REQUEST_URL="" echo "pwd ": $(pwd) echo "project path: " ${PROJECT_DIR} echo "connecting with devtools..." response=$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}" -o response.txt $REQUEST_URL/miniappplugin/buildIOSArchive) status_code=${response: -3} response_body=$(cat response.txt) echo "status code: $status_code" echo "response: $response_body" rm response.txt # 非 200 的情况都不阻塞 XCode 构建 if [[ $status_code != "200" ]]; then echo "connecting with devtools fail" echo "update ios resource fail" else if [[ $response_body == "success" ]]; then echo "update ios resource done" else echo "update ios resource fail" exit 1 fi fi echo "replace app resource..." if [[ ${SDKROOT} == *"iPhoneSimulator"* ]]; then cp -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/resources/x86/ ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR} else cp -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/resources/arm64/ ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR} fi