CefSharp.Core.xml 99 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>CefSharp.Core</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:CefSharp.BrowserSettings">
  8. <inheritdoc/>
  9. </member>
  10. <member name="M:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  11. <inheritdoc/>
  12. </member>
  13. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.StandardFontFamily">
  14. <inheritdoc/>
  15. </member>
  16. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.FixedFontFamily">
  17. <inheritdoc/>
  18. </member>
  19. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.SerifFontFamily">
  20. <inheritdoc/>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.SansSerifFontFamily">
  23. <inheritdoc/>
  24. </member>
  25. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.CursiveFontFamily">
  26. <inheritdoc/>
  27. </member>
  28. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.FantasyFontFamily">
  29. <inheritdoc/>
  30. </member>
  31. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.DefaultFontSize">
  32. <inheritdoc/>
  33. </member>
  34. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.DefaultFixedFontSize">
  35. <inheritdoc/>
  36. </member>
  37. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.MinimumFontSize">
  38. <inheritdoc/>
  39. </member>
  40. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.MinimumLogicalFontSize">
  41. <inheritdoc/>
  42. </member>
  43. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.DefaultEncoding">
  44. <inheritdoc/>
  45. </member>
  46. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.RemoteFonts">
  47. <inheritdoc/>
  48. </member>
  49. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.Javascript">
  50. <inheritdoc/>
  51. </member>
  52. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.JavascriptCloseWindows">
  53. <inheritdoc/>
  54. </member>
  55. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.JavascriptAccessClipboard">
  56. <inheritdoc/>
  57. </member>
  58. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.JavascriptDomPaste">
  59. <inheritdoc/>
  60. </member>
  61. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.Plugins">
  62. <inheritdoc/>
  63. </member>
  64. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.ImageLoading">
  65. <inheritdoc/>
  66. </member>
  67. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit">
  68. <inheritdoc/>
  69. </member>
  70. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.TextAreaResize">
  71. <inheritdoc/>
  72. </member>
  73. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.TabToLinks">
  74. <inheritdoc/>
  75. </member>
  76. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.LocalStorage">
  77. <inheritdoc/>
  78. </member>
  79. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.Databases">
  80. <inheritdoc/>
  81. </member>
  82. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.WebGl">
  83. <inheritdoc/>
  84. </member>
  85. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.BackgroundColor">
  86. <inheritdoc/>
  87. </member>
  88. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.AcceptLanguageList">
  89. <inheritdoc/>
  90. </member>
  91. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.WindowlessFrameRate">
  92. <inheritdoc/>
  93. </member>
  94. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.IsDisposed">
  95. <inheritdoc/>
  96. </member>
  97. <member name="P:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.AutoDispose">
  98. <inheritdoc/>
  99. </member>
  100. <member name="M:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.Dispose">
  101. <inheritdoc/>
  102. </member>
  103. <member name="M:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.UnWrap">
  104. <summary>
  105. Used internally to get the underlying <see cref="T:CefSharp.IBrowserSettings"/> instance.
  106. Unlikely you'll use this yourself.
  107. </summary>
  108. <returns>the inner most instance</returns>
  109. </member>
  110. <member name="M:CefSharp.BrowserSettings.Create(System.Boolean)">
  111. <summary>
  112. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IBrowserSettings"/>
  113. </summary>
  114. <param name="autoDispose">set to false if you plan to reuse the instance, otherwise true</param>
  115. <returns>BrowserSettings</returns>
  116. </member>
  117. <member name="T:CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.SelfHost">
  118. <summary>
  119. SelfHost allows your application executable to be used as the BrowserSubProcess
  120. with minimal effort.
  121. </summary>
  122. <example>
  123. //WinForms Example
  124. public class Program
  125. {
  126. [STAThread]
  127. public static int Main(string[] args)
  128. {
  129. Cef.EnableHighDPISupport();
  130. var exitCode = CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.SelfHost.Main(args);
  131. if (exitCode >= 0)
  132. {
  133. return exitCode;
  134. }
  135. var settings = new CefSettings();
  136. //Absolute path to your applications executable
  137. settings.BrowserSubprocessPath = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;
  138. Cef.Initialize(settings);
  139. var browser = new BrowserForm(true);
  140. Application.Run(browser);
  141. return 0;
  142. }
  143. }
  144. </example>
  145. </member>
  146. <member name="M:CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.SelfHost.Main(System.String[])">
  147. <summary>
  148. This function should be called from the application entry point function (typically Program.Main)
  149. to execute a secondary process e.g. gpu, plugin, renderer, utility
  150. This overload is specifically used for .Net Core. For hosting your own BrowserSubProcess
  151. it's preferable to use the Main method provided by this class.
  152. - Pass in command line args
  153. - To support High DPI Displays you should call Cef.EnableHighDPISupport before any other processing
  154. or add the relevant entries to your app.manifest
  155. </summary>
  156. <param name="args">command line args</param>
  157. <returns>
  158. If called for the browser process (identified by no "type" command-line value) it will return immediately
  159. with a value of -1. If called for a recognized secondary process it will block until the process should exit
  160. and then return the process exit code.
  161. </returns>
  162. </member>
  163. <member name="T:CefSharp.Cef">
  164. <summary>
  165. Global CEF methods are exposed through this class. e.g. CefInitalize maps to Cef.Initialize
  166. CEF API Doc https://magpcss.org/ceforum/apidocs3/projects/(default)/(_globals).html
  167. This class cannot be inherited.
  168. </summary>
  169. </member>
  170. <member name="P:CefSharp.Cef.IsInitialized">
  171. <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether CefSharp is initialized.</summary>
  172. <value>true if CefSharp is initialized; otherwise, false.</value>
  173. </member>
  174. <member name="P:CefSharp.Cef.IsShutdown">
  175. <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether CefSharp was shutdown.</summary>
  176. <value>true if CefSharp was shutdown; otherwise, false.</value>
  177. </member>
  178. <member name="P:CefSharp.Cef.CefSharpVersion">
  179. <summary>Gets a value that indicates the version of CefSharp currently being used.</summary>
  180. <value>The CefSharp version.</value>
  181. </member>
  182. <member name="P:CefSharp.Cef.CefVersion">
  183. <summary>Gets a value that indicates the CEF version currently being used.</summary>
  184. <value>The CEF Version</value>
  185. </member>
  186. <member name="P:CefSharp.Cef.ChromiumVersion">
  187. <summary>Gets a value that indicates the Chromium version currently being used.</summary>
  188. <value>The Chromium version.</value>
  189. </member>
  190. <member name="P:CefSharp.Cef.CefCommitHash">
  191. <summary>
  192. Gets a value that indicates the Git Hash for CEF version currently being used.
  193. </summary>
  194. <value>The Git Commit Hash</value>
  195. </member>
  196. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.ParseUrl(System.String)">
  197. <summary>
  198. Parse the specified url into its component parts.
  199. Uses a GURL to parse the Url. GURL is Google's URL parsing library.
  200. </summary>
  201. <param name="url">url</param>
  202. <returns>Returns null if the URL is empty or invalid.</returns>
  203. </member>
  204. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.Initialize(CefSharp.CefSettingsBase)">
  205. <summary>
  206. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings.
  207. It's important to note that Initialize and Shutdown <strong>MUST</strong> be called on your main
  208. application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different
  209. threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
  210. </summary>
  211. <param name="settings">CefSharp configuration settings.</param>
  212. <returns>true if successful; otherwise, false.</returns>
  213. </member>
  214. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.Initialize(CefSharp.CefSettingsBase,System.Boolean)">
  215. <summary>
  216. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings.
  217. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown <strong>MUST</strong> be called on your main
  218. application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different
  219. threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
  220. </summary>
  221. <param name="settings">CefSharp configuration settings.</param>
  222. <param name="performDependencyCheck">Check that all relevant dependencies available, throws exception if any are missing</param>
  223. <returns>true if successful; otherwise, false.</returns>
  224. </member>
  225. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.Initialize(CefSharp.CefSettingsBase,System.Boolean,CefSharp.IBrowserProcessHandler)">
  226. <summary>
  227. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings.
  228. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown <strong>MUST</strong> be called on your main
  229. application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different
  230. threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
  231. </summary>
  232. <param name="settings">CefSharp configuration settings.</param>
  233. <param name="performDependencyCheck">Check that all relevant dependencies available, throws exception if any are missing</param>
  234. <param name="browserProcessHandler">The handler for functionality specific to the browser process. Null if you don't wish to handle these events</param>
  235. <returns>true if successful; otherwise, false.</returns>
  236. </member>
  237. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.Initialize(CefSharp.CefSettingsBase,System.Boolean,CefSharp.IApp)">
  238. <summary>
  239. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings.
  240. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown <strong>MUST</strong> be called on your main
  241. application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different
  242. threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
  243. </summary>
  244. <param name="settings">CefSharp configuration settings.</param>
  245. <param name="performDependencyCheck">Check that all relevant dependencies available, throws exception if any are missing</param>
  246. <param name="cefApp">Implement this interface to provide handler implementations. Null if you don't wish to handle these events</param>
  247. <returns>true if successful; otherwise, false.</returns>
  248. </member>
  249. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.InitializeAsync(CefSharp.CefSettingsBase,System.Boolean,CefSharp.IBrowserProcessHandler)">
  250. <summary>
  251. Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. This method allows you to wait for
  252. <see cref="M:CefSharp.IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized"/> to be called before continuing.
  253. It's important to note that Initialize and Shutdown <strong>MUST</strong> be called on your main
  254. application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different
  255. threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
  256. </summary>
  257. <param name="settings">CefSharp configuration settings.</param>
  258. <param name="performDependencyCheck">Check that all relevant dependencies available, throws exception if any are missing</param>
  259. <param name="browserProcessHandler">The handler for functionality specific to the browser process. Null if you don't wish to handle these events</param>
  260. <returns>returns a Task that can be awaited. true if successful; otherwise, false. If false check the log file for possible errors</returns>
  261. <remarks>
  262. If successful then the Task will be completed successfully when <see cref="M:CefSharp.IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized"/> is called.
