mm.strings 34 KB

  1. "Business_DL_JumpFail" = "Unable to redirect";
  2. "Camera_Access_Denied_Alert" = "Allow $${BRAND} to access your camera from the device menu: \"Settings\" > \"Privacy\" > \"Camera\".";
  3. "Camera_Access_Restricted_Alert" = "Please enable your camera on your device in \"Settings\" > \"General\" > \"Restrictions\".";
  4. "ChatLog_Hours_Minutes_Format" = "%lu hr %lu min";
  5. "ChatLog_Miniutes_Seconds_Format" = "%lu min";
  6. "ChatRoomTopMessage_CancelTop_MenuItemTitle" = "Remove from Top";
  7. "ChatRoomTopMessage_MenuItemTitle" = "Sticky on Top";
  8. "Common_Affirm" = "OK";
  9. "Common_Allow" = "Allow";
  10. "Common_Call" = "Call";
  11. "Common_Cancel" = "Cancel";
  12. "Common_Close" = "Close";
  13. "Common_Confirm" = "OK";
  14. "Common_Copy" = "Copy";
  15. "Common_Delete" = "Delete";
  16. "Common_DisAllowed" = "Never";
  17. "Common_Done" = "Done";
  18. "Common_Edit" = "Edit";
  19. "Common_Exit" = "Leave";
  20. "Common_Forward_ToFriend" = "Send to Chat";
  21. "Common_I_Know" = "OK";
  22. "Common_Know" = "Got It";
  23. "Common_MailCopy" = "Copy Email";
  24. "Common_More" = "More";
  25. "Common_OK" = "OK";
  26. "Common_ProductName" = "$${BRAND}";
  27. "Common_Record_Accessibility" = "Start recording";
  28. "Common_Refer" = "Quote";
  29. "Common_Retry" = "Retry";
  30. "Common_Return" = "Back";
  31. "Common_Select" = "Select" ;
  32. "Common_SelectAll" = "Select All";
  33. "Common_Set" = "Settings";
  34. "Common_Share" = "Share";
  35. "Common_Stop_Record_Accessibility" = "Stop recording";
  36. "Common_TapToRecord_Short" = "Tap to record";
  37. "Common_TipTitle"= "Note";
  38. "Contacts_SearchPlageHolder" = "Search";
  39. "Contacts_Tag" = "Tags";
  40. "Crop_Video_Time_MiniuteAndSecond_Format" = "%lu min %lu sec";
  41. "Crop_Video_Time_Miniutes_Format" = "%lum";
  42. "Crop_Video_Time_Seconds_Format" = "%lus";
  43. "DelChatRoomMember_Success_Tip" = "Done";
  44. "EditImage_isProcessing" = "Processing";
  45. "Emoticon_Add" = "Add" ;
  46. "Emoticon_Camera_Follow" = "Overlay";
  47. "Emoticon_Copy" = "Copy" ;
  48. "Emoticon_Related" = "Related Stickers";
  49. "Fav_Record_SubItem_Time" = "%d-%d-%d %@"; //2014-2-18 下午5:08
  50. "Favorites_Add" = "Add to Favorites";
  51. "Favorites_Add_In_Detail" = "Favorites";
  52. "ImgInfo_Time" = "%d-%d %@"; //8月12日 13:24
  53. "ImgTime_ForFastBrowse_ThisMonth" = "This month";
  54. "ImgTime_ForFastBrowse_ThisWeek" = "This week";
  55. "ImgTime_ForFastBrowse_Year_Month" = "%d-%d";
  56. "JSScopeConfirmWindow_Allow" = "Allow";
  57. "JSScopeConfirmWindow_Description" = "%@ requests to obtain the below authorizations:";
  58. "JSScopeConfirmWindow_Reject" = "Deny";
  59. "JSScopeConfirmWindow_Title_Login" = "Log in via $${BRAND}";
  60. "JSSelect_TakeVideo" = "Use Camera";
  61. "Limited_Mode_BlockTips" = "Unable to access this content in $${BRAND_Teen} Mode";
  62. "Limited_Mode_BlockTips_Desc" = "To provide a safe and healthy online environment for minors, unable to access this content in$${BRAND_Teen} Mode.";
  63. "Limited_Mode_Title" = "$${BRAND_Teen} Mode";
  64. "Live_Audience_Conflict_Wording" = "Watching live stream now. Try again later.";
  65. "Live_Confict_Wording" = "Live stream in progress. Try again later.";
  66. "Live_Phone_Calling" = "Phone call in progress. Try again later.";
  67. "Loading_Failed_Default" = "Unable to load";
  68. "MessageContent_Been_Revoked" = "Message recalled";
  69. "MessageContent_Close_Translate_Text" = "Hide";
  70. "MessageContent_Forward" = "Forward";
  71. "MessageContent_HasSaveToAlbum" = "Saved to album";
  72. "MessageContent_Revoke" = "Recall";
  73. "MessageContent_SaveToAlbum" = "Save Image";
  74. "MessageContent_SelectPhotoS" = "Choose from Album" ;
  75. "MessageContent_ShowEmoticonDetailPage" = "Collection";
  76. "MessageContent_TakePhoto" = "Take Photo";
  77. "MessageContent_Translate_Feedback" = "Feedback";
  78. "MessageContent_Translate_Text" = "Translate";
  79. "MicroBlogger_Preparing" = "Preparing...";
  80. "MsgNode_MoreOperate" = "Select";
  81. "MultiScene_FailToOpenSubScene" = "Unable to use split screen. Go to \"Settings\" > \"Home Screen & Dock\" > turn on \"Multitasking\" > \"Allow Multiple Apps\".";
  82. "MultiTalk_Conflict_Wording" = "Voice call in use. Try again later.";
  83. "PreviewAction_SmallWebPage_Circle" = "Floating";
  84. "PreviewAction_SmallWebPage_Circle_Allow_Types" = "iOS devices can only float webpages, videos and documents.";
  85. "PreviewAction_SmallWebPage_Circle_Cancel" = "Remove Floating";
  86. "PreviewAction_SmallWebPage_Circle_Cancel_Done" = "Removed";
  87. "Roam_DateFormat" = "yyyy/MM/DD hh:mm";
  88. "SDK_Auth_Accessibility_Not_Selected" = "Unselected. Double-tap to enable it.";
  89. "SDK_Auth_Accessibility_Selected" = "Selected. Double-tap to enable it.";
  90. "SDK_Auth_Close" = "Close";
  91. "SDK_Auth_OperateFail" = "Unable to complete action";
  92. "SDK_Auth_SaveAvatarDeleteError" = "Unable to delete";
  93. "SWITCH_EARPIECE_AUTOSWITCH" = "Turn Off Speaker";
  94. "SWITCH_EARPIECE_FORCEEAR" = "Turn On Speaker";
  95. "Save_Photo_Failed" = "Unable to save";
