call this method when the user completes the drag operation by dropping the object onto the web view (after calling DragTargetDragEnter). The object being dropped is |drag_data|, given as an argument to the previous DragTargetDragEnter call. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Call this method when the user drags the mouse out of the web view (after calling DragTargetDragEnter). This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Call this method each time the mouse is moved across the web view during a drag operation (after calling DragTargetDragEnter and before calling DragTargetDragLeave/DragTargetDrop). This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Call this method when the user drags the mouse into the web view (before calling DragTargetDragOver/DragTargetLeave/DragTargetDrop). |drag_data| should not contain file contents as this type of data is not allowed to be dragged into the web view. File contents can be removed using CefDragData::ResetFileContents (for example, if |drag_data| comes from CefRenderHandler::StartDragging). This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Cancels the existing composition and discards the composition node contents without applying them. See comments on ImeSetComposition for usage. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Completes the existing composition by applying the current composition node contents. If |keep_selection| is false the current selection, if any, will be discarded. See comments on ImeSetComposition for usage. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Completes the existing composition by optionally inserting the specified |text| into the composition node. |replacement_range| is an optional range of the existing text that will be replaced. |relative_cursor_pos| is where the cursor will be positioned relative to the current cursor position. See comments on ImeSetComposition for usage. The |replacement_range| and |relative_cursor_pos| values are only used on OS X. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Begins a new composition or updates the existing composition. Blink has a special node (a composition node) that allows the input method to change text without affecting other DOM nodes. |text| is the optional text that will be inserted into the composition node. |underlines| is an optional set of ranges that will be underlined in the resulting text. |replacement_range| is an optional range of the existing text that will be replaced. |selection_range| is an optional range of the resulting text that will be selected after insertion or replacement. The |replacement_range| value is only used on OS X. This method may be called multiple times as the composition changes. When the client is done making changes the composition should either be canceled or completed. To cancel the composition call ImeCancelComposition. To complete the composition call either ImeCommitText or ImeFinishComposingText. Completion is usually signaled when: 1. The client receives a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message with a GCS_RESULTSTR flag (on Windows), or; 2. The client receives a "commit" signal of GtkIMContext (on Linux), or; 3. insertText of NSTextInput is called (on Mac). This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Set the maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that CefRenderHandler:: OnPaint will be called for a windowless browser. The actual fps may be lower if the browser cannot generate frames at the requested rate. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 60 (default 30). Can also be set at browser creation via CefBrowserSettings.windowless_frame_rate. Returns the maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that CefRenderHandler::OnPaint will be called for a windowless browser. The actual fps may be lower if the browser cannot generate frames at the requested rate. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 60 (default 30). This method can only be called on the UI thread. Notify the browser that the window hosting it is about to be moved or resized. This method is only used on Windows and Linux. Send a capture lost event to the browser. Send a touch event to the browser for a windowless browser. Send a mouse wheel event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the view. The |deltaX| and |deltaY| values represent the movement delta in the X and Y directions respectively. In order to scroll inside select popups with window rendering disabled CefRenderHandler::GetScreenPoint should be implemented properly. Send a mouse move event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the view. Send a mouse click event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the view. Send a key event to the browser. Issue a BeginFrame request to Chromium. Only valid when CefWindowInfo::external_begin_frame_enabled is set to true. Invalidate the view. The browser will call CefRenderHandler::OnPaint asynchronously. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Send a notification to the browser that the screen info has changed. The browser will then call CefRenderHandler::GetScreenInfo to update the screen information with the new values. This simulates moving the webview window from one display to another, or changing the properties of the current display. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Notify the browser that it has been hidden or shown. Layouting and CefRenderHandler::OnPaint notification will stop when the browser is hidden. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Notify the browser that the widget has been resized. The browser will first call CefRenderHandler::GetViewRect to get the new size and then call CefRenderHandler::OnPaint asynchronously with the updated regions. This method is only used when window rendering is disabled. Returns true if window rendering is disabled. Add the specified |word| to the spelling dictionary. If a misspelled word is currently selected in an editable node calling this method will replace it with the specified |word|. Retrieve a snapshot of current navigation entries as values sent to the specified visitor. If |current_only| is true only the current navigation entry will be sent, otherwise all navigation entries will be sent. Add an observer for DevTools protocol messages (method results and events). The observer will remain registered until the returned Registration object is destroyed. See the SendDevToolsMessage documentation for additional usage information. Execute a method call over the DevTools protocol. This is a more structured version of SendDevToolsMessage. |message_id| is an incremental number that uniquely identifies the message (pass 0 to have the next number assigned automatically based on previous values). |method| is the method name. |params| are the method parameters, which may be empty. See the DevTools protocol documentation (linked above) for details of supported methods and the expected |params| dictionary contents. This method will return the assigned message ID if called on the UI thread and the message was successfully submitted for validation, otherwise 0. See the SendDevToolsMessage documentation for additional usage information. Returns true if this browser currently has an associated DevTools browser. Must be called on the browser process UI thread. Explicitly close the associated DevTools browser, if any. Open developer tools (DevTools) in its own browser. The DevTools browser will remain associated with this browser. If the DevTools browser is already open then it will be focused, in which case the |windowInfo|, |client| and |settings| parameters will be ignored. If |inspect_element_at| is non-empty then the element at the specified (x,y) location will be inspected. The |windowInfo| parameter will be ignored if this browser is wrapped in a CefBrowserView. Cancel all searches that are currently going on. Search for |searchText|. |forward| indicates whether to search forward or backward within the page. |matchCase| indicates whether the search should be case-sensitive. |findNext| indicates whether this is the first request or a follow-up. The search will be restarted if |searchText| or |matchCase| change. The search will be stopped if |searchText| is empty. The CefFindHandler instance, if any, returned via CefClient::GetFindHandler will be called to report find results. Print the current browser contents to the PDF file specified by |path| and execute |callback| on completion. The caller is responsible for deleting |path| when done. For PDF printing to work on Linux you must implement the CefPrintHandler::GetPdfPaperSize method. Print the current browser contents. Download the file at |url| using CefDownloadHandler. Call to run a file chooser dialog. Only a single file chooser dialog may be pending at any given time. |mode| represents the type of dialog to display. |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be empty to show the default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode). |default_file_path| is the path with optional directory and/or file name component that will be initially selected in the dialog. |accept_filters| are used to restrict the selectable file types and may any combination of (a) valid lower-cased MIME types (e.g. "text/*" or "image/*"), (b) individual file extensions (e.g. ".txt" or ".png"), or (c) combined description and file extension delimited using "|" and ";" (e.g. "Image Types|.png;.gif;.jpg"). |callback| will be executed after the dialog is dismissed or immediately if another dialog is already pending. The dialog will be initiated asynchronously on the UI thread. Change the zoom level to the specified value. Specify 0.0 to reset the zoom level. If called on the UI thread the change will be applied immediately. Otherwise, the change will be applied asynchronously on the UI thread. Get the current zoom level. The default zoom level is 0.0. This method can only be called on the UI thread. Returns the request context for this browser. Returns the client for this browser. Returns true if this browser is wrapped in a CefBrowserView. Retrieve the window handle (if any) of the browser that opened this browser. Will return NULL for non-popup browsers or if this browser is wrapped in a CefBrowserView. This method can be used in combination with custom handling of modal windows. Retrieve the window handle (if any) for this browser. If this browser is wrapped in a CefBrowserView this method should be called on the browser process UI thread and it will return the handle for the top-level native window. Set whether the browser is focused. Helper for closing a browser. Call this method from the top-level window close handler (if any). Internally this calls CloseBrowser(false) if the close has not yet been initiated. This method returns false while the close is pending and true after the close has completed. See CloseBrowser() and CefLifeSpanHandler::DoClose() documentation for additional usage information. This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Request that the browser close. The JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event will be fired. If |force_close| is false the event handler, if any, will be allowed to prompt the user and the user can optionally cancel the close. If |force_close| is true the prompt will not be displayed and the close will proceed. Results in a call to CefLifeSpanHandler::DoClose() if the event handler allows the close or if |force_close| is true. See CefLifeSpanHandler::DoClose() documentation for additional usage information. Returns the hosted browser object. Create a new browser using the window parameters specified by |windowInfo|. If |request_context| is empty the global request context will be used. This method can only be called on the browser process UI thread. The optional |extra_info| parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information specific to the created browser that will be passed to CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBrowserCreated() in the render process. Create a new browser using the window parameters specified by |windowInfo|. All values will be copied internally and the actual window (if any) will be created on the UI thread. If |request_context| is empty the global request context will be used. This method can be called on any browser process thread and will not block. The optional |extra_info| parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information specific to the created browser that will be passed to CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBrowserCreated() in the render process. Class used to represent the browser process aspects of a browser. The methods of this class can only be called in the browser process. They may be called on any thread in that process unless otherwise indicated in the comments. Method that will be executed when the image download has completed. |image_url| is the URL that was downloaded and |http_status_code| is the resulting HTTP status code. |image| is the resulting image, possibly at multiple scale factors, or empty if the download failed. Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::DownloadImage. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Method that will be executed when the PDF printing has completed. |path| is the output path. |ok| will be true if the printing completed successfully or false otherwise. Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::PrintToPDF. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Method that will be executed. Do not keep a reference to |entry| outside of this callback. Return true to continue visiting entries or false to stop. |current| is true if this entry is the currently loaded navigation entry. |index| is the 0-based index of this entry and |total| is the total number of entries. Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::GetNavigationEntries. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Called asynchronously after the file dialog is dismissed. |file_paths| will be a single value or a list of values depending on the dialog mode. If the selection was cancelled |file_paths| will be empty. Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::RunFileDialog. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns the names of all existing frames. Returns the identifiers of all existing frames. Returns the number of frames that currently exist. Returns the frame with the specified name, or NULL if not found. Returns the frame with the specified identifier, or NULL if not found. Returns the focused frame for the browser. Returns the main (top-level) frame for the browser. In the browser process this will return a valid object until after CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeClose is called. In the renderer process this will return NULL if the main frame is hosted in a different renderer process (e.g. for cross-origin sub-frames). The main frame object will change during cross-origin navigation or re-navigation after renderer process termination (due to crashes, etc). Returns true if a document has been loaded in the browser. Returns true if the browser is a popup. Returns true if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that| object. Returns the globally unique identifier for this browser. This value is also used as the tabId for extension APIs. Stop loading the page. Reload the current page ignoring any cached data. Reload the current page. Returns true if the browser is currently loading. Navigate forwards. Returns true if the browser can navigate forwards. Navigate backwards. Returns true if the browser can navigate backwards. Returns the browser host object. This method can only be called in the browser process. True if this object is currently valid. This will return false after CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeClose is called. Class used to represent a browser. When used in the browser process the methods of this class may be called on any thread unless otherwise indicated in the comments. When used in the render process the methods of this class may only be called on the main thread. Returns the MediaRouter object associated with this context. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the manager's context has been initialized. Returns the extension matching |extension_id| or NULL if no matching extension is accessible in this context (see HasExtension). This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Retrieve the list of all extensions that this context has access to (see HasExtension). |extension_ids| will be populated with the list of extension ID values. Returns true on success. This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns true if this context has access to the extension identified by |extension_id|. This may not be the context that was used to load the extension (see DidLoadExtension). This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns true if this context was used to load the extension identified by |extension_id|. Other contexts sharing the same storage will also have access to the extension (see HasExtension). This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Attempts to resolve |origin| to a list of associated IP addresses. |callback| will be executed on the UI thread after completion. Clears all active and idle connections that Chromium currently has. This is only recommended if you have released all other CEF objects but don't yet want to call CefShutdown(). If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed on the UI thread after completion. Clears all HTTP authentication credentials that were added as part of handling GetAuthCredentials. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed on the UI thread after completion. Clears all certificate exceptions that were added as part of handling CefRequestHandler::OnCertificateError(). If you call this it is recommended that you also call CloseAllConnections() or you risk not being prompted again for server certificates if you reconnect quickly. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed on the UI thread after completion. Set the |value| associated with preference |name|. Returns true if the value is set successfully and false otherwise. If |value| is NULL the preference will be restored to its default value. If setting the preference fails then |error| will be populated with a detailed description of the problem. This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns true if the preference with the specified |name| can be modified using SetPreference. As one example preferences set via the command-line usually cannot be modified. This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns all preferences as a dictionary. If |include_defaults| is true then preferences currently at their default value will be included. The returned object contains a copy of the underlying preference values and modifications to the returned object will not modify the underlying preference values. This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns the value for the preference with the specified |name|. Returns NULL if the preference does not exist. The returned object contains a copy of the underlying preference value and modifications to the returned object will not modify the underlying preference value. This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns true if a preference with the specified |name| exists. This method must be called on the browser process UI thread. Clear all registered scheme handler factories. Returns false on error. This function may be called on any thread in the browser process. Register a scheme handler factory for the specified |scheme_name| and optional |domain_name|. An empty |domain_name| value for a standard scheme will cause the factory to match all domain names. The |domain_name| value will be ignored for non-standard schemes. If |scheme_name| is a built-in scheme and no handler is returned by |factory| then the built-in scheme handler factory will be called. If |scheme_name| is a custom scheme then you must also implement the CefApp::OnRegisterCustomSchemes() method in all processes. This function may be called multiple times to change or remove the factory that matches the specified |scheme_name| and optional |domain_name|. Returns false if an error occurs. This function may be called on any thread in the browser process. Returns the cookie manager for this object. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the manager's storage has been initialized. Returns the cache path for this object. If empty an "incognito mode" in-memory cache is being used. Returns the handler for this context if any. Returns true if this object is the global context. The global context is used by default when creating a browser or URL request with a NULL context argument. Returns true if this object is sharing the same storage as |that| object. Returns true if this object is pointing to the same context as |that| object. Creates a new context object that shares storage with |other| and uses an optional |handler|. Creates a new context object with the specified |settings| and optional |handler|. Returns the global context object. A request context provides request handling for a set of related browser or URL request objects. A request context can be specified when creating a new browser via the CefBrowserHost static factory methods or when creating a new URL request via the CefURLRequest static factory methods. Browser objects with different request contexts will never be hosted in the same render process. Browser objects with the same request context may or may not be hosted in the same render process depending on the process model. Browser objects created indirectly via the JavaScript window.open function or targeted links will share the same render process and the same request context as the source browser. When running in single-process mode there is only a single render process (the main process) and so all browsers created in single-process mode will share the same request context. This will be the first request context passed into a CefBrowserHost static factory method and all other request context objects will be ignored. Called on the UI thread after the ResolveHost request has completed. |result| will be the result code. |resolved_ips| will be the list of resolved IP addresses or empty if the resolution failed. Callback interface for CefRequestContext::ResolveHost. Returns true if this source outputs its content via DIAL. Returns true if this source outputs its content via Cast. Returns the ID (media source URN or URL) for this source. Represents a source from which media can be routed. Instances of this object are retrieved via CefMediaRouter::GetSource. The methods of this class may be called on any browser process thread unless otherwise indicated. Method that will be executed asyncronously once device information has been retrieved. Callback interface for CefMediaSink::GetDeviceInfo. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns true if this sink is compatible with |source|. Returns true if this sink accepts content via DIAL. Returns true if this sink accepts content via Cast. Asynchronously retrieves device info. Returns the icon type for this sink. Returns the description of this sink. Returns the name of this sink. Returns the ID for this sink. Represents a sink to which media can be routed. Instances of this object are retrieved via CefMediaObserver::OnSinks. The methods of this class may be called on any browser process thread unless otherwise indicated. Method that will be executed when the route creation has finished. |result| will be CEF_MRCR_OK if the route creation succeeded. |error| will be a description of the error if the route creation failed. |route| is the resulting route, or empty if the route creation failed. Callback interface for CefMediaRouter::CreateRoute. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Terminate this route. Will result in an asynchronous call to CefMediaObserver::OnRoutes on all registered observers. Send a message over this route. |message| will be copied if necessary. Returns the sink associated with this route. Returns the source associated with this route. Returns the ID for this route. Represents the route between a media source and sink. Instances of this object are created via CefMediaRouter::CreateRoute and retrieved via CefMediaObserver::OnRoutes. Contains the status and metadata of a routing operation. The methods of this class may be called on any browser process thread unless otherwise indicated. A message was recieved over |route|. |message| is only valid for the scope of this callback and should be copied if necessary. The connection state of |route| has changed. The list of available media routes has changed or CefMediaRouter::NotifyCurrentRoutes was called. The list of available media sinks has changed or CefMediaRouter::NotifyCurrentSinks was called. Implemented by the client to observe MediaRouter events and registered via CefMediaRouter::AddObserver. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Trigger an asynchronous call to CefMediaObserver::OnRoutes on all registered observers. Create a new route between |source| and |sink|. Source and sink must be valid, compatible (as reported by CefMediaSink::IsCompatibleWith), and a route between them must not already exist. |callback| will be executed on success or failure. If route creation succeeds it will also trigger an asynchronous call to CefMediaObserver::OnRoutes on all registered observers. Trigger an asynchronous call to CefMediaObserver::OnSinks on all registered observers. Add an observer for MediaRouter events. The observer will remain registered until the returned Registration object is destroyed. Returns the MediaRouter object associated with the global request context. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the manager's storage has been initialized. Equivalent to calling CefRequestContext::GetGlobalContext()->GetMediaRouter(). Supports discovery of and communication with media devices on the local network via the Cast and DIAL protocols. The methods of this class may be called on any browser process thread unless otherwise indicated. Called to retrieve an extension resource that would normally be loaded from disk (e.g. if a file parameter is specified to chrome.tabs.executeScript). |extension| and |browser| are the source of the resource request. |file| is the requested relative file path. To handle the resource request return true and execute |callback| either synchronously or asynchronously. For the default behavior which reads the resource from the extension directory on disk return false. Localization substitutions will not be applied to resources handled via this method. Called when the tabId associated with |target_browser| is specified to an extension API call that accepts a tabId parameter (e.g. chrome.tabs.*). |extension| and |browser| are the source of the API call. Return true to allow access of false to deny access. Access to incognito browsers should not be allowed unless the source extension has incognito access enabled, in which case |include_incognito| will be true. Called when no tabId is specified to an extension API call that accepts a tabId parameter (e.g. chrome.tabs.*). |extension| and |browser| are the source of the API call. Return the browser that will be acted on by the API call or return NULL to act on |browser|. The returned browser must share the same CefRequestContext as |browser|. Incognito browsers should not be considered unless the source extension has incognito access enabled, in which case |include_incognito| will be true. Called when an extension API (e.g. chrome.tabs.create) requests creation of a new browser. |extension| and |browser| are the source of the API call. |active_browser| may optionally be specified via the windowId property or returned via the GetActiveBrowser() callback and provides the default |client| and |settings| values for the new browser. |index| is the position value optionally specified via the index property. |url| is the URL that will be loaded in the browser. |active| is true if the new browser should be active when opened. To allow creation of the browser optionally modify |windowInfo|, |client| and |settings| and return false. To cancel creation of the browser return true. Successful creation will be indicated by a call to CefLifeSpanHandler::OnAfterCreated. Any modifications to |windowInfo| will be ignored if |active_browser| is wrapped in a CefBrowserView. Called after the CefExtension::Unload request has completed. Called if the CefRequestContext::LoadExtension request succeeds. |extension| is the loaded extension. Called if the CefRequestContext::LoadExtension request fails. |result| will be the error code. Implement this interface to handle events related to browser extensions. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread. See CefRequestContext::LoadExtension for information about extension loading. Cancel the request. Continue the request. Read the resource contents from |stream|. Callback interface used for asynchronous continuation of CefExtensionHandler::GetExtensionResource. Unload this extension if it is not an internal extension and is currently loaded. Will result in a call to CefExtensionHandler::OnExtensionUnloaded on success. Returns true if this extension is currently loaded. Must be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns the request context that loaded this extension. Will return NULL for internal extensions or if the extension has been unloaded. See the CefRequestContext::LoadExtension documentation for more information about loader contexts. Must be called on the browser process UI thread. Returns the handler for this extension. Will return NULL for internal extensions or if no handler was passed to CefRequestContext::LoadExtension. Returns true if this object is the same extension as |that| object. Extensions are considered the same if identifier, path and loader context match. Returns the extension manifest contents as a CefDictionaryValue object. See https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/manifest for details. Returns the absolute path to the extension directory on disk. This value will be prefixed with PK_DIR_RESOURCES if a relative path was passed to CefRequestContext::LoadExtension. Returns the unique extension identifier. This is calculated based on the extension public key, if available, or on the extension path. See https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/manifest/key for details. Object representing an extension. Methods may be called on any thread unless otherwise indicated. Method that will be called upon completion. |num_deleted| will be the number of cookies that were deleted. Interface to implement to be notified of asynchronous completion via CefCookieManager::DeleteCookies(). Method that will be called upon completion. |success| will be true if the cookie was set successfully. Interface to implement to be notified of asynchronous completion via CefCookieManager::SetCookie(). Method that will be called once for each cookie. |count| is the 0-based index for the current cookie. |total| is the total number of cookies. Set |deleteCookie| to true to delete the cookie currently being visited. Return false to stop visiting cookies. This method may never be called if no cookies are found. Interface to implement for visiting cookie values. The methods of this class will always be called on the UI thread. Flush the backing store (if any) to disk. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the flush is complete. Returns false if cookies cannot be accessed. Delete all cookies that match the specified parameters. If both |url| and |cookie_name| values are specified all host and domain cookies matching both will be deleted. If only |url| is specified all host cookies (but not domain cookies) irrespective of path will be deleted. If |url| is empty all cookies for all hosts and domains will be deleted. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the cookies have been deleted. Returns false if a non-empty invalid URL is specified or if cookies cannot be accessed. Cookies can alternately be deleted using the Visit*Cookies() methods. Sets a cookie given a valid URL and explicit user-provided cookie attributes. This function expects each attribute to be well-formed. It will check for disallowed characters (e.g. the ';' character is disallowed within the cookie value attribute) and fail without setting the cookie if such characters are found. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the cookie has been set. Returns false if an invalid URL is specified or if cookies cannot be accessed. Visit a subset of cookies on the UI thread. The results are filtered by the given url scheme, host, domain and path. If |includeHttpOnly| is true HTTP-only cookies will also be included in the results. The returned cookies are ordered by longest path, then by earliest creation date. Returns false if cookies cannot be accessed. Visit all cookies on the UI thread. The returned cookies are ordered by longest path, then by earliest creation date. Returns false if cookies cannot be accessed. Returns the global cookie manager. By default data will be stored at cef_settings_t.cache_path if specified or in memory otherwise. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the manager's storage has been initialized. Using this method is equivalent to calling CefRequestContext::GetGlobalContext()->GetDefaultCookieManager(). Class used for managing cookies. The methods of this class may be called on any thread unless otherwise indicated. Method that will be called once the task is complete. Generic callback interface used for asynchronous completion. Cancel processing. Continue processing. Generic callback interface used for asynchronous continuation. Generic callback interface used for managing the lifespan of a registration. Returns the SSL information for this navigation entry. Returns the HTTP status code for the last known successful navigation response. May be 0 if the response has not yet been received or if the navigation has not yet completed. Returns the time for the last known successful navigation completion. A navigation may be completed more than once if the page is reloaded. May be 0 if the navigation has not yet completed. Returns true if this navigation includes post data. Returns the transition type which indicates what the user did to move to this page from the previous page. Returns the title set by the page. This value may be empty. Returns the original URL that was entered by the user before any redirects. Returns a display-friendly version of the URL. Returns the actual URL of the page. For some pages this may be data: URL or similar. Use GetDisplayURL() to return a display-friendly version. Returns true if this object is valid. Do not call any other methods if this function returns false. Class used to represent an entry in navigation history. Returns the X.509 certificate. Returns a bitmask containing the page security content status. Returns the SSL version used for the SSL connection. Returns a bitmask containing any and all problems verifying the server certificate. Returns true if the status is related to a secure SSL/TLS connection. Class representing the SSL information for a navigation entry. Returns the PEM encoded data for the certificate issuer chain. If we failed to encode a certificate in the chain it is still present in the array but is an empty string. Returns the DER encoded data for the certificate issuer chain. If we failed to encode a certificate in the chain it is still present in the array but is an empty string. Returns the number of certificates in the issuer chain. If 0, the certificate is self-signed. Returns the PEM encoded data for the X.509 certificate. Returns the DER encoded data for the X.509 certificate. Returns the date after which the X.509 certificate is invalid. CefBaseTime.GetTimeT() will return 0 if no date was specified. Returns the date before which the X.509 certificate is invalid. CefBaseTime.GetTimeT() will return 0 if no date was specified. Returns the DER encoded serial number for the X.509 certificate. The value possibly includes a leading 00 byte. Returns the issuer of the X.509 certificate. Returns the subject of the X.509 certificate. For HTTPS server certificates this represents the web server. The common name of the subject should match the host name of the web server. Class representing a X.509 certificate. Retrieve the list of domain components. Retrieve the list of organization unit names. Retrieve the list of organization names. Retrieve the list of street addresses. Returns the country name. Returns the state or province name. Returns the locality name. Returns the common name. Returns a name that can be used to represent the issuer. It tries in this order: Common Name (CN), Organization Name (O) and Organizational Unit Name (OU) and returns the first non-empty one found. Class representing the issuer or subject field of an X.509 certificate. Send a message to the specified |target_process|. Ownership of the message contents will be transferred and the |message| reference will be invalidated. Message delivery is not guaranteed in all cases (for example, if the browser is closing, navigating, or if the target process crashes). Send an ACK message back from the target process if confirmation is required. Create a new URL request that will be treated as originating from this frame and the associated browser. This request may be intercepted by the client via CefResourceRequestHandler or CefSchemeHandlerFactory. Use CefURLRequest::Create instead if you do not want the request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see documentation on that method). Requests may originate from both the browser process and the render process. For requests originating from the browser process: - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES. For requests originating from the render process: - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_BYTES. - If the response contains Content-Disposition or Mime-Type header values that would not normally be rendered then the response may receive special handling inside the browser (for example, via the file download code path instead of the URL request code path). The |request| object will be marked as read-only after calling this method. Visit the DOM document. This method can only be called from the render process. Get the V8 context associated with the frame. This method can only be called from the render process. Returns the browser that this frame belongs to. Returns the URL currently loaded in this frame. Returns the parent of this frame or NULL if this is the main (top-level) frame. Returns the name for this frame. If the frame has an assigned name (for example, set via the iframe "name" attribute) then that value will be returned. Otherwise a unique name will be constructed based on the frame parent hierarchy. The main (top-level) frame will always have an empty name value. Returns true if this is the focused frame. Returns true if this is the main (top-level) frame. Execute a string of JavaScript code in this frame. The |script_url| parameter is the URL where the script in question can be found, if any. The renderer may request this URL to show the developer the source of the error. The |start_line| parameter is the base line number to use for error reporting. Load the specified |url|. Load the request represented by the |request| object. WARNING: This method will fail with "bad IPC message" reason INVALID_INITIATOR_ORIGIN (213) unless you first navigate to the request origin using some other mechanism (LoadURL, link click, etc). Retrieve this frame's display text as a string sent to the specified visitor. Retrieve this frame's HTML source as a string sent to the specified visitor. Save this frame's HTML source to a temporary file and open it in the default text viewing application. This method can only be called from the browser process. Execute select all in this frame. Execute delete in this frame. Execute paste in this frame. Execute copy in this frame. Execute cut in this frame. Execute redo in this frame. Execute undo in this frame. True if this object is currently attached to a valid frame. Class used to represent a frame in the browser window. When used in the browser process the methods of this class may be called on any thread unless otherwise indicated in the comments. When used in the render process the methods of this class may only be called on the main thread. Method that will be executed. Implement this interface to receive string values asynchronously. Read up to |size| bytes into |bytes| and return the number of bytes actually read. Return the number of bytes. Return the file name. Return the type of this post data element. The post data element will represent bytes. The bytes passed in will be copied. The post data element will represent a file. Remove all contents from the post data element. Returns true if this object is read-only. Create a new CefPostDataElement object. Post data elements may represent either bytes or files. Class used to represent a single element in the request post data. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Remove all existing post data elements. Add the specified post data element. Returns true if the add succeeds. Remove the specified post data element. Returns true if the removal succeeds. Retrieve the post data elements. Returns the number of existing post data elements. Returns true if the underlying POST data includes elements that are not represented by this CefPostData object (for example, multi-part file upload data). Modifying CefPostData objects with excluded elements may result in the request failing. Returns true if this object is read-only. Create a new CefPostData object. Class used to represent post data for a web request. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Returns the globally unique identifier for this request or 0 if not specified. Can be used by CefResourceRequestHandler implementations in the browser process to track a single request across multiple callbacks. Get the transition type for this request. Only available in the browser process and only applies to requests that represent a main frame or sub-frame navigation. Get the resource type for this request. Only available in the browser process. Set the URL to the first party for cookies used in combination with CefURLRequest. Get the URL to the first party for cookies used in combination with CefURLRequest. Set the flags used in combination with CefURLRequest. See cef_urlrequest_flags_t for supported values. Get the flags used in combination with CefURLRequest. See cef_urlrequest_flags_t for supported values. Set all values at one time. Set the header |name| to |value|. If |overwrite| is true any existing values will be replaced with the new value. If |overwrite| is false any existing values will not be overwritten. The Referer value cannot be set using this method. Returns the first header value for |name| or an empty string if not found. Will not return the Referer value if any. Use GetHeaderMap instead if |name| might have multiple values. Set the header values. If a Referer value exists in the header map it will be removed and ignored. Get the header values. Will not include the Referer value if any. Set the post data. Get the post data. Get the referrer policy. Get the referrer URL. Set the referrer URL and policy. If non-empty the referrer URL must be fully qualified with an HTTP or HTTPS scheme component. Any username, password or ref component will be removed. Set the request method type. Get the request method type. The value will default to POST if post data is provided and GET otherwise. Set the fully qualified URL. Get the fully qualified URL. Returns true if this object is read-only. Create a new CefRequest object. Class used to represent a web request. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Returns the shared memory region. Returns nullptr when message contains an argument list. Returns the list of arguments. Returns nullptr when message contains a shared memory region. Returns the message name. Returns a writable copy of this object. Returns nullptr when message contains a shared memory region. Returns true if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may expose read-only objects. Returns true if this object is valid. Do not call any other methods if this function returns false. Create a new CefProcessMessage object with the specified name. Class representing a message. Can be used on any process and thread. Returns the pointer to the memory. Returns nullptr for invalid instances. The returned pointer is only valid for the life span of this object. Returns the size of the mapping in bytes. Returns 0 for invalid instances. Returns true if the mapping is valid. Class that wraps platform-dependent share memory region mapping. Returns the bounds of the element in device pixels. Use "window.devicePixelRatio" to convert to/from CSS pixels. Returns the inner text of the element. Set the value for the element attribute named |attrName|. Returns true on success. Returns a map of all element attributes. Returns the element attribute named |attrName|. Returns true if this element has an attribute named |attrName|. Returns true if this element has attributes. Returns the tag name of this element. Returns the last child node. Return the first child node. Returns true if this node has child nodes. Returns the next sibling node. Returns the previous sibling node. Returns the parent node. Returns the document associated with this node. Returns the contents of this node as markup. Set the value of this node. Returns true on success. Returns the value of this node. Returns the name of this node. Returns true if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that| object. Returns the type of this form control element node. Returns true if this is a form control element node. Returns true if this is an editable node. Returns true if this is an element node. Returns true if this is a text node. Returns the type for this node. Class used to represent a DOM node. The methods of this class should only be called on the render process main thread. Returns a complete URL based on the document base URL and the specified partial URL. Returns the base URL for the document. Returns the contents of this selection as text. Returns the contents of this selection as markup. Returns the selection offset within the end node. Returns the selection offset within the start node. Returns true if a portion of the document is selected. Returns the node that currently has keyboard focus. Returns the document element with the specified ID value. Returns the title of an HTML document. Returns the HEAD node of an HTML document. Returns the BODY node of an HTML document. Returns the root document node. Returns the document type. Class used to represent a DOM document. The methods of this class should only be called on the render process main thread thread. Method executed for visiting the DOM. The document object passed to this method represents a snapshot of the DOM at the time this method is executed. DOM objects are only valid for the scope of this method. Do not keep references to or attempt to access any DOM objects outside the scope of this method. Interface to implement for visiting the DOM. The methods of this class will be called on the render process main thread. Returns true if an image representation of drag data is available. Get the image hotspot (drag start location relative to image dimensions). Get the image representation of drag data. May return NULL if no image representation is available. Clear list of filenames. Add a file that is being dragged into the webview. Reset the file contents. You should do this before calling CefBrowserHost::DragTargetDragEnter as the web view does not allow us to drag in this kind of data. Set the base URL that the fragment came from. Set the text/html fragment that is being dragged. Set the plain text fragment that is being dragged. Set the metadata associated with the link being dragged. Set the title associated with the link being dragged. Set the link URL that is being dragged. Retrieve the list of file names that are being dragged into the browser window. Write the contents of the file being dragged out of the web view into |writer|. Returns the number of bytes sent to |writer|. If |writer| is NULL this method will return the size of the file contents in bytes. Call GetFileName() to get a suggested name for the file. Return the name of the file being dragged out of the browser window. Return the base URL that the fragment came from. This value is used for resolving relative URLs and may be empty. Return the text/html fragment that is being dragged. Return the plain text fragment that is being dragged. Return the metadata, if any, associated with the link being dragged. Return the title associated with the link being dragged. Return the link URL that is being dragged. Returns true if the drag data is a file. Returns true if the drag data is a text or html fragment. Returns true if the drag data is a link. Returns true if this object is read-only. Returns a copy of the current object. Create a new CefDragData object. Class used to represent drag data. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Returns true if this writer performs work like accessing the file system which may block. Used as a hint for determining the thread to access the writer from. Flush the stream. Return the current offset position. Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Returns zero on success and non-zero on failure. Write raw binary data. Create a new CefStreamWriter object for a custom handler. Create a new CefStreamWriter object for a file. Class used to write data to a stream. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Return true if this handler performs work like accessing the file system which may block. Used as a hint for determining the thread to access the handler from. Flush the stream. Return the current offset position. Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Return zero on success and non-zero on failure. Write raw binary data. Interface the client can implement to provide a custom stream writer. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Returns true if this reader performs work like accessing the file system which may block. Used as a hint for determining the thread to access the reader from. Return non-zero if at end of file. Return the current offset position. Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Returns zero on success and non-zero on failure. Read raw binary data. Create a new CefStreamReader object from a custom handler. Create a new CefStreamReader object from data. Create a new CefStreamReader object from a file. Class used to read data from a stream. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Return true if this handler performs work like accessing the file system which may block. Used as a hint for determining the thread to access the handler from. Return non-zero if at end of file. Return the current offset position. Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Return zero on success and non-zero on failure. Read raw binary data. Interface the client can implement to provide a custom stream reader. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Returns the JPEG representation that most closely matches |scale_factor|. |quality| determines the compression level with 0 == lowest and 100 == highest. The JPEG format does not support alpha transparency and the alpha channel, if any, will be discarded. |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are the output representation size in pixel coordinates. Returns a CefBinaryValue containing the JPEG image data on success or NULL on failure. Returns the PNG representation that most closely matches |scale_factor|. If |with_transparency| is true any alpha transparency in the image will be represented in the resulting PNG data. |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are the output representation size in pixel coordinates. Returns a CefBinaryValue containing the PNG image data on success or NULL on failure. Returns the bitmap representation that most closely matches |scale_factor|. Only 32-bit RGBA/BGRA formats are supported. |color_type| and |alpha_type| values specify the desired output pixel format. |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are the output representation size in pixel coordinates. Returns a CefBinaryValue containing the pixel data on success or NULL on failure. Returns information for the representation that most closely matches |scale_factor|. |actual_scale_factor| is the actual scale factor for the representation. |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are the representation size in pixel coordinates. Returns true on success. Removes the representation for |scale_factor|. Returns true on success. Returns true if this image contains a representation for |scale_factor|. Returns the image height in density independent pixel (DIP) units. Returns the image width in density independent pixel (DIP) units. Create a JPEG image representation for |scale_factor|. |jpeg_data| is the image data of size |jpeg_data_size|. The JPEG format does not support transparency so the alpha byte will be set to 0xFF for all pixels. Add a PNG image representation for |scale_factor|. |png_data| is the image data of size |png_data_size|. Any alpha transparency in the PNG data will be maintained. Add a bitmap image representation for |scale_factor|. Only 32-bit RGBA/BGRA formats are supported. |pixel_width| and |pixel_height| are the bitmap representation size in pixel coordinates. |pixel_data| is the array of pixel data and should be |pixel_width| x |pixel_height| x 4 bytes in size. |color_type| and |alpha_type| values specify the pixel format. Returns true if this Image and |that| Image share the same underlying storage. Will also return true if both images are empty. Returns true if this Image is empty. Create a new CefImage. It will initially be empty. Use the Add*() methods to add representations at different scale factors. Container for a single image represented at different scale factors. All image representations should be the same size in density independent pixel (DIP) units. For example, if the image at scale factor 1.0 is 100x100 pixels then the image at scale factor 2.0 should be 200x200 pixels -- both images will display with a DIP size of 100x100 units. The methods of this class can be called on any browser process thread. Sets the value at the specified index as type list. Returns true if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated. Sets the value at the specified index as type dict. Returns true if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated. Sets the value at the specified index as type binary. Returns true if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated. Sets the value at the specified index as type string. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified index as type double. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified index as type int. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified index as type bool. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified index as type null. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified index. Returns true if the value was set successfully. If |value| represents simple data then the underlying data will be copied and modifications to |value| will not modify this object. If |value| represents complex data (binary, dictionary or list) then the underlying data will be referenced and modifications to |value| will modify this object. Returns the value at the specified index as type list. The returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object. Returns the value at the specified index as type dictionary. The returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object. Returns the value at the specified index as type binary. The returned value will reference existing data. Returns the value at the specified index as type string. Returns the value at the specified index as type double. Returns the value at the specified index as type int. Returns the value at the specified index as type bool. Returns the value at the specified index. For simple types the returned value will copy existing data and modifications to the value will not modify this object. For complex types (binary, dictionary and list) the returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object. Returns the value type at the specified index. Removes the value at the specified index. Removes all values. Returns true on success. Returns the number of values. Sets the number of values. If the number of values is expanded all new value slots will default to type null. Returns true on success. Returns a writable copy of this object. Returns true if this object and |that| object have an equivalent underlying value but are not necessarily the same object. Returns true if this object and |that| object have the same underlying data. If true modifications to this object will also affect |that| object and vice-versa. Returns true if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may expose read-only objects. Returns true if this object is currently owned by another object. Returns true if this object is valid. This object may become invalid if the underlying data is owned by another object (e.g. list or dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. Do not call any other methods if this method returns false. Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object. Class representing a list value. Can be used on any process and thread. Sets the value at the specified key as type list. Returns true if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated. Sets the value at the specified key as type dict. Returns true if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated. Sets the value at the specified key as type binary. Returns true if the value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value| reference will be invalidated. Sets the value at the specified key as type string. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified key as type double. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified key as type int. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified key as type bool. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified key as type null. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the value at the specified key. Returns true if the value was set successfully. If |value| represents simple data then the underlying data will be copied and modifications to |value| will not modify this object. If |value| represents complex data (binary, dictionary or list) then the underlying data will be referenced and modifications to |value| will modify this object. Returns the value at the specified key as type list. The returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object. Returns the value at the specified key as type dictionary. The returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object. Returns the value at the specified key as type binary. The returned value will reference existing data. Returns the value at the specified key as type string. Returns the value at the specified key as type double. Returns the value at the specified key as type int. Returns the value at the specified key as type bool. Returns the value at the specified key. For simple types the returned value will copy existing data and modifications to the value will not modify this object. For complex types (binary, dictionary and list) the returned value will reference existing data and modifications to the value will modify this object. Returns the value type for the specified key. Removes the value at the specified key. Returns true is the value was removed successfully. Reads all keys for this dictionary into the specified vector. Returns true if the current dictionary has a value for the given key. Removes all values. Returns true on success. Returns the number of values. Returns a writable copy of this object. If |exclude_empty_children| is true any empty dictionaries or lists will be excluded from the copy. Returns true if this object and |that| object have an equivalent underlying value but are not necessarily the same object. Returns true if this object and |that| object have the same underlying data. If true modifications to this object will also affect |that| object and vice-versa. Returns true if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may expose read-only objects. Returns true if this object is currently owned by another object. Returns true if this object is valid. This object may become invalid if the underlying data is owned by another object (e.g. list or dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. Do not call any other methods if this method returns false. Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object. Class representing a dictionary value. Can be used on any process and thread. Read up to |buffer_size| number of bytes into |buffer|. Reading begins at the specified byte |data_offset|. Returns the number of bytes read. Returns the data size. Returns a copy of this object. The data in this object will also be copied. Returns true if this object and |that| object have an equivalent underlying value but are not necessarily the same object. Returns true if this object and |that| object have the same underlying data. Returns true if this object is currently owned by another object. Returns true if this object is valid. This object may become invalid if the underlying data is owned by another object (e.g. list or dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. Do not call any other methods if this method returns false. Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object. The specified |data| will be copied. Class representing a binary value. Can be used on any process and thread. Sets the underlying value as type list. Returns true if the value was set successfully. This object keeps a reference to |value| and ownership of the underlying data remains unchanged. Sets the underlying value as type dict. Returns true if the value was set successfully. This object keeps a reference to |value| and ownership of the underlying data remains unchanged. Sets the underlying value as type binary. Returns true if the value was set successfully. This object keeps a reference to |value| and ownership of the underlying data remains unchanged. Sets the underlying value as type string. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the underlying value as type double. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the underlying value as type int. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the underlying value as type bool. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Sets the underlying value as type null. Returns true if the value was set successfully. Returns the underlying value as type list. The returned reference may become invalid if the value is owned by another object or if ownership is transferred to another object in the future. To maintain a reference to the value after assigning ownership to a dictionary or list pass this object to the SetValue() method instead of passing the returned reference to SetList(). Returns the underlying value as type dictionary. The returned reference may become invalid if the value is owned by another object or if ownership is transferred to another object in the future. To maintain a reference to the value after assigning ownership to a dictionary or list pass this object to the SetValue() method instead of passing the returned reference to SetDictionary(). Returns the underlying value as type binary. The returned reference may become invalid if the value is owned by another object or if ownership is transferred to another object in the future. To maintain a reference to the value after assigning ownership to a dictionary or list pass this object to the SetValue() method instead of passing the returned reference to SetBinary(). Returns the underlying value as type string. Returns the underlying value as type double. Returns the underlying value as type int. Returns the underlying value as type bool. Returns the underlying value type. Returns a copy of this object. The underlying data will also be copied. Returns true if this object and |that| object have an equivalent underlying value but are not necessarily the same object. Returns true if this object and |that| object have the same underlying data. If true modifications to this object will also affect |that| object and vice-versa. Returns true if the underlying data is read-only. Some APIs may expose read-only objects. Returns true if the underlying data is owned by another object. Returns true if the underlying data is valid. This will always be true for simple types. For complex types (binary, dictionary and list) the underlying data may become invalid if owned by another object (e.g. list or dictionary) and that other object is then modified or destroyed. This value object can be re-used by calling Set*() even if the underlying data is invalid. Creates a new object. Class that wraps other data value types. Complex types (binary, dictionary and list) will be referenced but not owned by this object. Can be used on any process and thread. Method that will be called when the DevTools agent has detached. |browser| is the originating browser instance. Any method results that were pending before the agent became detached will not be delivered, and any active event subscriptions will be canceled. Method that will be called when the DevTools agent has attached. |browser| is the originating browser instance. This will generally occur in response to the first message sent while the agent is detached. Method that will be called on receipt of a DevTools protocol event. |browser| is the originating browser instance. |method| is the "method" value. |params| is the UTF8-encoded JSON "params" dictionary value (which may be empty). |params| is only valid for the scope of this callback and should be copied if necessary. See the OnDevToolsMessage documentation for additional details on |params| contents. Method that will be called after attempted execution of a DevTools protocol method. |browser| is the originating browser instance. |message_id| is the "id" value that identifies the originating method call message. If the method succeeded |success| will be true and |result| will be the UTF8-encoded JSON "result" dictionary value (which may be empty). If the method failed |success| will be false and |result| will be the UTF8-encoded JSON "error" dictionary value. |result| is only valid for the scope of this callback and should be copied if necessary. See the OnDevToolsMessage documentation for additional details on |result| contents. Method that will be called on receipt of a DevTools protocol message. |browser| is the originating browser instance. |message| is a UTF8-encoded JSON dictionary representing either a method result or an event. |message| is only valid for the scope of this callback and should be copied if necessary. Return true if the message was handled or false if the message should be further processed and passed to the OnDevToolsMethodResult or OnDevToolsEvent methods as appropriate. Method result dictionaries include an "id" (int) value that identifies the orginating method call sent from CefBrowserHost::SendDevToolsMessage, and optionally either a "result" (dictionary) or "error" (dictionary) value. The "error" dictionary will contain "code" (int) and "message" (string) values. Event dictionaries include a "method" (string) value and optionally a "params" (dictionary) value. See the DevTools protocol documentation at https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/ for details of supported method calls and the expected "result" or "params" dictionary contents. JSON dictionaries can be parsed using the CefParseJSON function if desired, however be aware of performance considerations when parsing large messages (some of which may exceed 1MB in size). Callback interface for CefBrowserHost::AddDevToolsMessageObserver. The methods of this class will be called on the browser process UI thread. Create the browser using windowless (off-screen) rendering. No window will be created for the browser and all rendering will occur via the CefRenderHandler interface. The |parent| value will be used to identify monitor info and to act as the parent window for dialogs, context menus, etc. If |parent| is not provided then the main screen monitor will be used and some functionality that requires a parent window may not function correctly. In order to create windowless browsers the CefSettings.windowless_rendering_enabled value must be set to true. Transparent painting is enabled by default but can be disabled by setting CefBrowserSettings.background_color to an opaque value. Create the browser as a popup window. Create the browser as a child window. Class representing window information. Class representing CefExecuteProcess arguments. Class representing CefAudioParameters settings Class representing IME composition underline. Class representing CefBoxLayout settings. Class representing cursor information. Class representing the state of a touch handle. Class representing popup window features. Class representing a touch event. Class representing a mouse event. Class representing a a keyboard event. Class representing the virtual screen information for use when window rendering is disabled. Class representing a draggable region. Class representing insets. Class representing a range. Class representing a size. Returns true if the point identified by point_x and point_y falls inside this rectangle. The point (x, y) is inside the rectangle, but the point (x + width, y + height) is not. Class representing a rectangle. Class representing a point. Expired certificate. Loads the "expired_cert.pem" file. Valid certificate using the domain ("localhost"). Loads the "localhost_cert.pem" file. Valid certificate using the IP ( Loads the "ok_cert.pem" file. Ignore the permission request. If the prompt remains unhandled (e.g. OnShowPermissionPrompt returns false and there is no default permissions UI) then any related promises may remain unresolved. Dismiss the permission request as an explicit user action. Deny the permission request as an explicit user action. Accept the permission request as an explicit user action. Desktop video capture permission. Desktop audio capture permission. Device video capture permission. Device audio capture permission. No permission. Alpha state. Only set if |flags| contains CEF_THS_FLAG_ALPHA. Origin state. Only set if |flags| contains CEF_THS_FLAG_ORIGIN. Orientation state. Only set if |flags| contains CEF_THS_FLAG_ORIENTATION. Enabled state. Only set if |flags| contains CEF_THS_FLAG_ENABLED. Combination of cef_touch_handle_state_flags_t values indicating what state is set. Touch handle id. Increments for each new touch handle. Device information for a MediaSink object. Number of frames per buffer Sample rate Layout of the audio channels Structure representing the audio parameters for setting up the audio handler. Max value, must always equal the largest entry ever logged. Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R, Front Height L, Front Height R, Rear Height L, Rear Height R Will be represented as six channels (5.1) due to eight channel limit kMaxConcurrentChannels Actual channel layout is specified in the bitstream and the actual channel count is unknown at Chromium media pipeline level (useful for audio pass-through mode). Front L, Front R, Side L, Side R, LFE Front L, Front R, Front C. Front C contains the keyboard mic audio. This layout is only intended for input for WebRTC. The Front C channel is stripped away in the WebRTC audio input pipeline and never seen outside of that. Channels are not explicitly mapped to speakers. Front L, Front R, Front C, Side L, Side R, Rear L, Back R, Back C. Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Back L, Back R, Front LofC, Front RofC Front L, Front R, Front C, Side L, Side R, Front LofC, Front RofC Stereo L, Stereo R, Side L, Side R, Front LofC, Front RofC, LFE Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, LFE, Back L, Back R, Rear Center Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R, Rear Center Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, Rear L, Rear R, Rear C Stereo L, Stereo R, Side L, Side R, Front LofC, Front RofC Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, Side L, Side R, Back C Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, Rear C, LFE Stereo L, Stereo R, Front C, LFE Stereo L, Stereo R, LFE Stereo L, Stereo R Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R, Front LofC, Front RofC Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R, Back L, Back R Front L, Front R, Front C, Side L, Side R, Back L, Back R Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Back L, Back R Front L, Front R, Front C, Back L, Back R Front L, Front R, Front C, LFE, Side L, Side R Front L, Front R, Front C, Side L, Side R Front L, Front R, Back L, Back R Front L, Front R, Side L, Side R Front L, Front R, Front C, Back C Front L, Front R, Front C Front L, Front R, Back C Front L, Front R Front C Style. Set to true (1) for thick underline. Background color. Text color. Underline character range. Structure representing IME composition underline information. This is a thin wrapper around Blink's WebCompositionUnderline class and should be kept in sync with that. Structure representing a range. If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_FETCH_ENABLED is set the scheme can perform Fetch API requests. If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_CSP_BYPASSING is set the scheme can bypass Content- Security-Policy (CSP) checks. This value should not be set in most cases where CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_STANDARD is set. If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_CORS_ENABLED is set the scheme can be sent CORS requests. This value should be set in most cases where CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_STANDARD is set. If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_SECURE is set the scheme will be treated with the same security rules as those applied to "https" URLs. For example, loading this scheme from other secure schemes will not trigger mixed content warnings. If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_DISPLAY_ISOLATED is set the scheme can only be displayed from other content hosted with the same scheme. For example, pages in other origins cannot create iframes or hyperlinks to URLs with the scheme. For schemes that must be accessible from other schemes don't set this, set CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_CORS_ENABLED, and use CORS "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" headers to further restrict access. If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_LOCAL is set the scheme will be treated with the same security rules as those applied to "file" URLs. Normal pages cannot link to or access local URLs. Also, by default, local URLs can only perform XMLHttpRequest calls to the same URL (origin + path) that originated the request. To allow XMLHttpRequest calls from a local URL to other URLs with the same origin set the CefSettings.file_access_from_file_urls_allowed value to true (1). To allow XMLHttpRequest calls from a local URL to all origins set the CefSettings.universal_access_from_file_urls_allowed value to true (1). If CEF_SCHEME_OPTION_STANDARD is set the scheme will be treated as a standard scheme. Standard schemes are subject to URL canonicalization and parsing rules as defined in the Common Internet Scheme Syntax RFC 1738 Section 3.1 available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt In particular, the syntax for standard scheme URLs must be of the form:
Standard scheme URLs must have a host component that is a fully qualified domain name as defined in Section 3.5 of RFC 1034 [13] and Section 2.1 of RFC 1123. These URLs will be canonicalized to "scheme://host/path" in the simplest case and "scheme://username:password@host:port/path" in the most explicit case. For example, "scheme:host/path" and "scheme:///host/path" will both be canonicalized to "scheme://host/path". The origin of a standard scheme URL is the combination of scheme, host and port (i.e., "scheme://host:port" in the most explicit case). For non-standard scheme URLs only the "scheme:" component is parsed and canonicalized. The remainder of the URL will be passed to the handler as- is. For example, "scheme:///some%20text" will remain the same. Non-standard scheme URLs cannot be used as a target for form submission.
Align the text's right edge with that of its display area. Align the text's center with that of its display area. Align the text's left edge with that of its display area. Default flex for views when none is specified via CefBoxLayout methods. Using the preferred size as the basis, free space along the main axis is distributed to views in the ratio of their flex weights. Similarly, if the views will overflow the parent, space is subtracted in these ratios. A flex of 0 means this view is not resized. Flex values must not be negative. Minimum cross axis size. Specifies where along the cross axis the child views should be laid out. Specifies where along the main axis the child views should be laid out. Adds additional space between child views. Adds additional space around the child view area. Adds additional vertical space between the child view area and the host view border. Adds additional horizontal space between the child view area and the host view border. If true (1) the layout will be horizontal, otherwise the layout will be vertical. Settings used when initializing a CefBoxLayout. Child views will be right-aligned. Child views will be center-aligned. Child views will be left-aligned. Child views will be stretched to fit. Child views will be right-aligned. Child views will be center-aligned. Child views will be left-aligned. Transparency with post-multiplied alpha component. Transparency with pre-multiplied alpha component. No transparency. The alpha component is ignored. BGRA with 8 bits per pixel (32bits total). RGBA with 8 bits per pixel (32bits total). An error occurred during filtering. Some or all of the pre-filter data was read successfully and all available filtered output has been written. Some or all of the pre-filter data was read successfully but more data is needed in order to continue filtering (filtered output is pending). Always the last value in this enumeration. Always clear the referrer regardless of the request destination. Strip the referrer down to the origin, but clear it entirely if the referrer value is HTTPS and the destination is HTTP. Clear the referrer when the request's referrer is cross-origin with the request's destination. Strip the referrer down to the origin regardless of the redirect location. Never change the referrer. Strip the referrer down to an origin when the origin of the referrer is different from the destination's origin. A slight variant on CLEAR_REFERRER_ON_TRANSITION_FROM_SECURE_TO_INSECURE: If the request destination is HTTP, an HTTPS referrer will be cleared. If the request's destination is cross-origin with the referrer (but does not downgrade), the referrer's granularity will be stripped down to an origin rather than a full URL. Same-origin requests will send the full referrer. Clear the referrer header if the header value is HTTPS but the request destination is HTTP. This is the default behavior. Set to true (1) to print background graphics or false (0) to not print background graphics. Set to true (1) for landscape mode or false (0) for portrait mode. Set to true (1) to print the selection only or false (0) to print all. Set to true (1) to print headers and footers or false (0) to not print headers and footers. Margin type. Margins in points. Only used if |margin_type| is set to PDF_PRINT_MARGIN_CUSTOM. The percentage to scale the PDF by before printing (e.g. 50 is 50%). If this value is less than or equal to zero the default value of 100 will be used. Output page size in microns. If either of these values is less than or equal to zero then the default paper size (A4) will be used. URL to display in the footer. Only used if |header_footer_enabled| is set to true (1). Page title to display in the header. Only used if |header_footer_enabled| is set to true (1). Structure representing PDF print settings. Custom margins using the |margin_*| values from cef_pdf_print_settings_t. Minimum margins. No