  263. If successful then the continuation will happen syncrionously on the CEF UI thread.
  264. </remarks>
  265. </member>
  266. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.RunMessageLoop">
  267. <summary>
  268. Run the CEF message loop. Use this function instead of an application-
  269. provided message loop to get the best balance between performance and CPU
  270. usage. This function should only be called on the main application thread and
  271. only if Cef.Initialize() is called with a
  272. CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop value of false. This function will
  273. block until a quit message is received by the system.
  274. </summary>
  275. </member>
  276. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.QuitMessageLoop">
  277. <summary>
  278. Quit the CEF message loop that was started by calling Cef.RunMessageLoop().
  279. This function should only be called on the main application thread and only
  280. if Cef.RunMessageLoop() was used.
  281. </summary>
  282. </member>
  283. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.DoMessageLoopWork">
  284. <summary>
  285. Perform a single iteration of CEF message loop processing.This function is
  286. provided for cases where the CEF message loop must be integrated into an
  287. existing application message loop. Use of this function is not recommended
  288. for most users; use CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop if possible (the default).
  289. When using this function care must be taken to balance performance
  290. against excessive CPU usage. It is recommended to enable the
  291. CefSettings.ExternalMessagePump option when using
  292. this function so that IBrowserProcessHandler.OnScheduleMessagePumpWork()
  293. callbacks can facilitate the scheduling process. This function should only be
  294. called on the main application thread and only if Cef.Initialize() is called
  295. with a CefSettings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop value of false. This function
  296. will not block.
  297. </summary>
  298. </member>
  299. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.ExecuteProcess">
  300. <summary>
  301. This function should be called from the application entry point function to execute a secondary process.
  302. It can be used to run secondary processes from the browser client executable (default behavior) or
  303. from a separate executable specified by the CefSettings.browser_subprocess_path value.
  304. If called for the browser process (identified by no "type" command-line value) it will return immediately with a value of -1.
  305. If called for a recognized secondary process it will block until the process should exit and then return the process exit code.
  306. The |application| parameter may be empty. The |windows_sandbox_info| parameter is only used on Windows and may be NULL (see cef_sandbox_win.h for details).
  307. </summary>
  308. </member>
  309. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.AddCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  310. <summary>Add an entry to the cross-origin whitelist.</summary>
  311. <param name="sourceOrigin">The origin allowed to be accessed by the target protocol/domain.</param>
  312. <param name="targetProtocol">The target protocol allowed to access the source origin.</param>
  313. <param name="targetDomain">The optional target domain allowed to access the source origin.</param>
  314. <param name="allowTargetSubdomains">If set to true would allow a blah.example.com if the
  315. <paramref name="targetDomain"/> was set to example.com
  316. </param>
  317. <returns>Returns false if is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed.</returns>
  318. <remarks>
  319. The same-origin policy restricts how scripts hosted from different origins
  320. (scheme + domain + port) can communicate. By default, scripts can only access
  321. resources with the same origin. Scripts hosted on the HTTP and HTTPS schemes
  322. (but no other schemes) can use the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header to
  323. allow cross-origin requests. For example, https://source.example.com can make
  324. XMLHttpRequest requests on http://target.example.com if the
  325. http://target.example.com request returns an "Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
  326. https://source.example.com" response header.
  327. Scripts in separate frames or iframes and hosted from the same protocol and
  328. domain suffix can execute cross-origin JavaScript if both pages set the
  329. document.domain value to the same domain suffix. For example,
  330. scheme://foo.example.com and scheme://bar.example.com can communicate using
  331. JavaScript if both domains set document.domain="example.com".
  332. This method is used to allow access to origins that would otherwise violate
  333. the same-origin policy. Scripts hosted underneath the fully qualified
  334. <paramref name="sourceOrigin"/> URL (like http://www.example.com) will be allowed access to
  335. all resources hosted on the specified <paramref name="targetProtocol"/> and <paramref name="targetDomain"/>.
  336. If <paramref name="targetDomain"/> is non-empty and <paramref name="allowTargetSubdomains"/> if false only
  337. exact domain matches will be allowed. If <paramref name="targetDomain"/> contains a top-
  338. level domain component (like "example.com") and <paramref name="allowTargetSubdomains"/> is
  339. true sub-domain matches will be allowed. If <paramref name="targetDomain"/> is empty and
  340. <paramref name="allowTargetSubdomains"/> if true all domains and IP addresses will be
  341. allowed.
  342. This method cannot be used to bypass the restrictions on local or display
  343. isolated schemes. See the comments on <see cref="T:CefSharp.CefCustomScheme"/> for more
  344. information.
  345. This function may be called on any thread. Returns false if <paramref name="sourceOrigin"/>
  346. is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed.
  347. </remarks>
  348. </member>
  349. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.RemoveCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  350. <summary>Remove entry from cross-origin whitelist</summary>
  351. <param name="sourceOrigin">The origin allowed to be accessed by the target protocol/domain.</param>
  352. <param name="targetProtocol">The target protocol allowed to access the source origin.</param>
  353. <param name="targetDomain">The optional target domain allowed to access the source origin.</param>
  354. <param name="allowTargetSubdomains">If set to true would allow a blah.example.com if the
  355. <paramref name="targetDomain"/> was set to example.com
  356. </param>
  357. <remarks>
  358. Remove an entry from the cross-origin access whitelist. Returns false if
  359. <paramref name="sourceOrigin"/> is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed.
  360. </remarks>
  361. </member>
  362. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.ClearCrossOriginWhitelist">
  363. <summary>Remove all entries from the cross-origin access whitelist.</summary>
  364. <remarks>
  365. Remove all entries from the cross-origin access whitelist. Returns false if
  366. the whitelist cannot be accessed.
  367. </remarks>
  368. </member>
  369. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.GetGlobalCookieManager(CefSharp.ICompletionCallback)">
  370. <summary>
  371. Returns the global cookie manager. By default data will be stored at CefSettings.CachePath if specified or in memory otherwise.
  372. Using this method is equivalent to calling Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext().GetCookieManager()
  373. The cookie managers storage is created in an async fashion, whilst this method may return a cookie manager instance,
  374. there may be a short delay before you can Get/Write cookies.
  375. To be sure the cookie manager has been initialized use one of the following
  376. - Access the ICookieManager after ICompletionCallback.OnComplete has been called
  377. - Access the ICookieManager instance in IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized.
  378. - Use the ChromiumWebBrowser BrowserInitialized (OffScreen) or IsBrowserInitializedChanged (WinForms/WPF) events.
  379. </summary>
  380. <param name="callback">If non-NULL it will be executed asynchronously on the CEF UI thread after the manager's storage has been initialized.</param>
  381. <returns>A the global cookie manager or null if the RequestContext has not yet been initialized.</returns>
  382. </member>
  383. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.PreShutdown">
  384. <summary>
  385. Called prior to calling Cef.Shutdown, this disposes of any remaining
  386. ChromiumWebBrowser instances. In WPF this is used from Dispatcher.ShutdownStarted
  387. to release the unmanaged resources held by the ChromiumWebBrowser instances.
  388. Generally speaking you don't need to call this yourself.
  389. </summary>
  390. </member>
  391. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.Shutdown">
  392. <summary>
  393. Shuts down CefSharp and the underlying CEF infrastructure. This method is safe to call multiple times; it will only
  394. shut down CEF on the first call (all subsequent calls will be ignored).
  395. This method should be called on the main application thread to shut down the CEF browser process before the application exits.
  396. If you are Using CefSharp.OffScreen then you must call this explicitly before your application exits or it will hang.
  397. This method must be called on the same thread as Initialize. If you don't call Shutdown explicitly then CefSharp.Wpf and CefSharp.WinForms
  398. versions will do their best to call Shutdown for you, if your application is having trouble closing then call thus explicitly.
  399. </summary>
  400. </member>
  401. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.ShutdownWithoutChecks">
  402. <summary>
  403. This method should only be used by advanced users, if you're unsure then use Cef.Shutdown().
  404. This function should be called on the main application thread to shut down
  405. the CEF browser process before the application exits. This method simply obtains a lock
  406. and calls the native CefShutdown method, only IsInitialized is checked. All ChromiumWebBrowser
  407. instances MUST be Disposed of before calling this method. If calling this method results in a crash
  408. or hangs then you're likely hanging on to some unmanaged resources or haven't closed all of your browser
  409. instances
  410. </summary>
  411. </member>
  412. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.ClearSchemeHandlerFactories">
  413. <summary>
  414. Clear all scheme handler factories registered with the global request context.
  415. Returns false on error. This function may be called on any thread in the browser process.
  416. Using this function is equivalent to calling Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext().ClearSchemeHandlerFactories().
  417. </summary>
  418. <returns>Returns false on error.</returns>
  419. </member>
  420. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.VisitWebPluginInfo(CefSharp.IWebPluginInfoVisitor)">
  421. <summary>
  422. Visit web plugin information. Can be called on any thread in the browser process.
  423. </summary>
  424. </member>
  425. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.GetPlugins">
  426. <summary>
  427. Async returns a list containing Plugin Information
  428. (Wrapper around CefVisitWebPluginInfo)
  429. </summary>
  430. <returns>Returns List of <see cref="T:CefSharp.WebPluginInfo"/> structs.</returns>
  431. </member>
  432. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.RefreshWebPlugins">
  433. <summary>
  434. Cause the plugin list to refresh the next time it is accessed regardless of whether it has already been loaded.
  435. </summary>
  436. </member>
  437. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.UnregisterInternalWebPlugin(System.String)">
  438. <summary>
  439. Unregister an internal plugin. This may be undone the next time RefreshWebPlugins() is called.
  440. </summary>
  441. <param name="path">Path (directory + file).</param>
  442. </member>
  443. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.EnableHighDPISupport">
  444. <summary>
  445. Call during process startup to enable High-DPI support on Windows 7 or newer.
  446. Older versions of Windows should be left DPI-unaware because they do not
  447. support DirectWrite and GDI fonts are kerned very badly.