  96. "Save_Photo_No_Access_Right" = "Allow $${BRAND} to access your photos from the device menu: \"Settings\" > \"Privacy\" > \"Photos\".";
  97. "Setting_Account_Set_CloseTip" = "Not enabled";
  98. "Setting_NotifyRemind_Open" = "Enabled" ;
  99. "Settings_Privacy_AppAuthManagement_CameraWarn" = "Will upload photos and videos you take";
  100. "ShareActionSheet_MsgForward" = "Open";
  101. "ShareActionSheet_Sended" = "Sent";
  102. "ShareLocation_Navigate_AppleMaps" = "Apple Maps";
  103. "ShareLocation_Navigate_AutonaviMaps" = "AutoNavi Maps";
  104. "ShareLocation_Navigate_BaiduMaps" = "Baidu Maps";
  105. "ShareLocation_Navigate_ButtonTitle" = "Navigate by %@";
  106. "ShareLocation_Navigate_GoogleMaps" = "Google Maps";
  107. "ShareLocation_Navigate_InstallButtonTitle" = "Download %@";
  108. "ShareLocation_Navigate_SogouMaps" = "Sogou Maps";
  109. "ShareLocation_Navigate_TencentMaps" = "$${Tencent_map}";
  110. "Sight_Auth_Setting_Tips_Common_Cancel" = "Got It";
  111. "Sight_Auth_Setting_Tips_Confirm" = "Go to Settings";
  112. "Sight_Auth_Status_Tips" = "Allow $${BRAND} to access your camera and microphone from the device menu: \"Settings\" > \"Privacy\".";
  113. "Sight_Video_Auth_Status_Tips" = "Unable to record video. Go to \"Settings\" > \"$${BRAND}\" and enable camera access.";
  114. "Sight_Video_Auth_Status_Title" = "Camera Access Not Enabled";
  115. "Silence_Play" = "Silent Play";
  116. "Solitaire_Menu_Text" = "Group Note";
  117. "Start_Record_Denied" = "Unable to record";
  118. "Start_Record_No_Access_Right" = "Allow $${BRAND} to access your microphone from the device menu: \"Settings\" > \"Privacy\" > \"Microphone\".";
  119. "SyncPhoneContact_Restore" = "Restore" ;
  120. "TabBar_NewBadge" = "New";
  121. "TableViewMultipleReorder_Aeecssibility_Has_Move_Down" = "Currently below %@";
  122. "TableViewMultipleReorder_Aeecssibility_Has_Move_Up" = "Currently above %@";
  123. "TableViewMultipleReorder_CancelMoveIndicator_Label" = "Drag back here without changes.";
  124. "TableViewMultipleReorder_ConfirmMove_Label" = "Release and confirm the change";
  125. "TableViewMultipleReorder_GroupedCells_AccessibilityHint" = "You can drag it. Double-tap it and hold, then drag it to sort again when you hear a sound.";
  126. "TemplateMsgAuth_ScopesViewCtrl_AlertView_SectionTitle_GlobalSwitch" = "Block all messages from \"%@\"";
  127. "TemplateMsgAuth_ScopesViewCtrl_AlertView_SectionTitle_ScopeList" = "Receive the following messages from \"%@\"";
  128. "TemplateMsgAuth_ScopesViewCtrl_OpenAudioNoti" = "Enable Voice Reminders";
  129. "TemplateMsgAuth_StrongNoti_Off" = "Reminder";
  130. "TemplateMsgAuth_StrongNoti_On" = "Reminder";
  131. "TemplateMsgAuth_StrongNoti_Tip_Off" = "Alert Canceled";
  132. "TemplateMsgAuth_StrongNoti_Tip_On" = "You'll receive banner notifications when there are new messages.";
  133. "Ting_Add_To_Song_List" = "Add to Songlist";
  134. "URL_Handler_3rdApp" = "External app will be opened. Leave $${BRAND} now?";
  135. "URL_Handler_Phone" = "Call %@?";
  136. "URL_Handler_SMS_NO_BODY_NUMBER" = "Send SMS?";
  137. "URL_Handler_SMS_NO_BODY_WITH_NUMBER" = "Send SMS to %@?";
  138. "URL_Handler_SMS_WITH_BODY_NUMBER" = "Send \"%1$@\" to %2$@ via SMS?";
  139. "Util_Afternoon" = "pm";
  140. "Util_BeforeDayFormat" = "%lu days ago";
  141. "Util_BeforeHourFormat" = "%lu hrs ago";
  142. "Util_BeforeOneHour" = "1 hr ago";
  143. "Util_BeforeOneMin" = "1 min ago";
  144. "Util_Date_Month_Format" = "MM-dd";
  145. "Util_Date_Month_Format_Simple" = "M/d";
  146. "Util_Date_Year_Format" = "MM/dd/yyyy";
  147. "Util_Date_Year_Format_Simple" = "yyyy/M/d";
  148. "Util_DayNoDayFormat" = "%lu/%lu";
  149. "Util_DayNoYearFormat" = "%lu/%lu";
  150. "Util_Daybreak" = "am";
  151. "Util_DuringOneMin" = "Just now";
  152. "Util_Evening" = "night";
  153. "Util_Friday" = "Friday";
  154. "Util_Monday" = "Monday";
  155. "Util_Morning" = "am";
  156. "Util_Noon" = "noon";
  157. "Util_Satday" = "Saturday";
  158. "Util_SevenDay_Before" = "Last 7 days";
  159. "Util_Sunday" = "Sunday";
  160. "Util_The_Day_After_Tomorrow" = "2 days from now";
  161. "Util_The_Day_After_Yesterday" = "2 days ago";
  162. "Util_ThirtyDay_Before" = "Last 30 days";
  163. "Util_ThisMonth" = "This Month";
  164. "Util_Thuday" = "Thursday";
  165. "Util_Today" = "Today";
  166. "Util_Tomorrow" = "Tomorrow";
  167. "Util_Tueday" = "Tuesday";
  168. "Util_Wedday" = "Wednesday";
  169. "Util_Yesterday" = "Yesterday";
  170. "VoiceOver_Airplay" = "Wireless Play";
  171. "VoiceOver_ButtonToPause" = "Pause";
  172. "VoiceOver_ButtonToPlay" = "Play";
  173. "VoiceOver_Camera_Normal" = "Camera Mode";
  174. "VoiceOver_Camera_Scan" = "Scan Mode";
  175. "VoiceOver_Canvas" = "Canvas";
  176. "VoiceOver_Common_SnackBarHint" = "Double-tap to %@";
  177. "VoiceOver_Danmu" = "Barrage Comments";
  178. "VoiceOver_ExitFullScreen" = "Quit Full Screen";
  179. "VoiceOver_FullScreen" = "Full Screen";
  180. "VoiceOver_Info" = "Note";
  181. "VoiceOver_InputView_Expression_AccessibilityDescrible" = "Stickers";
  182. "VoiceOver_Link" = "URL";
  183. "VoiceOver_LivePlayer_Live" = "Live Stream Player Component";
  184. "VoiceOver_LivePlayer_Talk" = "Video Call Player Component";
  185. "VoiceOver_LivePusher" = "Live Streaming Component";