margins. Default margins. Return a slightly nicer formatted json string (pads with whitespace to help with readability). This option instructs the writer to write doubles that have no fractional part as a normal integer (i.e., without using exponential notation or appending a '.0') as long as the value is within the range of a 64-bit int. This option instructs the writer that if a Binary value is encountered, the value (and key if within a dictionary) will be omitted from the output, and success will be returned. Otherwise, if a binary value is encountered, failure will be returned. Default behavior. Allows commas to exist after the last element in structures. Parses the input strictly according to RFC 4627. See comments in Chromium's base/json/json_reader.h file for known limitations/ deviations from the RFC. URL queries use "+" for space. This flag controls that replacement. Unescapes '/' and '\\'. If these characters were unescaped, the resulting URL won't be the same as the source one. Moreover, they are dangerous to unescape in strings that will be used as file paths or names. This value should only be used when slashes don't have special meaning, like data URLs. Convert %20 to spaces. In some places where we're showing URLs, we may want this. In places where the URL may be copied and pasted out, then you wouldn't want this since it might not be interpreted in one piece by other applications. Don't unescape anything special, but all normal unescaping will happen. This is a placeholder and can't be combined with other flags (since it's just the absence of them). All other unescape rules imply "normal" in addition to their special meaning. Things like escaped letters, digits, and most symbols will get unescaped with this mode. Don't unescape anything at all. Structure representing cursor information. |buffer| will be |size.width|*|size.height|*4 bytes in size and represents a BGRA image with an upper-left origin. Allows picking a nonexistent file, and prompts to overwrite if the file already exists. Like Open, but selects a folder to open. Like Open, but allows picking multiple files to open. Requires that the file exists before allowing the user to pick it. Popup window features. The source is a system-generated focus event. The source is explicit navigation via the API (LoadURL(), etc). True if the focus is currently on an editable field on the page. This is useful for determining if standard key events should be intercepted. Same as |character| but unmodified by any concurrently-held modifiers (except shift). This is useful for working out shortcut keys. The character generated by the keystroke. Indicates whether the event is considered a "system key" event (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646286(VS.85).aspx for details). This value will always be false on non-Windows platforms. The actual key code genenerated by the platform. The Windows key code for the key event. This value is used by the DOM specification. Sometimes it comes directly from the event (i.e. on Windows) and sometimes it's determined using a mapping function. See WebCore/platform/chromium/KeyboardCodes.h for the list of values. Bit flags describing any pressed modifier keys. See cef_event_flags_t for values. The type of keyboard event. Structure representing keyboard event information. Notification that a character was typed. Use this for text input. Key down events may generate 0, 1, or more than one character event depending on the key, locale, and operating system. Notification that a key was released. Notification that a key was pressed. This does not necessarily correspond to a character depending on the key and language. Use KEYEVENT_CHAR for character input. Notification that a key transitioned from "up" to "down". A plugin node is selected. A file node is selected. An canvas node is selected. An audio node is selected. A video node is selected. An image node is selected. No special node is in context. An editable element is selected. There is a textual or mixed selection that is selected. A media node is selected. A link is selected. A subframe page is selected. The top page is selected. No node is selected. Mac OS-X command key. The device type that caused the event. Bit flags describing any pressed modifier keys. See cef_event_flags_t for values. The state of the touch point. Touches begin with one CEF_TET_PRESSED event followed by zero or more CEF_TET_MOVED events and finally one CEF_TET_RELEASED or CEF_TET_CANCELLED event. Events not respecting this order will be ignored. The normalized pressure of the pointer input in the range of [0,1]. Set to 0 if not applicable. Rotation angle in radians. Set to 0 if not applicable. Y radius in pixels. Set to 0 if not applicable. X radius in pixels. Set to 0 if not applicable. Y coordinate relative to the top side of the view. X coordinate relative to the left side of the view. Id of a touch point. Must be unique per touch, can be any number except -1. Note that a maximum of 16 concurrent touches will be tracked; touches beyond that will be ignored. Structure representing touch event information. Bit flags describing any pressed modifier keys. See cef_event_flags_t for values. Y coordinate relative to the top side of the view. X coordinate relative to the left side of the view. Structure representing mouse event information. This is set from the rcWork member of MONITORINFOEX, to whit: "A RECT structure that specifies the work area rectangle of the display monitor that can be used by applications, expressed in virtual-screen coordinates. Windows uses this rectangle to maximize an application on the monitor. The rest of the area in rcMonitor contains system windows such as the task bar and side bars. Note that if the monitor is not the primary display monitor, some of the rectangle's coordinates may be negative values". The |rect| and |available_rect| properties are used to determine the available surface for rendering popup views. This is set from the rcMonitor member of MONITORINFOEX, to whit: "A RECT structure that specifies the display monitor rectangle, expressed in virtual-screen coordinates. Note that if the monitor is not the primary display monitor, some of the rectangle's coordinates may be negative values." The |rect| and |available_rect| properties are used to determine the available surface for rendering popup views. This can be true for black and white printers. The bits per color component. This assumes that the colors are balanced equally. The screen depth in bits per pixel. Device scale factor. Specifies the ratio between physical and logical pixels. Screen information used when window rendering is disabled. This structure is passed as a parameter to CefRenderHandler::GetScreenInfo and should be filled in by the client. Initialize COM using multi-threaded apartments. Initialize COM using single-threaded apartments. No COM initialization. Supports tasks, timers and asynchronous IO events. Supports tasks, timers and native UI events (e.g. Windows messages). Supports tasks and timers. Suitable for low-latency, glitch-resistant audio. Suitable for threads which generate data for the display (at ~60Hz). Default priority level. Suitable for threads that shouldn't disrupt high priority work. The main thread in the renderer. Used for all WebKit and V8 interaction. Tasks may be posted to this thread after CefRenderProcessHandler::OnWebKitInitialized but are not guaranteed to run before sub-process termination (sub-processes may be killed at any time without warning). Used to process IPC and network messages. Do not perform blocking tasks on this thread. All tasks posted after CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() are guaranteed to run. Used to launch and terminate browser processes. Used for blocking tasks like file system access that affect UI immediately after a user interaction. All tasks posted after CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() are guaranteed to run. Example: Generating data shown in the UI immediately after a click. Used for blocking tasks like file system access that affect UI or responsiveness of future user interactions. Do not use if an immediate response to a user interaction is expected. All tasks posted after CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() are guaranteed to run. Examples: - Updating the UI to reflect progress on a long task. - Loading data that might be shown in the UI after a future user interaction. Used for blocking tasks like file system access where the user won't notice if the task takes an arbitrarily long time to complete. All tasks posted after CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() are guaranteed to run. The main thread in the browser. This will be the same as the main application thread if CefInitialize() is called with a CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false. Do not perform blocking tasks on this thread. All tasks posted after CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnContextInitialized() and before CefShutdown() are guaranteed to run. This thread will outlive all other CEF threads. Renderer process. Browser process. True (1) this this region is draggable and false (0) otherwise. Bounds of the region. Structure representing a draggable region. Request failed for some reason. Request was canceled programatically. An IO request is pending, and the caller will be informed when it is completed. Request succeeded. Unknown status. If set 3XX responses will cause the fetch to halt immediately rather than continue through the redirect. If set 5XX redirect errors will be propagated to the observer instead of automatically re-tried. This currently only applies for requests originated in the browser process. If set the CefURLRequestClient::OnDownloadData method will not be called. If set upload progress events will be generated when a request has a body. If set user name, password, and cookies may be sent with the request, and cookies may be saved from the response. If set the cache will not be used at all. Setting this value is equivalent to specifying the "Cache-Control: no-store" request header. Setting this value in combination with UR_FLAG_ONLY_FROM_CACHE will cause the request to fail. If set the request will fail if it cannot be served from the cache (or some equivalent local store). Setting this value is equivalent to specifying the "Cache-Control: only-if-cached" request header. Setting this value in combination with UR_FLAG_SKIP_CACHE or UR_FLAG_DISABLE_CACHE will cause the request to fail. If set the cache will be skipped when handling the request. Setting this value is equivalent to specifying the "Cache-Control: no-cache" request header. Setting this value in combination with UR_FLAG_ONLY_FROM_CACHE will cause the request to fail. Default behavior. General mask defining the bits used for the qualifiers. Used to test whether a transition involves a redirect. Redirects sent from the server by HTTP headers. Redirects caused by JavaScript or a meta refresh tag on the page. The last transition in a redirect chain. The beginning of a navigation chain. The transition originated from an external application; the exact definition of this is embedder dependent. Chrome runtime and extension system only. User is navigating to the home page. Chrome runtime only. Loaded a URL directly via CreateBrowser, LoadURL or LoadRequest. Used the Forward or Back function to navigate among browsing history. Will be ORed to the transition type for the original load. Qualifiers. Any of the core values above can be augmented by one or more qualifiers. These qualifiers further define the transition. Attempted to visit a URL but was blocked. General mask defining the bits used for the source values. Corresponds to a visit generated for a keyword. See description of TT_KEYWORD for more details. Chrome runtime only. The url was generated from a replaceable keyword other than the default search provider. If the user types a keyword (which also applies to tab-to-search) in the omnibox this qualifier is applied to the transition type of the generated url. TemplateURLModel then may generate an additional visit with a transition type of TT_KEYWORD_GENERATED against the url 'http://' + keyword. For example, if you do a tab-to-search against wikipedia the generated url has a transition qualifer of TT_KEYWORD, and TemplateURLModel generates a visit for 'wikipedia.org' with a transition type of TT_KEYWORD_GENERATED. Chrome runtime only. Source is a "reload" of the page via the Reload function or by re-visiting the same URL. NOTE: This is distinct from the concept of whether a particular load uses "reload semantics" (i.e. bypasses cached data). Source is a form submission by the user. NOTE: In some situations submitting a form does not result in this transition type. This can happen if the form uses a script to submit the contents. This is a toplevel navigation. This is any content that is automatically loaded in a toplevel frame. For example, opening a tab to show the ASH screen saver, opening the devtools window, opening the NTP after the safe browsing warning, opening web-based dialog boxes are examples of AUTO_TOPLEVEL navigations. Chrome runtime only. User got to this page by typing in the URL bar and selecting an entry that did not look like a URL. For example, a match might have the URL of a Google search result page, but appear like "Search Google for ...". These are not quite the same as EXPLICIT navigations because the user didn't type or see the destination URL. Chrome runtime only. See also TT_KEYWORD. Source is a subframe navigation explicitly requested by the user that will generate new navigation entries in the back/forward list. These are probably more important than frames that were automatically loaded in the background because the user probably cares about the fact that this link was loaded. Source is a subframe navigation. This is any content that is automatically loaded in a non-toplevel frame. For example, if a page consists of several frames containing ads, those ad URLs will have this transition type. The user may not even realize the content in these pages is a separate frame, so may not care about the URL. User got to this page through a suggestion in the UI (for example, via the destinations page). Chrome runtime only. Source is some other "explicit" navigation. This is the default value for navigations where the actual type is unknown. See also TT_DIRECT_LOAD_FLAG. Source is a link click or the JavaScript window.open function. This is also the default value for requests like sub-resource loads that are not navigations. A sub-frame service worker navigation preload request. A main-frame service worker navigation preload request. A resource that a plugin requested. A report of Content Security Policy violations. Main resource of a service worker. XMLHttpRequest. Favicon. Explicitly requested prefetch. Main resource of a shared worker. Main resource of a dedicated worker. Media resource. Object (or embed) tag for a plugin, or a resource that a plugin requested. Some other subresource. This is the default type if the actual type is unknown. Font. Image (jpg/gif/png/etc). External script. CSS stylesheet. Frame or iframe. Top level page. Not configurable Not enumerable Not writeable Writeable, Enumerable, Configurable Creates a new document picture-in-picture window showing a child WebView. Activates an existing tab containing the url, rather than navigating. This is similar to SINGLETON_TAB, but searches across all windows from the current profile and anonymity (instead of just the current one); closes the current tab on switching if the current tab was the NTP with no session history; and behaves like CURRENT_TAB instead of NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB when no existing tab is found. Special case error condition from the renderer. New off-the-record (incognito) window. Alt key while clicking. Shift key while clicking. New popup window. Middle mouse button or meta/ctrl key while clicking. Shift key + Middle mouse button or meta/ctrl key while clicking. Indicates that only one tab with the url should exist in the same window. Current tab. This is the default in most