  448. </summary>
  449. </member>
  450. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.CurrentlyOnThread(CefSharp.CefThreadIds)">
  451. <summary>
  452. Returns true if called on the specified CEF thread.
  453. </summary>
  454. <returns>Returns true if called on the specified thread.</returns>
  455. </member>
  456. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext">
  457. <summary>
  458. Gets the Global Request Context. Make sure to Dispose of this object when finished.
  459. The earlier possible place to access the IRequestContext is in IBrowserProcessHandler.OnContextInitialized.
  460. Alternative use the ChromiumWebBrowser BrowserInitialized (OffScreen) or IsBrowserInitializedChanged (WinForms/WPF) events.
  461. </summary>
  462. <returns>Returns the global request context or null if the RequestContext has not been initialized yet.</returns>
  463. </member>
  464. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.ColorSetARGB(System.UInt32,System.UInt32,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
  465. <summary>
  466. Helper function (wrapper around the CefColorSetARGB macro) which combines
  467. the 4 color components into an uint32 for use with BackgroundColor property
  468. </summary>
  469. <param name="a">Alpha</param>
  470. <param name="r">Red</param>
  471. <param name="g">Green</param>
  472. <param name="b">Blue</param>
  473. <returns>Returns the color.</returns>
  474. </member>
  475. <member name="P:CefSharp.Cef.CrashReportingEnabled">
  476. <summary>
  477. Crash reporting is configured using an INI-style config file named
  478. crash_reporter.cfg. This file must be placed next to
  479. the main application executable. File contents are as follows:
  480. # Comments start with a hash character and must be on their own line.
  481. [Config]
  482. ProductName=&lt;Value of the &quot;prod&quot; crash key; defaults to &quot;cef&quot;&gt;
  483. ProductVersion=&lt;Value of the &quot;ver&quot; crash key; defaults to the CEF version&gt;
  484. AppName=&lt;Windows only; App-specific folder name component for storing crash
  485. information; default to &quot;CEF&quot;&gt;
  486. ExternalHandler=&lt;Windows only; Name of the external handler exe to use
  487. instead of re-launching the main exe; default to empty>
  488. ServerURL=&lt;crash server URL; default to empty&gt;
  489. RateLimitEnabled=&lt;True if uploads should be rate limited; default to true&gt;
  490. MaxUploadsPerDay=&lt;Max uploads per 24 hours, used if rate limit is enabled;
  491. default to 5&gt;
  492. MaxDatabaseSizeInMb=&lt;Total crash report disk usage greater than this value
  493. will cause older reports to be deleted; default to 20&gt;
  494. MaxDatabaseAgeInDays=&lt;Crash reports older than this value will be deleted;
  495. default to 5&gt;
  496. [CrashKeys]
  497. my_key1=&lt;small|medium|large&gt;
  498. my_key2=&lt;small|medium|large&gt;
  499. Config section:
  500. If &quot;ProductName&quot; and/or &quot;ProductVersion&quot; are set then the specified values
  501. will be included in the crash dump metadata.
  502. If &quot;AppName&quot; is set on Windows then crash report information (metrics,
  503. database and dumps) will be stored locally on disk under the
  504. &quot;C:\Users\[CurrentUser]\AppData\Local\[AppName]\User Data&quot; folder.
  505. If &quot;ExternalHandler&quot; is set on Windows then the specified exe will be
  506. launched as the crashpad-handler instead of re-launching the main process
  507. exe. The value can be an absolute path or a path relative to the main exe
  508. directory.
  509. If &quot;ServerURL&quot; is set then crashes will be uploaded as a multi-part POST
  510. request to the specified URL. Otherwise, reports will only be stored locally
  511. on disk.
  512. If &quot;RateLimitEnabled&quot; is set to true then crash report uploads will be rate
  513. limited as follows:
  514. 1. If &quot;MaxUploadsPerDay&quot; is set to a positive value then at most the
  515. specified number of crashes will be uploaded in each 24 hour period.
  516. 2. If crash upload fails due to a network or server error then an
  517. incremental backoff delay up to a maximum of 24 hours will be applied for
  518. retries.
  519. 3. If a backoff delay is applied and &quot;MaxUploadsPerDay&quot; is > 1 then the
  520. &quot;MaxUploadsPerDay&quot; value will be reduced to 1 until the client is
  521. restarted. This helps to avoid an upload flood when the network or
  522. server error is resolved.
  523. If &quot;MaxDatabaseSizeInMb&quot; is set to a positive value then crash report storage
  524. on disk will be limited to that size in megabytes. For example, on Windows
  525. each dump is about 600KB so a &quot;MaxDatabaseSizeInMb&quot; value of 20 equates to
  526. about 34 crash reports stored on disk.
  527. If &quot;MaxDatabaseAgeInDays&quot; is set to a positive value then crash reports older
  528. than the specified age in days will be deleted.
  529. CrashKeys section:
  530. Any number of crash keys can be specified for use by the application. Crash
  531. key values will be truncated based on the specified size (small = 63 bytes,
  532. medium = 252 bytes, large = 1008 bytes). The value of crash keys can be set
  533. from any thread or process using the Cef.SetCrashKeyValue function. These
  534. key/value pairs will be sent to the crash server along with the crash dump
  535. file. Medium and large values will be chunked for submission. For example,
  536. if your key is named &quot;mykey&quot; then the value will be broken into ordered
  537. chunks and submitted using keys named &quot;mykey-1&quot;, &quot;mykey-2&quot;, etc.
  538. </summary>
  539. <returns>Returns true if crash reporting is enabled.</returns>
  540. </member>
  541. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.SetCrashKeyValue(System.String,System.String)">
  542. <summary>
  543. Sets or clears a specific key-value pair from the crash metadata.
  544. </summary>
  545. </member>
  546. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.GetMinLogLevel">
  547. <summary>
  548. Gets the current log level.
  549. When <see cref="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.LogSeverity"/> is set to <see cref="F:CefSharp.LogSeverity.Disable"/> then
  550. no messages will be written to the log file, but FATAL messages will still be output to stderr.
  551. When logging is disabled this method will return <see cref="F:CefSharp.LogSeverity.Fatal"/>.
  552. </summary>
  553. <returns>Current Log Level</returns>
  554. </member>
  555. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.GetMimeType(System.String)">
  556. <summary>
  557. Returns the mime type for the specified file extension or an empty string if unknown.
  558. </summary>
  559. <param name="extension">file extension</param>
  560. <returns>Returns the mime type for the specified file extension or an empty string if unknown.</returns>
  561. </member>
  562. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.EnableWaitForBrowsersToClose">
  563. <summary>
  564. WaitForBrowsersToClose is not enabled by default, call this method
  565. before Cef.Initialize to enable. If you aren't calling Cef.Initialize
  566. explicitly then this should be called before creating your first
  567. ChromiumWebBrowser instance.
  568. </summary>
  569. </member>
  570. <member name="M:CefSharp.Cef.WaitForBrowsersToClose">
  571. <summary>
  572. Helper method to ensure all ChromiumWebBrowser instances have been
  573. closed/disposed, should be called before Cef.Shutdown.
  574. Disposes all remaining ChromiumWebBrowser instances
  575. then waits for CEF to release its remaining CefBrowser instances.
  576. Finally a small delay of 50ms to allow for CEF to finish it's cleanup.
  577. Should only be called when MultiThreadedMessageLoop = true;
  578. (Hasn't been tested when when CEF integrates into main message loop).
  579. </summary>
  580. </member>
  581. <member name="T:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase">
  582. <summary>
  583. Initialization settings. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command-line switches.
  584. WPF/WinForms/OffScreen each have their own CefSettings implementation that sets
  585. relevant settings e.g. OffScreen starts with audio muted.
  586. </summary>
  587. </member>
  588. <member name="M:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.Dispose">
  589. <summary>
  590. Free the unmanaged CefSettingsBase instance.
  591. Under normal circumstances you shouldn't need to call this
  592. The unmanaged resource will be freed after <see cref="M:CefSharp.Cef.Initialize(CefSharp.CefSettingsBase)"/> (or one of the overloads) is called.
  593. </summary>
  594. </member>
  595. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.IsDisposed">
  596. <summary>
  597. Gets a value indicating if the CefSettings has been disposed.
  598. </summary>
  599. </member>
  600. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.CefCustomSchemes">
  601. <summary>
  602. Add Customs schemes to this collection.
  603. </summary>
  604. </member>
  605. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.CefCommandLineArgs">
  606. <summary>
  607. Add custom command line argumens to this collection, they will be added in OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing. The
  608. CefSettings.CommandLineArgsDisabled value can be used to start with an empty command-line object. Any values specified in
  609. CefSettings that equate to command-line arguments will be set before this method is called.
  610. </summary>
  611. </member>
  612. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.ChromeRuntime">
  613. <summary>
  614. **Experimental**
  615. Set to true to enable use of the Chrome runtime in CEF. This feature is
  616. considered experimental and is not recommended for most users at this time.
  617. See issue https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/issues/2969/support-chrome-windows-with-cef-callbacks for details.
  618. </summary>
  619. </member>
  620. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.CommandLineArgsDisabled">
  621. <summary>
  622. Set to true to disable configuration of browser process features using standard CEF and Chromium command-line arguments.
  623. Configuration can still be specified using CEF data structures or by adding to CefCommandLineArgs.
  624. </summary>
  625. </member>
  626. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.ExternalMessagePump">
  627. <summary>
  628. Set to true to control browser process main (UI) thread message pump scheduling via the
  629. IBrowserProcessHandler.OnScheduleMessagePumpWork callback. This option is recommended for use in combination with the
  630. Cef.DoMessageLoopWork() function in cases where the CEF message loop must be integrated into an existing application message
  631. loop (see additional comments and warnings on Cef.DoMessageLoopWork). Enabling this option is not recommended for most users;
  632. leave this option disabled and use either MultiThreadedMessageLoop (the default) if possible.
  633. </summary>
  634. </member>
  635. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.MultiThreadedMessageLoop">
  636. <summary>
  637. Set to true to have the browser process message loop run in a separate thread. If false than the CefDoMessageLoopWork()
  638. function must be called from your application message loop. This option is only supported on Windows. The default value is
  639. true.