  186. "VoiceOver_Mute" = "Mute";
  187. "VoiceOver_ProgressBar" = "Progress bar";
  188. "VoiceOver_TableIndex" = "Table Index";
  189. "VoiceOver_Unread" = "Unread";
  190. "VoiceOver_VideoPlayer" = "Video Player";
  191. "VoiceOver_WeAppLink" = "Mini Program Link";
  192. "Voice_StopTrans_Menu" = "Stop converting";
  193. "Voice_Trans_Menu" = "Convert to Text";
  194. "WA_Screen_BrightnessIconName" = "Brightness";
  195. "WCAppBrand_BottomBanner_Highlight_OpenWeapp" = "Tap \"Go to Mini Program\" for more services";
  196. "WCAppBrand_BottomBanner_OpenWeGame" = "Go to Mini Game";
  197. "WCAppBrand_BottomBanner_OpenWeapp" = "Open Mini Program";
  198. "WCAppBrand_EmbedMode_Cannot_Expand" = "Full-screen mode not supported";
  199. "WCAppBrand_EmbedMode_Expand_Full_Screen" = "Full Screen";
  200. "WCAppBrand_EmbedMode_Header_Supporting" = "Service Provider";
  201. "WCAppBrand_Home_AppStateDev" = "Developer Version";
  202. "WCAppBrand_Home_AppStateRDM" = "Beta Version";
  203. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_About" = "About";
  204. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_AddToDesktop" = "Add to Home Screen";
  205. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_AddToStar" = "Add to My Mini Programs";
  206. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_AddToStarSuccess" = "Added";
  207. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_BackGame" = "Leave Game";
  208. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_BackToIndex" = "Back to Home";
  209. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_BackToIndexDisable" = "This is the home page";
  210. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_CancelStar" = "Remove from My Mini Programs";
  211. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_CancelStarSuccess" = "Removed";
  212. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_CloseDebugMode" = "Disable Debugging";
  213. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_ClosePerformance" = "Close Performance Panel";
  214. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_CommonShare" = "Forward";
  215. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_DebugMode" = "Develop and Debug";
  216. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_DebugModeTips" = "Enable when reopened";
  217. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_IconAddToStar" = "Add to My Mini Programs";
  218. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_OpenDebugMode" = "Enable Debugging";
  219. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_OpenPerformance" = "Show Performance Panel";
  220. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_OpenProfile_SinglePage" = "Mini Program Profile";
  221. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_Original" = "Creative";
  222. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_SDK_AddToStar" = "Add to $${BRAND}\nMy Mini Programs";
  223. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_SDK_CancelStar" = "Unstar $${BRAND}\nMy Mini Programs ";
  224. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_SDK_ShareToFriend" = "Send to Friend(s)";
  225. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_SellsDriving" = "Sell Products";
  226. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_ShareDevWeAppTips" = "Make sure the developer version has been previewed on the other device.";
  227. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_ShareDisable" = "Can't Be Shared";
  228. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_ShareRDMWeAppTips" = "Make sure the other user has already been set as a tester for the Mini Program.";
  229. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_ShareTimelineDisable" = "Can't Share Page";
  230. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_ShareTipsTitle" = "Tips";
  231. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_State_Locating" = "The Mini Program is accessing your location";
  232. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_State_Locating_Short" = "Locating";
  233. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_State_Recording" = "The Mini Program is using your microphone";
  234. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_State_Recording_Short" = "Using Mic";
  235. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_State_Shooting" = "The Mini Program is recording video";
  236. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_State_Shooting_Short" = "Recording video";
  237. "WCAppBrand_MenuItem_openVCLogTips" = "Test Version Start Time: %@\nTest Version End Time: %@\nDebug Database: %d\nTesting Database Update Time: %@\nTesting Database End Time: %@\nRelease Database Version: %lu\nDatabase Update Time: %@";
  238. "WCAppBrand_Menu_CoverAdSupportBy" = "Cover Ad: ";
  239. "WCAppBrand_Menu_EmbedWeAppSupportBy" = "Provided by: ";
  240. "WCAppBrand_Name" = "Mini Programs";
  241. "WCAppBrand_NavAlertTitle_AlertTitle" = "This page has been reported multiple times. Only viewing feature is available.";
  242. "WCAppBrand_NavAlertTitle_OpenWeapp" = "Go to \"%@\" Mini Program";
  243. "WCAppBrand_Star_Forbbiden_Tips" = "This Mini Program has violated platform rules.\nUnable to add to My Mini Programs.";
