lint-results.xml 12 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <issues format="5" by="lint 4.1.3">
  3. <issue
  4. id="PrivateApi"
  5. severity="Warning"
  6. message="Accessing internal APIs via reflection is not supported and may not work on all devices or in the future"
  7. category="Correctness"
  8. priority="6"
  9. summary="Using Private APIs"
  10. explanation="Using reflection to access hidden/private Android APIs is not safe; it will often not work on devices from other vendors, and it may suddenly stop working (if the API is removed) or crash spectacularly (if the API behavior changes, since there are no guarantees for compatibility)."
  11. url=""
  12. urls=""
  13. errorLine1=" Class&lt;?> c = Class.forName(&quot;android.os.SystemProperties&quot;);"
  14. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  15. <location
  16. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\src\main\java\com\donut\plugin\util\"
  17. line="42"
  18. column="30"/>
  19. </issue>
  20. <issue
  21. id="PrivateApi"
  22. severity="Warning"
  23. message="Accessing internal APIs via reflection is not supported and may not work on all devices or in the future"
  24. category="Correctness"
  25. priority="6"
  26. summary="Using Private APIs"
  27. explanation="Using reflection to access hidden/private Android APIs is not safe; it will often not work on devices from other vendors, and it may suddenly stop working (if the API is removed) or crash spectacularly (if the API behavior changes, since there are no guarantees for compatibility)."
  28. url=""
  29. urls=""
  30. errorLine1=" val clazz = Class.forName(&quot;;)"
  31. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  32. <location
  33. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\src\main\java\com\donut\wxf1a06dafa3350688\PluginManager.kt"
  34. line="45"
  35. column="25"/>
  36. </issue>
  37. <issue
  38. id="GradleDependency"
  39. severity="Warning"
  40. message="A newer version of androidx.exifinterface:exifinterface than 1.1.0 is available: 1.2.0"
  41. category="Correctness"
  42. priority="4"
  43. summary="Obsolete Gradle Dependency"
  44. explanation="This detector looks for usages of libraries where the version you are using is not the current stable release. Using older versions is fine, and there are cases where you deliberately want to stick with an older version. However, you may simply not be aware that a more recent version is available, and that is what this lint check helps find."
  45. errorLine1=" implementation &quot;androidx.exifinterface:exifinterface:1.1.0&quot;"
  46. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  47. <location
  48. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\build.gradle"
  49. line="61"
  50. column="9"/>
  51. </issue>
  52. <issue
  53. id="GradleDependency"
  54. severity="Warning"
  55. message="A newer version of androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout than 1.1.3 is available: 2.0.4"
  56. category="Correctness"
  57. priority="4"
  58. summary="Obsolete Gradle Dependency"
  59. explanation="This detector looks for usages of libraries where the version you are using is not the current stable release. Using older versions is fine, and there are cases where you deliberately want to stick with an older version. However, you may simply not be aware that a more recent version is available, and that is what this lint check helps find."
  60. errorLine1=" api &quot;androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3&quot;"
  61. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  62. <location
  63. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\build.gradle"
  64. line="66"
  65. column="9"/>
  66. </issue>
  67. <issue
  68. id="GradleDependency"
  69. severity="Warning"
  70. message="A newer version of than 1.0.0 is available: 1.4.0"
  71. category="Correctness"
  72. priority="4"
  73. summary="Obsolete Gradle Dependency"
  74. explanation="This detector looks for usages of libraries where the version you are using is not the current stable release. Using older versions is fine, and there are cases where you deliberately want to stick with an older version. However, you may simply not be aware that a more recent version is available, and that is what this lint check helps find."
  75. errorLine1=" api &apos;;"
  76. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  77. <location
  78. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\build.gradle"
  79. line="68"
  80. column="9"/>
  81. </issue>
  82. <issue
  83. id="GradleDependency"
  84. severity="Warning"
  85. message="A newer version of com.umeng.umsdk:common than 9.6.3 is available: 9.6.7"
  86. category="Correctness"
  87. priority="4"
  88. summary="Obsolete Gradle Dependency"
  89. explanation="This detector looks for usages of libraries where the version you are using is not the current stable release. Using older versions is fine, and there are cases where you deliberately want to stick with an older version. However, you may simply not be aware that a more recent version is available, and that is what this lint check helps find."
  90. errorLine1=" implementation &apos;com.umeng.umsdk:common:9.6.3&apos;// 必选"
  91. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  92. <location
  93. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\build.gradle"
  94. line="72"
  95. column="9"/>
  96. </issue>
  97. <issue
  98. id="GradleDependency"
  99. severity="Warning"
  100. message="A newer version of com.umeng.umsdk:asms than 1.8.0 is available: 1.8.2"
  101. category="Correctness"
  102. priority="4"
  103. summary="Obsolete Gradle Dependency"
  104. explanation="This detector looks for usages of libraries where the version you are using is not the current stable release. Using older versions is fine, and there are cases where you deliberately want to stick with an older version. However, you may simply not be aware that a more recent version is available, and that is what this lint check helps find."