  640. </summary>
  641. </member>
  642. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.BrowserSubprocessPath">
  643. <summary>
  644. The path to a separate executable that will be launched for sub-processes. By default the browser process executable is used.
  645. See the comments on Cef.ExecuteProcess() for details. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path.
  646. Also configurable using the "browser-subprocess-path" command-line switch.
  647. Defaults to using the provided CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe instance
  648. </summary>
  649. </member>
  650. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.CachePath">
  651. <summary>
  652. The location where data for the global browser cache will be stored on disk. In this value is non-empty then it must be
  653. an absolute path that is must be either equal to or a child directory of CefSettings.RootCachePath (if RootCachePath is
  654. empty it will default to this value). If the value is empty then browsers will be created in "incognito mode" where
  655. in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only
  656. persist across sessions if a cache path is specified. Can be overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the
  657. RequestContextSettings.CachePath value.
  658. </summary>
  659. </member>
  660. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.RootCachePath">
  661. <summary>
  662. The root directory that all CefSettings.CachePath and RequestContextSettings.CachePath values must have in common. If this
  663. value is empty and CefSettings.CachePath is non-empty then it will default to the CefSettings.CachePath value.
  664. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Failure to set this value correctly may result in the sandbox
  665. blocking read/write access to the CachePath directory. NOTE: CefSharp does not implement the CHROMIUM SANDBOX. A non-empty
  666. RootCachePath can be used in conjuncation with an empty CefSettings.CachePath in instances where you would like browsers
  667. attached to the Global RequestContext (the default) created in "incognito mode" and instances created with a custom
  668. RequestContext using a disk based cache.
  669. </summary>
  670. </member>
  671. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.UserDataPath">
  672. <summary>
  673. The location where user data such as the Widevine CDM module and spell checking dictionary files will be stored on disk.
  674. If this value is empty then "Local Settings\Application Data\CEF\User Data" directory under the user profile directory
  675. will be used. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path.
  676. </summary>
  677. </member>
  678. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.IgnoreCertificateErrors">
  679. <summary>
  680. Set to true in order to completely ignore SSL certificate errors. This is NOT recommended.
  681. </summary>
  682. </member>
  683. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.Locale">
  684. <summary>
  685. The locale string that will be passed to WebKit. If empty the default locale of "en-US" will be used. Also configurable using
  686. the "lang" command-line switch.
  687. </summary>
  688. </member>
  689. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.LocalesDirPath">
  690. <summary>
  691. The fully qualified path for the locales directory. If this value is empty the locales directory must be located in the
  692. module directory. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path. Also configurable using the "locales-dir-path"
  693. command-line switch.
  694. </summary>
  695. </member>
  696. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.ResourcesDirPath">
  697. <summary>
  698. The fully qualified path for the resources directory. If this value is empty the cef.pak and/or devtools_resources.pak files
  699. must be located in the module directory. Also configurable using the "resources-dir-path" command-line switch.
  700. </summary>
  701. </member>
  702. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.LogFile">
  703. <summary>
  704. The directory and file name to use for the debug log. If empty a default log file name and location will be used. On Windows
  705. a "debug.log" file will be written in the main executable directory. Also configurable using the"log-file" command- line
  706. switch.
  707. </summary>
  708. </member>
  709. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.LogSeverity">
  710. <summary>
  711. The log severity. Only messages of this severity level or higher will be logged. When set to
  712. <see cref="F:CefSharp.LogSeverity.Disable"/> no messages will be written to the log file, but Fatal messages will still be
  713. output to stderr. Also configurable using the "log-severity" command-line switch with a value of "verbose", "info", "warning",
  714. "error", "fatal", "error-report" or "disable".
  715. </summary>
  716. </member>
  717. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.JavascriptFlags">
  718. <summary>
  719. Custom flags that will be used when initializing the V8 JavaScript engine. The consequences of using custom flags may not be
  720. well tested. Also configurable using the "js-flags" command-line switch.
  721. </summary>
  722. </member>
  723. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.PackLoadingDisabled">
  724. <summary>
  725. Set to true to disable loading of pack files for resources and locales. A resource bundle handler must be provided for the
  726. browser and render processes via CefApp.GetResourceBundleHandler() if loading of pack files is disabled. Also configurable
  727. using the "disable-pack-loading" command- line switch.
  728. </summary>
  729. </member>
  730. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.UserAgentProduct">
  731. <summary>
  732. Value that will be inserted as the product portion of the default User-Agent string. If empty the Chromium product version
  733. will be used. If UserAgent is specified this value will be ignored. Also configurable using the "user-agent-product" command-
  734. line switch.
  735. </summary>
  736. </member>
  737. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.RemoteDebuggingPort">
  738. <summary>
  739. Set to a value between 1024 and 65535 to enable remote debugging on the specified port. For example, if 8080 is specified the
  740. remote debugging URL will be http://localhost:8080. CEF can be remotely debugged from any CEF or Chrome browser window. Also
  741. configurable using the "remote-debugging-port" command-line switch.
  742. </summary>
  743. </member>
  744. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.UncaughtExceptionStackSize">
  745. <summary>
  746. The number of stack trace frames to capture for uncaught exceptions. Specify a positive value to enable the
  747. CefRenderProcessHandler. OnUncaughtException() callback. Specify 0 (default value) and OnUncaughtException() will not be
  748. called. Also configurable using the "uncaught-exception-stack-size" command-line switch.
  749. </summary>
  750. </member>
  751. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.UserAgent">
  752. <summary>
  753. Value that will be returned as the User-Agent HTTP header. If empty the default User-Agent string will be used. Also
  754. configurable using the "user-agent" command-line switch.
  755. </summary>
  756. </member>
  757. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.WindowlessRenderingEnabled">
  758. <summary>
  759. Set to true (1) to enable windowless (off-screen) rendering support. Do not enable this value if the application does not use
  760. windowless rendering as it may reduce rendering performance on some systems.
  761. </summary>
  762. </member>
  763. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.PersistSessionCookies">
  764. <summary>
  765. To persist session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity interval) by default when using the global cookie
  766. manager set this value to true. Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most Web browsers do not persist
  767. them. A CachePath value must also be specified to enable this feature. Also configurable using the "persist-session-cookies"
  768. command-line switch. Can be overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the
  769. RequestContextSettings.PersistSessionCookies value.
  770. </summary>
  771. </member>
  772. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.PersistUserPreferences">
  773. <summary>
  774. To persist user preferences as a JSON file in the cache path directory set this value to true. A CachePath value must also be
  775. specified to enable this feature. Also configurable using the "persist-user-preferences" command-line switch. Can be
  776. overridden for individual RequestContext instances via the RequestContextSettings.PersistUserPreferences value.
  777. </summary>
  778. </member>
  779. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.AcceptLanguageList">
  780. <summary>
  781. Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header.
  782. May be set globally using the CefSettings.AcceptLanguageList value. If both values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used.
  783. </summary>
  784. </member>
  785. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.BackgroundColor">
  786. <summary>
  787. Background color used for the browser before a document is loaded and when no document color is specified. The alpha
  788. component must be either fully opaque (0xFF) or fully transparent (0x00). If the alpha component is fully opaque then the RGB
  789. components will be used as the background color. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a WinForms browser then the
  790. default value of opaque white be used. If the alpha component is fully transparent for a windowless (WPF/OffScreen) browser
  791. then transparent painting will be enabled.
  792. </summary>
  793. </member>
  794. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.CookieableSchemesList">
  795. <summary>
  796. Comma delimited list of schemes supported by the associated
  797. ICookieManager. If CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults is false the
  798. default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported.
  799. Specifying a CookieableSchemesList value and setting
  800. CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults to true will disable all loading
  801. and saving of cookies for this manager. Can be overridden
  802. for individual RequestContext instances via the
  803. RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesList and
  804. RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults values.
  805. </summary>
  806. </member>
  807. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults">
  808. <summary>
  809. If CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults is false the
  810. default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported.
  811. Specifying a CookieableSchemesList value and setting
  812. CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults to true will disable all loading
  813. and saving of cookies for this manager. Can be overridden
  814. for individual RequestContext instances via the
  815. RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesList and
  816. RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults values.
  817. </summary>
  818. </member>
  819. <member name="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.ApplicationClientIdForFileScanning">
  820. <summary>
  821. GUID string used for identifying the application. This is passed to the system AV function for scanning downloaded files. By
  822. default, the GUID will be an empty string and the file will be treated as an untrusted file when the GUID is empty.
  823. </summary>
  824. </member>
  825. <member name="M:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.RegisterScheme(CefSharp.CefCustomScheme)">
  826. <summary>
  827. Registers a custom scheme using the provided settings.
  828. </summary>
  829. <param name="scheme">The CefCustomScheme which provides the details about the scheme.</param>
  830. </member>
  831. <member name="M:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.DisableGpuAcceleration">
  832. <summary>
  833. Set command line argument to disable GPU Acceleration. WebGL will use
  834. software rendering via Swiftshader (https://swiftshader.googlesource.com/SwiftShader#introduction)
  835. </summary>
  836. </member>
  837. <member name="M:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.EnablePrintPreview">
  838. <summary>
  839. Set command line argument to enable Print Preview See
  840. https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/issues/123/add-support-for-print-preview for details.
  841. </summary>
  842. </member>
  843. <member name="M:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.SetOffScreenRenderingBestPerformanceArgs">
  844. <summary>
  845. Set command line arguments for best OSR (Offscreen and WPF) Rendering performance Swiftshader will be used for WebGL, look at the source
  846. to determine which flags best suite your requirements. See https://swiftshader.googlesource.com/SwiftShader#introduction for
  847. details on Swiftshader
  848. </summary>
  849. </member>
  850. <member name="T:CefSharp.DragData">
  851. <summary>
  852. Used to represent Drag Data.
  853. </summary>
  854. </member>
  855. <member name="M:CefSharp.DragData.Create">
  856. <summary>
  857. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDragData"/>
  858. </summary>
  859. <returns>DragData</returns>
  860. </member>
  861. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.OnBeforeDownloadDelegate">
  862. <summary>
  863. Called before a download begins.
  864. </summary>
  865. <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">the ChromiumWebBrowser control</param>
  866. <param name="browser">The browser instance</param>
  867. <param name="downloadItem">Represents the file being downloaded.</param>
  868. <param name="callback">Callback interface used to asynchronously continue a download.</param>
  869. </member>
  870. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.OnDownloadUpdatedDelegate">
  871. <summary>
  872. Called when a download's status or progress information has been updated. This may be called multiple times before and after <see cref="!:OnBeforeDownload"/>.