  244. "WCAppBrand_UserGuideContent" = "Mini Programs entry enabled. You can find your previously used Mini Programs in \"Discover\" > \"Mini Programs\".";
  245. "WCAppBrand_WeApps" = "Mini Programs";
  246. "WCBiz_Web_Default_Title" = "Loading";
  247. "WCCard_Tip_Look" = "Check Now";
  248. "WCFinder_Bullet_Comment_MenuItem_Block"="Block";
  249. "WCFinder_Bullet_Comment_MenuItem_Follow" = "+1";
  250. "WCFinder_Bullet_Comment_MenuItem_Report"="Report";
  251. "WCFinder_Bullet_Comment_MenuItem_UnBlock" = "Remove from blocked list";
  252. "WCFinder_DateTime_Common_Format_Short" = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm";
  253. "WCFingertipSearch_Nav_Title" = "Search";
  254. "WCPlayer_Play_Fail_For_Decode_Error_Tips" = "Unable to play this video. Save it to your device to watch it.";
  255. "WCSchedule_After_Hours" = "in %d hour(s)";
  256. "WCSchedule_After_Hours_Mins" = "in %d hour(s), %d minute(s)";
  257. "WCSchedule_After_Mins" = "in %d minute(s)";
  258. "WCSchedule_In_Mins" = "in %d minute(s)";
  259. "WCSchedule_OperationCancelTitle" = "Complete To-Dos";
  260. "WCSchedule_OperationRemindTitle" = "Reminders";
  261. "WCSchedule_OperationTitle" = "To-Dos";
  262. "WCShareCard_Tip_Warning_Btn" = "OK";
  263. "WMPF_Profile_OpenInWechat" = "View in $${BRAND}";
  264. "WMPF_RecordVideo" = "record video";
  265. "WMPF_WeApp_Launch_Tip" = "Accessing $${BRAND} Mini Program";
  266. "WMPF_WeGame_Launch_Tip" = "Accessing $${BRAND} Mini Game";
  267. "WeApp_AliveFailed_RecoverPage" = "Error while loading the Mini Program page. The page will be reloaded.";
  268. "WeApp_AliveFailed_RecoverTask" = "Error while loading the Mini Program. It will be restarted.";
  269. "WeApp_Auth_CampusVoip_Tips_Desc" = "You will be notified of incoming voice and video calls.";
  270. "WeApp_Auth_CampusVoip_Tips_Titile" = "Notifications enabled";
  271. "WeApp_Auth_ServiceNotify_Tips_Desc" = "You'll receive banner notifications in $${BRAND} when there are new messages.";
  272. "WeApp_Auth_ServiceNotify_Tips_Title" = "Reminders";
  273. "WeApp_AuthorizeSetting_NetworkFail" = "Unable to set. Check your network settings.";
  274. "WeApp_AuthorizeSetting_SettingStatus" = "Setting...";
  275. "WeApp_Banner_ApiModulePlay" = "Play";
  276. "WeApp_Banner_ApiModuleRoute" = "Redirect";
  277. "WeApp_Banner_ApiModuleShare" = "Share";
  278. "WeApp_Banner_CommonBanText" = "Unable to use this feature because the Mini Program has violated platform rules";
  279. "WeApp_Banner_SpecialJsApiNameBanText" = "Unable to use %@ because the Mini Program has violated platform rules";
  280. "WeApp_Bluetooth_ManageMentPageUsingOptionBluetooth" = "Bluetooth";
  281. "WeApp_Contact_Address" = "Address";
  282. "WeApp_Contact_HomeAddress" = "Home Address";
  283. "WeApp_Contact_HomeFax" = "Home Fax";
  284. "WeApp_Contact_HomePhone" = "Home Phone";
  285. "WeApp_Contact_Mobile" = "Phone";
  286. "WeApp_Contact_OfficeAddress" = "Office Address";
  287. "WeApp_Contact_OfficeFax" = "Office Fax";
  288. "WeApp_Contact_OfficePhone" = "Office Phone";
  289. "WeApp_Contact_WeChatNumber" = "$${BRAND_ID}";
  290. "WeApp_Contact_WorkPhone" = "Work Phone";
  291. "WeApp_DataPicker_Format_Month" = "%ld";
  292. "WeApp_DataPicker_Format_Year" = "%ld";
  293. "WeApp_DeviceVoip_Title" = "Voice & Video Call Notifications";
  294. "WeApp_Device_Sync_Auth_Allow" = "Enable";
  295. "WeApp_Device_Sync_Auth_Not_Allow" = "Disable";
  296. "WeApp_Error_Unknow" = "Unknown Error";
  297. "WeApp_Evaluate_Average_Score_In_Menu" = "Rating: %.1f";
  298. "WeApp_Evaluate_Commit" = "Submit";
  299. "WeApp_Evaluate_Invite" = "$${BRAND} invites you to rate \"%@\"";
  300. "WeApp_Evaluate_Not_Enough" = "Not enough ratings";
  301. "WeApp_Evaluate_Score1" = "Terrible";
  302. "WeApp_Evaluate_Score2" = "Poor";
  303. "WeApp_Evaluate_Score3" = "Okay";
  304. "WeApp_Evaluate_Score4" = "Good";
  305. "WeApp_Evaluate_Score5" = "Excellent";
  306. "WeApp_Evaluate_Sending_Success" = "Submitted";
  307. "WeApp_Evaluate_Title" = "Rate This Mini Program";
  308. "WeApp_ForceClose_ForeApp" = "Insufficient memory. Open Mini Program and try again.";
  309. "WeApp_ForceClose_InjectJsError" = "Unable to load";
  310. "WeApp_ForceClose_NoActive" = "The Mini Program unexpectedly closed. Try again later.";
  311. "WeApp_ForceClose_PubLibUpdate" = "Resource updated. Restart Mini Program.";
  312. "WeApp_ForceClose_Title" = "Notes";
  313. "WeApp_ForceReLaunch" = "Updating...";
  314. "WeApp_GameLive_CantLivingCamera" = "Camera in use. Unable to go live.";
  315. "WeApp_GameLive_CantLivingContent" = "End your current live stream first.";
  316. "WeApp_GameLive_CantLivingTitle" = "Currently cannot start live streams.";
  317. "WeApp_GameLive_CantLivingVoip" = "Group call in progress. Unable to go live.";
  318. "WeApp_GameLive_ConfirmExitLive" = "End";
  319. "WeApp_GameLive_ExitLive" = "End";
  320. "WeApp_GameLive_ExitOnLivingAskExitLive" = "Streaming game in progress. End live stream?";
  321. "WeApp_GameLive_KeepTipsDesc" = "Game streaming will be paused when the Mini Program is closed.";
  322. "WeApp_GameLive_KeepTipsTitle" = "You can continue to use audio streaming after closing the Mini Program.";