cases. Directory containing application resources. Can be configured via CefSettings.resources_dir_path. "Application Data" directory under the user profile directory on Windows and "~/Library/Application Support" directory on MacOS. "Local Settings\Application Data" directory under the user profile directory on Windows. Path and filename of the module containing the CEF code (usually the libcef module). Path and filename of the current executable. Temporary directory. Directory containing PK_FILE_MODULE. Directory containing PK_FILE_EXE. Current directory. Out of memory. Some platforms may use TS_PROCESS_CRASHED instead. Segmentation fault. SIGKILL or task manager kill. Non-zero exit status. Priority. Same site. The cookie expiration date is only valid if |has_expires| is true. The cookie last access date. This is automatically populated by the system on access. The cookie creation date. This is automatically populated by the system on cookie creation. If |httponly| is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTP requests. If |secure| is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTPS requests. If |path| is non-empty only URLs at or below the path will get the cookie value. If |domain| is empty a host cookie will be created instead of a domain cookie. Domain cookies are stored with a leading "." and are visible to sub-domains whereas host cookies are not. The cookie value. The cookie name. Cookie information. Fragment (hash) identifier component (i.e., the string following the '#'). Query string component (i.e., everything following the '?'). Path component including the first slash following the host. Origin contains just the scheme, host, and port from a URL. Equivalent to clearing any username and password, replacing the path with a slash, and clearing everything after that. This value will be empty for non-standard URLs. Port number component. Host component. This may be a hostname, an IPv4 address or an IPv6 literal surrounded by square brackets (e.g., "[2001:db8::1]"). Password component. User name component. Scheme component not including the colon (e.g., "http"). The complete URL specification. URL component parts. Continue asynchronously (usually via a callback). Continue immediately. Cancel immediately. Controls whether the Chrome status bubble will be used. Only supported with the Chrome runtime. For details about the status bubble see https://www.chromium.org/user-experience/status-bubble/ Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. May be set globally using the CefSettings.accept_language_list value. If both values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used. END values that map to WebPreferences settings. Background color used for the browser before a document is loaded and when no document color is specified. The alpha component must be either fully opaque (0xFF) or fully transparent (0x00). If the alpha component is fully opaque then the RGB components will be used as the background color. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a windowed browser then the CefSettings.background_color value will be used. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a windowless (off-screen) browser then transparent painting will be enabled. Controls whether WebGL can be used. Note that WebGL requires hardware support and may not work on all systems even when enabled. Also configurable using the "disable-webgl" command-line switch. Controls whether databases can be used. Also configurable using the "disable-databases" command-line switch. Controls whether local storage can be used. Also configurable using the "disable-local-storage" command-line switch. Controls whether the tab key can advance focus to links. Also configurable using the "disable-tab-to-links" command-line switch. Controls whether text areas can be resized. Also configurable using the "disable-text-area-resize" command-line switch. Controls whether standalone images will be shrunk to fit the page. Also configurable using the "image-shrink-standalone-to-fit" command-line switch. Controls whether image URLs will be loaded from the network. A cached image will still be rendered if requested. Also configurable using the "disable-image-loading" command-line switch. Controls whether DOM pasting is supported in the editor via execCommand("paste"). The |javascript_access_clipboard| setting must also be enabled. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-dom-paste" command-line switch. Controls whether JavaScript can access the clipboard. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-access-clipboard" command-line switch. Controls whether JavaScript can be used to close windows that were not opened via JavaScript. JavaScript can still be used to close windows that were opened via JavaScript or that have no back/forward history. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-close-windows" command-line switch. Controls whether JavaScript can be executed. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript" command-line switch. Controls the loading of fonts from remote sources. Also configurable using the "disable-remote-fonts" command-line switch. Default encoding for Web content. If empty "ISO-8859-1" will be used. Also configurable using the "default-encoding" command-line switch. BEGIN values that map to WebPreferences settings. Font settings. The maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that CefRenderHandler::OnPaint will be called for a windowless browser. The actual fps may be lower if the browser cannot generate frames at the requested rate. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 60 (default 30). This value can also be changed dynamically via CefBrowserHost::SetWindowlessFrameRate. Size of this structure. Browser initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended default values. The consequences of using custom values may not be well tested. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command- line switches. Comma delimited list of schemes supported by the associated CefCookieManager. If |cookieable_schemes_exclude_defaults| is false (0) the default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported. Specifying a |cookieable_schemes_list| value and setting |cookieable_schemes_exclude_defaults| to true (1) will disable all loading and saving of cookies for this manager. These values will be ignored if |cache_path| matches the CefSettings.cache_path value. Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. Can be set globally using the CefSettings.accept_language_list value or overridden on a per- browser basis using the CefBrowserSettings.accept_language_list value. If all values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used. This value will be ignored if |cache_path| matches the CefSettings.cache_path value. To persist user preferences as a JSON file in the cache path directory set this value to true (1). Can be set globally using the CefSettings.persist_user_preferences value. This value will be ignored if |cache_path| is empty or if it matches the CefSettings.cache_path value. To persist session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity interval) by default when using the global cookie manager set this value to true (1). Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most Web browsers do not persist them. Can be set globally using the CefSettings.persist_session_cookies value. This value will be ignored if |cache_path| is empty or if it matches the CefSettings.cache_path value. The location where cache data for this request context will be stored on disk. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path that is either equal to or a child directory of CefSettings.root_cache_path. If this value is empty then browsers will be created in "incognito mode" where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a cache path is specified. To share the global browser cache and related configuration set this value to match the CefSettings.cache_path value. Size of this structure. Request context initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended default values. Comma delimited list of schemes supported by the associated CefCookieManager. If |cookieable_schemes_exclude_defaults| is false (0) the default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported. Specifying a |cookieable_schemes_list| value and setting |cookieable_schemes_exclude_defaults| to true (1) will disable all loading and saving of cookies for this manager. Can be overridden for individual CefRequestContext instances via the CefRequestContextSettings.cookieable_schemes_list and CefRequestContextSettings.cookieable_schemes_exclude_defaults values. Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. May be overridden on a per-browser basis using the CefBrowserSettings.accept_language_list value. If both values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used. Can be overridden for individual CefRequestContext instances via the CefRequestContextSettings.accept_language_list value. Background color used for the browser before a document is loaded and when no document color is specified. The alpha component must be either fully opaque (0xFF) or fully transparent (0x00). If the alpha component is fully opaque then the RGB components will be used as the background color. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a windowed browser then the default value of opaque white be used. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a windowless (off-screen) browser then transparent painting will be enabled. The number of stack trace frames to capture for uncaught exceptions. Specify a positive value to enable the CefRenderProcessHandler::OnUncaughtException() callback. Specify 0 (default value) and OnUncaughtException() will not be called. Also configurable using the "uncaught-exception-stack-size" command-line switch. Set to a value between 1024 and 65535 to enable remote debugging on the specified port. Also configurable using the "remote-debugging-port" command-line switch. Remote debugging can be accessed by loading the chrome://inspect page in Google Chrome. Port numbers 9222 and 9229 are discoverable by default. Other port numbers may need to be configured via "Discover network targets" on the Devices tab. Set to true (1) to disable loading of pack files for resources and locales. A resource bundle handler must be provided for the browser and render processes via CefApp::GetResourceBundleHandler() if loading of pack files is disabled. Also configurable using the "disable-pack-loading" command- line switch. The fully qualified path for the locales directory. If this value is empty the locales directory must be located in the module directory. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. This value is ignored on MacOS where pack files are always loaded from the app bundle Resources directory. Also configurable using the "locales-dir-path" command-line switch. The fully qualified path for the resources directory. If this value is empty the *.pak files must be located in the module directory on Windows/Linux or the app bundle Resources directory on MacOS. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Also configurable using the "resources-dir-path" command-line switch. Custom flags that will be used when initializing the V8 JavaScript engine. The consequences of using custom flags may not be well tested. Also configurable using the "js-flags" command-line switch. The log severity. Only messages of this severity level or higher will be logged. When set to DISABLE no messages will be written to the log file, but FATAL messages will still be output to stderr. Also configurable using the "log-severity" command-line switch with a value of "verbose", "info", "warning", "error", "fatal" or "disable". The directory and file name to use for the debug log. If empty a default log file name and location will be used. On Windows and Linux a "debug.log" file will be written in the main executable directory. On MacOS a "~/Library/Logs/[app name]_debug.log" file will be written where [app name] is the name of the main app executable. Also configurable using the "log-file" command-line switch. The locale string that will be passed to WebKit. If empty the default locale of "en-US" will be used. This value is ignored on Linux where locale is determined using environment variable parsing with the precedence order: LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES and LANG. Also configurable using the "lang" command-line switch. Value that will be inserted as the product portion of the default User-Agent string. If empty the Chromium product version will be used. If |userAgent| is specified this value will be ignored. Also configurable using the "user-agent-product" command-line switch. Value that will be returned as the User-Agent HTTP header. If empty the default User-Agent string will be used. Also configurable using the "user-agent" command-line switch. To persist user preferences as a JSON file in the cache path directory set this value to true (1). A |cache_path| value must also be specified to enable this feature. Also configurable using the "persist-user-preferences" command-line switch. Can be overridden for individual CefRequestContext instances via the CefRequestContextSettings.persist_user_preferences value. To persist session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity interval) by default when using the global cookie manager set this value to true (1). Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most Web browsers do not persist them. A |cache_path| value must also be specified to enable this feature. Also configurable using the "persist-session-cookies" command-line switch. Can be overridden for individual CefRequestContext instances via the CefRequestContextSettings.persist_session_cookies value. The location where user data such as the Widevine CDM module and spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk. If this value is empty then the default platform-specific user data directory will be used ("~/.config/cef_user_data" directory on Linux, "~/Library/Application Support/CEF/User Data" directory on MacOS, "AppData\Local\CEF\User Data" directory under the user profile directory on Windows). If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. When using the Chrome runtime this value will be ignored in favor of the |root_cache_path| value. The root directory that all CefSettings.cache_path and CefRequestContextSettings.cache_path values must have in common. If this value is empty and CefSettings.cache_path is non-empty then it will default to the CefSettings.cache_path value. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Failure to set this value correctly may result in the sandbox blocking read/write access to the cache_path directory. The location where data for the global browser cache will be stored on disk. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path that is either equal to or a child directory of CefSettings.root_cache_path. If this value is empty then browsers will be created in "incognito mode" where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a cache path is specified. Can be overridden for individual CefRequestContext instances via the CefRequestContextSettings.cache_path value. When using the Chrome runtime the "default" profile will be used if |cache_path| and |root_cache_path| have the same value. Set to true (1) to disable configuration of browser process features using standard CEF and Chromium command-line arguments. Configuration can still be specified using CEF data structures or via the CefApp::OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing() method. Set to true (1) to enable windowless (off-screen) rendering support. Do not enable this value if the application does not use windowless rendering as it may reduce rendering performance on some systems. Set to true (1) to control browser process main (UI) thread message pump scheduling via the CefBrowserProcessHandler::OnScheduleMessagePumpWork() callback. This option is recommended for use in combination with the CefDoMessageLoopWork() function in cases where the CEF message loop must be integrated into an existing application message loop (see additional comments and warnings on CefDoMessageLoopWork). Enabling this option is not recommended for most users; leave this option disabled and use either the CefRunMessageLoop() function or multi_threaded_message_loop if possible. Set to true (1) to have the browser process message loop run in a separate thread. If false (0) then the CefDoMessageLoopWork() function must be called from your application message loop. This option is only supported on Windows and Linux. Set to true (1) to enable use of the Chrome runtime in CEF. This feature is considered experimental and is not recommended for most users at this time. See issue #2969 for details. The path to the main bundle on macOS. If this value is empty then it defaults to the top-level app bundle. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Also configurable using the "main-bundle-path" command-line switch. The path to the CEF framework directory on macOS. If this value is empty then the framework must exist at "Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework" in the top-level app bundle. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Also configurable using the "framework-dir-path" command-line switch. Set to true (1) to disable the sandbox for sub-processes. See cef_sandbox_win.h for requirements to enable the sandbox on Windows. Also configurable using the "no-sandbox" command-line switch. Size of this structure. Initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended default values. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command- line switches. Disable or disallow the setting. Enable or allow the setting. Use the default state for the setting. Disable logging to file for all messages, and to stderr for messages with severity less than FATAL. FATAL logging. ERROR logging. WARNING logging. INFO logging. DEBUG logging. Verbose logging. Default logging (currently INFO logging). Handle for the new browser window. Only used with windowed rendering. Set to true (1) to enable the ability to issue BeginFrame requests from the client application by calling CefBrowserHost::SendExternalBeginFrame. Set to true (1) to enable shared textures for windowless rendering. Only valid if windowless_rendering_enabled above is also set to true. Currently only supported on Windows (D3D11). Set to true (1) to create the browser using windowless (off-screen) rendering. No window will be created for the browser and all rendering will occur via the CefRenderHandler interface. The |parent_window| value will be used to identify monitor info and to act as the parent window for dialogs, context menus, etc. If |parent_window| is not provided then the main screen monitor will be used and some functionality that requires a parent window may not function correctly. In order to create windowless browsers the CefSettings.windowless_rendering_enabled value must be set to true. Transparent painting is enabled by default but can be disabled by setting CefBrowserSettings.background_color to an opaque value. Structure representing window information. Structure representing CefExecuteProcess arguments. Structure representing insets. Structure representing a size. Structure representing a rectangle. Structure representing a point. Creates a copy of an existing string list. Free the string list. Clear the string list. Append a new value at the end of the string list. Retrieve the value at the specified zero-based string list index. Returns true (1) if the value was successfully retrieved. Return the number of elements in the string list. Allocate a new string map. CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs. Traits implementation for utf16 character strings. Traits implementation for utf8 character strings. Traits implementation for wide character strings. These functions convert utf16 string case using the current ICU locale. This may change the length of the string in some cases. These functions free the string structure allocated by the associated alloc function. Any string contents will first be cleared. These functions allocate a new string structure. They must be freed by calling the associated free function. It is sometimes necessary for the system to allocate string structures with the expectation that the user will free them. The userfree types act as a hint that the user is responsible for freeing the structure. These functions convert an ASCII string, typically a hardcoded constant, to a Wide/UTF16 string. Use instead of the UTF8 conversion routines if you know the string is ASCII. These functions convert between UTF-8, -16, and -32 strings. They are potentially slow so unnecessary conversions should be avoided. The best possible result will always be written to |output| with the boolean return value indicating whether the conversion is 100% valid. These functions compare two string values with the same results as strcmp(). Convenience macros for copying values. These functions clear string values. The structure itself is not freed. These functions set string values. If |copy| is true (1) the value will be copied instead of referenced. It is up to the user to properly manage the lifespan of references. \file CEF provides functions for converting between UTF-8, -16 and -32 strings. CEF string types are safe for reading from multiple threads but not for modification. It is the user's responsibility to provide synchronization if modifying CEF strings from multiple threads. CEF string type definitions. Whomever allocates |str| is responsible for providing an appropriate |dtor| implementation that will free the string in the same memory space. When reusing an existing string structure make sure to call |dtor| for the old value before assigning new |str| and |dtor| values. Static strings will have a NULL |dtor| value. Using the below functions if you want this managed for you. Return the delta between this object and |other| in milliseconds. Set this object to now. Converts to/from a double which is the number of seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970). Webkit uses this format to represent time. A value of 0 means "not initialized". Converts to/from time_t. Class representing a time. Represents a wall clock time in UTC. Values are not guaranteed to be monotonically non-decreasing and are subject to large amounts of skew. Time is stored internally as microseconds since the Windows epoch (1601). This is equivalent of Chromium `base::Time` (see base/time/time.h). Converts cef_basetime_t to cef_time_t. Returns true (1) on success and false (0) on failure. Converts cef_time_t to cef_basetime_t. Returns true (1) on success and false (0) on failure. Retrieve the delta in milliseconds between two time values. Returns true (1) on success and false (0) on failure. Retrieve the current system time. Retrieve the current system time. Returns true (1) on success and false (0) on failure. Converts cef_time_t to/from a double which is the number of seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970). Webkit uses this format to represent time. A value of 0 means "not initialized". Returns true (1) on success and false (0) on failure. Converts cef_time_t to/from time_t. Returns true (1) on success and false (0) on failure. Milliseconds within the current second (0-999) Second within the current minute (0-59 plus leap seconds which may take it up to 60). Minute within the current hour (0-59) Hour within the current day (0-23) 1-based day of month (1-31) 0-based day of week (0 = Sunday, etc.) 1-based month (values 1 = January, etc.) Four or five digit year "2007" (1601 to 30827 on Windows, 1970 to 2038 on 32-bit POSIX) Time information. Values should always be in UTC. ThreadChecker is a helper class used to help verify that some methods of a class are called from the same thread. It provides identical functionality to base::NonThreadSafe, but it is meant to be held as a member variable, rather than inherited from base::NonThreadSafe. While inheriting from base::NonThreadSafe may give a clear indication about the thread-safety of a class, it may also lead to violations of the style guide with regard to multiple inheritance. The choice between having a ThreadChecker member and inheriting from base::NonThreadSafe should be based on whether: - Derived classes need to know the thread they belong to, as opposed to having that functionality fully encapsulated in the base class. - Derived classes should be able to reassign the base class to another thread, via DetachFromThread. If neither of these are true, then having a ThreadChecker member and calling CalledOnValidThread is the preferable solution. Example:
  class MyClass {
    void Foo() {
      ... (do stuff) ...

    ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
In Release mode, CalledOnValidThread will always return true.
Do nothing implementation, for use in release mode. Note: You should almost always use the ThreadChecker class to get the right version for your build configuration. AutoUnlock is a helper that will Release() the |lock| argument in the constructor, and re-Acquire() it in the destructor. A helper class that acquires the given Lock while the AutoLock is in scope. A convenient wrapper for an OS specific critical section. The only real intelligence in this class is in debug mode for the support for the AssertAcquired() method. Gets the current thread reference, which can be used to check if we're on the right thread quickly. Gets the current thread id, which may be useful for logging purposes. Used for thread checking and debugging. Meant to be as fast as possible. These are produced by PlatformThread::CurrentRef(), and used to later check if we are on the same thread or not by using ==. These are safe to copy between threads, but can't be copied to another process as they have no meaning there. Also, the internal identifier can be re-used after a thread dies, so a PlatformThreadRef cannot be reliably used to distinguish a new thread from an old, dead thread. Used for logging. Always an integer value. Returns the current platform thread handle. Returns the current platform thread ID. Add a log message. See the LogSeverity defines for supported |severity| values. Gets the current vlog level for the given file (usually taken from __FILE__). Note that |N| is the size *with* the null terminator. Gets the current log level. Returns the current reference count (with no barriers). This is subtle, and should be used only for debugging. Return whether the reference count is zero. With conventional object referencing counting, the object will be destroyed, so the reference count should never be zero. Hence this is generally used for a debug check. Return whether the reference count is one. If the reference count is used in the conventional way, a refrerence count of 1 implies that the current thread owns the reference and no other thread shares it. This call performs the test for a reference count of one, and performs the memory barrier needed for the owning thread to act on the object, knowing that it has exclusive access to the object. Decrement a reference count, and return whether the result is non-zero. Insert barriers to ensure that state written before the reference count became zero will be visible to a thread that has just made the count zero. Increment a reference count by "increment", which must exceed 0. Returns the previous value of the count. Increment a reference count. Returns the previous value of the count. Set the resolved URL after redirects or changed as a result of HSTS. Set the resolved URL after redirects or changed as a result of HSTS. Set the resolved URL after redirects or changed as a result of HSTS. Get the resolved URL after redirects or changed as a result of HSTS. Get the resolved URL after redirects or changed as a result of HSTS. Get the resolved URL after redirects or changed as a result of HSTS. Set all response header fields. Set all response header fields. Set all response header fields. Get all response header fields. Get all response header fields. Get all response header fields. Set the header |name| to |value|. If |overwrite| is true any existing values will be replaced with the new value. If |overwrite| is false any existing values will not be overwritten. Set the header |name| to |value|. If |overwrite| is true any existing values will be replaced with the new value. If |overwrite| is false any existing values will not be overwritten. Set the header |name| to |value|. If |overwrite| is true any existing values will be replaced with the new value. If |overwrite| is false any existing values will not be overwritten. Get the value for the specified response header field. Get the value for the specified response header field. Get the value for the specified response header field. Set the response charset. Set the response charset. Set the response charset. Get the response charset. Get the response charset. Get the response charset. Set the response mime type. Set the response mime type. Set the response mime type. Get the response mime type. Get the response mime type. Get the response mime type. Set the response status text. Set the response status text. Set the response status text. Get the response status text. Get the response status text. Get the response status text. Set the response status code. Set the response status code. Set the response status code. Get the response status code. Get the response status code. Get the response status code. Set the response error code. This can be used by custom scheme handlers to return errors during initial request processing. Set the response error code. This can be used by custom scheme handlers to return errors during initial request processing. Set the response error code. This can be used by custom scheme handlers to return errors during initial request processing. Get the response error code. Returns ERR_NONE if there was no error. Get the response error code. Returns ERR_NONE if there was no error. Get the response error code. Returns ERR_NONE if there was no error. Returns true if this object is read-only. Returns true if this object is read-only. Returns true if this object is read-only. Create a new CefResponse object. Create a new CefResponse object. Create a new CefResponse object. Class used to represent a web response. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Class used to represent a web response. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Class used to represent a web response. The methods of this class may be called on any thread. Returns the mime type. Returns the mime type. Returns the content disposition. Returns the content disposition. Returns the suggested file name. Returns the suggested file name. Returns the original URL before any redirections. Returns the original URL before any redirections. Returns the URL. Returns the URL. Returns the unique identifier for this download. Returns the unique identifier for this download. Returns the full path to the downloaded or downloading file. Returns the full path to the downloaded or downloading file. Returns the time that the download ended. Returns the time that the download ended. Returns the time that the download started. Returns the time that the download started. Returns the number of received bytes. Returns the number of received bytes. Returns the total number of bytes. Returns the total number of bytes. Returns the rough percent complete or -1 if the receive total size is unknown. Returns the rough percent complete or -1 if the receive total size is unknown. Returns a simple speed estimate in bytes/s. Returns a simple speed estimate in bytes/s. Returns true if the download has been canceled or interrupted. Returns true if the download has been canceled or interrupted. Returns true if the download is complete. Returns true if the download is complete. Returns true if the download is in progress. Returns true if the download is in progress. Returns true if this object is valid. Do not call any other methods if this function returns false. Returns true if this object is valid. Do not call any other methods if this function returns false. Class used to represent a download item. Class used to represent a download item.