  873. </summary>
  874. <param name="chromiumWebBrowser">the ChromiumWebBrowser control</param>
  875. <param name="browser">The browser instance</param>
  876. <param name="downloadItem">Represents the file being downloaded.</param>
  877. <param name="callback">The callback used to Cancel/Pause/Resume the process</param>
  878. </member>
  879. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandler">
  880. <summary>
  881. A <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> implementation used by <see cref="T:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandlerBuilder"/>
  882. to provide a fluent means of creating a <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/>.
  883. </summary>
  884. </member>
  885. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandler.Create">
  886. <summary>
  887. Create a new DownloadHandler Builder
  888. </summary>
  889. <returns>Fluent DownloadHandler Builder</returns>
  890. </member>
  891. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandler.UseFolder(System.String,CefSharp.Fluent.OnDownloadUpdatedDelegate)">
  892. <summary>
  893. Creates a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> instances
  894. where all downloads are automatically downloaded to the specified folder.
  895. No dialog is dispolayed to the user.
  896. </summary>
  897. <param name="folder">folder where files are download.</param>
  898. <param name="downloadUpdated">optional delegate for download updates, track progress, completion etc.</param>
  899. <returns><see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> instance.</returns>
  900. </member>
  901. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandler.AskUser(CefSharp.Fluent.OnDownloadUpdatedDelegate)">
  902. <summary>
  903. Creates a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> instances
  904. where a default "Save As" dialog is displayed to the user.
  905. </summary>
  906. <param name="downloadUpdated">optional delegate for download updates, track progress, completion etc.</param>
  907. <returns><see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> instance.</returns>
  908. </member>
  909. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandler.#ctor">
  910. <summary>
  911. Use <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandler.Create"/> to create a new instance of the fluent builder
  912. </summary>
  913. </member>
  914. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandler.OnBeforeDownload(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,CefSharp.DownloadItem,CefSharp.IBeforeDownloadCallback)">
  915. <inheritdoc/>
  916. </member>
  917. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandler.OnDownloadUpdated(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,CefSharp.DownloadItem,CefSharp.IDownloadItemCallback)">
  918. <inheritdoc/>
  919. </member>
  920. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandlerBuilder">
  921. <summary>
  922. Fluent DownloadHandler Builder
  923. </summary>
  924. </member>
  925. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandlerBuilder.OnBeforeDownload(CefSharp.Fluent.OnBeforeDownloadDelegate)">
  926. <summary>
  927. See <see cref="M:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler.OnBeforeDownload(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,CefSharp.DownloadItem,CefSharp.IBeforeDownloadCallback)"/> for details.
  928. </summary>
  929. <param name="action">Action to be executed when <see cref="M:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler.OnBeforeDownload(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,CefSharp.DownloadItem,CefSharp.IBeforeDownloadCallback)"/>
  930. is called</param>
  931. <returns>
  932. Fluent Builder, call <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandlerBuilder.Build"/> to create
  933. a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> instance
  934. </returns>
  935. </member>
  936. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandlerBuilder.OnDownloadUpdated(CefSharp.Fluent.OnDownloadUpdatedDelegate)">
  937. <summary>
  938. See <see cref="M:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler.OnDownloadUpdated(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,CefSharp.DownloadItem,CefSharp.IDownloadItemCallback)"/> for details.
  939. </summary>
  940. <param name="action">Action to be executed when <see cref="M:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler.OnDownloadUpdated(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,CefSharp.DownloadItem,CefSharp.IDownloadItemCallback)"/>
  941. is called</param>
  942. <returns>
  943. Fluent Builder, call <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandlerBuilder.Build"/> to create
  944. a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> instance
  945. </returns>
  946. </member>
  947. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.DownloadHandlerBuilder.Build">
  948. <summary>
  949. Create a <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> instance
  950. </summary>
  951. <returns> a <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDownloadHandler"/> instance</returns>
  952. </member>
  953. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.GetAuthCredentialsDelegate">
  954. <summary>
  955. Called on the CEF IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user.
  956. This method will only be called for requests initiated from the browser process.
  957. </summary>
  958. <param name="isProxy">indicates whether the host is a proxy server.</param>
  959. <param name="host">the hostname.</param>
  960. <param name="port">the port number.</param>
  961. <param name="realm">realm</param>
  962. <param name="scheme">scheme</param>
  963. <param name="callback">is a callback for authentication information</param>
  964. <returns>
  965. Return true to continue the request and call <see cref="M:CefSharp.IAuthCallback.Continue(System.String,System.String)"/> when the authentication information is available.
  966. If the request has an associated browser/frame then returning false will result in a call to <see cref="M:CefSharp.IRequestHandler.GetAuthCredentials(CefSharp.IWebBrowser,CefSharp.IBrowser,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,CefSharp.IAuthCallback)"/>
  967. on the <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequestHandler"/> associated with that browser, if any.
  968. Otherwise, returning false will cancel the request immediately.
  969. </returns>
  970. </member>
  971. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.OnDownloadDataDelegate">
  972. <summary>
  973. Called when some part of the response is read. This method will not be called if the <see cref="F:CefSharp.UrlRequestFlags.NoDownloadData"/> flag is set on the request.
  974. </summary>
  975. <param name="request">request</param>
  976. <param name="data">A stream containing the bytes received since the last call. Cannot be used outside the scope of this method. </param>
  977. </member>
  978. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.OnDownloadProgressDelegate">
  979. <summary>
  980. Notifies the client of download progress.
  981. </summary>
  982. <param name="request">request</param>
  983. <param name="current">denotes the number of bytes received up to the call </param>
  984. <param name="total">is the expected total size of the response (or -1 if not determined).</param>
  985. </member>
  986. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.OnRequestCompleteDelegate">
  987. <summary>
  988. Notifies the client that the request has completed.
  989. Use the <see cref="P:CefSharp.IUrlRequest.RequestStatus"/> property to determine if the
  990. request was successful or not.
  991. </summary>
  992. <param name="request">request</param>
  993. </member>
  994. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.OnUploadProgressDelegate">
  995. <summary>
  996. Notifies the client of upload progress.
  997. This method will only be called if the UR_FLAG_REPORT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS flag is set on the request.
  998. </summary>
  999. <param name="request">request</param>
  1000. <param name="current">denotes the number of bytes sent so far.</param>
  1001. <param name="total">is the total size of uploading data (or -1 if chunked upload is enabled).</param>
  1002. </member>
  1003. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient">
  1004. <summary>
  1005. Fluent UrlRequestClient
  1006. </summary>
  1007. </member>
  1008. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient.Create">
  1009. <summary>
  1010. Create a new UrlRequestClient Builder
  1011. </summary>
  1012. <returns>Fluent UrlRequestClient Builder</returns>
  1013. </member>
  1014. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient.#ctor">
  1015. <summary>
  1016. Use <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient.Create"/> to create a new instance of the fluent builder
  1017. </summary>
  1018. </member>
  1019. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient.GetAuthCredentials(System.Boolean,System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,CefSharp.IAuthCallback)">
  1020. <inheritdoc/>
  1021. </member>
  1022. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient.OnDownloadData(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.IO.Stream)">
  1023. <inheritdoc/>
  1024. </member>
  1025. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient.OnDownloadProgress(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.Int64,System.Int64)">
  1026. <inheritdoc/>
  1027. </member>
  1028. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient.OnRequestComplete(CefSharp.IUrlRequest)">
  1029. <inheritdoc/>
  1030. </member>
  1031. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClient.OnUploadProgress(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.Int64,System.Int64)">
  1032. <inheritdoc/>
  1033. </member>
  1034. <member name="T:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder">
  1035. <summary>
  1036. Fluent UrlRequestClient Builder
  1037. </summary>
  1038. </member>
  1039. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.GetAuthCredentials(CefSharp.Fluent.GetAuthCredentialsDelegate)">
  1040. <summary>
  1041. See <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.GetAuthCredentials(System.Boolean,System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,CefSharp.IAuthCallback)"/> for details
  1042. </summary>
  1043. <param name="func">function to be executed when <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.GetAuthCredentials(System.Boolean,System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,CefSharp.IAuthCallback)"/>
  1044. is called </param>
  1045. <returns>
  1046. Fluent Builder, call <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.Build"/> to create
  1047. a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient"/> instance
  1048. </returns>
  1049. </member>
  1050. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.OnDownloadData(CefSharp.Fluent.OnDownloadDataDelegate)">
  1051. <summary>
  1052. See <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.OnDownloadData(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.IO.Stream)"/> for details.
  1053. </summary>
  1054. <param name="action">Action to be executed when <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.OnDownloadData(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.IO.Stream)"/>
  1055. is called</param>
  1056. <returns>
  1057. Fluent Builder, call <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.Build"/> to create
  1058. a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient"/> instance
  1059. </returns>
  1060. </member>
  1061. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.OnDownloadProgress(CefSharp.Fluent.OnDownloadProgressDelegate)">
  1062. <summary>
  1063. See <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.OnDownloadProgress(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.Int64,System.Int64)"/> for details.