  323. "WeApp_GameLive_StartLive" = "Go Live";
  324. "WeApp_GameLive_Strolling" = "Host is unavailable, please wait.";
  325. "WeApp_Game_Original" = "Original Mini Game";
  326. "WeApp_GetPhoneNumber_Allow" = "Allow";
  327. "WeApp_GetPhoneNumber_Reject" = "Reject";
  328. "WeApp_Keyboard_Done" = "Done";
  329. "WeApp_Keyboard_GO" = "Go";
  330. "WeApp_Keyboard_Next" = "Next";
  331. "WeApp_Keyboard_Search" = "Search";
  332. "WeApp_Keyboard_Send" = "Send";
  333. "WeApp_Load_Error_IndexFaild" = "Page not found";
  334. "WeApp_Load_Error_IndexFaildDesc" = "Page not found. Get more services on the %@ homepage.";
  335. "WeApp_Load_Error_IndexFaildReload" = "Reload";
  336. "WeApp_Load_Error_IndexFaildReloadTitle" = "Unable to connect to network";
  337. "WeApp_Load_Error_IndexLoadModuleFail" = "Unable to load page. Try again later. (Error code: %d)";
  338. "WeApp_LoadingView_WeAppBrandTitle" = "Mini Programs";
  339. "WeApp_Locating_ManageMentPageUsingOptionLocation" = "Location";
  340. "WeApp_MPShortLink_InvalidLink_Content" = "Invalid Mini Program URL. Unable to Open. Check if it's correct.";
  341. "WeApp_MPShortLink_InvalidLink_Title" = "Invalid URL";
  342. "WeApp_MPShortLink_OpenFailed_NetWork" = "Check your network and try again.";
  343. "WeApp_MPShortLink_OpenTips" = "Opening \"%@\" Mini Program";
  344. "WeApp_MainFrame_Star_Limitation_Tips" = "Can only have up to %d My Mini Programs.";
  345. "WeApp_ManagerAuth" = "Accessed Information";
  346. "WeApp_MediaCasting_RoutePicker_AvailableDevices" = "Available Devices";
  347. "WeApp_MediaCasting_RoutePicker_FailToCast" = "Screen mirroring failed";
  348. "WeApp_MediaCasting_RoutePicker_Guide" = "Help";
  349. "WeApp_MediaCasting_RoutePicker_RecentlyConnectDevices" = "Recently Connected";
  350. "WeApp_MediaCasting_RoutePicker_Title" = "Select Device for Screen Mirroring";
  351. "WeApp_MediaCasting_RoutePicker_UntitledDevice" = "Untitled device";
  352. "WeApp_MenuItem_CopyPathQuery" = "Copy\nPage Path";
  353. "WeApp_MultiPackageMode" = "Subcontract";
  354. "WeApp_NotSupportThisVersion" = "Not yet released"; //服务未发布
  355. "WeApp_OpenMapApp_GOTO" = "Navigate to";
  356. "WeApp_OpenTask_AlertTitle" = "Unable to open"; //打开服务失败
  357. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_AppConfigFail" = "Unable to access page settings";
  358. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_CacheInfo" = "Cache Information Error"; //服务缓存信息错误
  359. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_CdnDisaster" = "Too many attempts. Try again later.";
  360. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_ContactAttributeFail" = "Unable to access attributes";
  361. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_DebugDefault" = "Incorrect QR Code";
  362. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_DebugOutOfTime" = "Developer version QR code expired";
  363. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_DebugUinInvalid" = "Unauthorized access";
  364. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_DevHasNoLocalPackInfo" = "Developer version expired. Scan QR code on the developer toolkit.";
  365. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_DownloadError" = "Unable to open Mini Program. Check your network. (Error code: %d)";
  366. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_Foreground" = "Service in use"; //服务已在前台
  367. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_GetABTestPermissionWeAppFail" = "The Mini Program failed to obtain the permission bits of native binding feature (error code: %d).";
  368. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_GetPluginPermissionWeAppFail" = "Mini Program failed to obtain plugin permission (Error Code: %d)";
  369. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_HomePage" = "Incorrect homepage"; //服务主页地址错误
  370. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_InternalError" = "Internal error";
  371. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_LaunchWeAppFail" = "Network timeout, please check your internet connection and try again (%d)";
  372. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_LaunchWeAppFail_GetlaunchNetworkFail" = "Network timeout, please check your internet connection and try again (%@)";
  373. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_LoadContactInfoFail" = "Loading timeout";
  374. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_Loading" = "Loading"; //服务正在加载中
  375. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_NavigationNil" = "Unable to push into nav bar"; //服务推入导航栏失败
  376. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_NoAppID" = "Missing ID"; //缺少服务ID
  377. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_NoPackageError" = "Mini Program expired. Scan QR Code again. (Error code: %d)";
  378. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_NoVersion" = "Incorrect version"; //服务版本错误
  379. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_NormalError" = "Unable to open Mini Program. Try again later. (Error code: %d)";
  380. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_Parameter" = "Parameter Error";