  105. errorLine1=" implementation &apos;com.umeng.umsdk:asms:1.8.0&apos;// 必选"
  106. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  107. <location
  108. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\build.gradle"
  109. line="73"
  110. column="9"/>
  111. </issue>
  112. <issue
  113. id="HardwareIds"
  114. severity="Warning"
  115. message="Using `getString` to get device identifiers is not recommended"
  116. category="Security"
  117. priority="6"
  118. summary="Hardware Id Usage"
  119. explanation="Using these device identifiers is not recommended other than for high value fraud prevention and advanced telephony use-cases. For advertising use-cases, use `AdvertisingIdClient$Info#getId` and for analytics, use `InstanceId#getId`."
  120. url=""
  121. urls=""
  122. errorLine1=" final String androidId = Settings.Secure.getString("
  123. errorLine2=" ^">
  124. <location
  125. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\src\main\java\com\donut\plugin\util\"
  126. line="22"
  127. column="50"/>
  128. </issue>
  129. <issue
  130. id="HardwareIds"
  131. severity="Warning"
  132. message="Using `getDeviceId` to get device identifiers is not recommended"
  133. category="Security"
  134. priority="6"
  135. summary="Hardware Id Usage"
  136. explanation="Using these device identifiers is not recommended other than for high value fraud prevention and advanced telephony use-cases. For advertising use-cases, use `AdvertisingIdClient$Info#getId` and for analytics, use `InstanceId#getId`."
  137. url=""
  138. urls=""
  139. errorLine1=" @SuppressLint(&quot;MissingPermission&quot;) final String deviceId = ((TelephonyManager) context"
  140. errorLine2=" ^">
  141. <location
  142. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\src\main\java\com\donut\plugin\util\"
  143. line="27"
  144. column="88"/>
  145. </issue>
  146. <issue
  147. id="HardwareIds"
  148. severity="Warning"
  149. message="Using `SERIAL` to get device identifiers is not recommended"
  150. category="Security"
  151. priority="6"
  152. summary="Hardware Id Usage"
  153. explanation="Using these device identifiers is not recommended other than for high value fraud prevention and advanced telephony use-cases. For advertising use-cases, use `AdvertisingIdClient$Info#getId` and for analytics, use `InstanceId#getId`."
  154. url=""
  155. urls=""
  156. errorLine1=" serial = Build.SERIAL;"
  157. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
  158. <location
  159. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\src\main\java\com\donut\plugin\util\"
  160. line="40"
  161. column="32"/>
  162. </issue>
  163. <issue
  164. id="HardwareIds"
  165. severity="Warning"
  166. message="Using `ro.serialno` to get device identifiers is not recommended"
  167. category="Security"
  168. priority="6"
  169. summary="Hardware Id Usage"
  170. explanation="Using these device identifiers is not recommended other than for high value fraud prevention and advanced telephony use-cases. For advertising use-cases, use `AdvertisingIdClient$Info#getId` and for analytics, use `InstanceId#getId`."
  171. url=""
  172. urls=""
  173. errorLine1=" serial = (String) get.invoke(c, &quot;ro.serialno&quot;);"
  174. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  175. <location
  176. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\src\main\java\com\donut\plugin\util\"
  177. line="44"
  178. column="49"/>
  179. </issue>
  180. <issue
  181. id="StaticFieldLeak"
  182. severity="Warning"
  183. message="Do not place Android context classes in static fields; this is a memory leak"
  184. category="Performance"
  185. priority="6"
  186. summary="Static Field Leaks"
  187. explanation="A static field will leak contexts.&#xA;&#xA;Non-static inner classes have an implicit reference to their outer class. If that outer class is for example a `Fragment` or `Activity`, then this reference means that the long-running handler/loader/task will hold a reference to the activity which prevents it from getting garbage collected.&#xA;&#xA;Similarly, direct field references to activities and fragments from these longer running instances can cause leaks.&#xA;&#xA;ViewModel classes should never point to Views or non-application Contexts."
  188. errorLine1=" lateinit var mTopActivity: Activity"
  189. errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
  190. <location
  191. file="F:\Work_Space\Wechat_workSpace\reader_plugin\android\plugin\src\main\java\com\donut\plugin\util\BaseConsts.kt"
  192. line="10"
  193. column="9"/>
  194. </issue>
  195. </issues>