  1064. </summary>
  1065. <param name="action">Action to be executed when <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.OnDownloadProgress(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.Int64,System.Int64)"/>
  1066. is called</param>
  1067. <returns>
  1068. Fluent Builder, call <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.Build"/> to create
  1069. a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient"/> instance
  1070. </returns>
  1071. </member>
  1072. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.OnRequestComplete(CefSharp.Fluent.OnRequestCompleteDelegate)">
  1073. <summary>
  1074. See <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.OnRequestComplete(CefSharp.IUrlRequest)"/> for details.
  1075. </summary>
  1076. <param name="action">Action to be executed when <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.OnRequestComplete(CefSharp.IUrlRequest)"/>
  1077. is called</param>
  1078. <returns>
  1079. Fluent Builder, call <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.Build"/> to create
  1080. a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient"/> instance
  1081. </returns>
  1082. </member>
  1083. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.OnUploadProgress(CefSharp.Fluent.OnUploadProgressDelegate)">
  1084. <summary>
  1085. See <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.OnUploadProgress(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.Int64,System.Int64)"/> for details.
  1086. </summary>
  1087. <param name="action">Action to be executed when <see cref="M:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient.OnUploadProgress(CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.Int64,System.Int64)"/>
  1088. is called</param>
  1089. <returns>
  1090. Fluent Builder, call <see cref="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.Build"/> to create
  1091. a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient"/> instance
  1092. </returns>
  1093. </member>
  1094. <member name="M:CefSharp.Fluent.UrlRequestClientBuilder.Build">
  1095. <summary>
  1096. Create a <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient"/> instance
  1097. </summary>
  1098. <returns> a <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient"/> instance</returns>
  1099. </member>
  1100. <member name="T:CefSharp.ManagedCefBrowserAdapter">
  1101. <summary>
  1102. Create <see cref="T:CefSharp.Internals.IBrowserAdapter"/> instance via <see cref="M:CefSharp.ManagedCefBrowserAdapter.Create(CefSharp.Internals.IWebBrowserInternal,System.Boolean)"/>
  1103. This is the primary object for bridging the ChromiumWebBrowser implementation and VC++
  1104. </summary>
  1105. </member>
  1106. <member name="M:CefSharp.ManagedCefBrowserAdapter.Create(CefSharp.Internals.IWebBrowserInternal,System.Boolean)">
  1107. <summary>
  1108. Create a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.Internals.IBrowserAdapter"/> instance which is the main method of interaction between the unmanged
  1109. CEF implementation and our ChromiumWebBrowser instances.
  1110. </summary>
  1111. <param name="webBrowserInternal">reference to the ChromiumWebBrowser instance</param>
  1112. <param name="offScreenRendering">true for WPF/OffScreen, false for WinForms and other Hwnd based implementations</param>
  1113. <returns>instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.Internals.IBrowserAdapter"/></returns>
  1114. </member>
  1115. <member name="T:CefSharp.NativeMethodWrapper">
  1116. <summary>
  1117. Native static methods for low level operations, memory copy
  1118. Avoids having to P/Invoke as we can call the C++ API directly.
  1119. </summary>
  1120. </member>
  1121. <member name="T:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory">
  1122. <summary>
  1123. Create instances of Public Api classes, <see cref="T:CefSharp.IBrowserSettings"/>,
  1124. <see cref="T:CefSharp.IWindowInfo"/> etc.
  1125. </summary>
  1126. </member>
  1127. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.CreateBrowserSettings(System.Boolean)">
  1128. <summary>
  1129. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IBrowserSettings"/>
  1130. </summary>
  1131. <param name="autoDispose">Dispose of browser setings after it has been used to create a browser</param>
  1132. <returns>returns new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IBrowserSettings"/></returns>
  1133. </member>
  1134. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.CreateWindowInfo">
  1135. <summary>
  1136. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IWindowInfo"/>
  1137. </summary>
  1138. <returns>returns new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IWindowInfo"/></returns>
  1139. </member>
  1140. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.CreatePostData">
  1141. <summary>
  1142. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IPostData"/>
  1143. </summary>
  1144. <returns>returns new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IPostData"/></returns>
  1145. </member>
  1146. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.CreatePostDataElement">
  1147. <summary>
  1148. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IPostDataElement"/>
  1149. </summary>
  1150. <returns>returns new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IPostDataElement"/></returns>
  1151. </member>
  1152. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.CreateRequest">
  1153. <summary>
  1154. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequest"/>
  1155. </summary>
  1156. <returns>returns new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequest"/></returns>
  1157. </member>
  1158. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.CreateUrlRequest(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient)">
  1159. <summary>
  1160. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequest"/>
  1161. </summary>
  1162. <param name="request">request</param>
  1163. <param name="urlRequestClient">url request client</param>
  1164. <returns>returns new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequest"/></returns>
  1165. </member>
  1166. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.CreateUrlRequest(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient,CefSharp.IRequestContext)">
  1167. <summary>
  1168. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequest"/>
  1169. </summary>
  1170. <param name="request">request</param>
  1171. <param name="urlRequestClient">url request client</param>
  1172. <param name="requestContext">request context</param>
  1173. <returns>returns new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IUrlRequest"/></returns>
  1174. </member>
  1175. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.CreateDragData">
  1176. <summary>
  1177. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDragData"/>
  1178. </summary>
  1179. <returns>returns new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IDragData"/></returns>
  1180. </member>
  1181. <member name="M:CefSharp.Core.ObjectFactory.ConfigureRequestContext">
  1182. <summary>
  1183. Create a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder"/> which can be used to
  1184. create a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequestContext"/> in a fluent flashion.
  1185. Call <see cref="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.Create"/> to create the actual
  1186. <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequestContext"/> instance
  1187. </summary>
  1188. <returns>RequestContextBuilder</returns>
  1189. </member>
  1190. <member name="T:CefSharp.PostData">
  1191. <inheritdoc/>
  1192. </member>
  1193. <member name="P:CefSharp.PostData.Elements">
  1194. <inheritdoc/>
  1195. </member>
  1196. <member name="P:CefSharp.PostData.IsReadOnly">
  1197. <inheritdoc/>
  1198. </member>
  1199. <member name="P:CefSharp.PostData.IsDisposed">
  1200. <inheritdoc/>
  1201. </member>
  1202. <member name="P:CefSharp.PostData.HasExcludedElements">
  1203. <inheritdoc/>
  1204. </member>
  1205. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostData.AddElement(CefSharp.IPostDataElement)">
  1206. <inheritdoc/>
  1207. </member>
  1208. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostData.CreatePostDataElement">
  1209. <inheritdoc/>
  1210. </member>
  1211. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostData.Dispose">
  1212. <inheritdoc/>
  1213. </member>
  1214. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostData.RemoveElement(CefSharp.IPostDataElement)">
  1215. <inheritdoc/>
  1216. </member>
  1217. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostData.RemoveElements">
  1218. <inheritdoc/>
  1219. </member>
  1220. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostData.UnWrap">
  1221. <summary>
  1222. Used internally to get the underlying <see cref="T:CefSharp.IPostData"/> instance.
  1223. Unlikely you'll use this yourself.
  1224. </summary>
  1225. <returns>the inner most instance</returns>
  1226. </member>
  1227. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostData.Create">
  1228. <summary>
  1229. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IPostData"/>
  1230. </summary>
  1231. <returns>PostData</returns>
  1232. </member>
  1233. <member name="T:CefSharp.PostDataElement">
  1234. <summary>
  1235. Class used to represent a single element in the request post data.
  1236. The methods of this class may be called on any thread.
  1237. </summary>
  1238. </member>
  1239. <member name="P:CefSharp.PostDataElement.File">
  1240. <inheritdoc/>
  1241. </member>
  1242. <member name="P:CefSharp.PostDataElement.IsReadOnly">
  1243. <inheritdoc/>
  1244. </member>
  1245. <member name="P:CefSharp.PostDataElement.Type">
  1246. <inheritdoc/>
  1247. </member>
  1248. <member name="P:CefSharp.PostDataElement.Bytes">
  1249. <inheritdoc/>
  1250. </member>
  1251. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostDataElement.Dispose">
  1252. <inheritdoc/>
  1253. </member>
  1254. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostDataElement.SetToEmpty">
  1255. <inheritdoc/>
  1256. </member>
  1257. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostDataElement.UnWrap">
  1258. <summary>
  1259. Used internally to get the underlying <see cref="T:CefSharp.IPostDataElement"/> instance.
  1260. Unlikely you'll use this yourself.
  1261. </summary>
  1262. <returns>the inner most instance</returns>
  1263. </member>
  1264. <member name="M:CefSharp.PostDataElement.Create">
  1265. <summary>
  1266. Create a new instance of <see cref="T:CefSharp.IPostDataElement"/>
  1267. </summary>
  1268. <returns>PostDataElement</returns>
  1269. </member>
  1270. <member name="T:CefSharp.Request">
  1271. <inheritdoc/>
  1272. </member>
  1273. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.Flags">
  1274. <inheritdoc/>
  1275. </member>
  1276. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.Url">
  1277. <inheritdoc/>
  1278. </member>
  1279. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.Identifier">
  1280. <inheritdoc/>
  1281. </member>
  1282. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.Method">
  1283. <inheritdoc/>
  1284. </member>
  1285. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.ReferrerUrl">
  1286. <inheritdoc/>
  1287. </member>
  1288. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.ResourceType">
  1289. <inheritdoc/>
  1290. </member>
  1291. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.ReferrerPolicy">
  1292. <inheritdoc/>
  1293. </member>
  1294. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.Headers">
  1295. <inheritdoc/>
  1296. </member>
  1297. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.PostData">
  1298. <inheritdoc/>
  1299. </member>
  1300. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.TransitionType">
  1301. <inheritdoc/>
  1302. </member>
  1303. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.IsDisposed">
  1304. <inheritdoc/>
  1305. </member>
  1306. <member name="P:CefSharp.Request.IsReadOnly">
  1307. <inheritdoc/>
  1308. </member>
  1309. <member name="M:CefSharp.Request.Dispose">
  1310. <inheritdoc/>
  1311. </member>
  1312. <member name="M:CefSharp.Request.GetHeaderByName(System.String)">
  1313. <inheritdoc/>
  1314. </member>
  1315. <member name="M:CefSharp.Request.InitializePostData">
  1316. <inheritdoc/>
  1317. </member>
  1318. <member name="M:CefSharp.Request.SetHeaderByName(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  1319. <inheritdoc/>
  1320. </member>
  1321. <member name="M:CefSharp.Request.SetReferrer(System.String,CefSharp.ReferrerPolicy)">