  381. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_PrivacyDenied" = "User has rejected authorization";
  382. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_PushWebViewTimeout" = "Mini Program opening timeout";
  383. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_RDMHasNoPermission" = "You aren't authorized to use the test version. Contact the Mini Program admin.";
  384. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_RDMNetWorkFailed" = "Network request timeout. Try again later.";
  385. "WeApp_OpenTask_Error_RDMNotExist" = "Test version not found";
  386. "WeApp_OpenTask_NeedRebootToUseNewPubLib" = "Some resources are updated. Restart Mini Program to use the latest features.";
  387. "WeApp_OpenTask_NeedRelaunchToLatestVersion" = "The current version of the Mini Program is out-of-date. You need to restart it to use new features.";
  388. "WeApp_OpenTask_RebootAsyncUpdatePublibFailed" = "Failed to update some resources. Unable to open Mini Program.";
  389. "WeApp_OpenTask_SyncUpdatePubLibError" = "Unable to sync shared libraries";
  390. "WeApp_OpenWeSport_NeedAppleAuthDesc" = "Allow $${BRAND} to access step count data by tapping \"Health and Fitness\" > \"Share\" > \"App\" > \"$${BRAND}\" on your iPhone.";
  391. "WeApp_OpenWeSport_NeedAppleAuthTitle" = "Unable to obtain step count data from Health app";
  392. "WeApp_PageSheetAuthInfo" = "About Third-Party Access to User Info";
  393. "WeApp_PageSheetAuthInfoButton" = "About Authorization";
  394. "WeApp_Pasteboard_Toast" = "\"%@\" Mini Program requests to obtain your copied content via $${BRAND}.";
  395. "WeApp_Pasteboard_Toast_Default" = "The current Mini Program requests to obtain your copied content via $${BRAND}.";
  396. "WeApp_Performance_DownloadTip" = "Package download time";
  397. "WeApp_Performance_FPSTip" = "Frame rate";
  398. "WeApp_Performance_Init" = "Enable and Switch";
  399. "WeApp_Performance_IsPreloadTask" = "Pre-load home page";
  400. "WeApp_Performance_LaunchTip" = "Launching time";
  401. "WeApp_Performance_LocalStorage" = "Data cache";
  402. "WeApp_Performance_OpenTips" = "Performance monitor will open after restarting the Mini Program. Press and hold it to close.";
  403. "WeApp_Performance_OpenTitle" = "Open performance monitor";
  404. "WeApp_Performance_Other" = "Others";
  405. "WeApp_Performance_Render" = "Render";
  406. "WeApp_Performance_RenderTip" = "First render time";
  407. "WeApp_Performance_RerenderTip" = "Rerendering time";
  408. "WeApp_Performance_SwitchTip" = "Page switch time";
  409. "WeApp_Performance_Title" = "Performance data";
  410. "WeApp_Performance_ToLogicData" = "View layer to logic layer data size";
  411. "WeApp_Performance_ToLogicNative" = "View layer to logic layer Native time";
  412. "WeApp_Performance_ToLogicTime" = "View layer to logic layer time";
  413. "WeApp_Performance_ToViewData" = "Logic layer to view layer data size";
  414. "WeApp_Performance_ToViewNative" = "Logic layer to view layer Native time ";
  415. "WeApp_Performance_ToViewTime" = "Logic layer to view layer time";
  416. "WeApp_PopOverTask_BackToChat" = "$${BRAND} chat";
  417. "WeApp_Privacy_Usage_Title" = "My Information & Authorizations History";
  418. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationDenyTips" = "If authorization is disabled, some Mini Program features may be affected. Disable now?";
  419. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationDetail_FuzzyLocation" = "Accessing your approximate location information";
  420. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationDetail_FuzzyLocation_Address" = "Accessing your approximate location in \"%@, %@\"";
  421. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationDetail_Location" = "Accessing your precise location information";
  422. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationDetail_Location_Address" = "Accessing your precise location in \"%@, %@\"";
  423. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationEmptyTip" = "%@ is not accessing your system features";
  424. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationLocationAlwaysAllow" = "While Using and After Leaving the Mini Program";
  425. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationLocationAlwaysAllowLongVer" = "While Using and After Leaving the Mini Program Allow";
  426. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationLocationDeny" = "Never";
  427. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationLocationDenyLongVer" = "Never";
  428. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationLocationWhenInUseAllow" = "While Using the Mini Program";
  429. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationLocationWhenInUseAllowLongVer" = "While Using the Mini Program Allow";
  430. "WeApp_Profile_AuthorizationTips" = "Allow \"%@\" to use";
  431. "WeApp_Profile_Bind_Brand_VC_Title" = "Related Official Accounts";
  432. "WeApp_Profile_Bind_WeApp_VC_Title" = "Related Mini Programs";
  433. "WeApp_Profile_BussinessScope" = "Services";
  434. "WeApp_Profile_DenyAuthorization" = "Disable";
  435. "WeApp_Profile_DeveloperInfo" = "Account Owner";
  436. "WeApp_Profile_EnterWeApp" = "Open";
  437. "WeApp_Profile_FeedBack" = "Report\nFeedback";
  438. "WeApp_Profile_GameGrowGuard" = "$${BRAND_Teen} Mode";
  439. "WeApp_Profile_NetworkFail" = "Network error. Try again later.";
  440. "WeApp_Profile_NotEnoughScoreNum" = "Not enough ratings";
  441. "WeApp_Profile_Reboot" = "Reopen\nMini Program";
  442. "WeApp_Profile_SubscribeMessageSettingsDeny" = "Don't Receive";
  443. "WeApp_Profile_TradeComplaint" = "After-sale Disputes";
  444. "WeApp_ReOpenTask" = "Restart";
  445. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_Common_GiveUp" = "Cancel";
  446. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_Common_Retry" = "Retry";
  447. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ConnectFail_AskRetry" = "Network exception. Do you want to keep trying";
  448. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ConnectLabel_Connected" = "Connected";
  449. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ConnectLabel_Connecting" = "Connecting";
  450. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ConnectLabel_Disconnect" = "Interrupted";
  451. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ConnectLabel_Reconnect" = "%tu attempt...";
  452. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_EndReason_DebugFinish" = "Local debugging ended";
  453. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_EndReason_IDEQuit" = "Development tool debugging exited";
  454. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_EndReason_IsDebug" = "Room being debugged; cannot be added again";
  455. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_EndReason_NotSupported" = "Current iOS version does not support remote debugging for Mini Games.";
  456. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_EndReason_TicketFail" = "Get ticket unsuccessful";
  457. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_MaskLabel_Breakpoint" = "Interrupted...";
  458. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_MaskLabel_Disconnect" = "No Internet...";
  459. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_MaskLabel_TooMuchMsg" = "Too many backlogged messages...";
  460. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_MaskLabel_WaitingIDE" = "Waiting for tool to be added...";
  461. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_PannelString_Expand" = "View More";
  462. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_PannelString_HasRecv" = "Received";
  463. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_PannelString_HasSend" = "Sent";
  464. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_PannelString_Log" = "Log";
  465. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_PannelString_NeedConfirm" = "Awaiting confirmation";
  466. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_PannelString_NeedSend" = "To be sent";
  467. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_PannelString_Shrink" = "Collapse";
  468. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_PannelString_Stop" = "Stop";
  469. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_Return_To_Net_Mode" = "Unable to connect to the local area network %@. Using wide area network (WAN) instead.";
  470. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_SendFail_AskRetry" = "Failed to send. Do you want to keep trying";
  471. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ServerLabel_Error" = "Server processing error";
  472. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ServerLabel_None" = "Server--";
  473. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ServerLabel_Normal" = "Server is normal";
  474. "WeApp_RemoteDebug_ServerLabel_WaitIDE" = "Server messages backlogged";
  475. "WeApp_RequestUserAutoFill_Title" = "Auto-fill Authorization Information";
  476. "WeApp_SYSTEM_IS_CALLING_TIPS" = "Call in progress. Try again later.";
  477. "WeApp_Share_SelectTitle" = "Send to Chat";
  478. "WeApp_SplashScreen_CoverAD" = "Cover Ad";
  479. "WeApp_SubscribeMessage_AcceptTitle" = "Receive Subscription Messages";
  480. "WeApp_SubscribeMessage_Title" = "Subscription Messages";
  481. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_AuthComplaint" = "Report This Mini Program";
  482. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_AuthInfoTitle" = "$${BRAND} mobile authorization overview";
  483. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_CountDown" = "Resend after %ds.";
  484. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_PhoneAuthAllow" = "Confirm";
  485. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_PhoneAuthTitle" = "$${BRAND} mobile number access";
  486. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_PhoneVerifyContent" = "Sent to mobile number: %@.";
  487. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_PhoneVerifyNotReceive" = "No verification code received?";
  488. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_PhoneVerifyRetry" = "Resend";
  489. "WeApp_UserAutoFill_PhoneVerifyTitle" = "Enter SMS verification code";
  490. "WeApp_VOIP_FLOATVIEW_TIPS" = "Closing this Mini Program will minimize your video/voice call to a floating window.";
  491. "WeApp_VOIP_IS_CALLING_TIPS" = "Video/Voice call in use. Try again later.";