  1322. <inheritdoc/>
  1323. </member>
  1324. <member name="M:CefSharp.Request.UnWrap">
  1325. <summary>
  1326. Used internally to get the underlying <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequest"/> instance.
  1327. Unlikely you'll use this yourself.
  1328. </summary>
  1329. <returns>the inner most instance</returns>
  1330. </member>
  1331. <member name="M:CefSharp.Request.Create">
  1332. <summary>
  1333. Create a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequest"/> instance
  1334. </summary>
  1335. <returns>Request</returns>
  1336. </member>
  1337. <member name="T:CefSharp.RequestContext">
  1338. <inheritdoc/>
  1339. </member>
  1340. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.#ctor">
  1341. <inheritdoc/>
  1342. </member>
  1343. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.#ctor(CefSharp.IRequestContext)">
  1344. <inheritdoc/>
  1345. </member>
  1346. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.#ctor(CefSharp.IRequestContext,CefSharp.IRequestContextHandler)">
  1347. <inheritdoc/>
  1348. </member>
  1349. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.#ctor(CefSharp.IRequestContextHandler)">
  1350. <inheritdoc/>
  1351. </member>
  1352. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.#ctor(CefSharp.RequestContextSettings)">
  1353. <inheritdoc/>
  1354. </member>
  1355. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.#ctor(CefSharp.RequestContextSettings,CefSharp.IRequestContextHandler)">
  1356. <inheritdoc/>
  1357. </member>
  1358. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.Configure">
  1359. <summary>
  1360. Creates a new RequestContextBuilder which can be used to fluently set
  1361. preferences
  1362. </summary>
  1363. <returns>Returns a new RequestContextBuilder</returns>
  1364. </member>
  1365. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContext.IsGlobal">
  1366. <inheritdoc/>
  1367. </member>
  1368. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContext.CachePath">
  1369. <inheritdoc/>
  1370. </member>
  1371. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContext.IsDisposed">
  1372. <inheritdoc/>
  1373. </member>
  1374. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.IsSame(CefSharp.IRequestContext)">
  1375. <inheritdoc/>
  1376. </member>
  1377. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.IsSharingWith(CefSharp.IRequestContext)">
  1378. <inheritdoc/>
  1379. </member>
  1380. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.GetCookieManager(CefSharp.ICompletionCallback)">
  1381. <inheritdoc/>
  1382. </member>
  1383. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(System.String,System.String,CefSharp.ISchemeHandlerFactory)">
  1384. <inheritdoc/>
  1385. </member>
  1386. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.ClearSchemeHandlerFactories">
  1387. <inheritdoc/>
  1388. </member>
  1389. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.PurgePluginListCache(System.Boolean)">
  1390. <inheritdoc/>
  1391. </member>
  1392. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.HasPreference(System.String)">
  1393. <inheritdoc/>
  1394. </member>
  1395. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.GetPreference(System.String)">
  1396. <inheritdoc/>
  1397. </member>
  1398. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.GetAllPreferences(System.Boolean)">
  1399. <inheritdoc/>
  1400. </member>
  1401. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.CanSetPreference(System.String)">
  1402. <inheritdoc/>
  1403. </member>
  1404. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.SetPreference(System.String,System.Object,System.String@)">
  1405. <inheritdoc/>
  1406. </member>
  1407. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.ClearCertificateExceptions(CefSharp.ICompletionCallback)">
  1408. <inheritdoc/>
  1409. </member>
  1410. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.ClearHttpAuthCredentials(CefSharp.ICompletionCallback)">
  1411. <inheritdoc/>
  1412. </member>
  1413. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.CloseAllConnections(CefSharp.ICompletionCallback)">
  1414. <inheritdoc/>
  1415. </member>
  1416. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.ResolveHostAsync(System.Uri)">
  1417. <inheritdoc/>
  1418. </member>
  1419. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.DidLoadExtension(System.String)">
  1420. <inheritdoc/>
  1421. </member>
  1422. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.GetExtension(System.String)">
  1423. <inheritdoc/>
  1424. </member>
  1425. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.GetExtensions(System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.String}@)">
  1426. <inheritdoc/>
  1427. </member>
  1428. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.HasExtension(System.String)">
  1429. <inheritdoc/>
  1430. </member>
  1431. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.LoadExtension(System.String,System.String,CefSharp.IExtensionHandler)">
  1432. <inheritdoc/>
  1433. </member>
  1434. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.Dispose">
  1435. <inheritdoc/>
  1436. </member>
  1437. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContext.UnWrap">
  1438. <summary>
  1439. Used internally to get the underlying <see cref="T:CefSharp.IRequestContext"/> instance.
  1440. Unlikely you'll use this yourself.
  1441. </summary>
  1442. <returns>the inner most instance</returns>
  1443. </member>
  1444. <member name="T:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder">
  1445. <summary>
  1446. Fluent style builder for creating IRequestContext instances.
  1447. </summary>
  1448. </member>
  1449. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.Create">
  1450. <summary>
  1451. Create the actual RequestContext instance
  1452. </summary>
  1453. <returns>Returns a new RequestContext instance.</returns>
  1454. </member>
  1455. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.OnInitialize(System.Action{CefSharp.IRequestContext})">
  1456. <summary>
  1457. Action is called in IRequestContextHandler.OnRequestContextInitialized
  1458. </summary>
  1459. <param name="action">called when the context has been initialized.</param>
  1460. <returns>Returns RequestContextBuilder instance</returns>
  1461. </member>
  1462. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.WithCachePath(System.String)">
  1463. <summary>
  1464. Sets the Cache Path
  1465. </summary>
  1466. <param name="cachePath">
  1467. The location where cache data for this request context will be stored on
  1468. disk. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path that is
  1469. either equal to or a child directory of CefSettings.RootCachePath.
  1470. If the value is empty then browsers will be created in "incognito mode"
  1471. where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to disk.
  1472. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a
  1473. cache path is specified. To share the global browser cache and related
  1474. configuration set this value to match the CefSettings.CachePath value.
  1475. </param>
  1476. <returns>Returns RequestContextBuilder instance</returns>
  1477. </member>
  1478. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.PersistUserPreferences">
  1479. <summary>
  1480. Invoke this method tp persist user preferences as a JSON file in the cache path directory.
  1481. Can be set globally using the CefSettings.PersistUserPreferences value.
  1482. This value will be ignored if CachePath is empty or if it matches the CefSettings.CachePath value.
  1483. </summary>
  1484. <returns>Returns RequestContextBuilder instance</returns>
  1485. </member>
  1486. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.WithPreference(System.String,System.Object)">
  1487. <summary>
  1488. Set the value associated with preference name when the RequestContext
  1489. is initialzied. If value is null the preference will be restored to its
  1490. default value. If setting the preference fails no error is throw, you
  1491. must check the CEF Log file.
  1492. Preferences set via the command-line usually cannot be modified.
  1493. </summary>
  1494. <param name="name">preference key</param>
  1495. <param name="value">preference value</param>
  1496. <returns>Returns RequestContextBuilder instance</returns>
  1497. </member>
  1498. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.WithProxyServer(System.String)">
  1499. <summary>
  1500. Set the Proxy server when the RequestContext is initialzied.
  1501. If value is null the preference will be restored to its
  1502. default value. If setting the preference fails no error is throw, you
  1503. must check the CEF Log file.
  1504. Proxy set via the command-line cannot be modified.
  1505. </summary>
  1506. <param name="host">proxy host</param>
  1507. <returns>Returns RequestContextBuilder instance</returns>
  1508. </member>
  1509. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.WithProxyServer(System.String,System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
  1510. <summary>
  1511. Set the Proxy server when the RequestContext is initialzied.
  1512. If value is null the preference will be restored to its
  1513. default value. If setting the preference fails no error is throw, you
  1514. must check the CEF Log file.
  1515. Proxy set via the command-line cannot be modified.
  1516. </summary>
  1517. <param name="host">proxy host</param>
  1518. <param name="port">proxy port (optional)</param>
  1519. <returns>Returns RequestContextBuilder instance</returns>
  1520. </member>
  1521. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.WithProxyServer(System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
  1522. <summary>
  1523. Set the Proxy server when the RequestContext is initialzied.
  1524. If value is null the preference will be restored to its
  1525. default value. If setting the preference fails no error is throw, you
  1526. must check the CEF Log file.
  1527. Proxy set via the command-line cannot be modified.
  1528. </summary>
  1529. <param name="scheme">proxy scheme</param>
  1530. <param name="host">proxy host</param>
  1531. <param name="port">proxy port (optional)</param>
  1532. <returns>Returns RequestContextBuilder instance</returns>
  1533. </member>
  1534. <member name="M:CefSharp.RequestContextBuilder.WithSharedSettings(CefSharp.IRequestContext)">
  1535. <summary>
  1536. Shares storage with other RequestContext
  1537. </summary>
  1538. <param name="other">shares storage with this RequestContext</param>
  1539. <returns>Returns RequestContextBuilder instance</returns>
  1540. </member>
  1541. <member name="T:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings">
  1542. <summary>
  1543. RequestContext Settings
  1544. </summary>
  1545. </member>
  1546. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings.PersistSessionCookies">
  1547. <summary>
  1548. To persist session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity
  1549. interval) by default when using the global cookie manager set this value to
  1550. true. Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most
  1551. Web browsers do not persist them. Can be set globally using the
  1552. CefSettings.PersistSessionCookies value. This value will be ignored if
  1553. CachePath is empty or if it matches the CefSettings.CachePath value.
  1554. </summary>
  1555. </member>
  1556. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings.PersistUserPreferences">
  1557. <summary>
  1558. To persist user preferences as a JSON file in the cache path directory set
  1559. this value to true. Can be set globally using the
  1560. CefSettings.PersistUserPreferences value. This value will be ignored if
  1561. CachePath is empty or if it matches the CefSettings.CachePath value.
  1562. </summary>
  1563. </member>
  1564. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings.CachePath">
  1565. <summary>
  1566. The location where cache data for this request context will be stored on
  1567. disk. If this value is non-empty then it must be an absolute path that is
  1568. either equal to or a child directory of CefSettings.RootCachePath.