  492. "WeApp_VideoPlayer_Live" = "Live";
  493. "WeApp_Video_CloseVideo" = "Close Video";
  494. "Webview_AddressBar_Host_For_WKWebview" = "Powered by %@";
  495. "Webview_Deeplink_Redirecting_Title" = "Redirecting";
  496. "Webview_OAuth_ApplyDesc" = "requests to";
  497. "Webview_copyToPasteBoard" = "Copy Link";
  498. "Webview_handoffFail_InvalidLogin" = "Log in to $${BRAND} on computer";
  499. "Webview_handoffFail_LowVersion" = "Update $${BRAND} on computer";
  500. "Webview_handoffFail_NotSupported" = "Feature Not Supported";
  501. "Webview_handoffOk" = "View on computer";
  502. "Webview_openHandoff"="Open on Computer";
  503. "Webview_shareAppMsg" = "Send to Chat";
  504. "Webview_shareTimeline" = "Share on Moments";
  505. "Webview_shareWeWork" = "Send to $${WeCom}";
  506. "Write_Mail_To_Somebody_Format" = "Send message to %@";
  507. "Write_Mail_With_QQMail_Plugin" = "Send via QQ Mail";
  508. "Write_Mail_With_System_Mail" = "Send via default email account";
  509. "Yo_BeforeMinFormat" = "%lu mins ago";
  510. "Yo_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION_AFTER" = " is looking for you";
  511. "Yo_MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION_NOW" = " is looking for you";
  512. "iPhone6_First_Login_Tips_cancel" = "OK";
  513. "vcard_add_to_existcontact" = "Add to Existing Contact";
  514. "vcard_create_newcontact" = "Create New Contact";
  515. "vcard_person_email" = "Email";
  516. "vcard_url_homepage" = "Website";
  517. "weApp_ForceClose_ForeGame" = "Insufficient memory. Open Mini Game and try again.";
  518. // 地理位置POI
  519. "ShareLocation_Pick_Title" = "Location";
  520. "ShareLocation_Pick_Title_Current_Location" = "Current Location";
  521. "ShareLocation_View_MoreInfo" = "More";
  522. "ShareLocation_MyLocation" = "[Location]";
  523. "ShareLocation_Search_Placeholder" = "Search for a place";
  524. // 查看地理位置和实时追踪
  525. "ShareLocation_JoinTrackRoom" = "Join";
  526. "ShareLocation_Track_Title_Nobody" = "Real-time Location";
  527. "ShareLocation_Track_Title_Normal" = "Real-time Location (%u)";
  528. "ShareLocation_First_Share_Tip" = "Others can see your location if you start Real-time Location. Start now?";
  529. "ShareLocation_Route_To" = "Navigate to %@\'s location";
  530. "ShareLocation_Route_To_No_Address" = "Navigate to this location";
  531. "ShareLocation_Navigate_ButtonTitle" = "Navigate by %@";
  532. "ShareLocation_Navigate_InstallButtonTitle" = "Download %@";
  533. "ShareLocation_Alert_Keep_Sharing" = "Real-time Location will continue in the background. If you want to end Real-time Location, tap the button in the top-left corner.";
  534. "ShareLocation_Alert_Keep_Sharing_Button" = "Go to Chat";
  535. "ShareLocation_Alert_Exit_Sharing" = "Real-time Location will stop if you leave this session. Leave now?";
  536. "ShareLocation_Alert_Someone_Is_Talking" = "Can\'t start Real-time Location now as there\'s a Walkie Talkie session in the chat";
  537. "ShareLocation_Alert_Is_MultiTalking" = "Unable to share location as voice call is in use";
  538. "ShareLocation_Alert_Change_POI" = "Someone in the group started a Real-time Location session. Join now?";
  539. "ShareLocation_Alert_Kick_Out" = "Removed from group. Real-time Location session ended.";
  540. "ShareLocation_Alert_Background_Close" = "Real-time Location session timeout";
  541. "ShareLocation_Tips_Active" = "You\'re sharing your location now.";
  542. "ShareLocation_Tips_MoreThanOnePerson" = "%u person(s) sharing their location";
  543. "ShareLocation_Tips_OnlyOnePerson" = "Click to join Real-time Location shared by %@";
  544. "ShareLocation_OpenTrack_Tips" = "Others can see your location if you join Real-time Location";
  545. "ShareLocation_Refresh_Timeout" = "Network unstable. Location-sharing ended.";
  546. "ShareLocation_Route" = "Go";
  547. "ShareLocation_TalkReady" = "Preparing...";
  548. "ShareLocation_IamTalking" = "Start speaking";
  549. "ShareLocation_OtherTalking" = "Someone is speaking…";
  550. "ShareLocation_Network_Error" = "Network Disconnected";
  551. "ShareLocation_SomeoneTalking" = " is speaking";
  552. "ShareLocation_SomeoneJoin" = " joined";
  553. "ShareLocation_SomeoneLeave" = " left";
  554. "ShareLocation_ShowDirections" = "Show Route";
  555. "ShareLocation_HideDirections" = "Hide Route";
  556. "ShareLocation_Reconnecting" = "Reconnecting...";
  557. "ShareLocation_Pause" = "Walkie Talkie paused";
  558. "ShareLocation_CloseTrack_Title" = "End Real-time Location now?";
  559. "ShareLocation_CloseTrack_Button" = "End";
  560. "Search_Cancel" = "Cancel";
  561. "Album_LoadMore" = "Load more";
  562. "Album_LoadingTip" = "Loading...";
  563. "FF_LBS_GetLocationAuthorizationErrorTitle" = "Unable to obtain your location";
  564. "FF_LBS_GetLocationAuthorizationErrorMessage" = "Please allow $${BRAND} in \"Location Services\" to access your location data, choose \"While Using the App\" and turn on \"Precise Location\".";
  565. "FF_LBS_LocationAuthorizationLimited" = "Current location is wrong. Enable \"Precise Location\" in \"Location Services\".";
  566. "FF_LBS_GetLocationAuthorizationConfirm" = "Go to Settings";
  567. "FF_LBS_GetLocationAuthorizationCancel" = "Back";