  1569. If the value is empty then browsers will be created in "incognito mode"
  1570. where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to disk.
  1571. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a
  1572. cache path is specified. To share the global browser cache and related
  1573. configuration set this value to match the CefSettings.CachePath value.
  1574. </summary>
  1575. </member>
  1576. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings.AcceptLanguageList">
  1577. <summary>
  1578. Comma delimited ordered list of language codes without any whitespace that
  1579. will be used in the "Accept-Language" HTTP header. Can be set globally
  1580. using the CefSettings.accept_language_list value or overridden on a per-
  1581. browser basis using the BrowserSettings.AcceptLanguageList value. If
  1582. all values are empty then "en-US,en" will be used. This value will be
  1583. ignored if CachePath matches the CefSettings.CachePath value.
  1584. </summary>
  1585. </member>
  1586. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesList">
  1587. <summary>
  1588. Comma delimited list of schemes supported by the associated
  1589. ICookieManager. If CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults is false the
  1590. default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported.
  1591. Specifying a CookieableSchemesList value and setting
  1592. CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults to true will disable all loading
  1593. and saving of cookies for this manager. This value will be ignored if
  1594. <see cref="P:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings.CachePath"/> matches the <see cref="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.CachePath"/> value.
  1595. </summary>
  1596. </member>
  1597. <member name="P:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings.CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults">
  1598. <summary>
  1599. If CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults is false the
  1600. default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be supported.
  1601. Specifying a CookieableSchemesList value and setting
  1602. CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults to true will disable all loading
  1603. and saving of cookies for this manager. This value will be ignored if
  1604. <see cref="P:CefSharp.RequestContextSettings.CachePath"/> matches the <see cref="P:CefSharp.CefSettingsBase.CachePath"/> value.
  1605. </summary>
  1606. </member>
  1607. <member name="T:CefSharp.UrlRequest">
  1608. <inheritdoc/>
  1609. </member>
  1610. <member name="M:CefSharp.UrlRequest.#ctor(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient)">
  1611. <summary>
  1612. Create a new URL request that is not associated with a specific browser or frame.
  1613. Use <see cref="M:CefSharp.IFrame.CreateUrlRequest(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient)"/> instead if you want the
  1614. request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently.
  1615. For requests originating from the browser process: It may be intercepted by the client via <see cref="T:CefSharp.IResourceRequestHandler"/> or <see cref="T:CefSharp.ISchemeHandlerFactory"/>.
  1616. POST data may only contain only a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES.
  1617. Uses the Global RequestContext
  1618. </summary>
  1619. <param name="request">request</param>
  1620. <param name="urlRequestClient">url request client</param>
  1621. </member>
  1622. <member name="M:CefSharp.UrlRequest.#ctor(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient,CefSharp.IRequestContext)">
  1623. <summary>
  1624. Create a new URL request that is not associated with a specific browser or frame.
  1625. Use <see cref="M:CefSharp.IFrame.CreateUrlRequest(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient)"/> instead if you want the
  1626. request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently.
  1627. For requests originating from the browser process: It may be intercepted by the client via <see cref="T:CefSharp.IResourceRequestHandler"/> or <see cref="T:CefSharp.ISchemeHandlerFactory"/>.
  1628. POST data may only contain only a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES.
  1629. </summary>
  1630. <param name="request">request</param>
  1631. <param name="urlRequestClient">url request client</param>
  1632. <param name="requestContext">request context associated with this requets.</param>
  1633. </member>
  1634. <member name="P:CefSharp.UrlRequest.ResponseWasCached">
  1635. <inheritdoc/>
  1636. </member>
  1637. <member name="P:CefSharp.UrlRequest.Response">
  1638. <inheritdoc/>
  1639. </member>
  1640. <member name="P:CefSharp.UrlRequest.RequestStatus">
  1641. <inheritdoc/>
  1642. </member>
  1643. <member name="M:CefSharp.UrlRequest.Dispose">
  1644. <inheritdoc/>
  1645. </member>
  1646. <member name="M:CefSharp.UrlRequest.Create(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient)">
  1647. <summary>
  1648. Create a new URL request that is not associated with a specific browser or frame.
  1649. Use <see cref="M:CefSharp.IFrame.CreateUrlRequest(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient)"/> instead if you want the
  1650. request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently.
  1651. For requests originating from the browser process: It may be intercepted by the client via <see cref="T:CefSharp.IResourceRequestHandler"/> or <see cref="T:CefSharp.ISchemeHandlerFactory"/>.
  1652. POST data may only contain only a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES.
  1653. Uses the Global RequestContext
  1654. </summary>
  1655. <param name="request">request</param>
  1656. <param name="urlRequestClient">url request client</param>
  1657. </member>
  1658. <member name="M:CefSharp.UrlRequest.Create(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient,CefSharp.IRequestContext)">
  1659. <summary>
  1660. Create a new URL request that is not associated with a specific browser or frame.
  1661. Use <see cref="M:CefSharp.IFrame.CreateUrlRequest(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient)"/> instead if you want the
  1662. request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently.
  1663. For requests originating from the browser process: It may be intercepted by the client via <see cref="T:CefSharp.IResourceRequestHandler"/> or <see cref="T:CefSharp.ISchemeHandlerFactory"/>.
  1664. POST data may only contain only a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES.
  1665. </summary>
  1666. <param name="request">request</param>
  1667. <param name="urlRequestClient">url request client</param>
  1668. <param name="requestContext">request context associated with this requets.</param>
  1669. </member>
  1670. <member name="T:CefSharp.WebBrowserExtensionsEx">
  1671. <summary>
  1672. Extended WebBrowserExtensions
  1673. </summary>
  1674. </member>
  1675. <member name="M:CefSharp.WebBrowserExtensionsEx.GetVisibleNavigationEntryAsync(CefSharp.IWebBrowser)">
  1676. <summary>
  1677. Retrieve the current <see cref="T:CefSharp.NavigationEntry"/>. Contains information like
  1678. <see cref="P:CefSharp.NavigationEntry.HttpStatusCode"/> and <see cref="P:CefSharp.NavigationEntry.SslStatus"/>
  1679. </summary>
  1680. <param name="browser">The ChromiumWebBrowser instance this method extends.</param>
  1681. <returns>
  1682. <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/> that when executed returns the current <see cref="T:CefSharp.NavigationEntry"/> or null
  1683. </returns>
  1684. </member>
  1685. <member name="M:CefSharp.WebBrowserExtensionsEx.DownloadUrl(CefSharp.IFrame,System.String,System.Action{CefSharp.IUrlRequest,System.IO.Stream})">
  1686. <summary>
  1687. Downloads the specified <paramref name="url"/> and calls <paramref name="completeHandler"/>
  1688. when the download is complete. Makes a GET Request.
  1689. </summary>
  1690. <param name="frame">valid frame</param>
  1691. <param name="url">url to download</param>
  1692. <param name="completeHandler">Action to be executed when the download is complete.</param>
  1693. </member>
  1694. <member name="M:CefSharp.WebBrowserExtensionsEx.DownloadUrlAsync(CefSharp.IFrame,System.String)">
  1695. <summary>
  1696. Downloads the specified <paramref name="url"/> as a <see cref="!:byte[]"/>.
  1697. Makes a GET Request.
  1698. </summary>
  1699. <param name="frame">valid frame</param>
  1700. <param name="url">url to download</param>
  1701. <returns>A task that can be awaited to get the <see cref="!:byte[]"/> representing the Url</returns>
  1702. </member>
  1703. <member name="T:CefSharp.WindowInfo">
  1704. <inheritdoc/>
  1705. </member>
  1706. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.X">
  1707. <inheritdoc/>
  1708. </member>
  1709. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.Y">
  1710. <inheritdoc/>
  1711. </member>
  1712. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.Width">
  1713. <inheritdoc/>
  1714. </member>
  1715. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.Height">
  1716. <inheritdoc/>
  1717. </member>
  1718. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.Style">
  1719. <inheritdoc/>
  1720. </member>
  1721. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.ExStyle">
  1722. <inheritdoc/>
  1723. </member>
  1724. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.ParentWindowHandle">
  1725. <inheritdoc/>
  1726. </member>
  1727. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.WindowlessRenderingEnabled">
  1728. <inheritdoc/>
  1729. </member>
  1730. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.SharedTextureEnabled">
  1731. <inheritdoc/>
  1732. </member>
  1733. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.ExternalBeginFrameEnabled">
  1734. <inheritdoc/>
  1735. </member>
  1736. <member name="P:CefSharp.WindowInfo.WindowHandle">
  1737. <inheritdoc/>
  1738. </member>
  1739. <member name="M:CefSharp.WindowInfo.Dispose">
  1740. <inheritdoc/>
  1741. </member>
  1742. <member name="M:CefSharp.WindowInfo.SetAsChild(System.IntPtr)">
  1743. <inheritdoc/>
  1744. </member>
  1745. <member name="M:CefSharp.WindowInfo.SetAsChild(System.IntPtr,CefSharp.Structs.Rect)">
  1746. <inheritdoc/>
  1747. </member>
  1748. <member name="M:CefSharp.WindowInfo.SetAsChild(System.IntPtr,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  1749. <inheritdoc/>
  1750. </member>
  1751. <member name="M:CefSharp.WindowInfo.SetAsPopup(System.IntPtr,System.String)">
  1752. <inheritdoc/>
  1753. </member>
  1754. <member name="M:CefSharp.WindowInfo.SetAsWindowless(System.IntPtr)">
  1755. <inheritdoc/>
  1756. </member>
  1757. <member name="M:CefSharp.WindowInfo.Create">
  1758. <summary>
  1759. Create a new <see cref="T:CefSharp.IWindowInfo"/> instance
  1760. </summary>
  1761. <returns>WindowInfo</returns>
  1762. </member>
  1763. </members>
  1764. </doc>